Australia Claremont Serial Killer, 1996 - 1997, Perth, Western Australia - #15

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Bout 91 I was walking in Belmont and was followed by a big bloke, tried crossing the road a few times to avoid him (was only about 15 at the time)...managed to outrun him and my parents called the cops who said it happened all the time...... The big man kept yelling to me 'Do u like it?'.... and he had his ole boy out. I know BRE was in Huntingdale then, but this was Acton Ave...,

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SS father received a call from a person who he thought was the CSK.

Looking into this further I found the below comments in previous WS posts.

"But one phone call in particular has stayed with him - the only one he believes is genuine - and which either came from the killer or someone who knows them.

It was at 2am on a Sunday morning shortly after Sarah went missing. The caller asked him, "Are you Sarah's father?"Don won't give details of what the man said but he still believes it wasn't a hoax.

The caller gave him a location - 5600ha of dense land and bush. Don went there but the size of the location and the dense vegetation meant looking was "hopeless".

Further posts in the above link mention that "The Westonia Common is 5600ha of salmon gum, morrell and gimlet woodlands of exceptional quality and area.

PW is reported to have rang Don Spiers in this 2004 report.
snipped...Peter Weygers, 62, was mayor of Claremont when the murders occurred. His 12-year tenure ended in 1997; around the same time he began phoning the father of one victim in the middle of the night to say he (Weygers) was a suspect in the case...
I've also seen reports where PW thinks psychics may be credible. It makes me wonder whether any of the people phoning DS had anything credible to say even the supposed 5,600ha. I'm certainly not suggesting anything about PW except he admitted ring Don Spiers in the middle of the night. Strange people were doing strange things for no logical reason that I can see, Just my opinion.
Hate to suggest this, but wasn't DM still around then. ON 26 May 2005 Morey was convicted of the attempted murder (court document) which occurred on 12 December 2003
Info on DM later at the SMM inquest suggested he was a truck driver working for a Mr GA. Phone tower pings showed him travelling from Hillarys to Midland on the evening SMM died.file:///F:/CSK/DM/Sally_Mcmahon_finding.pdf Google an image of him.
Hi there,

its a interesting point, the facial puffiness and whether there's a suggestion of medication induced effects. So Much so I went back and had another look at all available photos. However, his eyes don't have that typical look of someone who is on those meds - he doesn't look spaced out, he doesn't have a staring affect, he looks...engaged...affable even. As scary as that seems. So my gut feeling is that these are not the photographs of someone zonked out on anti psychotic meds - again I'm generalising here. But I don't buy it. It is as one of the investigators said - when they catch him, everyone is going to be surprised because he will seem totally normal (heavily paraphrasing here). This is naturally all conjecture and only my own opinion.
I think I've had enough too - anyone new to this page would struggle with reading some of the posts. Whilst some shortened forms are used regularly - it seems to me to be getting more difficult to read (even for those not living in Perth) - what with typos (and even shortening posters names) - which can easily made blue. Whinging and bickering & comments that should be sent as private messages. Sign offs... Sent by Tapatalks..... in latin. Yingyangs... last edited by.... (insert all the repeated blurry newspapers clippings) (insert emoticons) - repeat photos again x 5 which have to be scrolled past! All such unnecessary reading. CG SS & JR - SK CSK then all the others BRE ....... OBH IC MM IMO IMHO JMO DNA EE HD FB RDT KT JFNP CBV LM GB COD OS PCS CBD SCS UBD OOTBT OBC AFAIK MO WS FYI DV CGE UWA RSMB BOM FS SCS AL CV ESH DRT PCS PD IM CSGS WRT DL LHS RHS BF SOR NOR DRT WAPOL VG V VI MOO TE MH TE VHF CBHF UHF AQIS PCS.....(did I miss any: SMM DM SD BE TE KK DS Dsites (this is passable) MSM GA DS LW PW BLA LA JC) blah blah blah tonight I give up. Personally, I had hoped for more Verified Insiders to add comments to the threads too. Now, I look forward to the Truth should it go to trial come October 2017. And, I hope all the victims in this case can Rest In Peace and to their grieving families "I send love and light" always *advertiser censored*
...Dixie was originally from the UK but was in WA between 1993 and 1999.

Farce. He first stayed in Sydney in 1993, Qld 1995, Melbourne + Adelaide in early 1996, and landed in WA in March of that year.

...Presumably he would have possessed a strong English accent.

He was known as 'Aussie' due to having a raw Australian accent, unusual for a Brit.

Sadly this detail features in the links you provided.
Interesting comment by Caporn back on 13th June 1997:

[FONT=verdana, sans-serif]"Caporn claimed that "98 per cent of the investigation is traditional, but we're doing things we've never done before because we're not prepared to get up to double figures [of victims] without trying to force a [breakthrough]".

[FONT=verdana, sans-serif]No wonder Perth was in a panic! Caporn talking about possibility of double figures for the number of murder victims!


Thanks for this spooks. Ive not seen this before. First historical article posted since his arrest at least that I'd not already seen 100 times too. Much appreciated. Certainly cuts through much of varying opinions of the so called experts that had worked on the case until that time & whos opinions had shaped various aspects of the investigation. Not to mention things certain things the public has taken as gospel and relied upon to provide info. Its a perfect example of why I take almost all of MSM reporting with a grain of salt. Also a pity all reporters dont pay so much attention to researching opposing opinions and presenting them accordingly. Just goes to show how little we know, what the real facts are & how different things may have been had different people been at the helm.
Caporn was such a colossal turkey. Now we know exactly the type of cop he was I can barely see past his comments being anything less than him setting up his watch with a 6 girl buffer zone. He really has so much to answer for.
Thank you for sharing this horrid story with us theREALjLo, very brave of you and appreciated!

The combination of tracksuit with dress shoes and briefcase is a key clue I think.

Perhaps he changed out of his work clothes to conduct his attack with the intention of changing back into his original clothing afterwards. So his work clothing would not get torn, dirty etc.

Therefore perhaps commuted in work clothes, briefcase and dress shoes from Edgewater train station on a daily basis and lived near area]
I agree with the clothes being the key. I see it moreso as a disguise of sorts though, for someone who has never had the need to wear dress shoes or carry a briefcase. My guess is he was hoping that from a distance, his tracksuit would appear to be a suit so any reports or sightings would be made with the description being a businessman. Id be inclined to think the briefcase was empty and the fact he would have to drop it at some point in an attack, thus increasing his risk of having to flee without was probably something he didn't think too much about.
Interesting comment by Caporn back on 13th June 1997:

[FONT=verdana, sans-serif]"Caporn claimed that "98 per cent of the investigation is traditional, but we're doing things we've never done before because we're not prepared to get up to double figures [of victims] without trying to force a [breakthrough]".

[FONT=verdana, sans-serif]No wonder Perth was in a panic! Caporn talking about possibility of double figures for the number of murder victims!


Two interesting things I took from the article referenced above (I remember reading it at the time but hadn't seen it recently- thanks for posting the link):

1. There was footage of Jane outside both nightspots ("Security cameras inside and immediately outside the nightspots had, in fact, captured grainy black and white images of Rimmer standing outside both places on the night she vanished"). Has anyone seen the footage from outside the Conti? Was it publicly available? (Sorry for long term posters - this has possibly been discussed as nauseum in former threads?)

2. Ciara was "...standing outside a computer store before walking along the highway...". I hadn't realised the whole discussion about the possible BE family connection to a computer store was based around this fact- also that she was 'standing outside', not merely walked past (of course, this is MSM reporting so maybe not to be taken as gospel!)

I've also been wondering why there has been extensive discussion on WS about CSK links to Julie Cutler's disappearance, but less so to Kerry Turner... (I realise it's still been discussed but not near as much). Is it because there is less information about KT? (Was the cause of death ever released? Clothed or unclothed? Molested?). I think someone posted a while back that she attended ?Huntingdale PS (maybe Gosnels?). And that if one was driving home from a Perth nightspot to Huntingdale you would go down Shepparton Road (i.e. Past where she was seen getting into a car)... these things make it possible in my mind that the accused would be a strong suspect for her murder...

Sorry for the long post. Have been reading from the sidelines too nervous about posting given some of the recent postings!

Oh- sigh... of course all IMO. Or JMO. Or IMHO... have lost track of what is the proper and correct way to sign off 😝
"McFishintackle said"Bout 91 I was walking in Belmont and was followed by a big bloke, tried crossing the road a few times to avoid him (was only about 15 at the time)...managed to outrun him and my parents called the cops who said it happened all the time...... The big man kept yelling to me 'Do u like it?'.... and he had his ole boy out. I know BRE was in Huntingdale then, but this was Acton Ave...,
That must have been so scary for you at only 15 years old. It seems the police don't do anything about these people unless they actually attack someone. Did you get a description of this man? Given the area it happened in do you think it may have been the accused CSK?
Farce. He first stayed in Sydney in 1993, Qld 1995, Melbourne + Adelaide in early 1996, and landed in WA in March of that year.

He was known as 'Aussie' due to having a raw Australian accent, unusual for a Brit.

Sadly this detail features in the links you provided.


Could you please supply a link to the part you've indicated as a "Farce".

In 1993 when Dixie first came to Australia he would have definitely spoken with an English Accent. It was when he returned to the UK that he was dubbed an Aussie.

Again, please supply the link!
"McFishintackle said"Bout 91 I was walking in Belmont and was followed by a big bloke, tried crossing the road a few times to avoid him (was only about 15 at the time)...managed to outrun him and my parents called the cops who said it happened all the time...... The big man kept yelling to me 'Do u like it?'.... and he had his ole boy out. I know BRE was in Huntingdale then, but this was Acton Ave...,
That must have been so scary for you at only 15 years old. It seems the police don't do anything about these people unless they actually attack someone. Did you get a description of this man? Given the area it happened in do you think it may have been the accused CSK?

I don't remember his face , but more saying the police never really did anything because it was happening all the time to girls in Belmont, Vic Park area. Police either had too many fellows doing the same or just didn't care..

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Hey Xyz, agree about security footage, Im assuming you meant the footage outside CBV. It astounds me that not only did it take 12 years to release Conti footage which came us a surprise to most of us then, to realise they also have footage of her outside CBV that clearly wasnt that much of a secret seeing this article was written in '97. Then theres the Glennon footage never seen. I cant fathom how none of this was shown to the public. They didnt know who was responsible so how could they possibly know what memories may have been jogged if they'd shown it at the time. It beggars belief.
Re: JC, Id suspect because of the MSM reports suggesting WAPOL told her family they may be linked. KT is certainly a definite possibility. As yet, no one with access to DMV records has been able to confirm what car the accused may have driven at the time and the blue gemini in his driveway was reportedly CGe whom he hadnt known then.

Did you manage to check out any of the water tanks? The ones with images posted. If you could please let us know what happened there. Many thanks
Hi there,

its a interesting point, the facial puffiness and whether there's a suggestion of medication induced effects. So Much so I went back and had another look at all available photos. However, his eyes don't have that typical look of someone who is on those meds - he doesn't look spaced out, he doesn't have a staring affect, he looks...engaged...affable even. As scary as that seems. So my gut feeling is that these are not the photographs of someone zonked out on anti psychotic meds - again I'm generalising here. But I don't buy it. It is as one of the investigators said - when they catch him, everyone is going to be surprised because he will seem totally normal (heavily paraphrasing here). This is naturally all conjecture and only my own opinion.


Interesting post. Not everyone who takes anti-psychotic medication does look zonked out. I've had a fair bit to do with people who have suffered mental illness. They don't seem to have the same symptoms. I've noticed a few people spoke in a monotone voice, often speaking without taking a pause.
McFishintackle - that would be so frustrating that the police were so blasé about the guy that chased you. Either not enough police to use on the streets to catch these guys or it wasn't looked on as a big problem. Also scary to think it wasn't just girls or women he was chasing but a teenage boy. I wonder if he was trying to scare you or would he have tried to do anything if he actually caught you. IMO
Farce. He first stayed in Sydney in 1993, Qld 1995, Melbourne + Adelaide in early 1996, and landed in WA in March of that year.

He was known as 'Aussie' due to having a raw Australian accent, unusual for a Brit.

Sadly this detail features in the links you provided.
Umpteen news articles advise Dixie lived in Australia between 18 Jan 1993 and April 1999. The three articles below mention he lived in Perth between 1993 and 1998, and worked as a cook/chef in bars and restaurants in Perth and the South west.

Can anyone shed any light on the matter please, Applepie80 had advised, quote, “He first stayed in Sydney in 1993, Qld 1995, Melbourne + Adelaide in early 1996, and landed in WA in March of that year”.

Did you manage to check out any of the water tanks? The ones with images posted. If you could please let us know what happened there. Many thanks


Posts are purely my own opinion unless otherwise stated with source links. All my original text and images remain exclusively my personal copyright.
Umpteen news articles advise Dixie lived in Australia between 18 Jan 1993 and April 1999. The three articles below mention he lived in Perth between 1993 and 1998, and worked as a cook/chef in bars and restaurants in Perth and the South west.

Can anyone shed any light on the matter please, Applepie80 had advised, quote, “He first stayed in Sydney in 1993, Qld 1995, Melbourne + Adelaide in early 1996, and landed in WA in March of that year”.

Not exactly but..

Police sources are sure he struck several times in Australia, as he travelled the length of the country in the 1990s. They are convinced Miss Bowman is not the first person he killed and believe if there is another victim, it would have been in Australia.

Dixie was in WA between mid-to-late March in 1996 and April 1999, when he was deported as an illegal immigrant.

British police believe Dixie may have killed other women in sex attacks while he lived and travelled around Australia between 1993 and 1999, working as a cook in bars and restaurants.
Where it came from originally I have no idea..

Arriving in Manly, Sydney in January 1993 after following his de-facto and two sons to the land down-under, he moved to Queensland in 1995 and kept on the move living for periods in Melbourne and Adelaide before heading west. He is known to have been in Perth in March 1996 and based himself in the west until his deportation in April, 1999.
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