Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #6

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Or the interview was done because there was a very attractive female journalist standing in the driveway! As you watch the clip look at he approaches that said attractive journalist - head tilted, mimicking her stance...

The Gerard Baden-Clay Interview, (His wife Allison Beden-Clay still missing) UPDATE BODY FOUND - YouTube

Does he say... Ï'm trying to look after my children at the moment... THEY'VE got three young girls?"

Hahahaha! well done Virgo! when I first saw this clip, I thought the walk was a bit odd? I'm no expert on body language - but sometimes things don't look right. Or maybe he always walks like that..... and sis by his side thinking 'this is not a good idea....'
I think they were supposed to be having councilling to work on the marriage so even being separated if he was meant to have ended the affair she might want to confront them
Hahahaha! well done Virgo! when I first saw this clip, I thought the walk was a bit odd? I'm no expert on body language - but sometimes things don't look right. Or maybe he always walks like that..... and sis by his side thinking 'this is not a good idea....'

Mimicking or mirroring someones body language is a classic attempt or way to build rapport with someone. Psychology 101. Alot of sales people learn this.
The middle B-C child was very much a mummy's girl, very clingy to Allison, today must have been very hard for all 3 girls.

I was told today that cause of death is definitely strangulation and unless toxicology reports provide some physical evidence it may be a while before an arrest is made as most evidence is circumstantial.

We've been discussing what information could have triggered police to act so quickly - I was told that GB-C's lawyer was at the house when police arrived! GB-C told police that the kids were at home that night and one of the children said they weren't.

Thanks for this Brookie. His lawyer lives on the Gold Coast, so he must have received an extremely early morning call if this is the case....
Hey...I didnt wanna say this....I didnt wanna sound so heartless but...Could it be that his hot shot lawyer has been instructing him what to do, how to act???....Lindy Chamberlains did(this came out years later) she was instructed to show no emotion, dont say this, dont say that...wear this way, walk that way...hold your head down...etc She made a statement later to say if she had of acted as she wanted to....she felt none of the scrutiny would have occured....

I remember having many acting instructions for one of my roles (sales) on how best to stand, how not to hold your hands....Thinking a hot shot lawyer would employ actors to instruct high profile clients that have to deal with media wot to and not do....

Geez..even the defence force hires media advisers for their troops...!

Without a doubt, this would be the case Brizzy :)
Just reviewed the video looking @ the trailer, but listened carefully & IMO, EBC's "friend" hugged her and it sounded like "thank you for your_____"???? can anyone decipher this? sound like ..."support". Why would she be thanking EBC? shouldn't it be the other way around ?Unless she was involved, IMO
This is my first post after reading the threads. It's an interesting case, a lot of mystery, but very sad for all of those involved not least for those young girls.

The picture at the funeral of GBC with his arms around the three girls, he looks the most sad that I've seen him pictured since it started. No matter what happened to Allison this can't have been enjoyable for him and he did have a life with her. If he was involved in her death I'd be surprised if it were premeditated and he didn't care for her at all.

Now to share a theory circulating the local grapevine and rumour mill to see if any sleuths can prove or disprove it. I don't post it as fact but it's another angle to look at this from that i havent seen mentioned and is a possibility that I'd be interested in your thoughts on. The theory goes like this...

ABC and GBC were separated. She had become aware of an affair GBC was having and he was meant to have ended it with them having councilling. Apparently it wasn't over. According to this rumor GBC and the mistress would use the scout camp to meet. On this particular night the girls were at a sleepover so the thought is that she drove out to confront them there. The theory is that whatever happened to Allison happened there and that her car was then returned somehow to the house.

What so you think of this theory sleuths? Running with this idea how do you think things might have happened? It seems to me to be a viable theory to consider.

Hi Susan,

Well rendezvous at the Scout Camp sounds plausible between GBC and alleged mistress - because rumours about his financial status lead us to believe he wasn't good for an overnight stay at The Hilton! If you read Keyboredom's post it seems two cars were seen there - so again, plausible. Not sure about Allison driving out there to confront them - she appeared to be getting on with her life, up early the next day for a conference... but that doesn't mean she wasn't there - it's whether she took herself up there of her own accord, or was taken there? I recall earlier in the threads the possibility of something happening away from the house - so yeah - sounds viable to me!
But wouldn't that back road (sorry i can't remember the name of it) have been the most logical route for both GBC and ABC to drive to the scout grounds?

The police were asking if anyone had seen thier cars at the roundabout.

Do you mean Rafting Ground Road? That hits Moggill Rd further up. You would miss the camera at roundabout if you went that way.

Personally, from Brookfield Rd to Moggill Rd, I go Rafting Ground Rd -> Moggill in peak hour, but Brookfield Rd via roundabout to Moggill Rd when roads are quiet.
Do you mean Rafting Ground Road? That hits Moggill Rd further up. You would miss the camera at roundabout if you went that way.

Personally, from Brookfield Rd to Moggill Rd, I go Rafting Ground Rd -> Moggill in peak hour, but Brookfield Rd via roundabout to Moggill Rd when roads are quiet.

But if you were trying to avoid being seen, or caught on CCTV, which way would you go?
Rented apparently.

Does anyone else find it a little odd considering that they were in the real estate business that they didn't have their own home and were renting?

I'm just wondering if they had sold property because of their financial situation and if that is why they were renting.

Was the house a fairly recent move or had they lived there long term?
But if you were trying to avoid being seen, or caught on CCTV, which way would you go?

Rafting Ground. To be honest, I had no idea there was a camera there, and even though a piccie has been put up of it - I still can't see it when I drive past. I am sure local businessmen would know it was there, so it seems odd that someone has driven through that roundabout - unless not thinking straight and in a panic ( thank goodness they did! someone may not have been tucked up in bed when they said they were)
I would go rafting ground rd.

I wonder why police aren't inquiring if anyone saw anything unusual or the cars on moggill rd further towards Mt. crosby. It's not a busy road, & if you saw something in the wee hrs. of the morning, it might stay in your head.

Also, there is a traffic light on the corner of RG rd. maybe an opportunity to toss the damn phone there. still don't know why that phone isn't searched for under every stone is within the triangulated area??? someone put my mind at ease about this, or you'll see my out there looking myself.
If BrookieLocal's info is close to accurate, the matter's clinched for me

Nothing could explain away a husband summoning a top criminal lawyer to the house first thing in the morning. Just as nothing could explain away to my satsifaction the fact a top criminal lawyer agreed to physically attend a client's home based on claims by the husband that the wife hadn't come home from an alleged walk

For me, the fact the lawyer was on the premises, representing and/or advising his client early in the morning, indicates a client who was terrified for his life and a lawyer who believed those fears to be justified

I don't believe that he would have had a lawyer present when the police arrived. I guess I'll be proved wrong if it comes out in the media, but this just makes absolutely no sense to me. Guilty or not guilty of any crime. I know GBC hasn't behaved normally compared to how most of us would, it just seems way out there.
Where is the senior BC house in Kenmore? Is it Kenmore proper which would mean route to Brookfield is through roundabout?

Why would they go to the BC senior house? Although the police did search the shed, so maybe they did.

The more I think about Susan's theory of ABC going out to confront GBC with the mistress the more plausible it seems and fits with other accounts of the two cars being seen at the scouting grounds.

The only nitpick I have is that they could have avoided the cctv camera at the roundabout, but maybe in thier frame of mind it was overlooked.
There's something else that's not sitting right, or maybe it's just the late hour. Her clothing ...

The husband provided quite specific detail of what she'd been wearing when allegedly he saw her last. It's been much discussed already in the threads, with many saying their husbands wouldn't have a clue what they were wearing, even five minutes later

No judgement calls here at all, but would ABC have worn trackie-type pants and work-out top to the hairdresser (these were items in which ABC's remains were discovered and which tally with the description provided police by the husband)? Maybe she did. The hairdresser was just down the road, basically. But then we have her best friend reportedly describing ABC as beautiful, always looking beautiful, always striving to look her best. Pride. And discipline. Consideration for others, very often

So maybe ABC went home from the hairdressing appointment and changed into the trackies and top (although as others have already said, it seems more likely she would have returned home, showered and changed into PJs, ready for an early night pre the next day's conference)

Or, did she never make it home after the hairdressing appointment? Was she killed and did the killer change her into trackies and top to substantiate an already planned alibi involving her disappearing whilst walking? If the latter occurred - to substantiate the husband's claims/alibi - the clothes she wore to the hairdresser's would have had to be planted at her home to make it look as if she'd returned home, changed, watched tv and then gone for a walk sometime between 10 p.m. and approx. 7 - 7.30 the following morning

If she was killed in the clothing she'd worn to the hairdresser's (afterwards stripped and changed by the killer/s) there's always the chance forensics were able to lift the killer/s Dna from the clothes in which she was killed (although it's natural the husband's Dna would be present). If he had an accomplice however, their Dna would be much more difficult to explain (and may be one of the reasons police announced the possibility of two killers)

Almost certainly, ABC would have worn several different 'walking/exerise' outfits. They very likely consisted of simple tops and bottoms, tossed in the wash after each use -- not terribly distinctive and with little to differentiate them. Difficult to understand why what she was wearing (nondescript) whilst watching tv (dim light?) made such an impact upon the husband to the point he was able to accurately describe it, considering he must have had a great deal on his mind if reports of business worries are correct

Or, is it the case that ABC was wearing the same clothes she'd worn to the hairdresser's when he last saw her (more dress-up type outfit) and he just happened to precisely guess and describe a particular exercise outfit for detectives (the same outfit in which her body was discovered) based on his claimed assumption that she must have gone for a walk because she was 'missing' when he awakened the following morning - even though almost certainly she had a variety of knock-about and exercising outfits?

Very possibly, a killer would retain an indelible memory of how their victim appeared when last viewed. It's always astonishing when killers are able to describe victims' appearance in minute detail, even decades later

Then there's what might be called another coincidence - that of ABC being killed on the night the children were sleeping elsewhere. How many people knew the children would not be at the home that night? How many people who wanted to kill ABC could have known the children would not be at home? For that matter, how many people wanted to kill ABC at any time at all?

She was killed though. Not by an opportunist rapist. Not by a robber. No apparent cause of death, it's been reported. So it would seem she was not killed by a hit and run. Not killed by a psychopath or maniac on the loose, or at least the police have issued no warnings about same. If, as is said, there are only five motivating factors for murder, that doesn't leave many

Police seek to learn motivation and opportunity

The opportunity was possibly the child-free night ('night off' as ABC is reported to have described it)

Motivation is yet to be established

from memory, an earlier post from someone who knew the hair stylist, they said she wasnt wearing her exercise clothes at the time of her appointment, so she could have been killed on her way home, and changed into those clothes or went home and changed into them to go for a walk early in the evening as wouldnt have time next day? i think its more likely she would have just showered and put on pjs.
I would go rafting ground rd.

I wonder why police aren't inquiring if anyone saw anything unusual or the cars on moggill rd further towards Mt. crosby. It's not a busy road, & if you saw something in the wee hrs. of the morning, it might stay in your head.

Also, there is a traffic light on the corner of RG rd. maybe an opportunity to toss the damn phone there. still don't know why that phone isn't searched for under every stone is within the triangulated area??? someone put my mind at ease about this, or you'll see my out there looking myself.

I think people that were on Mt Crosby Rd have reported seeing vehicles on the road - no link sorry, comments made in an earlier thread. Maybe police have the phone ? has gone quiet on that front - no mention of it for a while.
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