Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #7

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Oh rofl, you're so hilarious.

I'm popping in briefly ... very busy day at work. You know <work>, the 8 - 12 hour average day you put in and get paid for it.

Oh wait, none of you work. Rightio.

Condescending Much?? LMAO....

Loving your profound input tonight....It is so insightful!

Thankyou for taking the time to interact with us all...It is appreciated!
Oh rofl, you're so hilarious.

I'm popping in briefly ... very busy day at work. You know <work>, the 8 - 12 hour average day you put in and get paid for it.

Oh wait, none of you work. Rightio.

Nahhhhh, we dont work....Most of us are little wifeys, who DONT have kids to look after, who DONT clean our houses, lawns, garden beds and DONT help out voluntarily at various causes, whether they be school, or charities.. before we come home and DONT cook dinner for our husbands and DONT clean a bit more, before we DONT go to bed and ABSOLUTELY DO NOT pleasure our husbands....LMAO Some of us DONT have little cleaning jobs we do, to keep a little bit of income coming to our homes....and definitely are NOT supportive of anything our families do........................................and because of that, and because you are so right, WE DO NOT HAVE A RIGHT TO BE HERE.
543...thanks for that. I had wondered if Allison was there to let of steam and was followed by GBC...perhaps that is where it happened. I have read somewhere that mobile signals can be tracked even if the phone is turned off...not sure tho-I'm no tech head. Perhaps it was thrown in the creek. Pure spec on my part :\
Yay I have been busting to get on here. I was at copper for ten years and am watching the mind games I have seen played out a few times over the years. Before I joined the Police I would have agreed with alot of you who think an innocent person doesn't need lawyer. I wouldn't even be surprised if the lawyer approached GBC. They can smell a high profile case from a mile away and this particular legal eagle loves the spot light.
I'm wondering if Alison's parent's did go to the Police with their suspicions re their son in law and have been told. "Don't say a word to him, don't tell him you suspect him and don't tell anyone you have told us (the Police) you suspect him. Just stay calm and let us do our job.
Hi EVERYONE :greetings:
I'm NEW here, so please forgive me if I mention anything previously discussed. :couch:

I just can't help wondering whether any or many of you are familiar with LACI PETERSON's case in California. :dunno:

Her husband, Scott Peterson murdered her whilst she was 8-9mths pregnant with their FIRST son, Connor :anguish:, in their kitchen on Christmas Eve (or maybe late on the 23rd), before wrapping her body up in a tarpaulin & taking it some distance away to a Bay where he had a small fishing boat. He then took her out some distance in the bay, before dumping her & their unborn baby.

Their baby was found washed up on a nearby beach first, & then some days later, Laci's hugely mutilated & decomposed body. The *advertiser censored* had chopped off 1 or both of her legs + other body parts. Absolutely DREADFUL.

You can Google LACI PETERSON & also Scott Peterson, who is obviously in prison. He actually resembles a younger GBC.

There's also a picture of their home up for sale somewhere, & it not only looks much like the BC home, but guess what, the FOR SALE sign is a 21C Estate Agency one! :eek:

BTW ~ He was having an affair & decided to get Laci out of the way!

Justice always prevails eventually ~ so let's pray that it does, sooner, rather than later in dearest Allison's case.

Love & LIGHT to one and ALL,
~Durban ~ South Africa~ :wave:

From Wikipaedia below:

Scott Lee Peterson (born October 24, 1972) is an American murderer convicted of killing his wife, Laci Peterson, and their unborn son in Modesto, California in 2002. Peterson's arrest and subsequent trial received significant American news media coverage until 2005, when he was sentenced to death by lethal injection. He remains on death row in San Quentin State Prison while his case is on appeal to the Supreme Court of California. He maintains his innocence.

There has also been a book published on this horrific case. Scott Peterson is where he ought to be.
Hello everyone...this is my maiden voyage on this site.
I think that Allison did go for a walk (I, at times walk late at night)...maybe just to chill out after an argument, or needed time to think. I presume that she did a circuit...but because it was so late, she decided to bypass her usual around the Showground and go down Boscombe Road, into Rafting Ground Road...then bypassed her usual turnoff at Greentrees Avenue and made the terrible mistake of going to the turnoff at Rees Way to cross Creekside Park....where everyone heard the screams. I think someone was watching her and couldn't believe their luck that she was walking so late on a Thursday night. They've seen her when many cars and people were around....but never this late! I reckon someone (not the husband - he would have turned off the mobile) stalked her and she did not notice until her plight which was at the park!! The person would have to have their car or property nearby.
If the screams are from teenagers mucking around....then I fear that Alison was run over by someone who has a previous DUI. They live somewhere near where she was walking....the body was then dumped the next day when the person took the Mt Crosby Road to work! I reckon that Allison was dumped into Little Ugly Creek, Wirrabara Road that runs into Kholo River at the overpass. The Little Ugly Creek is not as swift as Kholo Creek...hence Allison's body being pushed under the bridge when she came out from Little Ugly Creek.
The police should have checked drivers on the Rafting Ground Road turnoff from Moggil Road.....not the Moggil Road/Kenmore roundabout....because I reckon the perpetrator works towards Ipswich way!!!
Allison had her clothes on which means that it was not a sexually motivated crime.....unless the police have not told us something and are withholding information so as not to strike fear into the local Pullenvale/Brookfield population.
I really do hope that the police read this and not be so arrogant to dismiss it!!!!!!!

Thanks for this - it is very interesting to look at it again from another perspective. For example, let's say she really did actually go for a walk? I know the area/streets you are referring to well and I have considered this. I guess my questions for this theory are as follows:

1. If it was random and it wasn't sexually motivated, then why? Just for a thrill? I don't think this is common but correct me if I'm wrong.

2. If the above theory is possible, why did the police shut down the BC residence immediately as a crime scene and start the search so quickly? If they thought she had gone for a walk and not returned, for all they knew she could have just done a runner and I think they would have waited the usual 24 hours before treating ABC as a missing person?

3. I know it is another "friend" story which is why I haven't said it before but here goes for what it's worth.....a close friend of mine lives right in the thick of the "hot zone" and thus her place was searched several times when ABC was missing. When the police first came, my friend hadn't heard anything about it yet and asked if they thought the lady had just run off or was depressed etc. She was told "no, this is a family matter." Interesting response, make of it what you will.

As I said, it is really important to look at it from all angles. Maybe she did go for a walk. It just seems so unlikely to me, especially so late and when she had to get up early the next day (in my own experience, I would never do it if I had a big day the next day and just got my hair done...)! And the reaction of the police don't seem to suggest that they believe she went walking either.
Nigelaines Kiss

LOL......THAAAAAAANKS CF.............First I had itsthevibe making comments that made me choking on my you are making me re-gurgitate it.......ratbag (winks)
Too true and THANK YOU for the valuable reminder, but at times, the mind does tend to boggle some too. Coincidences / synchronicities actually, have either lead to many a deserved conviction or total innocence.
I only know what went through my own mind the INSTANT I learned of Allison's disappearance ~ it was almost as though Laci Peterson was talking to me & advising me that justice WOULD come to pass in this instance too.

That's when I began piecing together the similarities / coincidences ~ devoid of actual accusations ~ despite what appears to many, or maybe even most, as glaringly obvious.
Thanks again for sharing your very own wisdom & caution,
~@~ :)
Hey 543 - do you happen to own a yellow jacket by any chance?
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