If BRE was to plead not guilty to the 1997 murder of CG,
I can envisage that one of his line's of defence will be to refer to The Post Newspaper article 2001/09/01 "We know the Claremont Killer" posted in this forum about 6 months ago
https://www.dropbox.com/s/14fibheszgqgtl2/We know the Claremont killer.pdf?dl=0 (I've copied parts of this article below)
With Frank Silas and friends (if still alive) to be called as witnesses.
With the ex-workmate (+female partner) that Frank Silas reported to police, and that the Police reportedly, and belatedly investigated, to be drawn into the case.
The apparent lack of media referral to anything to do with Frank Silas, the CARK or this 2001 article, raises questions about the potential for a massive coverup of something about this case, and will do nothing to allay any suspicions or rumours of BRE potentially being falsely accused of some of the charges that have already been laid.
Apparently, Debbie Marshall's book "The Devils Garden" refers to Frank Silas and CARK on p192 (I'll report back on what Devil's Garden says about this after I get around to purchasing it).
Assuming the reports are bona fide, it appears that there was a suspect with no Alibi, that was not followed up on until after the physical remnants of a potential fight with CG on the night of her disappearance would have long gone.
Wonder whether Silas or other members of CARK are still alive, and if not, what happened to them before or after this 2001 article?
Any theories on why any of the CARK reported story might not be true and why?
Anyone know any more about CARK and it's members?