Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 #20

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SO I gather our grieving widower didnt go to the cricket match?
well spotted, keentoknow.

AREP.... thats where the association of OASIS comes in, too. I think.

Thanks all, that is what I was looking for,will follow through further in the morning, need a breather... Good night everyone.
of course, thats a bit different to the Brookie SHOW, even I can grasp that, but...
Trooper....the cricket match isn't on until Sunday 24th June....same day as brizzy to bay bike ride
He might have a little prang and ding on the 23rd......injure his bowling arm.
Is it possible a fight ensued at her home, may have involved another or others, then she taken or lured somewhere with another or others near where the screams were heard. She was murdered there. The howling dogs may have heard screams, cries & whispering voices as they re-dressed the dead body before dumping her at Kholo bridge? An alternative scenario for discussion. My opinion only, not fact.

I once read a article where it stated that a lot of killers stuff up their alibi when they dress the deceased but for the one or another reason the put the wrong shoe on the wrong foot. I found it very strange at the time, but then I watched Forensic programs on the Crime channel and one of the detectives said it as well. I hope for the killer's sake that he/she put the right shoe on the right foot.
Okay. Let me make this really clear.

1) Baden-Clay's have access to high ranking people who they can call on for help.

2) These high-ranking people may be in a position to make any allegations levelled at them go away.

3) If this happens, a poster here suggested there might be an outcry from the public.

4) My reference to Joe Blow was to illustrate why there will not be enough of an outcry to change any dodgy outcome.

I am deeply sorry for having offended you, CJ60, and I apologise to all those who have suffered similarly from my illustration. I hope you won't be too upset when you bring this case up a year from now and your colleagues or acquaintances (maybe even your friends) say, "Who? Oh, that chick that got murdered last year."

Not everyone cares as deeply as you do, including most of the people on this forum. It happens, it's life and you will find yourself in a constant state of misery if you expect others around you to see things exactly as you do. Life's too short. Keep calm and carry on, CJ60.

Also, you lot must be really bored tonight if you're spoiling for a fight over this. :banghead:

I'm not really one to spoil for a fight, but I find your posts arrogant and in bad taste. What's more, you're just wrong. Most high ranking people (whomever they may be) would run a mile. Pretty sure that's not just my opinion!
Just a quick thing I wanted to post, my husband and myself own 7 homes in various parts of Qld and NSW, we rent the one we live in, from someone else. So, renting does not mean they don't own property. Our rent is a tax deduction.

Sorry Karo it is still your word and needs to be verified by being an insider or link/evidence ..........this is a rule here. I mean come on it is not related to the case really and needs some way of basing it to Allison and your mortgages/ownership of houses??????
There appears to be some underlying angst amongst some posters regarding affluence and influence...........what a bunch of flatulence

Believe me, flatulence affects all walks of class.....even the affluent and those of influence. :floorlaugh:

I dont think there is so much angst toward any of it......Just a concern from past history, where those of such tidings have had the ability to use such aff/inf-luence to their benefit.

One would hope this isn't the case here.
Yes, I fully agree with you - but many a murderer has done just what ABC best friend has done - - and a community is often left reeling thinking it was the last person that they would even think of. I am not being unkind in questioning her genuineness just sleuthing away at other factors that may be in the making for all we know that is going on behind the scenes. Like we don't know the full picture - so who can say who the police are really looking at. They too would be looking into the best friend - whether we like it or not - people are murdered generally by those who know them unless it is random attack.

AGAIN you have thrown a rumour at the rumours allowed, no other person than a verified POI (GBC only) by our mods is not go there again, leave it you are breaking all the rules.
Yes, the dream of the Baron Gerard de Baden Clay Powells la Brookfield........ maybe, like Tess of the D'Urbervilles father, he had been fed some tripe about a mythical title, and pulling on that YellowCape and SHAZAM!.... The BlackGerbil rides again!.. .

'I hope he gets arrested RIGHT at that match if he turns up . Give the SES and the firies a bit of a jolt.. nothing worse than doing a Search and Rescue ( for 11 days) when the nagging suspicion wont leave you that you are playing hide and seek. Someone knows exactly where the body is.

A friend of mine was called in from out of town to participate in a S@R for a young girl, only about 20.. hard working kid from a country town, stints at Coles, studying at a hairdressers academy , skinny little thing, full of fire and pizazz... she didnt come home, she didnt turn up at work, she wasnt at the school , mother calls police, the police call in all available personell to do a search along the Murray River. In September, still quite cold.

Her phone triangulation was about 20ks out of town so the search started along the banks .. a week went by, day and night, police divers called in to the worst kind of diving, in the Murray River.. its done by feel, inch by inch. Very dangerous stuff, too...

Turned out.. it was the son of the director of the local SES.. the son was in the search for her too. Nice young bloke, Apprentice of the year, SES volunteer, all that stuff

He'd had a short argument with her.. Thats what he said. and its terrible but thats how it is, the murderer owns the last words.. We will never know what she really did or said. He battered her, strangled her, stripped her and buried her right in a lagoon near his home. Would never have been found.

Oddly, it was his poor Dad who dropped him in it. there was some confusion about what car he drove, the police had fingerprinted his car, swabbed it, then the Dad suddenly said, no.. no.. Ryan drove my car that evening..

long story. sorry about that. Anyways, . my friend has not been able to bring himself to carry on with that work at all since.
Have not checked in for a while, but after plowing through all the threads to get up to date, I am feeling totally overwhelmed by the emphasis on domestic violence that has appeared in so many of the posts.

I feel sorry for the many ladies on this forum that have experienced domestic violence. It is a terrible thing; I experienced it as a child growing up. But with all due respect I am still waiting for the existence of DV in ABC and GBC's relationship to be confirmed. In the absence of that confirmation I did not understand why so many posts have been about DV.

I personally am against the over-emphasis of DV in this case. Two reasons: 1) as stated I don't think there is enough confirmation and 2) I think the ongoing discussion about DV will give the defence an easy plea for manslaughter should GBC appear before the courts. If GBC is arrested and tried it can be guaranteed that his lawyers will be investigating all avenues to reduce the charges. It is very likely that they will pick up on the contents of this forum and get the idea that many people will accept the case as one of domestic violence that resulted in accidental death in the heat of the moment. This will more likely than not lead to a manslaughter charge. Please note that I am not arguing this is justified in any way, but the lawyers will and I suspect they will be successful.

If GBC is guilty then I would prefer to see him tried for murder and receive a life sentence, rather than the 6 to 12 years he may receive for manslaughter.
OK. Sorry everyone. I thought I was on to something with the text messages. I was hoping that Kerry-Ann had sent a text and had no reply. This could have been helpful. However, there are two sections relating to the 'text' conversation. In the first paragraph above was the quote that I have seen quoted on WS several times, which says that Kerry-Ann had texted Allison, but in the second paragraph Kerry-Ann is quoted as saying that Allison texted her back - unfortunately they don't seem to have released a 'time' for this event. Glad I sorted myself out !!

Thanks Marlywings - by the time I wrote this you had also found the link. Much quicker than I am.

It would appear from the below quote, taken from the linked CM article above - that KW texted ABC during the day (Thursday) and that ABC texted back in the night (Thursday) and it would help to know what time ABC texted back on the Thursday night.

"I had texted her that day, the Thursday, and she texted me back that night saying she'd drop around on her way home from this conference .

"She arranged to drop some stuff off for me on the way home. So it was all a bit of a shock."
nope.. Ryan Christopher WILLIAMS.. 2011

no idea why that link will not stick.
The person on Facebook didn't specify what or who they saw, so i don't know if there is any reason to believe this is the same witness who allegedly saw NBC at the bus stop.

Breathe in ...out read my post previousy to coffeechick please....
Article just in CM re Paul Tully's blog being blasted by a judge and issue of request for immunity rejected by QPS as not true. Sorry cannot link will be up on CM website soon.
Had to check!!
I'm sure it happens more than we'd like to think even right here in Australia. That's just how the world works. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I would like to say in respect this is just a rumour, and has no backing/fact/or evidence.

Please don't say this in relation to Allison, she has the best Police Force working for our State and will never stray from facts and evidence.......that is ludicrous.
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