GUILTY Australia - Anthea Mari, 34, murdered in her Brisbane home, 26 Aug 2014

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Police report...

Suspicious death investigation, Norman Park

Police investigating the death of a woman at Norman Park this morning have released the image of a man who may be able to assist with their investigations.

Around 3.30am police were called to a residence at Milsom Street where they discovered the body of a 34-year-old woman.

Police believe 38-year-old Jacob Michael Smith (pictured) may be able to assist with their investigations.

He is described as 180cm tall, of average build with dark brown hair.

Anyone who may have information about his whereabouts is urged not to approach him but to instead contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or Dutton Park CIB on 3028 8150.

Anyone with information which could assist with this matter should contact Crime Stoppers anonymously via 1800 333 000 or 24hrs a day.
Yahoo!7 News
Police investigate woman's suspicious death at Norman Park
Brisbane Times ‎- 4 minutes ago
Police are questioning two men in hoodies after a woman's body was found in a house at Norman Park in Brisbane's inner east on Tuesday ...

Then another says she was beaten to death.....

Woman beaten to death in house at Norman Park | The Courier-Mail
12 hours ago - A WOMAN has been beaten to death at a house in Norman Park early this morning.
This proves it's possible that the Baden-Clay children slept through Allison's murder.

Woman murdered in house at Norman Park as her children slept
11 hours ago - A MOTHER was killed while her children slept inside her inner Brisbane home in Norman Park this morning.

Yes it does, tgy. Strangulation and/or smothering must be a silent death. Probably winded before a scream can be let out. :(
"We believe there could have been other people at the house earlier and there was one person that left there that was a friend of the deceased - to what extent we don't know," he said.

"Forensic police are there - as I said she was found by people living in the house, ambulance attended, and she was pronounced dead."

"There were efforts of CPR by people in the residence and QAS [Queensland Ambulance Service] but to no avail," he said.

He said no-one in the house heard anything before the woman's body was found.
Sadly I've posted this link far too often lately.

Separation Assault

The dangerous error a woman can make is to think she can stay in contact with her abuser. This is the critical time NOT to allow contact.

Could you imagine, after having endured countless verbal or physical attacks from an abusive partner, finally getting up the courage and strength to leave them, only to find out that the nightmare isn’t over? In fact, just the opposite — the violence is increasing and intensifying?

This very real and extremely dangerous phenomenon is called Separation Assault. Abusers, who perceive that their victim is getting away from them, become more determined and more aggressive to make sure that “If I can’t have them, no one will!”

I'm mega angry to think some men feel it is their right to murder a woman or their children.
This is crossing all levels of our society.
Allison Baden-Clay, Luke Batty, Jill Maher, Savannah and Indianna, Novy Chardon, Lisa Harnum, Sophie Collombet, Warriena Wright........the list goes on and on.

Families crushed, children devastated and lives changed forever.

Ex-con target of murder hunt after Norman Park mother found dead as kids slept in next room

August 27, 2014

THE MAN wanted by police over the murder of a Brisbane mother-of-four has served jail time for armed hold-ups and was charged in relation to the death of a prison inmate.

Detectives last night released a photo of Jacob Michael Smith, 38, who they say is a person of interest in the death of Anthea Mari, 34.

In 2002 he was jailed for more than 10 years over several offences, including the holdup of a Gold Coast TAB

CRIME STOPPERS – 1800 333 000
Facebook post shows murder victim Anthea Mari haunted by domestic violence in her past

August 27, 2014

TWELVE days before she died, Anthea Mari posted a tragic insight into her troubled life.

A devoted mother, many of Ms Mari’s Facebook posts are about her love for her children.

Her page is covered in photographs featuring her four children, their achievements and messages of love.

There is no suggestion that a former partner is responsible for Ms Mari’s death.
Anthea Mari revealed in an undated newsletter to the Catholic community group, Micah Group, that she had spent 15 years 'in and out of domestic violence refuges, couch-surfing… and even sleeping in her car' while raising her three children.

'Don't think you’re the only one. There are plenty of other women going through it, too,' Ms Mari said.

Read more:
After moving from the Gold Coast to Brisbane, Anthea and her children were homeless again when she sought help from the Brisbane Homeless Service Centre in South Brisbane.

The family had a place to call home. There was furniture, school uniforms, counselling, ongoing support.

"Children shouldn't have to sacrifice so that you can have the life you want. You make sacrifices so your children can have the life that they deserve" – her final post days before her death.

Read more:
How depressing... think I'll just stick with following the GT thread.

RIP to Anthea and condolensces to loved ones.
Did I just hear on Ch 9 TV news (9am morning news) that police believe one of the two girls was assaulted when she was awakened later??!

Can't find anything in MSM about it yet ..... maybe erroneous reporting? :crossfingers: Though I'm pretty sure that is what I heard - second guessing myself now.

That particular morning newscast is not uploaded on their website or FB site yet either.

Man arrested for murder of Anthea Mari as Facebook post shows she was haunted by domestic violence in her past

A MAN wanted by police over the murder of a Brisbane mother-of-four is understood to have been arrested on the Gold Coast this morning. :yesss:

The Courier-Mail has been told the man was arrested in Gaven this morning.
Did I just hear on Ch 9 TV news (9am morning news) that police believe one of the two girls was assaulted when she was awakened later??!

Can't find anything in MSM about it yet ..... maybe erroneous reporting? :crossfingers: Though I'm pretty sure that is what I heard - second guessing myself now.

That particular morning newscast is not uploaded on their website or FB site yet either.


I heard it too SouthAus, t'was on 9news on Today show.
There ya go you didn't imagine it. :)

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