GUILTY Australia - Jill Meagher, 29, Melbourne, 22 Sep 2012 #1

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Gut feeling says its the same guy and same ploy, as soon as I saw the hair I got chills.

Agree, description, clothing, MO. Article doesn't say his height? Blue hoodie may be fairly tall, Jill is said to be 165cm, about 5.4-5.5 and is wearing platform stilettos. Blue hoodie is at least the same height as her or taller, approx 6' +.
Congratulations on your upcoming graduation!

And... I expect LE has chosen just these snippets after much deliberation, and with goals that are unbeknownst to the public (and WS, of course! :smile: )

I can't agree - LE would not set this person up like that. I don't know why but the gut is kicking in that this isn't the guy - my head says different (we'll see if my gut or head is better lol)

Psych degree too :) Seems I am in good company.
Gut feeling says its the same guy and same ploy, as soon as I saw the hair I got chills.

Got the chills too looking at his hair and face - average build too. Mr bluehoodie took about 54 seconds to walk north away from the bridal shop, turn around and then walk back. Would that timing fit with reaching the Hope Street turnoff from the shop? Could the screams in the turkish restaurant have come from the rear carpark in Little Breese Street off Hope Street (kitchen rear door open?) Looking at the buildings down Hope Street it looks like there are many flats/dwellings on top of commercial premises. Hope they have doorknocked every single one of them.

If it was the same guy it may explain why she looks back down Sydney Road before walking on,having fallen for the stalking line.
I just watched the video, and the guy in the blue hoodie walks past going north and there is no one else around, the second time he goes past, someone in orange is walking in the other direction and blue hoodie looks at him, then there is a guy with what looks like a black jacket on that walks past, and at first I thought he was looking at the dresses in the window, but when I watched it for the second time, it looks like he is actually looking back down the street at something, and shortly after you can see blue hoodie guy with his back to the window, I think the guy in black saw blue hoodie guy harrassing Jill.
Having looked at footage YET again you can see something black in his right hand in one of the last frames of him, could be a phone or large car key, more likely the size of a phone. He is tall. The hair is creepy.
Thanks for posting those grabs, Makara. His face looks kind of gaunt - high distinctive cheekbones too. Someone I'm sure will recognise him - depends on if they come forward. Hopefully if he is not involved in her disappearance, he will come forward of his own accord.

He looks like a typical ferol junkie to me, which is why he could appear older than he is.
I just watched the video, and the guy in the blue hoodie walks past going north and there is no one else around, the second time he goes past, someone in orange is walking in the other direction and blue hoodie looks at him, then there is a guy with what looks like a black jacket on that walks past, and at first I thought he was looking at the dresses in the window, but when I watched it for the second time, it looks like he is actually looking back down the street at something, and shortly after you can see blue hoodie guy with his back to the window, I think the guy in black saw blue hoodie guy harrassing Jill.

Yeah it looks like that doesnt it?
Hey all...

I have been following this case with much interest from the outset as well as following this discussion thread. As with most of you on here my opinion on what actually happened to Jill has fluctuated from one extreme to the other as events have unfolded.

I follow many cases and have a reasonable understanding of how these things play out. This case to me is by far the most baffling I have come across. With all the information we now have there are a number of scenarios that fit the facts, this is what makes this unfortunately so intriguing.

I have discussed this at length with my better half and we feel there is nothing suspicious around Jill going out without her husband. We go out separately, particuarly on a Friday night as it generally involves after work drinks. Again nothing of note around just taking her phone and card, my missus on occassions will take from her purse (wallet) only what she needs and put those items in her bag. No issues around her refusing a walk home, it's her local and she has walked the walk on many occasions.

Here's what I find odd - and I have no answers just questions.

From the CCTV clearly something is happening on the street which Jill, blue hoody and man looking back has seen and seem to look at over a period of time. With the mass media involved in the search, posters locally and Jill's striking features why have these witnesses that the police are now looking to not come forward previously...?

If she is feeling threatened from blue hoody and makes a call in the hope it will usher him away, why call her brother in Perth and not mention this incident. Why not call her hubby who is just round the corner...?

The handbag. If it has been placed to confuse the police why place it within a stones throw of where a potential abduction took place. Would it make more sense to go to the other side of town well away from where any offence may have taken place...?

The woman in the Turkish take-away heard a scream, presumably above the sound of her customers and the busy Sydney Road and if it was Jill she would have been on Hope Street. Why have no residents from the quieter Hope Street corroborated this story...?

Why are the Police and Tom Meagher not facing the cameras together. In other cases we have seen an official press conference with perhaps a model or mannaquin dressed like Jill, specific times and places highlighted to jog peoples memories...

That's my three ha'pennys worth for now. I have no idea how this will play out other than sadly knowing the longer it does the graver my fears for Jill.

A note on Tom. My other half and I have discussed his actions. We found it odd that he just kept calling her. In that situation I would call my missus and after not getting any luck call friends. We are also intrigued about where one would "drive around looking". If you know she was just round the corner where would you drive. Having said that, there is something I learnt from the Madeleine McCann case when the parents were castigated for their narcissistic behaviour. There is no standard way to react to these situations other than behaving the way one always behaves, i.e. if you are narcissistic by nature you remain narcissistic when dealing with a tragic situation. Tom would appear to be an over worrier, hence his actions are those of an over worrier and not those of someone trying to hide something.

Truly I hope for the sake of the families this turns out in the end to be that one good news story we'd all like it to be.

You have made a very good post, thanks.
The handbag. If it has been placed to confuse the police why place it within a stones throw of where a potential abduction took place. Would it make more sense to go to the other side of town well away from where any offence may have taken place...?

I think someone 'found' the bag and was going to keep it, rifle throught it etc... When media got wind of Gillian missing someone placed it near the police search as to not be implicated in her disappearance. Just my thoughts.

Apparently she had two bags. Her handbag and an abc plastic bag. Where is that bag? When I go to work I often carry an extra bag with my handbag. It's quite common (usually ppl will carry a harrods bag or upmarket dept store bag). I'll try to find the link where I read about the second bag.

I think its a calico ABC bag and it's visible in the CCTV footage.
Just an observation: hoodies, possibly grey track pants with stripe down the side (Addidas?) and white shoes are signatures of one of the 18-22 year old groups at present. Can't quite see the hair style. If short, shaven with a little mowhawk, then this fits 'street cred' with that age group. Makara maybe you can help with a screen cap?

I thought he looked older at first but then used a magnifier and saw the visible mowhawk. Also when he had his back to the shop window his stance was young.
I agree! very confusing. I can't stop watching it. And is it just me or does it seem like there is way too much activity going on ie. traffic and people, for something to go wrong then and there! You think there would have to be a witness of some sort or someone to yell out to if she felt that she was in an unsafe situation. And I agree with Kiwi 50 about phoning husband if you were that close to home and felt worried. I wouldn't care what time it was or if I might wake him up. I would have no hesitation in calling him and saying come and get me NOW!(please!)

BBM - After this time we know that Gillian spoke to her brother for several minutes, and I don't think it was right there becuase he heard voices in the background, and while there would be noise there it doesn't look like voices would be heard with that amount of traffic in the background. So how fast did she walk while on the phone to her brother for those several minutes - where did she end up after that amount of time?
I thought he looked older at first but then used a magnifier and saw the visible mowhawk. Also when he had his back to the shop window his stance was young.

Yes, the walk looked older but the stance against the window is younger.
i hope police are checking all the vacant and boarded up premises along the area, if this person is the perp and didnt have a car, where is she?

I think that is where she will end up being found and soon.
BBM - After this time we know that Gillian spoke to her brother for several minutes, and I don't think it was right there becuase he heard voices in the background, and while there would be noise there it doesn't look like voices would be heard with that amount of traffic in the background. So how fast did she walk while on the phone to her brother for those several minutes - where did she end up after that amount of time?

Mmmmm! Definitely more questions than answers!
hi guys the guy in black, the police have actually come out and said that they think he was looking at hoodie and jill.......I am sure he was...they are wanting this guy to come forward.

And wow re the backpacker!!! that is very scary............I am in Nth Qld, is st kilda close to Brunswick????? I know they are both kinda trendy popular suburbs arent they? It could then be the same other women have come forward and said they were followed, tried to be pulled into a car etc am wondering if this guy goes to the popular spots late at night waiting for vulnerable could just be him.....saying that, to me he has a mohawk and yes looks like your typical feral "you got a smoke" type of guy.
Can I just add, not meaning to cause trouble, but can we maybe move past what the MM is wearing. MANY people across MANY income levels wear clothes exactly like that and does not mean they are a junkie. Think about it. I've been to several affluent places in my life where people are wearing rubber thongs, boardshorts and hoodies doesnt mean they are "low lifes" or "derro". I myself might not dress that way but doesnt mean someone else on WS behind their screen isnt and is taking offense to the generalisations made.

Yes by all accounts this MM was the last to see Gillian but he has not been arrested nor charged or convicted at this stage. What if he is innocent and left her and kept walking? As we know all too well WS folks, white collar men commit heinous crimes too.
Excuse me for "butting in" (I'm new at this and have been reading through everything for the last couple of hours), but do you think the male in the blue jumper that was seen talking to her in the CCTV footage out the front of 'Duchess Boutique' could have been in the background of the phone call to her brother? As he is clearly seen with her and they continue to walk on out of CCTV footage sight and then she is supposed to have made the phone call to her brother? Interesting....:waitasec:

Hi FruitTingles, you're not butting in. After watching the CCTV footage I would say that yes, Blue Hoodie or BH (as I've chosen to call him) could very likely be the voice that Gill's brother heard on the phone. In the last frames of the footage BH seems to be quite animated and is abviously talking to Gill. On the other hand Gill has stopped walking and it looks like she is looking down at or making a call on her phone. BH then disappears out of the frame, Gill stands for a few seconds longer, looks behind her and then moves off. There was no one else around her while she was using her phone, so odds are BH was the one heard in the background. I hope Gill's brother is able to recall any words he may have heard in the background.
Lots of interesting sleuthing today. I've watched the video a few times and it does seem that blue hoodie was looking for someone to put the bite on - money or just generally harass. I agree with others who have said that Jill looks like she is moving back and trying to keep a safe distance between her and the hoodie guy. As others have said, I think she pulls the phone out as a defensive tactic and makes any call she can; it's possible that she had her phone keys hot linked, and she hit number 1 (or whatever) which dialled her brother. The call to her brother wasn't intentional, and - possibly seeing that blue hoodie is moving on up the street - she quickly made the excuse that she called because she was worried about Dad. Possibly felt that she was being paranoid, and started walking home again while briefly speaking with her brother.

This could explain why she was worried, even though she covered it with being "just worried about Dad", and perhaps thinking, "God, I'm being paranoid."
Can I just add, not meaning to cause trouble, but can we maybe move past what the MM is wearing. MANY people across MANY income levels wear clothes exactly like that and does not mean they are a junkie. Think about it. I've been to several affluent places in my life where people are wearing rubber thongs, boardshorts and hoodies doesnt mean they are "low lifes" or "derro". I myself might not dress that way but doesnt mean someone else on WS behind their screen isnt and is taking offense to the generalisations made.

Yes by all accounts this MM was the last to see Gillian but he has not been arrested nor charged or convicted at this stage. What if he is innocent and left her and kept walking? As we know all too well WS folks, white collar men commit heinous crimes too.

Excellent points thanks The Observer!! The old saying is always there, don't judge a book by it's cover. For all we know the guy may not be connected in any way at all with her disappearance...only time will tell.
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