Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #7

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There's also these AAP photos - the watermark is obvious on the reel but if you double click on pics it is removed.

I find the stance (crossed arms - defensive) and look of the middle daughter at her father's hands curious. #just saying

Thanks for those.. really I know the body language looks a bit defiant.. But the girll has lost her mother.. you know kids can react in all sorts of ways, not necessarily anything towards the father in as far as him being guilty. She could be angry at him for Mummy going away.. Kids can direct their anger anywhere, maybe she thinks mummy went away and he didn't protect her, who knows. Maybe didn't want to be there and the rality of what it meant. Maybe she was just cold! lol.
Hi Willough, FWIW ...

Life goes on. The Dickies' lives must go on and those of the children and all those trying to help the children. Meals are being cooked, dishes and clothes washed, groceries purchased, even a bit of tv watching goes on. And that's the immediate family

So many cases have passed beneath the bridge. So many fora filled with comments -- months, even years of them, in each case

I look back now at all the fora I am or have been member of. All the atrocious crimes. All the sleuthing, online discussions. Thousands of hours. Madeleine McCann. Zahra Baker. Joanna Yeates being just a few

The months and years pass and you remember how absorbing it was. But in the end, it's out of our hands. Trial dates are set. Sometimes trials are televised. Sometimes the culprit is sentenced. Other times they walk free

Through it all, we have our own families, right under our noses. Time and opportunity we'll never get back

In months or years to come, you'll remember some of the time you spent here. By then, the case will have been dealt with by the law. You might come across this forum in your Favourites. And believe it or not, this case will probably leave you with something of a bad taste in your mouth. It will taste like dust. You might regard your current preoccupation with the case as being something of an aberration. By then, you'll have no emotional attachment and you might wish you hadn't devoted so much of your life and time to it

because you have your own life and your own family and they're alive now. Every minute spent here is a minute you take from your own life and family and they're minutes you couldn't buy back for millions of dollars once your children are grown or at the end of your own life

love this post!!! It has become quite obsessive for me and i'm finding it hard to keep up. So, I wish you all well and I'll see you back here after the arrests have been made. ......and sis, when you get to this post, maybe you should do the same too!
There's also these AAP photos - the watermark is obvious on the reel but if you double click on pics it is removed.

I find the stance (crossed arms - defensive) and look of the middle daughter at her father's hands curious. #just saying

oh how utterly 'horrid and stayed' mama and papabear look in the funeral pictures. I also think sunglasses at a funeral (even when outside) are disrespectful. I think its kind of an unwritten rule that close family should never wear them to be honest (mafia tossers aside of course).
other non-family mourners could probably pull it off and go unnoticed but family wearing them is a bit of a no no in my world.
or perhaps unless you are hiding something behind those eyes.......
Thanks for those.. really I know the body language looks a bit defiant.. But the girll has lost her mother.. you know kids can react in all sorts of ways, not necessarily anything towards the father in as far as him being guilty. She could be angry at him for Mummy going away.. Kids can direct their anger anywhere, maybe she thinks mummy went away and you didn't protect her, who knows. Maybe didn't want to be there and the rality of what it meant. Maybe she was just cold! lol.

I agree. I can see how it could be taken that she looks defiant (especially if you are 'looking' for these sorts of things which I suspect a lot on here are), but other explanations are just as likely. Don't forget there would be a lot of strangers, media, cameras staring at her, photographing her and filming her.... Understandable if she felt angry and wanted to block everything/everyone out
I am not going to watch it again as I dont have a strong stomach lol.

When I saw it the first time I thought how odd, something was not right about it.

I showed my husband and he said that is not passion, it is FEAR big mumma is showing.

I looked at it again and I agree, she looks like a woman who is scared and clinging on to her husband.

Yes - I've thought before that it was kinda nervous and had been thinking of posting about it because of my own experiences.

I know I've kissed my partner kinda desperately when I've been going away somewhere I've been apprehensive about, and become physically clingy when worried/upset about things (thank god he's a real cuddler anyway). Observers might view it as sexual, but internally it's like I'm just trying to disappear into his arms and hide from the world.
My ideas on the 5 are :

1. GBC

2. Papabear

3. Mamabear

4. Sisterbear

5. Bedbear

I don't know whether I can post this? Apologies if I can't

I don't know this Ipswich councillor, but his comments are too farfetched!!
Five?? ... Seriously doubt it. You don't need five to perpetrate this murder. Maybe 2, stretching it to 3. The less people know, the safer they are (the perps). I think Ipswich Guy is an attention seeker.
I agree. I can see how it could be taken that she looks defiant (especially if you are 'looking' for these sorts of things which I suspect a lot on here are), but other explanations are just as likely. Don't forget there would be a lot of strangers, media, cameras staring at her, photographing her and filming her.... Understandable if she felt angry and wanted to block everything/everyone out

yes so true..I think we do see things how we want sometimes.. what I mean as I think I've said before, we can become blinkered to one way of thinking only and miss other things. Yes if you believe one way you will see things such as the pics to mean a certain thing..when in fact it could be something completely the opposite. But if we are on one way train of thought, its hard to see it any other way.
I don't know this Ipswich councillor, but his comments are too farfetched!!
Five?? ... Seriously doubt it. You don't need five to perpetrate this murder. Maybe 2, stretching it to 3. The less people know, the safer they are (the perps). I think Ipswich Guy is an attention seeker.

Possibly, who knows. But then how do we know how many it took, cause we don't know what happened. Could be a conspiracy and maybe there were many involved in as far as knowledge or planning.. Yes could be far fetched too.
I agree. I can see how it could be taken that she looks defiant (especially if you are 'looking' for these sorts of things which I suspect a lot on here are), but other explanations are just as likely. Don't forget there would be a lot of strangers, media, cameras staring at her, photographing her and filming her.... Understandable if she felt angry and wanted to block everything/everyone out

All the photos I saw (the ones I saw and at the moment I cant open the links posted here due to slow internet) were when Allison was being put in the hearse and possibly being driven away. The middle daughter at one stage was kneeling on the floor, clearly upset...and GBC looked distraught too.....I feel she was closing herself off.....and without seing the face, I dont think we can make a true assumption, as to it necessarily being defiance, or closing off due to sadness. Her mommy was being taken away, poor lil chooky....too sad :(
Maybe didn't want to be there and the rality of what it meant. Maybe she was just cold! lol.[/QUOTE said:
I agree I don't see defiance in the middle daughter but more a look of: refusal, denial as in No this is not really happening it's not real.
I think someone who had scientific knowledge posted recently that in strangulation it takes 3-4 minutes to ensure they are dead. That is a long time and in that time (unless you strangle from behind which is unusual) you are looking at the victim, they are usually fighting back, and you are continuing to squeeze until they are dead. If you strangle someone to death it is a very conscious thing you are doing in trying to kill them IMO, because you keep going until the job is done.

It's not as common, not even sure if its possible, that if you start to strangle someone and then stop that they die later, whereas if you were hitting them over the head with a blunt instrument and didnt kill them they could get a brain haemorrhage or have other internal bleeding where they would die later.

If it turns out to be strangulation, lets get this straight, it's not an 'accident'. Being regretful for your actions later doesnt mean you didnt mean to kill the person, it could mean you suddenly realise you might have ruined your own life and now you might wish to reconsider. If it is strangulation, let's keep it in mind that this is a person who watched their victim's face as they died in a state of terror, and the reaction in front of them wasn't enough to make them stop. The usual intention is to slience the person, and if that means killing them, that is what they do.

By the way, I know I've said this before but I'll say it again as there are different people on the forum at different times, just because someone did not pre-plan the murder does not mean they didn't 'intend' to kill the person. When you actually killed the person you could very well have intended it, and very much wanted it. It is NOT any less of a crime because the desire to kill only arose in a short space of time. For all we know the murderer might have had a wish to kill their victim on many occasions, and this was the one time they actually did it.
This is a sobering post. Thank you. Your contribution on 'intent' and formation of 'intention' to kill over time is pertinent to this case. Spontaneous opportunity or some degree of intent needs to be investigated, not assumed emotively because we don't like to think about these horrible things.
I don't know this Ipswich councillor, but his comments are too farfetched!!
Five?? ... Seriously doubt it. You don't need five to perpetrate this murder. Maybe 2, stretching it to 3. The less people know, the safer they are (the perps). I think Ipswich Guy is an attention seeker.

I also thought it seemed a bit.... Bold. Why would he know such things, if he did then why would he blog about it? Hmmm.
I also thought it seemed a bit.... Bold. Why would he know such things, if he did then why would he blog about it? Hmmm.

Yep...When I read that, I thought 'who the heck do you think you are?'...Just looks like some poli tool to me. Nice or not nice, this sort of stuff has no place on the blogs of politicians. I feel he has his rights to view things the way he pleases, but in his position to be so almost seems like he may be casting the lines for more groupies.

I dont find that forthright.....I find it incredibly FAKE.
All the photos I saw (the ones I saw and at the moment I cant open the links posted here due to slow internet) were when Allison was being put in the hearse and possibly being driven away. The middle daughter at one stage was kneeling on the floor, clearly upset...and GBC looked distraught too.....I feel she was closing herself off.....and without seing the face, I dont think we can make a true assumption, as to it necessarily being defiance, or closing off due to sadness. Her mommy was being taken away, poor lil chooky....too sad :(

I am not one to become too emotionally involved in other peoples matters, but I tell you what... Those pictures of the girls, especially the one kneeling- oh boy did that tug at my heart strings! :-(
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