Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #9

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Why do I get the feeling that the lawyer is very much aware of this?
totally agree with you Blacklodge. BTW i used to get regular e-mails (every week for the last year and a bit , can't remember giving GBC my e-mail , but i obvioulsy did) from c21 about homes for sale etc. and I just noticed that they have stopped.

and Westie

Divorce, affairs, serious sexual persuasions are the 'norm' in Brookfield's elite

do tell

I know!! I may have to move to this place....:woohoo:
I don't think $600000 is enough for pre-meditated murder, is it? I think bankruptcy, especially if you don't own a house, (nothing to lose) is a better than murder. He will probably claim "temporary insanity or some such thing".

Well said, but the BC clan has an image to uphold, bankruptcy does not fall within that realm.
Hi Everyone,

This is my first post here, but I have been following your posts from the very beginning. Thank you to those of you who have provided some very interesting theories, insights and speculations. My biggest wish is for ABC to rest in peace and for her children to be protected from the negative outcomes that will certainly result once this case is eventually resolved.

Like many of you, I have developed somewhat of an obsession with this case. I can only put it down to also being a mother of three and feeling quite emotional for the loss of a life that seemed so promising, as well as for ABC's young children and how they must be feeling right now. Every spare moment I have, I turn to news websites, refreshing like a crazy woman, waiting impatiently for a particular "breaking news" headline, which I am sure you are all waiting for, too...

The following points are IMO only and ideas that I have developed over the last four weeks, from reading the news stories, sifting through your discussions and, admittedly, from my own intuitive thoughts:

1) GBC was involved in quite a tangled web, relating to financial and extra-marital issues, and had reached a point where he could no longer live with the pressure;

2) As a result of the intense pressure, GBC found himself wanting to ease the burden and, unfortunately, removing ABC permanently from his life was his best option;

3) Even if ABC's death was not premeditated, GBC had already planned some kind of "escape" from his, at the time, current life situation. ABC, too, would have been feeling the tides of change and, in her own way, determining her new path in life, minus GBC;

4) If ABC's death was, indeed, premeditated, GBC would have had at least one, or two, people close to him, whom he would have spoken to about his plans. IMO, this would have been his mistress, his father, or both;

5) Since the beginning, I have had very negative feelings about Senior BC. I know, I know... They're only feelings. However, I have not been able to shake these feelings of Senior BC being "in the know" and, either directly or indirectly, having involvement in ABC's death and subsequent removal/disposal of her body;

6) GBC's sister has her suspicions, but has not had the courage to fully explore these. As blood is thicker than water, GBC's sister's loyalties are with her immediate family. However, if one or two of her family members are eventually determined to have been involved in ABC's death, I suspect that GBC's sister will come clean with her suspicions and distance herself from her family;

7) In attempting to preserve the family's high profile, clean-cut image (and maybe not so well with the now infamous "Granny Pash"), Senior Mrs BC is also burying her suspicions. In saying that, Senior Mrs BC potentially knows most of the details of what happened to ABC, but wants to protect her husband's and son's reputations until such time she can no longer do this and the full force of the law takes this from her hands.

So... In summary, GBC was the main perpetrator, Senior BC assisted during the immediate aftermath, an individual close to GBC also has a level of involvement and GBC's mother and sister are both going through a period of supressing suspicion (or knowledge of the crime) and supporting their family to, in their hope, maintain their family image. IMO. :moo:


P.S. I am a professional astrologer and tarot reader, as a side "hobby" to my real life career in psychology (crazy, huh?). I know I cannot include my ABC "readings" on here, but I do want to say this - Venus is currently retrograde. This is good news, for the investigation side of things (e.g. reviews of evidence and witness accounts should produce further, stronger leads and more substantial information), but can potentially drag the investigation out for a little longer, before we receive the answers we're after.

If my P.S. is in any way unacceptable, please feel free to snip, Mods! :blushing:

Welcome LillyPilly, that was a fantastic first post, summed up so much of what I (and probably most of us) believe to be the case. You laid it out in a logical manner that makes it very very hard to see it any other way (for me, anyway) Particularly points 1, 4 and 5 ring true with my thoughts
Are you for real? Nobody here knows this woman from a bar of soap, how can u assume so many different things about ppl you don't know?

Has it ever occurred to you that *maybe* she knew exactly what she was doing marrying him? As it is mentioned over and over, she's smart, pretty Yadda Yadda, maybe she doesn't like a man to be more successful than her! They were married years before they had kids, surely she knew what she was in for. I know a family with extremely similar dynamics to this family, 3 girls etc, facade of bein happy, renting coz they're bankrupt almost yet own $40k cars.. She's a midwife and he's a glorified computer fixer who can't even do that right without gettin sued... Oh and she is VERY happy to be the more important one, in fact the world revolves around her and he has to do what he's told with the girls and when. GBC seems very involved as is this guy I know.

Just because ABC was a "nice person" which I'm not disputing, give her some credit in that GBC could have well been her "type" of man.

Sorry, but I don't agree with you. When someone falls really in love, they don't quite see past the facade, or it takes years for them to see the real man behind that facade. Women in particular are quite blind when it comes to loving someone. They stay in the hope things are going to get better and for the children's sake. It is not easy to be a single mother of 3 little kids!! Yes, appearances may have played a part in this sad saga, but from what people who knew Allison have reported, she was devoted to her children.

i choose not to repeat the things i have heard as i have tried to erase some of it from my memory as i found some of it quite disgusting and depraved. Lets just say that money does not buy manners or what most people would call acceptable behaviour and that some of this behaviour is hereditary and encouraged within certain families (as i have seen the offspring of these people behave in the same way and been privy to the 'parental advice' given to these children and have been left speechless as a result).

That seems to be the general feeling in Pulenvale too." If that's what's going behind the doors of what appeared to be a normal family how will we ever be able to sleep again".
As a Councellor I think he has a lot to lose by saying this stuff if he is wrong. I think that it is likely that he would only be writing things he had faith in. MOO

I know what you mean. Still, he is just speculating like everybody else, and provides no references for his claims. I question his motives because I feel that if he really was privy to inside info somehow (which I highly doubt) why publicise it on a blog? Seems irresponsible.
This case has taken over my life, I should be doing so many other things but can't drag myself away. Somethings got to give for either GBC or me. MOO
Hi Everyone,
I have only recently come across this forum and have been madly reading threads 1 - 6 so far and feel compelled to throw in some general knowledge for the benefit of the discussions.

I live outside of Bris but have regularly travelled to Bris via Anstead, Kholo Bridge and Moggil Rd. As someone who is similarly aged as Allison, it has really hit home that no matter what appearances may be, behind closed doors may be a totally different story - no matter where we are or aren't on the socioeconomic scale.

My experience with life insurances, death claims and estate administration has shown me that even if someone nominates beneficiairies to their life policies, it is up to the Trustees of that life insurance mob to decide if they pay out to the nominated benes or pay it to the person's estate. If there is a hint of 'trouble' eg separation, divorce, competing claims etc, they generally pay to someone's estate and let the Executor (or Court depending) work out who is the ultimate beneficiary. If someone is convicted of murdering the insured person, they automatically forfeit any entitlement.

Wills. In Qld, if someone dies and has recently divorced, any entitlement their spouse would have received under that Will would read as if that spouse is deceased (unless it was specifically changed to reflect the change in their marital situation and that the person still intended the divorced spouse to benefit). Any assets held in joint names (ie in joint tenancy - like houses, joint bank a/cs etc) - dont pass into someone's estate as they pass by survivorship to the other joint party. However if things are held as 'tenants-in-common' even on an equal basis, this share is distributed in the terms of someone's Will. If someone has recently separated - it is usual to take into account if there has been a recent property settlement - particularly when you have other potential beneficiaries that may have competing claims eg infant children.

It is possible for people to be 'separated under one roof'. Centrelink often do recognise these arrangements and do examine individual situations carefully before granting entitlement to any benefit. There is also the expectation that a person will seek child support (unless there is a history of dv) from the other party. If there is no reason declared as to why the person is not seeking child support, their family tax benefit drops to the lowest rate after a short period of time. There is a lot of paperwork and pressure on people post separation if they need to rely on Centrelink.

Other guff:

I am also aware that GBC's lawyer was also in Toowoomba some years ago around the time GBC was - so assume they are school friends. While I know it is not a good look to lawyer up so quickly - I can understand why there might be a need. I agree, that legal services may have been offered to him by the legal eagles involved, given the intensity of the attention this matter is getting.

Perhaps ABC and GBC had been quietly working out their own ppty settlement over a period of time - hence rented property, mortgage over GBC's parents house (possble payout to ABC?) etc.

Lastly - I hope that GBC or other close family are not involved in this terrible matter. Those girls are going to need all sides of their family to provide stability and support in the future. However, like others, I have grave doubts.

Thank you to everyone for such informative and thought provoking discussion. People have such keen insight and analytical skills that blow my mind.
I know what you mean. Still, he is just speculating like everybody else, and provides no references for his claims. I question his motives because I feel that if he really was privy to inside info somehow (which I highly doubt) why publicise it on a blog? Seems irresponsible.

Another member said a few days back that this guy is a lawyer himself and may therefore have inside information.
There's no such thing as normal, I think if we could spy on people behind closed doors in any suburb we would be scraping our jaws off the floor all day long. I think it's a pretty safe bet that some people here might have some questionable interests in private. Probably some odd choices of partners too! ABC and GBC knew eachother much better than any of us know them, maybe we wouldn't fancy him but she had her reasons. I'm sure he has some redeeming features she was totally in love with at some point or another (I can feel people rolling their eyes now)
I know the new Supreme Court complex is not to far from completion ......

Timing could just be right ....... That said I doubt there is a courtroom big enough in the new building for the numbers that would attend if this one goes to trial.
Australia has a no fault divorce system. Cheating on a spouse will not change the outcome of property/assets division or who has primary care of the children.

Maybe ABC went to see her lover through the night in one of the cars and the lover returned the car after murdering her and then walked home or got a lift from someone. Maybe that is why they were focused on the cars and the roundabout because they knew she had gone for a drive.

I suggested this exact scenario very early on too Aussie mum. Would explain the loss of the phone too as, if this was the case, there would likely be details of this person and texts/ plans to meet etc on abc's phone. May also explain the car being left at show grounds rather than at BC residence (that is only rumor though). Wld also explain the need for accomplice / second car to get the perp away after dropping back abc's car. and yes, one of the news reporters initially said that abc was sighted at the roundabout, but this may have been an error.

I would prefer this story as I don't want to believe a father could do this to the mother of his children. Not sure though.
I did donate...could not help myself, it was funeral day. Only thing I could do to help.

As for GBC he is NOT an accountant, he failed a subject twice and NEVER graduated as an accountant.....hence he went to work at a Flight Centre, because KPMG COULDN'T get his qualifications as proof after he did a year as an intern there.

So money handling was never his forte as we can see. But Trust fund is beyond his arm length reach now thank goodness.

Thank you Berry. This amazing revelation supports many other indications that GBC is not the sharpest tool in the shed (though probably the biggest).

Everything suggests that GBC's prime area of expertise is self promotion - and he hasn't even done that well.

I've read a lot of CVs in my time and have becomed very skilled at identifying buII shlt. GBC's self-bio on Linked is a classic example of a bloated vacuous CV. From it, we can see that GBC has been involved in a lot of activities which can require little or no effort, but give him apparent cudos. EG - Vice President of the primary school P&C!!!!.
I'm not sure why but it doesn't seem as horrible when i't the husband who is killed. Guess it's the old double standard

I know the husband in this case. His injuries were horrific and his recovery Very painful both physically and emotionally. Trust me, it is JUST as dreadful when it's the husband...
lol i didnt say you were wrong, i saw the pastor driving a gold suzuki in one of the clips


The tie gbc wore at the funeral is one of his century 21 ties designed to go with the yellow jacket
There's no such thing as normal, I think if we could spy on people behind closed doors in any suburb we would be scraping our jaws off the floor all day long. I think it's a pretty safe bet that some people here might have some questionable interests in private. Probably some odd choices of partners too! ABC and GBC knew eachother much better than any of us know them, maybe we wouldn't fancy him but she had her reasons. I'm sure he has some redeeming features she was totally in love with at some point or another (I can feel people rolling their eyes now)

I think you misunderstood. I agree completly I'm sure there are lots of people with multiple skeletons rattling around their closets but I think mostly we would rather not know.
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