Australia Claremont Serial Killer, 1996 - 1997, Perth, Western Australia - #15

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Annalise - the only way he can be found not criminally responsible is if he is so unsound if mind that he was totally unaware that murdering someone was wrong . Zero chance of that you would have to assume.
In the case that he committed the murders whilst "delusional" and it can be proved that he has a serious mental illness and suffers delusions, unless they can prove the above statement is true, he is still found guilty as charged. How he would be sentenced in that case is probably outlined in the sentencing act.
You have to have a very apparent mental illness to be satisfy that defence. I very much doubt that is the case
Hi Innerchild - thanks for that will have a look at Eagle View walk trail: John Forrest National Park

The maps I posted were Eagle's Nest Retreat Gidgegannup from a search on Google maps.

I have this weird thing where clues keep popping up in Google maps. Spinnaker what was that lodge that the the SD was talking about on FB?


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Hi Spooks - thank you for all the information. It is certainly a very complicated process for the courts to prove an insanity verdict. I haven't heard anything as to whether this will even come into the CSK trial. I was just wondering if it would be automatic in a serial killer case. Thank you so much again for the links you posted. IMO
No name - thank you for your reply to my post. I wondered if it might come into the CSK trial. Obviously serial killers are not automatically considered insane. IMO
Hi Canning Vale - thanks for the info about Graylands Frankland Unit. I'm still reading through whatever I can find on serial killers and why they kill. I can't seem to find out how it is determined whether they are sentenced to jail or psych hospital. Who determines whether a serial killer is insane or not. I think it has to do with if they were aware of what they were doing at the time. That they knew the difference between right and wrong. In which case they wouldn't be classed as insane. I'm struggling with this because to do some of the things they do they would have to have some level of mental illness. Or some type of mental condition. IMO

There seems to be something mentally wrong, but I can't guess what. From what I've read about psychosis, I think psychosis is when a mentally ill persons brain takes itself offline to heal and intermittently gets stuck in dream mode. That's why people hear and see things that don't exist because they're dreaming. It's mainly the logic that goes haywire too.

In order to plan things we need to use logic, so how can a serial killer who is a methodical thinker plan and execute a crime without using logic. He or she can't.

Please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, I had trouble wording this post. I don't have a medical background.
Hi Canning Vale - thanks for the info about Graylands Frankland Unit. I'm still reading through whatever I can find on serial killers and why they kill. I can't seem to find out how it is determined whether they are sentenced to jail or psych hospital. Who determines whether a serial killer is insane or not. I think it has to do with if they were aware of what they were doing at the time. That they knew the difference between right and wrong. In which case they wouldn't be classed as insane. I'm struggling with this because to do some of the things they do they would have to have some level of mental illness. Or some type of mental condition. IMO

Here’s part of an article which may help us understand SKs.

The most broadly recognized mental disorder associated with serial killing is Antisocial Personality Disorder (APD). This is a cluster B personality in the DSM IV and is intimately related with psychopathy. Psychopathy is not a clinical diagnosis, but it is considered a developmental disorder by neuroscientists (Blair, 2006). Many individuals with APD are not psychopathic, but a number of them, especially the ones who exhibit traits such as limited empathy and grandiosity, do demonstrate psychopathy (Hare & Babiek, 2007). Psychopathic traits such as charm, manipulation, and intimidation have been recognized by the F.B.I. as being thoroughly connected to serial murder (see here (link is external) for more details), although it’s important to realize that not all psychopaths are serial killers.
Did Huntingdale PS or Gozzy SHS kids go away on school camp?
Which campsite did they stay at?
Is Banksia Grove haunted?
Was Banksia Grove bushland back in 96-97?

Obviously I should know the answer to this question already! But please humour me! LOL
Spooks - what a thought - going on a school camp with him😱IMO
Spooks - what a thought - going on a school camp with him[emoji33]IMO

Scary! Yes!
I am considering locations that maybe created good memories for the accused. Some place he may want to use later as a d-site (if he is actual SK) - double the joy with two good memories for him.

School camps are sometimes fun times. Depending on the individual.

Many school camp sites are in outer Perth suburbs. Perfect d-site territory.

Posts are purely my own opinion unless otherwise stated with source links. All my original text and images remain exclusively my personal copyright.
Scary! Yes!
I am considering locations that maybe created good memories for the accused. Some place he may want to use later as a d-site (if he is actual SK) - double the joy with two good memories for him.

School camps are sometimes fun times. Depending on the individual.

Many school camp sites are in outer Perth suburbs. Perfect d-site territory.

Posts are purely my own opinion unless otherwise stated with source links. All my original text and images remain exclusively my personal copyright.
How close was KT to the old Araluen camp on McNess Drive?

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Did Huntingdale PS or Gozzy SHS kids go away on school camp?
Which campsite did they stay at?
I'll spend some time on the GHS reunion pages, see if they've mentioned anything. Will feedback information later today.
If anyone else finds any information, please take note if he wore glasses. Many thanks.
Has anyone done any research on when serial killings were first documented-historically speaking.

Just my opinion
How close was KT to the old Araluen camp on McNess Drive?

Sent from my HTC 2PQ910 using Tapatalk

I'm not sure about exact location of KT.

Do you know exact locations of Birnie victims?

Posts are purely my own opinion unless otherwise stated with source links. All my original text and images remain exclusively my personal copyright.
I am looking for any information or articles regarding Perth's Southside Rapist circa 1980-1990's. <modsnip>
Has anyone done any research on when serial killings were first documented-historically speaking.

Just my opinion

There&#8217;s a fair bit of documentation which advises these monster people have existed throughout the ages.

Male serial killers are usually hunters and we&#8217;ve all read a fair bit about them. of Murderers

A small percentage of SKs are female who are usually gatherers. They&#8217;re considered much more deadly and often kill family members as well as their children. Oftentimes they go unnoticed because the death appears as an accident. Perhaps some SKs have suffered from Munchausen by-proxy syndrome. Female SKs often have occupations within the nursing/caring capacity, and kill for insurance money or to benefit from a will.

For a few centuries there were many women accused of serial killing which operated baby farming nurseries. Although these places were supposed to look after babies of the poor unmarried women, instead the babies were neglected and murdered. The perpetrators were usually hung. of Baby Farmers Accused of Murder
Besides araluen, we had school camps in Serpentine and Jarrahdale. Couldn't tell u where. Dont know victims locations either sorry. Was it "mary" haunting araluen? Thus is better than brain training!!
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