Australia Claremont Serial Killer, 1996-1997, Perth, Western Australia - #7 *ARREST*

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Follow these links. There's a lot of detail about Ciara Glenon here. I have read another report in an Irish newspaper that claimed that she was stabbed a number of times and also mutilated. And there is another report stating that parts of the victims found, had pieces missing from them and may have been eaten. The cops have stated neither of the girls was mutilated in any way.

Do you have a link where the cops stated that?
Benjones84 commented.

During the years you followed the case you you might have seen barts theory supporting this .you may have also seen the repeated halal theme included in dr or somebody's early posts "07-"16,; recently on #tigermoth clip . The comment posted is a recent one from poster benjones84 with the quote from barts thread #6.
There are some posters repeatedly playing on the halal theme again & the reason they do it is because it might be true imo .
I know of a person who ( has told me briefly ) that he saw photographs of CG deceased, and he supported this story about body parts cut off.
It would change the publics perception of the killer/s drastically if it is true , it would make the perp a completely different offender of the worst kind.
twenty years passing might allow more info to be revealed or be freely discussed hopefully . Not that I want to talk about body mutilation.

A serial killer that would mutilate, remove body parts or cannibalize a victim is a special breed of serial killer, an evil breed, I personally do not take news paper reports as fact (unless confirmed by police of course), I do take them as leads to work off of though. I would say it is highly likely some of these girls were at least stabbed and/or throat cut.... possible (but i'd like more evidence) that some form of mutilation took place, and unless I have proof I wouldn't even bother worrying about any rumour of cannibalism at this point. We had a decapitated body and a torso turn up in a few cases so at the very least if CSK was not responsible then there is another serial killer. Torso killers are rated some of the worst types of serial killer, absolutely evil and sadistic. If these Claremont girls suffered any severe mutilation there could be a link, but like i said if not, then that was another killer entirely.
Wild guess, but I'm wondering if the distances the bodies were placed are references to Bible verses.

44:5 km (CG)
33 km (JR)
46:10km? (Psalm 46:10) "Be still, and know that I am God"

A serial killer that would mutilate, remove body parts or cannibalize a victim is a special breed of serial killer, an evil breed, I personally do not take news paper reports as fact (unless confirmed by police of course), I do take them as leads to work off of though. I would say it is highly likely some of these girls were at least stabbed and/or throat cut.... possible (but i'd like more evidence) that some form of mutilation took place, and unless I have proof I wouldn't even bother worrying about any rumour of cannibalism at this point. We had a decapitated body and a torso turn up in a few cases so at the very least if CSK was not responsible then there is another serial killer. Torso killers are rated some of the worst types of serial killer, absolutely evil and sadistic. If these Claremont girls suffered any severe mutilation there could be a link, but like i said if not, then that was another killer entirely.

I'm of the same opinion with newspapers. End of the day that are trying to make money so how much of it is true and how much is to pull in extra dollars.

However one thing i do recall reading is that karra girl was "left for dead" would be interesting to know her injuries.
Obviously we don't know what happened to SS but going from karra rape to potential mutilation does seem like a drastic step up.

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Let&#8217;s take an honest look at this case, no coordinates, no star signs, and no mindless supernatural/cryptic dribble.

Is there DNA?
Possibly yes, more than like yes, however, its MORE THAN LIKELY &#8216;PARTIAL&#8217; DNA, not a full DNA profile, and this profile could be so small in sample that it may only link a family tree to the crime and may not specifically rule any one person in.
Now if this is a full profile then the perp would more than likely have been arrested if he was known as a suspect.
If there is no DNA profile then there is absolute NO REASON for Dr. Jonathan Whitaker to have made numerous trips to work on the Claremont Serial Killer Case, now if you do not know who this specialist DNA expert is then I suggest you read up on him because his he the Godfather or LCN techniques to acquire DNA from practicals so small that they are basically insignificant and worthless (Until now), he has developed Techniques that can bring about DNA from the most unlikely samples and has more than likely built a partial profile for the Claremont Serial Killer case based on the &#8216;Stranger&#8217; DNA.

Who are the suspects?
Well the main one is Lance Williams for many reasons, there are other SUSPECTS and then there are POI&#8217;s, who is who and which is which is debatable, however the most recently investigated suspects/POI&#8217;s were both Peter Weygers and Steven Ross in 2004 when the police performed a raid, and also at the same time they were investigating Lance Williams who was the main suspect/POI in the case at the time, whether this changed throughout the years like a pendulum between Lance Williams and the suspected team of both Peter Weygers and Steven Ross. Whatever the evidence was against both Peter Weygers and Steven Ross it was enough to warrant a full scale search and mass media attention and was a tactic employed by Carl O&#8217;Calloghan as he believed there was potential evidence of both Weygers and Ross&#8217;s involvement. The Police have NEVER Denied these suspects/POI&#8217;s are no longer Suspects/POI&#8217;s so we can only go off the media which based there articles of a single source which was THE POST NEWSPAPERS for the information about certain suspects and POI&#8217;s being ruled out, later confirmed to be BECAUSE OF DNA (Partial DNA, is this DNA enough to rule suspects in and out, and if so the Police have stayed silent on these suspects/POI&#8217;s having been ruled out, or any, except for Mark Dixie (Who is now in jail in the UK for rape and murder after being deported from Australia for Sex crimes). The Police even went as far as to issue a statement that flat out denied that Lance Williams was no longer a suspect proving they still have him at the very least either under investigation, or want it to be known he is still there main suspect.

The following are the main suspects/ POI&#8217;s and known wild cards due to being involved in other rapes/murders:
· Lance Williams
· Peter Weygers and Steven Ross
· Mark Dixie
· Paul Clare
· Martial Arts Practitioner
· Known Sexual Pervert

Wildcards who may be involved because they are suspected of doing other murderous crimes are:
· Donald Victor Morey (Perth Serial Killer)
· Francis John Wark (WA/QLD Serial Rapist/ possible serial killer)
· Estelle Blackburns Boyfriend (ML)

Unkown Suspects or POI&#8217;s are:
· The Police Officer son offering lifts
· Mystery Man (2008 docco)
· Rowe Park Serial Masturbator
· The Taxi Driver
· Telecom (Telstra) worker
· Police officer
· Commercial Van operator (Tradesman or specialist)
· The Junior Police Officer who pleaded his innocence to the media (Could be mistaken for Junior Public Servant)
· Chilean Gang (Brothers/Cousins?)
All the above have been reported under some psydonomn in various articles etc about the CSK case.
It was reported in January 22[SUP]nd[/SUP] 2014 and reported by WATODAY that the police publicaly denied that they were close to an arrest in the Claremont Serial Killer Case, ending rumours they may be about to arrest someone, there was also a newspaper article suggesting FAMILIAL DNA was going to lead to an arrest in the Claremont Serial Killer case, again this never eventuated into an arrest, the familial DNA comments were made prior to the police publically denying the arrest in January 22[SUP]nd[/SUP] 2014.

Who are the known victims?
There are only 3 CONFIRMED victims by Police, there is 2 unconfirmed victims and out of the two only one is likely, however the other could also be a victim of the CSK.
The KNOWN Victims are:
· Sarah Spiers (Missing assumed dead)
· Jane Rimmer (Murdered)
· Ciara Glennon (Murdered)

The other unconfirmed victims are (Victims which the Police have NOT YET CONFIRMED) but it has been suggested and assumed by various officers during the case are:

· Karrakatta Rape Victim (Raped/ survived)- Apparently confirmed via DNA and a &#8216;Forensic Link&#8217; which confirmed both Ciara Glennon and this victim were abducted by the SAME man. This is only confirmed by 1 source which is THE POST NEWSPAPERS, however multiple newspapers reported the source, Police did not deny this in a public statement, and it was long assumed she was a victim before the Forensic link anyway. Note: It is highly likely the Police DO HAVE DNA due to the LCN expert having travelled to WA numerous times to work on the case with local detectives.

· Julie Cutler (Missing assumed dead/ Car found in Cottosloe Surf)- Known to Lance Williams and went to the same class at University. Death could have been the first victim of the CSK, Julie Cutlers father commented that the Police came and visited him to discuss the likelihood of Julie being the first victim.
That makes 3 confirmed and 5 possible victims. 2 have not OFFICALLY been confirmed yet by WA POLICE.

Are these all the victims? It is highly like these are not ALL the victims and there were a substantial number of sex attacks in the area, and attempted rapes that went unreported for years, that happened in and around Claremont which is meant to be a rich affluent area. Some of these random attack locations were:
· Golf Course Attack
· Subway attack (two victims&#8217; unsure if separate nights)
· Stop Sign attack (Possibly the subway attack?)
· The hungry jack&#8217;s attack which the victim has their head smashed multiple times
· Princess road attack
· Cottosloe attempted abduction/Lakeway Drive in attack
And a few more, none of these attacks have had a known POI/ suspect presented to the public and all remain unsolved. These could all, or some may be linked to the CSK suspect.

There was also a guy caught masturbating near the Karrakatta abduction spot just metres from where the victims license was found, he was caught by numerous motorists and it is unknown whether he is the &#8216;Known Sexual Pervert&#8217;, however given the timing and spot this masturbator chose then it is possible he may be involved.

The abduction Method:
This is heavily debated but was seems highly likely is that atleast SOME of the victims were blitz attacked, rather than abducted via Taxi/ Police Car etc. This is now because they have made the forensic link (according to some sources) which now mean they can identify the possible abduction method from the Karrakatta victim. They also exhausted the Taxi investigation and I am pretty certain it concluded around the time of the Peter Weygers/ Steven Ross search that WA Police undertook.

Given that there were possible sightings of Ciara Glennon further down the road it is likely the person seen in a &#8216;Light Coloured&#8217; Commodore drove off and abducted the victim Ciara further down the road. There are UNOFFICIAL sightings of her further down Stirling Hwy and no evidence she was taken there and then, the bus stop witnesses only described looking back and seeing both Ciara and the car gone, not seeing her get into the vehicle, unofficial reports suggest she kept walking.

Sarah Spiers may have been blitzed from a vehicle, or possibly persuaded to enter a vehicle, it is also possible the perpetrator waited in a dark area and abducted her as Sarah wandered around the intersection deciding what the best direction was to stand and wait for the Taxi she had ordered.

Don Spiers APPARENTLY got a call from a man claiming he knew that Sarah was dumped in a location approx. 5600ha, whether this is a hoax or genuine it is unconfirmed. No one has had an opportunity to search the area because this has never been made public. Only a few areas meet this criteria and that is Westonia and an area north of Wanneroo up Indian Ocean Drive.

Jane could also have possibly been blitz attacked. She walked off after meeting a Mystery Man, you cannot see whether she attempted to enter a vehicle from any footage, but she disappears after meeting someone and that&#8217;s the last ever sighting of her, this is captured on CCTV and released in 2008. If she kept walking down the road she may have been a victim of someone lying in wait (Similar to the Karrakatta assault).

If a blitz attack method was used then it is likely the CSK used physical violence/force eg. A solid punch to an unsuspecting victim, to demobilise them and abduct them by taking them to a nearby vehicle in a secluded spot. Or he strangled them until they passed out and then either bound them or threw them into the car. Fibres were found to link a car known as a VS Series 1 Commodore (More than likely &#8216;White&#8217;), now it is not 100% known if the CSK used the commodore to abduct the victim, but if he purchased plastic to wrap the victim and laid this in the back seat or boot of a vehicle then the fibres could have been transferred from the plastic when wrapping the victim and transferred that way, he may have used a different vehicle to dump the bodies from the abduction vehicle and also different vehicles again for purchasing the supplies to perform the attacks.
The other vehicle identified is a COMMERCIAL VAN or PANEL VAN, or as THE POST NEWSPAPER originally reported the Karakatta victim witnessed a Panel Van parked in rowe park just moments prior to being abducted. So it is likely the perpetrator has changed vehicles over time or has multiples vehicles or can access a range of vehicles through relatives and friends.

Rapist or Killer?
It is highly likely that the CSK is a serial rapist first and foremost and has advanced to murder simply to hide his identity from the victims. The Karrakatta victim was reported by a large section of the media as having been &#8216;Left for Dead&#8217; so the CSK may have intended to kill her and failed and changed his tactics to full scale murder. Whether he continued to rape all his victims is unknown, but some media has hinted at the suggestion the victims were all &#8216;sexually assaulted&#8217;

How did he kill the victims?
There is no real known theory but it is likely that he firstly strangled his rape victim violently to the point he considered them either dead, or about to die, and then when at the dump site he cut their throats to ensure they did not survive to act as a living witness to the rape. Given how long the victims were left in the elements and also near the waterways it is highly likely little blood would have been left at the scene, especially with the insect activity that would have been attracted to the area.
Were their throats definitely cut? Well it is likely they were, there is evidence suggested in Debbie Marshalls book about insect activity around the neck, however there is also a rumour that some people have seen evidence or know of evidence that the throats were definitely cut. If they were cut then it&#8217;s unlikely they were cut away from the dump location, and if so then it would likely mean he took the victims to a private location and was able to take time ensuring there was no blood during the transportation (Plastic would be likely and whether this plastic could have transferred the fibres is another possibility). The Police did mention early in the crime they suspected the CSK would have had an obsession with cleaning and detailing his vehicle, I assume they are implying a messy transport, or just a calculated killer taking precautions, either way they made a large deal about detailing and cleaning the vehicle that lead to nothing.

The Hidden Camera- There was a top secret camera set up after the first 2 victims were taken that reportedly never got investigated properly due to the tunnel vision early in the case focussing on a couple of POI&#8217;s, this was reported and outright denied by the WA police, which means its either true and they don&#8217;t want the CSK to know they have new evidence and they are combing throw vehicle databases trying to track down every possible person who had access to certain vehicles seen in the vision, or there was no basis to the report. However, note, that THE WEST AUSTRALIAN outright refused to remove this article and it is still accessible today, so they must have a pretty good source. This piece of evidence may have the killer&#8217;s car in it, even if it&#8217;s not a Panel Van/ Commercial Can, or a &#8216;white&#8217; VS Series 1 Commodore, he may have used different vehicles for each and every attack, or even used a fleet vehicle (Which some POI&#8217;s are known to have access to).

Nothing on Coordinates and Star signs but I hope this makes it a bit clearer for any CSK Sleuths to get a handle on about 20 years of the case. There is a load more information but this is just from the top of my head, with much research you can dig a lot deeper into the facts/ evidence/rumours and get more information. If any mods want to take any information and use it in the first post of each new CSK thread then feel free because all this information is genuine and all speculation has some basis which I can prove through media articles etc.
Elastic, can you tell us any more about the "Chilean gang"? I've never heard of them or their possible connection before.
Benjones84 commented.

During the years you followed the case you you might have seen barts theory supporting this .you may have also seen the repeated halal theme included in dr or somebody's early posts "07-"16,; recently on #tigermoth clip . The comment posted is a recent one from poster benjones84 with the quote from barts thread #6.
There are some posters repeatedly playing on the halal theme again & the reason they do it is because it might be true imo .
I know of a person who ( has told me briefly ) that he saw photographs of CG deceased, and he supported this story about body parts cut off.
It would change the publics perception of the killer/s drastically if it is true , it would make the perp a completely different offender of the worst kind.
twenty years passing might allow more info to be revealed or be freely discussed hopefully . Not that I want to talk about body mutilation.


Wasn't the person who found GC quoted saying "whoever did that was one sick ****"

Could add depth to the notes above.

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We can cross Victor Morey off the list for the CSK. He was in jail for the whole time of the killings.
Judoman is not the same person as Martial Art Practitioner.

Stockly Davis is Judoman and appeared in the CIA documentary as a "friend" of JR. I wonder if they put him in there for a reason, to see if other women identify him. His contribution was bizarre to say the least.
Yes agreed Sutton they must have identified something more and would prob keep on ld, they also probably wouldn't want to advertise that 20 are linked without capture!

Note this one: is this what is referenced in the new video on YouTube?

7/8/1986 Barbara Western ex Vic Park, located 19/3/1991 (cemetery record) Spectacles (south of Perth). Headless torso in roadside ditch

This reference to spectacles isn't supported by the other msn news that say the location is scarp rd . And a poster on ws wrote canning dam also.

The Suburbs ;
Keysbrook , serpentine, whittaker, & marrinup have a scarp rd listed on Google map directory . So maybe it wasn't at spectacles ?

photo editor
Elastic, great write up mate. Looking for some thing like this to use as a reference.

I agree need to stay away from the co-ords unless there is a source or needed reference to them. And especially the Horroscope..
We're calling on Liam Bartlett and Bret Christian to do some more digging.

There are so many more clues that the cops won't release - share some!

Liam might even be able to get his buddies at Channel 9 to run a new doco for us.

Use your contacts boys and help us!

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Wasn't the person who found GC quoted saying "whoever did that was one sick ****"

Could add depth to the notes above.

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Heres an article in relation to the guy that found the deceased cg ,
Probably not the comment 88mp brang up.
Source, from an old ws thread #2
posted by #papertrail
Could be finally over. 50 years old.... if he's been living in Perth this whole time time he might have even lurked on this very thread . I hope it's him. For the sake of the Claremont girls, the families and even my own curiosity I hope they've finally caught this nutcase. Fingers crossed
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