Australia Australia - Is there a serial killer active in Melbourne's South East?

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Jun 13, 2012
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It seems to have eluded the media so far, but there has been an alarming spate of single white females killed in or near their own homes in the South East of Melbourne.

Almost all lived alone, and most were attacked in their homes with no sign of forced entry. No POI's or witnesses, and small items taken.

One death may have been staged as a suicide.

Most chillingly, ALL are blonde.

Kylie Blackwood murdered 1 August 2013 at Pakenham
Madison Murphy West murdered 23 October 2013 also at Pakenham
Shey Webber nearly beaten to death 6 Nov 13 in Warrenwood
Jeanette Moss murdered 15 January 2014 in Middle Park
Rani Featherstone murdered 1 April 2014 at Doveton.

Here's a map. Too many, too close.

I've just been doing some research and Maddison Murphy-West almost HAS to be domestic violence as her nasty partner was home at the time and hers is the staged suicide.

It would be deeply chilling if she was part of this series.

It's awful anyway, but if someone brazenly murdered her with her partner right on the property, that's a whole new level of scary.
Do you have any links for these murders?

I'm in South East Melbourne, a couple of suburbs down from Pakenham and find it quite disturbing that there have been no further developments on the kylie Blackwood case. Going to have a look at the other cases now too.
I think the only one that sounds similar to Kylies case is Sheys. Doveton, where Rani was killed is a very, very rough area and my assumption is that her death would be drug related ect, I don't think serial killer there. I think Maddison is domestic violence. Kylies death definitely has me a bit more concerned about being safe in my own home though, and crosses my mind every time theres a knock at the door or I leave the doors unlocked during the day. Hopefully not a SK though. The tynong nth SK was never caught though and thats only about 15 mins further on from Pakenham. Just a random thought.
Wheres Bannockburn in relation to Melbourne?

Does Missing Lorrin Whitehead fit the MO of the others?

It's my belief she fits 3 other Missing Murdered Iona Womens College cases from WA...starting 1988 with Julie Cutler, 1996 Ciara Glennon, & Sarah Spiers, & now 2013 Lorrin Whitehead.

All 4 Iona girls are from a 2 year spread of classmates.

I believe they are all victims of a unsolved serial killer, known as the Claremont Serial Killer in Perth WA.

I could be wrong - this wouldn't be the first time.
Wheres Bannockburn in relation to Melbourne?

Does Missing Lorrin Whitehead fit the MO of the others?

It's my belief she fits 3 other Missing Murdered Iona Womens College cases from WA...starting 1988 with Julie Cutler, 1996 Ciara Glennon, & Sarah Spiers, & now 2013 Lorrin Whitehead.

All 4 Iona girls are from a 2 year spread of classmates.

I believe they are all victims of a unsolved serial killer, known as the Claremont Serial Killer in Perth WA.

I could be wrong - this wouldn't be the first time.

The Claremont SK has been identified and has been monitored constantly for years now.

He can't go anywhere, even leave his house, without WA police following him.

So - it's not likely to be the same guy IMO.

Also, totally different MO. Claremont took the girls somewhere - these ladies have almost all been murdered in their homes.

(Bannockburn is miles away, near Geelong - South Western Victoria.)
Plod admitted the targeted the wrong guy & quit monitoring him at year 10 for CSK.

But Lorrin Whitehead was apparently attacked in her own home...and 2 small items taken (Mobile Ph and Tablet).

But not the right location - that much we do agree on.
Tracy Connelly, St Kilda - another victim bludgeoned to her upper torso/head, in her van which was also her home.

Whether any these crimes are connected or not, the sheer number of women attacked in their homes here is beyond terrifying. Violence to women in general is on the rise here, it seems, every year that passes. I remember when I first moved to Melbourne, us girls would walk home alone through the city at 3am, never had a moment of fear, never hassled.. I think the worst harassment I ever got was from a railway cop when they first happened and all the wannabe cop rejects swarmed in there, they were a terrible crowd..

Now, I am scared for my daughter to walk to the corner shop on her own after dark. I lock all doors and windows, too - I've never done that in my life and I've lived in some rough neighbourhoods.

Makes me ill to see cases like Rani's and Tracey's go quiet, while middle class and up victims get so much press. Here's hoping their families see justice done, and soon.
There was another lady who had just moved into a house in Noble Park.

I think it was about 6.00am and neighbours heard screaming. She had been stabbed on the chest. Then not another word except the chatting at the shoppingcentre. Saying she owed money. I'm sure the cops would have figuredthat o e out and arrested someone by now, but no, all quiet. JMOO
There was another lady who had just moved into a house in Noble Park.

I think it was about 6.00am and neighbours heard screaming. She had been stabbed on the chest. Then not another word except the chatting at the shoppingcentre. Saying she owed money. I'm sure the cops would have figuredthat o e out and arrested someone by now, but no, all quiet. JMOO

Ugh really?

Do you have her name?

We all know violence against women is escalating, but this pattern in SE Melbourne is either a random cluster, or related.

The first thing to look at is Victimology.

With the exception of Tracey Connelly and perhaps Kylie, the other victims should have been (statistically speaking) as safe as houses.

Attacks within the home are overwhelmingly domestic.

These attacks are not.

Victimology says there is something not right, to me anyway.
Living In pakenham here.

Thinking the murders here ain't related (still not good mind)

2. Doveton is a rough area as is noble park

3. It seems like we have a problem in these parts of Melbourne though with drug activity a massive factor in altering behaviour and rational thinking. The thing with rani featherston went quiet real quick it's not good there and silly rumour . Never letting my partner walk alone ever. She is English n seems to be obvilious to the dangers of doing so.

4. Remember all the student deaths in Brisbane ? That looked like serial killing there to me but wasn't. Sadly women seem to not be safe at the moment and it's a damn scary world
I'm not entirely sure about the possibility of a serial killer, however, there was an article in the papers (forget which one, think it was the Herald Sun which makes it a bit questionable,) about a string of cat murders/mutilations in the south-eastern suburbs. For the last six months or so usually I have been hearing cat's cries in the early hours of the morning (usually between 3:00am-6:00am) followed by loud bangs or noises and then silence.

Given that serial killers often "practice" for lack of a better term, with animals first, and reading this forum, makes me think that a serial killer is a possibility, even if it is remote.
That area is notorious for pet disappearances. Before I got the heck out of there several years ago now, I had my two very elderly cats nabbed from the spot they liked to sit in my yard, it was devastating. No way did they wander, they were old and only ventured out for the sun, never left my yard in years. And I went to check on them - gone. I was gutted.. But more than that, it made me really wonder about some of the younger pychopaths in the area.

And there's *plenty* of those, trust me. I thought about what life would be like in the area once some of the truly disturbed kids my child went to school with grew up - and I packed us up, and I skedaddled.

The things I saw and heard about, going on in homes over there.. it'd make your blood curdle. CPS is overburdened, half their social workers are inept, badly educated and/or reformed drug addicts who I'm pretty sure still choof a bit before they go out to not do much of a job. The whole area is infested with generations of people who grew up with violence, alcoholism, abuse and drugs, and if you think kids in general have more issues now than in former years, multiply that by a thousand in the housing project areas.

I dread to think what it'll be like in five, ten years when those little boys and girls with dead, cold eyes grow big enough to vent on other people. Some of them would be 14-15 now...

Add ice to the equation - and it's in *massive* use in the SE burbs among youth and not a few adults with kids as well..

If there's not a serial killer out there right now --- my bet is, there will be. Just give it time.
I'm extremely skeptical about a link between any of these cases, but I'm still going to add this one to the list. Traci O'Sullivan was murdered in her home in Frankston North last week. Police will only say Traci was assaulted but there were unconfirmed reports she was stabbed. There has been very little media attention so I'm inclined to think police don't need the publics help. But since it has similarities with some other recent cases, here it is.

The bit about unconfirmed reports of stabbing is gone from the article now but still appears in the search results if you google "Traci O'Sullivan stabbed".

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