Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #2

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'GBC's torso was "covered in scratches" ........seems to indicate that he must have been at least he told Police.....he went to bed at 10pm.

I doubt he would have been walking around shirtless. The police would have asked him for an examination, probably got him to take his shirt off for an inspection. Probably looked at his hands too. I think it's a police practise and I think if you refuse it's grounds for arrest.

I know for sure that airport security have that power. Heck, they can make you drop your pants, bend over and cough, so you can bet the police have the same authority, I'm pretty sure they do.
Hi Everyone, I know this won't be helpful to solving the case, but may i please just vent some emotions?!

ALL I can feel right now is the absolute hope that most of us posters here turn out to be COMPLETELY wrong, that we've overlooked something vital and have been fools, that there is the BIGGEST TWIST in this case (as far as WE see it), that something completely surprising and revelationary comes to light, that no-one in the family is actually responsible, that a quick arrest is made of the guilty one who hasn't entered our picture yet, JUST SO THAT the 3 precious girls live's become bearable - that they have a stable (without mum on earth) family unit, living at home with Dad, surrounded by all their loving Grandparents and, they can stay at the SAME SCHOOL and neighbourhood WITH THEIR FRIENDS, and THEIR loving strong community behind them, to ensure their lives go as Allison would have wished! Im sure we would be VERY glad to be wrong, for the girls sake. Im going to try to be open to accept the best outcome for the girls!! Lets hope...and for those of us who do, Pray - that most of us have been barking up the wrong darn tree!
In a perfect world that is what we all would want, but the police would have a lot of answers if it turns out to be someone else and the police have issued no public safety warnings and nor have they stepped up their presense in the area by way of protecting the community.

That speaks volumes I think based on cases where there is an unknow murderer getting around killing young mothers and going to the extent that the monster did here.

If he was not a suspect them it would be the responsibility of the police to voice this immediately so as to not cause any further grief to an innocent man.

It is not what they HAVE said that has everyone pointing fingers, it is what they have NOT said, this is of course just my opinion based on how the APF have handled previous cases of a similiar nature.

The one thing I can guarantee is that no here knows for sure, and everything is just utter heresay and speculation.

But if he is arrested then I feel his family will be questioned on what they knew nd to what extent, I dont believe they are in the dark on everything, my opinion
you're joking hey ? permission really ??

I dont think she meant it like that. I moreso thought her husband was concerned that if she placed her opinion on here on who the murderer was, then she may be made legally accountable for her ("comment") actions and be libel.
10news reported Allison's body will most likely be released to her family next week.

And..GBC "with tears in his eyes" exited police station this afternoon after picking up some photos of Allison
I doubt he would have been walking around shirtless. The police would have asked him for an examination, probably got him to take his shirt off for an inspection. Probably looked at his hands too. I think it's a police practise and I think if you refuse it's grounds for arrest.

I know for sure that airport security have that power. Heck, they can make you drop your pants, bend over and cough, so you can bet the police have the same authority, I'm pretty sure they do.

Any officer can do a pat down search, though the PO's would need permission from the district inspector or senior sargeant to do a full search on his body.

If they ask and he says "yep", i'll take off my shirt, it's not a problem and makes it consentual, which means they dont need permission.
That was one of my thoughts at the start Caviar, it is either too early to ring the police OR too late. I did tell my husband that if I had gone for a walk at 10pm and wasn't home at 7.30am that he would have come looking and called the police earlier. That is of course if he was aware if Allison didn't come home. It has been said that they weren;t in the same bedroom. Even so though if I had a fight with my husband and he walked off in a huff, I would be listening to make sure I knew where he was and that he was safe.

Though if the practise was an early morning walk, if he was half an hour late, I would be starting to get concerned, ringing him and getting in the car to look for him, NOT ringing the police. Similarly with GBC sister, if she arrived from Townsville on the Friday and took the girls to school, he must have alerted very early, only a couple of planes out of Townsville on a Friday (I only looked at Qantas) one at 5.55am = too early, next one around 9.25 (could be done, you would have to consider it very urgent to get to Brisbane) that one ;lands around 11 am, then the hour drive to Brookfield, you won;t have been there until after 12, getting lat to organise the girls to go school then.

The more this goes around in my head the more confused I become.
Spratsmum - i know i have said it before but Olivia did not have anything to do with this - she went to support her brother .. i am pretty sure it was not in time to take the kids to school the next day .. she arrived after that
Brookster, you are living in fairy land. If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, then it's a duck. We all wish that it's not the father, OBVIOUSLY, but this is a crime solving forum, not a well wishes website.
I suspect that there was something more to it than him having scratches on his chest. I think it is something else. Something that caught their eye within the house, or what was said about her disappearance. Otherwise they would have surely had someone take him in for immediate questioning, right?
The whole Campbell Newman talking about it, didnt sit well with me....I wonder how much support he would have given had Gerard been giving money to the labor party, instead of Liberal....seemed a bit overbaord.

Re : the paying for barrister. Maybe Suncorp was at the home to discuss this? Someone mentioned a lady with suncorp badging going to the property. The thought that came to my mind, was maybe they got a loan or maybe, one of them banks with suncorp.

I agree about the sweet FA.....We are all gassing with our wild theories.....We should turn our two threads into a book and make money for those little ones, with all the fiction we came up with, we'd make a mint. Atleast we are all giving our best shot to be

It makes you wonder......the family appeared to have been plodding along, living their life (filled with the same problems we all have regardless of our standing or circumstances) I mean the affair, if there was one, was old news and something they supposedly were getting counselling for. They had worked together for a long time, dealt with all the usual crap for a long time. Did something change or some added pressure arise in the last month or so?I do think if he is the centre of the investigation, there could be more to it than he plain outright 'snapped and killed her' over an argument that they have possible had a hundred times before. I know that is typical in intimate homicide, but there seems like a few other players dancing around the edges
A couple of interesting reads in tomorrows Courier Mail news..

A powerful column by Madonna King on the questions that must be answered about Allison's murder.

Allison Baden-Clay: A mother's life cut short. (following on from today's report I presume)
I suspect that there was something more to it than him having scratches on his chest. I think it is something else. Something that caught their eye within the house, or what was said about her disappearance. Otherwise they would have surely had someone take him in for immediate questioning, right?

I agree Ally, scratches + something else
I too hope you are right Brookster. That would be the best outcome. But if it is the case then the police must be oblivious to it as well, because they have not said anything that warns the public, for example, of any dangers right now that a murderer is on the loose.

But, who knows, there is so much we don't know, so I do hope for the childrens sake it isn't their Dad.

You are right about the lack of warning, and this was one of my first thoughts when i noticed females still walking Brookfield streets alone in the dark, even past Al's house, in the last few days.

HOWEVER, in my attempt to cling to hope for the girls (hugs to the girls!), I'm personally going to ignore a lot of what seems rational and logical (I've had 2 weeks of that and it hasn't helped), and now at the risk looking completely nuts, I wait for a miracle! If there's a miracle out there, let it find this family.
I suspect that there was something more to it than him having scratches on his chest. I think it is something else. Something that caught their eye within the house, or what was said about her disappearance. Otherwise they would have surely had someone take him in for immediate questioning, right?

Would have loved to have been a fly on the wall, when the initial police arrived...Fresh hole in the wall perhaps? furniture movement marks on the carpet?...could be so many different things. Placement, reactions from the children, reactions from Gerard.....God knows.
I doubt he would have been walking around shirtless. The police would have asked him for an examination, probably got him to take his shirt off for an inspection. Probably looked at his hands too. I think it's a police practise and I think if you refuse it's grounds for arrest.

Sorry, what I meant to imply was that: if it was true that he had scratches all over his torso (as well as his face), that he probably doesn't wear much clothing to sleep in; and following retiring to bed (in or out) the scratches were
acquired.....after 10pm.
It makes you wonder

It doesn't make me wonder, especially after reading the following from today's report....

"He (Mr Baden-Clay) just said she went for a walk and she didn't return - that's all he said," Mr Dickie said.

But police confirmed today Mr Baden-Clay has maintained he last saw his wife watching television at their home about 10pm that Thursday night.

I guess he must have changed "his story" when he hired the criminal lawyer.


Do you see the conflicting "stories" he's told ??????
Brookster, you are living in fairy land. If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, then it's a duck. We all wish that it's not the father, OBVIOUSLY, but this is a crime solving forum, not a well wishes website.

You are right! Emotional vent over. Sorry!
You are right about the lack of warning, and this was one of my first thoughts when i noticed females still walking Brookfield streets alone in the dark, even past Al's house, in the last few days.

HOWEVER, in my attempt to cling to hope for the girls (hugs to the girls!), I'm personally going to ignore a lot of what seems rational and logical (I've had 2 weeks of that and it hasn't helped), and now at the risk looking completely nuts, I wait for a miracle! If there's a miracle out there, let it find this family.

You (like many of us) are completely nuts.....But, you are very beautiful to wish this....and it sure would be a lovely miracle.
Yes, there could be a twist to all this but most of us are working with the evidence we know -- and that's not a lot -- so there is always a real chance that we have got something wrong. It's like guessing a picture in a jigsaw with only a certain amount of pieces.
It doesn't make me wonder, especially after reading the following from today's report....

"He (Mr Baden-Clay) just said she went for a walk and she didn't return - that's all he said," Mr Dickie said.

But police confirmed today Mr Baden-Clay has maintained he last saw his wife watching television at their home about 10pm that Thursday night.

I guess he must have changed "his story" when he hired the criminal lawyer.


Do you see the conflicting "stories" he's told ??????
absolutely, that is why it makes me wonder..... is he only protecting his own arse? he had all night to concoct a simple 'last seen' statement....if he changed it within hours...why? how stupid is he? are there other forces who have a hand in it? or is he dimwitted enough not to have cemented that first simple lie? all reports don't portray him as an idiot. Why would he #$@! up so completely in the beginning? Odd
Hi All. Finally registered, albeit with an incorrectly spelt username!

I think that maybe there was a call to 000 on the thursday night/friday morning that they werent able to identify from a distressed female, then when GBC called, they matched the two. Hence why the phone is such an integral part of this investigation, they need it to be able to confirm that it was ABC that had called. Perhaps the call was cut off. And most importantly, the call could have been made before 10pm, which would disprove GBC's walking story.

I also noted a few comments on this forum about the link to a former colleague of GBC who now works at R*maX? I drive past the roundabout in question daily and yesterday I noted there to be a R*max office with a carpark out front, right on the roundabout. When the police made their plea for witnesses who "used" the roundabout between 11pm and 4am, I noted they said "near" the roundabout, not on or through or past. They said near. So there is a location "near" this roundabout that has them interested.

Be also interesting to note if there are any ATM's near that roundabout. Cause what are the things you look for when a person goes missing? use of their bank and phone?? did someone use her card after 10pm to support their would take about 45mins - 60 mins to walk "near" that roundabout from the BC's residence....10pm + 45mins to 60 mins....11pm...

Does anyone know what time the neighbours heard the screams? can't find this anywhere.
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