Australia Claremont Serial Killer, 1996 - 1997, Perth, Western Australia - #17

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Julie's car is in the water quite a bit further from the groyne than I'd initially thought. Thanks Meticulously, this picture is interesting. There's a few guys on the beach in suits, probably detectives so they knew it was Julie's car before it came in, that she wasn't in it but suspected foul play.

If an offender wanted to get rid of a car without attracting attention, I'm not sure he'd drive it headlights on along an elevated position for up to 95 metres which is the length of the groyne. Then hope the plan was going to work in that he could successfully bail out of the car before it crashed over a heap of rocks and didn't jag stuck on the side for everybody to see. Or alternatively, stand there like a beacon pushing it over the groyne and hope it didn't get stuck on the side.

So I'm wondering if the suggestion that the car went over the groyne was misinformation, we know the police do it to distinguish genuine information that comes in from false and if they actually know that BLF drove into the surf from the beach.


All good points!

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Regarding the entry into properties….I’m not sure if the external locked boxes were available then.

On 02/05/2017 username Brevette posted information which provided some good insight into possibilities of getting into properties. The information below is only my thoughts and opinion.

1.) depending on the accused's parents 'type' of involvement in real estate & development properties during the time of the claremont disappearances, BRE may also have had access to the keys of homes belonging to others ... homes which were perhaps known to be sitting vacant whilst on the market (eg.owners overseas, deceased estate), or perhaps properties up for rental, or under renovation for same, or earmarked for demolition.

2.)Snipped here…

3.) as BRE was said to be generously helpful with his skills, might he have perhaps been "moonlighting his telstra expertise" at a family level, on behalf of his parents, by installing lines & cabling to their developmental properties? perhaps he also assisted with some additional labour eg. painting the interiors, and general build clean-ups for the folks?
picture a new housing development - at lock-up stage - plumbed bathrooms, running water, no floor coverings, drop sheets(?) ... as yet unoccupied. if this were the case, he would had been a familiar face to the occupants of neighbouring properties, so i doubt any locals would have thought much if he was seen rocking up at all hours, had he been one to regularly check up on progress ... a legitimate reason to be on site, graciously helping out with the finishing touches on weekends and through the night following completion of his day job (?)
... and with his folks to vouch - had anyone asked -
"oh, our boy ... a top young bloke ... works day & night ... give you the shirt off his back"


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Another sleuth mentioned the broken glass from the Fiat's windows and windscreen. Sorry I can't recall who raised this point previously, but good point!!

Now did the Fiat window glass shatter into thousands of pieces (safety glass type)?
Or did the glass break into big, pointy, sharp shards?

Does MSM state whether they searched underwater the immediate ocean area around discovery site ?
Not just for evidence but to check for broken glass which may or may not cause injury to beach goers and swimmers if left behind.

Posts are purely my own opinion unless otherwise stated with source links. All my original text and images remain exclusively my personal copyright.
The image of the "bobbies", older lady swimmers is not the image with the tow truck, although was probably taken that week.


Are you suggesting by your use of bold that I thought the photos of the ladies on the beach and Met's photo of the people and tow truck on the beach are the SAME photo????

Why would you say this?
Please explain

Edit: original IC post had the word "not" in bold

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Another reason why I think it might have later been peddled as misinformation is that a police officer was interviewed (iirc it was casual and off the cuff) and recall he said there was no evidence of her car hitting the rocks as in scrape marks of paint chips and no evidence of her car being on the groyne. I assume that to mean skid or tyre marks, the kind you might see hitting the brakes hard or on a sudden turn.

Thats a really good point pandit ,
Surely , smart enough locals would have seen if there were tyre tracks on the beach or not ?
Some persons that watched the beach daily on a walk , run , water activity etc .
Someone with an eagle eye who looked for tracks asap .
Surely some people figured it out !

Good theory that re misinformation
Another reason why I think it might have later been peddled as misinformation is that a police officer was interviewed (iirc it was casual and off the cuff) and recall he said there was no evidence of her car hitting the rocks as in scrape marks of paint chips and no evidence of her car being on the groyne. I assume that to mean skid or tyre marks, the kind you might see hitting the brakes hard or on a sudden turn.

Yes there'd be old car paint all over rocks! Fiat paint

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I'll look in the Post Newspaper too.

Happy hunting!

Posts are purely my own opinion unless otherwise stated with source links. All my original text and images remain exclusively my personal copyright.
The image of the "bobbies", older lady swimmers is not the image with the tow truck, although was probably taken that week.

It's been pointed out before that the Cott SLSA club rooms is the building on the top left of image. There is a long winding path that leads from the club rooms down the hill to access the beach near the out of the image to the far left. There were no tracks leading from the clubrooms to groyne.

The ladies did not use the club, they weren't members and would either go home in their cars in car park with towels or dressing gowns or get dressed in public change rooms where the boat shed is.
"Bobbies" and the other group of swimmers reported in the article on 25th June 1988 in the SMH (pp 206, 207) swam or bobbed around mid beach.

Others swam to the groyne and back around pylon with googles, while others surfed or paddled skis launched mid beach etc.


Tows for police are done by outside professional contractors, although divers are most probably water police. Tide was coming in all night, high tide at 10.00 am. You can see wet sand and tide going out again, so likely to be around midday or afternoon. I don't know of any tow vechcles that are not 4WD. This one has a boom winch on it and probably cable to winch the Fiat in with.

Innerchild - why and how do you know so much about the Bobbies?
Local knowledge?
Or did the SMH article mention all these unique details about where the Bobbies swam and how they got home etc?

Or some other MSM source?

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There were no reports that said the keys were in the ignition. However, the newspaper reports repeated that the ignition and the lights were turned on. The key may have already been in the boot or removed to check the boot before the Fiat was fully retrieved and righted.
So... funny thing.... some older cars you could take the key out of the ignition with the engine running. It would drive but the steering would lock straight so you couldn't turn.
I thought I'd read everything posted.

You need your spectacles CV, it's fairly small writing. I think PD was referring to the article I'd just posted Bizarre Case that has detectives stumped The West Australian July 9th 1988

snipped ...Two “promising” reports checked by detectives came to nothing. One was that a beach front resident at Cottesloe had heard a scream on the Monday morning Miss Cutler left the Parmelia function. That turned out to have been a brawl involving young people...
Another reason why I think it might have later been peddled as misinformation is that a police officer was interviewed (iirc it was casual and off the cuff) and recall he said there was no evidence of her car hitting the rocks as in scrape marks of paint chips and no evidence of her car being on the groyne. I assume that to mean skid or tyre marks, the kind you might see hitting the brakes hard or on a sudden turn.

Interesting interpretation Pandit. I agree especially as one of the earlier reports said there were sand drifts over the access road to the groyne that a vehicle wouldn't be able to negotiate. I wonder if they went back to driving off the groyne story to try explain the damage to the car body from roof down. I don't think it could have entered the ocean infront of the boat shed as the reports also said there was a one metre drop.
So... funny thing.... some older cars you could take the key out of the ignition with the engine running. It would drive but the steering would lock straight so you couldn't turn.

I was thinking the same but forgot to post about it!
Good point Bunnie

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Interesting interpretation Pandit. I agree especially as one of the earlier reports said there were sand drifts over the access road to the groyne that a vehicle wouldn't be able to negotiate. I wonder if they went back to driving off the groyne story to try explain the damage to the car body from roof down. I don't think it could have entered the ocean infront of the boat shed as the reports also said there was a one metre drop.

Flying Cliff Diving Fiat! Lol

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Innerchild - why and how do you know so much about the Bobbies?
Local knowledge?
Or did the SMH article mention all these unique details about where the Bobbies swam and how they got home etc?

Or some other MSM source?

Posts are purely my own opinion unless otherwise stated with source links. All my original text and images remain exclusively my personal copyright.

Local knowledge and SMH article Spooks. Can't remember all that was in article posted originally by PD. They talked about the "bobbies" and "PG's", we called them the coloured hat brigade as they all wore the thick coloured bathing caps, but they did bob around. As I posted before I lived just up Forrest St, was a Cott clubbie and swam every day as well summer and winter.
Local knowledge and SMH article Spooks. Can't remember all that was in article posted originally by PD. They talked about the "bobbies" and "PG's", we called them the coloured hat brigade as they all wore the thick coloured bathing caps, but they did bob around. As I posted before I lived just up Forrest St, was a Cott clubbie and swam every day as well summer and winter.

Ok thanks
Much appreciated

Posts are purely my own opinion unless otherwise stated with source links. All my original text and images remain exclusively my personal copyright.
Innerchild - why and how do you know so much about the Bobbies?
Local knowledge?
Or did the SMH article mention all these unique details about where the Bobbies swam and how they got home etc?

Or some other MSM source?

Posts are purely my own opinion unless otherwise stated with source links. All my original text and images remain exclusively my personal copyright.

Local knowledge and SMH article Spooks. Can't remember all that was in article posted originally by PD. They talked about the "bobbies" and "PG's", we called them the coloured hat brigade as they all wore the thick coloured bathing caps, but they did bob around. As I posted before I lived just up Forrest St, was a Cott clubbie and swam every day as well summer and winter.

You posted an image of the "bobbies" and said I had said the tow truck was in that image . No, other image labelled tow truck.
Local knowledge and SMH article Spooks. Can't remember all that was in article posted originally by PD. They talked about the "bobbies" and "PG's", we called them the coloured hat brigade as they all wore the thick coloured bathing caps, but they did bob around. As I posted before I lived just up Forrest St, was a Cott clubbie and swam every day as well summer and winter.

Please don't take this the wrong way - but if you swam everyday at Cott Beach, why didn't you spot the submerged FIAT?

You've regularly posted that regular swimmers and beach goers should've spotted the submerged Fiat in the water, especially if the Fiat was in the water for 3 days.

Do you know who first found the Fiat?
Do you know who reported the Fiat to cops?

Plus I'm interested to know how much, and how often did the clubbies discuss the Fiat in the ocean?
Back then, what were some of the theories of how the Fiat landed in the ocean?
It must've been a HUGE talking point for ages!!!

Can you please describe the reactions of local clubbies to the discovery of the Fiat in your watery backyard?
What was it like back then?
Did WAPOL interview many clubbies or Bobbies?

Any information would be great [emoji106]

Posts are purely my own opinion unless otherwise stated with source links. All my original text and images remain exclusively my personal copyright.
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