Australia Australia Claremont Serial Killer, 1996 - 1997, Perth, Western Australia - #10

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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RSBM as they say.

In the CSK documentary the host and detective Ferguson discuss the fact that everyone shown in the video footage EXCEPT for MM has been accounted for and interviewed.

When police obtained DNA from CG one of the first groups they would have tested aside from taxi drivers would be everyone at the club that night that they had identified.

I think there is a chance MM could be BE however if it is not then I highly doubt anyone else in that footage is him simply based off of them having DNA in 2009 to test against the DNA taken from people at the hotel and BE only being arrested after the DNA link from the kimono was matched meaning BE only come on the police radar AFTER the Huntingdale attack was linked.

Oops Ferguson didn't appear on that documentary it was Jim Stanbury.
Oops Ferguson didn't appear on that documentary it was Jim Stanbury.

That is correct, my apologies for that mistake.

****Jim Stanbury and the host discussed the fact everyone in the video had been identified and interviewed except for MM****
If so. The posts from the deactivated account would not be visible.

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When I had a personal FB account many moons ago, I was able to download some of your data from my account before I deleted it. I know all of FB's features weren't available to be downloaded but I seem to remember posts could be. The question is, could that data be uploaded to a different account?
I'd be suprised if WAPOL didn't DNA swab everyone that they had identified at the hotel (according to Detective Paul Ferguson that would be everyone on the vid). These DNA swabs would have been tested against the DNA sample found on CG, at that point if BRE was not MM but in attendance of the club they would have had a hit.

And there is no evidence whatsoever to suggest Jane did leave with someone, it is more likely if she had arranged to meet someone that he pulled up over the road or down the street, or that she then went on to walk home (or to Mosman park as suggested) and was blitzed.

I can't rule your scenario out entirely but I do feel it is very unlikely. If infact BRE is the guy you think he is, which one in the video do you theorize is him?

You appear to have Paul Ferguson on your mind. It was Jim Stanbury not Paul Ferguson on the CIA documentary. Jane didn't live in Mosman Park she lived in Cambridge Street Wembley. There is nothing stated anywhere that Jane was going to Mosman Park.
It's possible BE had an earlier account, deactivated it and started the new one that's visible now.

Or two accounts... where one is still live but hidden.

I've found one Bradley Edwards account hidden like this... it's empty though, with one photo posted to the timeline, no friends etc. Created in August 2013. It has a black and white ninja figure as the profile pic.

[I have now found it with very specific variations of the search - had a brain surge after posting]. I can't see what the account has commented on. I don't believe it is BE's though.

If the person who saw the earlier account can provide evidence of that specific profile pic (even a description), I will keep searching.
I believe BRE has a sister who would have been born around 1977 so about 9 yrs younger than BRE which makes her the same age as SS. I believe I found a yr 12 group photo of her. It could be possible that SS knew BRE's sister and that is the connection. In the CSI documentary SS's father states that he even went to their property at Mandurah to look for SS. Mandurah is close to Madora Bay where BRE's folks had their house that was searched after his arrest. Do you think that BRE knew SS from weekend trips to Madora where SS might have hung out with his sister? I know SS's uncle bought land in Mandurah in 96 but I just assumed SS's dad had an actual house in Mandurah but maybe it was just land? I don't know why he would drive to check if his daughter was hanging out just on vacant land though? Just a thought
Just would make sense as to why she got into the car with her killer (assuming it was BRE)

The Spiers family owned a holiday home in Mandurah.
Eagles Nest is not my point. My point is him saying "For those that drive out to Welshpool....".
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To be honest, living in Perth, anytime I was explaining directions heading east out of the city, I would say something along the lines of "head towards Welshpool" to quickly explain which way to head.
I believe BRE has a sister who would have been born around 1977 so about 9 yrs younger than BRE which makes her the same age as SS. I believe I found a yr 12 group photo of her. It could be possible that SS knew BRE's sister and that is the connection. In the CSI documentary SS's father states that he even went to their property at Mandurah to look for SS. Mandurah is close to Madora Bay where BRE's folks had their house that was searched after his arrest. Do you think that BRE knew SS from weekend trips to Madora where SS might have hung out with his sister? I know SS's uncle bought land in Mandurah in 96 but I just assumed SS's dad had an actual house in Mandurah but maybe it was just land? I don't know why he would drive to check if his daughter was hanging out just on vacant land though? Just a thought
Just would make sense as to why she got into the car with her killer (assuming it was BRE)
This would also make sense why he had to kill her if she indeed did know who he was.

Seems CSK was primarily motivated by the rapes if Karrakatta and possibly the alleyway incident (where the woman was attacked and had her head thrown against the wall) are anything to go by.
Imo his first kill was either an accident (got too rough in the moment) or the victim had seen him or already knew who he was.
I believe SS is somewhere close to where he was living at the time.

I don't see him as being highly organized. He just struck when the opportunity presented itself. He was not 100% successful. He just got lucky.
I think he killed just so there were no witnesses or anyone to tell what he'd done.
Seems he covered the faces of earlier victims. Maybe he didn't want them to see him..maybe he didnt want to see them. Makes me think power and control killing that I thought it was may not have been the case. Those sort would usually want to see the pain they were inflicting ..taunt their victims. The rapist involved in KK and a few others back then did not speak at all and they didnt see him.

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I (and others before me) have made mention of whether the "Eagles Nest" refers to the location in Gidgiegannup? I do think the post has some significance, either as a location (for SS?) or perhaps simply to notify WAPOL that he knew they were coming. I believe this could well be both of these (infact I think it a given he knew).

I can't actually give you any verifiable source for this information, so not sure if it will be allowed but I have it on pretty good authority that he was shocked when his door was booted in and arrested. I was informed that he genuinely reacted as if he had no idea it was coming.

Eagles Nest is not my point. My point is him saying "For those that drive out to Welshpool....".

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I'm struggling to understand why this would be an issue? You an either travel north or south on Graham Farmer Freeway. If you are travelling north you would most likely say I am heading towards the city. If you are travelling south you would most likely say towards Welshpool. I do it regularly for work and that's probably the most common way to describe it.

Use google and you can find plenty more info yourself but I'm pretty sure the wiki will cover it.
An opinion of a social scientist. Just don't buy it. In a predominantly white society, there's gonna be more white victims. More white reporting.

I guess you can say women too. You could say media don't care about men because more female victims are reported. But women are more typically victims in many societies.

Status matters when some have money and resources to inject into a police investigation. Obviously. Wouldn't you?

Anyway, not going to argue. Agree to disagree.

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Sorry I haven't worked out how to post properly. My apologies for confusing the thread.
If I am replying to someone do I click on the reply with quote option? Please help. Thank you

It is most helpful if you use the reply with quote link so that we the readers can see what you are replying to otherwise what you write might not make sense. if you want to start a new discussion that is not in reply to anyone specifically use the reply to thread link at top of page left side.
You appear to have Paul Ferguson on your mind. It was Jim Stanbury not Paul Ferguson on the CIA documentary. Jane didn't live in Mosman Park she lived in Cambridge Street Wembley. There is nothing stated anywhere that Jane was going to Mosman Park.
Yes I have gotten my detectives mixed up, Ferguson was the name that come to mind when writing my posts.

as for the Mosman park comment that was in regards to a user suggesting she was off to Mosman park to see a guy. It's not stated as fact simply stated as a suggestion.
An opinion of a social scientist. Just don't buy it. In a predominantly white society, there's gonna be more white victims. More white reporting.

I guess you can say women too. You could say media don't care about men because more female victims are reported. But women are more typically victims in many societies.

Status matters when some have money and resources to inject into a police investigation. Obviously. Wouldn't you?

Anyway, not going to argue. Agree to disagree.

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It wasn't the opinion of one social scientist. There was research conducted by SEVERAL scientists, there was research conducted by the FBI, studies in the Law and Society Association, a London Police Commissioner Ian Blair described the media as institutionally racist, there are thousands of documented cases. it is 100% fact. Just because you can't admit you were wrong or don't agree doesn't make it any less of a fact.
The Spiers family owned a holiday home in Mandurah.

Yes thanks well that makes sense. So BRE's family had a holiday home in Madora Bay and SS's family had one in Mandurah. This could be a connection with SS, BRE and his sister (who formerly had the initials KE but not 100% on that). Thanks for helps on posting too.
refer to my post above regarding if BRE had been at the hotel that night his DNA would have most likely been tested when police recovered DNA from CG. (unless he was MM whom police couldn't identify to recover a sample).

police have not stated they identified and spoke with everyone that attended the hotel that night. they have said they showed 700 people the cctv footage. they have stated they identified everyone on the outside of the hotel at a specific time whilst the cctv footage was being replayed but does that mean everyone who later appears on the cctv footage was identified
Yes thanks well that makes sense. So BRE's family had a holiday home in Madora Bay and SS's family had one in Mandurah. This could be a connection with SS, BRE and his sister (who formerly had the initials KE but not 100% on that). Thanks for helps on posting too.
Would be nice if we could find absolute proof of a link between a possible sister and one of the victims, it would certainly change an opinion of mine that the girls were targeted based on opportunity alone and were not known to him.
refer to my post above regarding if BRE had been at the hotel that night his DNA would have most likely been tested when police recovered DNA from CG. (unless he was MM whom police couldn't identify to recover a sample).

I am positive that a few weeks prior to BRE arrest a WS poster wrote that they were made aware from a mate that police were tracking people down who had attended the hotel (don't know which night) and were conducting dna sampling. also early newspaper reports after Ciara Glennon was allegedly abducted stated that police had cctv footage of the night she was at the Conti. There may have been something or someone on that video who has been subsequently identified.
police have not stated they identified and spoke with everyone that attended the hotel that night. they have said they showed 700 people the cctv footage. they have stated they identified everyone on the outside of the hotel at a specific time whilst the cctv footage was being replayed but does that mean everyone who later appears on the cctv footage was identified

There are other posts that put my post into context.

people were discussing the possibility of BE being one of the other men IN THE VIDEO.

I was discussing the fact that aside from MM every other person IN THE VIDEO had been identified so if one of them was BE he would have either been asked for DNA and accepted (which we know didn't happen because they have only just linked him by DNA) or he would have been asked for DNA and refused which would have rang alarm bells to detectives and put him on their radar (which we know didn't happen because he only appeared on the radar in the last few months).

I'm well aware not everyone inside was identified, however, everyone in the video released to the public had been.
There are other posts that put my post into context.

people were discussing the possibility of BE being one of the other men IN THE VIDEO.

I was discussing the fact that aside from MM every other person IN THE VIDEO had been identified so if one of them was BE he would have either been asked for DNA and accepted (which we know didn't happen because they have only just linked him by DNA) or he would have been asked for DNA and refused which would have rang alarm bells to detectives and put him on their radar (which we know didn't happen because he only appeared on the radar in the last few months).

I'm well aware not everyone inside was identified.

and what I am saying is that it could be that Jim Stanbury meant that everyone in the cctv footage up until the exact time he spoke about it on the documentary had been identified. further parts of the video had different people coming out of the hotel.
This would also make sense why he had to kill her if she indeed did know who he was.

Seems CSK was primarily motivated by the rapes if Karrakatta and possibly the alleyway incident (where the woman was attacked and had her head thrown against the wall) are anything to go by.
Imo his first kill was either an accident (got too rough in the moment) or the victim had seen him or already knew who he was.
I believe SS is somewhere close to where he was living at the time.

I don't see him as being highly organized. He just struck when the opportunity presented itself. He was not 100% successful. He just got lucky.
I think he killed just so there were no witnesses or anyone to tell what he'd done.
Seems he covered the faces of earlier victims. Maybe he didn't want them to see him..maybe he didnt want to see them. Makes me think power and control killing that I thought it was may not have been the case. Those sort would usually want to see the pain they were inflicting ..taunt their victims. The rapist involved in KK and a few others back then did not speak at all and they didnt see him.

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I am totally with you on all your theories marie.maree! In particular,I definitely think that SS's body is extremely close to his home in Fountain Way, but closer to his parents place on Gay Street which also has the Huntingdale Telstra exchange building on the corner. I also think that it wasn't planned either, so he would have had to return to his home or to his parents to get equipment for her burial. I think the Telstra exchange could have been a place to hide her briefly while he got organised. I also think he would have buried her well seeing it was supposedly his first kill. I think it is probably only minutes away from the Telstra exchange and his parents. I think the GPS coordinates associated with his name and discussed here previously support this theory too. Oh and I realise it is just a theory.
In regards to Ciara I think he possibly had some slight connection with her( around the same age as BRE or his brother's age) or through socialising or work connections? I think both girls would have gotten into a car with an acquaintance and not a stranger. I believe BRE could have feigned care for Ciara stating that she shouldn't be walking alone since the other girls had gone missing and seeing the 3 blokes at the bus stop had just said the same thing then she would have more likely listened and hopped in.
Once again these are my theories. Top of page 73 is my long long theory on who is BRE in the CCTV footage. Interested in your thoughts on that too
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