GUILTY Australia - Jill Meagher, 29, Melbourne, 22 Sep 2012 #4

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Beg to differ - I think that's just the fringing artifact again.

I really can't see somebody walking boldly down the street with a gun on view, or even waving one about. That would be no way to get somebody to follow him. The cops would be there in a flash.

On the other point - I wonder if the police ever found the other two people? The student-type with the shoulder/messenger style bag? And particularly important - the guy in the suit or jacket who turned to look at something that happened out of camera view. What he saw could be crucial. If he has come forward, then I suspect the alleged perp is toast. If he HASN'T come forward - then you'd have to ask yourself why not? What has he got to hide?

I actually beg to differ with you too. lol. I do think he had some type of weapon with him. Ever since I saw the cctv footage of him first walking rather quickly and one way and then back towards Jills direction(before she had been on the screen) I had seen something in his hand (right hand) when walking back towards Jills direction- before they were both caught on the CCTV. I couldn't work out what it was, it has bugged me. I have seen the other zoomed in footage that some have said looks like a gun, I don't disagree that it looks a bit that way. But I am not entirely convinced this is what it would be. It seems pretty Brazen to be waving a gun around like that, and surely would have attracted some attention. One of my thoughts in the vision I am talking about was something like a tyre iron, but again I am not convinced on that. ANyway, to cut my rambling short.. I think I am convinced almost after looking at the stills footage from the SMH- And remembering the story of a woman that was harrassed by a guy in the laneway was it? She said he had nunchucks (?) and said he was going to kill her or strangle her with them. I can't remember where this story was posted in the media, but I saw it in one of the threads here on websleuths. This may indeed be the same guy. I had a light bulb moment on it when I saw the pic again.. you can see in the pic(picture 4 of the SMH stills), he has something black in his hand and then further down halfway down the behind leg as he is striding there is another black 'thing'. it could be the other end of the nunchuck, the chain in between not actually able to be picked up by the vision.. The more I look at the picture I am convinced that is what it is

SMH still

P.S. Have not been on for some time, but could not help but come back and catch up a bit after this awful case. I couldn't help but had to post about what I thought regarding the possibility of a weapon.
On a slightly different note, the timing to me is still slightly odd.

I don't see how the timing is relevant to anything. In the future we will find out the specifics, but wether he arrived home at 2am, 2:20am or 5am makes no difference. We know the basic facts, and now we are treading water by guessing the parts that Vic Police won't release until sometime next year. <modsnip>.

The real mystery that is keeping everyone interested is how she got from Dutchess Botique to the vehicle without anyone being alerted to a crime being (or about to be) comitted. Unfortunately for us, unless someone leaks the info/CCTV we are going to be guessing for a while yet.

Sadly, that all means that we are just going around in circles here talking about the same theories; He has a gun, you're being followed, he's impersonating an officer, he's stalked her before, he's overheard a conversation at the pub etc.
UT- your link seems broken, this one should work - about the Kiwi nurse who lived near Jill ..and the guy with the nunchuks

Thanks, yes. I just went back and fixed the a bit rusty on it, lol.

I am convinced this is what he has in his hand. If you see the black in his hand and then the other length of black against his jeans on the back leg. I could not work out what it was when I first saw the vision, it was niggling at me, it seemed something longish, but it moved.. it does fit also with the story of the nurse.

I wish I could zoom in and circle what I mean in the still and post..but I am not that good at all that, and its late and my brain wants sleep. lol.

anyway, thats my 2 cents worth on it. lol.. I accept I could be totally wrong on it. and it is just MOO.
I have looked closely at the body language. He moves as if it is a weapon. It could have been a felafel but he uses it in an authoritative way moo

I agree with you and would almost bet my Manor on it.
OK - I take the point from several people that the guesswork and hypotheses are a form of catharsis. Fair enough.

But just on the point raised that the "weapon" may have been nunchucks - if you read that article about the nurse who was accosted, it doesn't actually say that he HAD nunchucks. What it says is that he told her that he would strangle her with nunchucks, while he was pulling at and smoothing out his leather gloves. Bit hard to do that with nunchucks in your hands too. So I don't think that we have evidence that he ever actually HAD any nunchucks. I could be wrong, but I don't recall that article saying that the nurse actually SAW the nunchucks.

Personally, I'm still going with the thought that no weapon was involved in getting Jill to walk the same way and then to grab her. But we don't know if it was just smooth talking, or if she looked around the corner and really thought that he'd gone - after he'd ducked into that laneway.

But if AB had suggested she was being followed by somebody sinister and that he was trustworthy enough to make sure she was OK as she only lived around the corner, then that could have worked.... "Just follow me and I'll lead the way to make sure you're safe..."

Hopefully, the "How did he get her to walk that way" question will be answered - eventually.
Hopefully, the "How did he get her to walk that way" question will be answered - eventually.
Sadly the only person that can tell us, that I would trust, is Jill. Anyone else, it's just words.
I agree with what you are saying, there are just too many actions that don't bring up weapon, from police to the footage.

One other thing, I can't see someone agreeing to follow a stranger - walk with, maybe even walk in front of - but not follow.

Jill obviously wasn't silly - I just can't see her doing anything stupid like following a stranger. Even if she was told she was being followed - I can't imagine ever just accepting that I was, same with Jill. There were shops open not to far away, I would have gone there where there were other people and made some phone calls or called the police or my husband or even the store owner or a patron - I would have shared it.

I think when she left that store front she felt kind of safe - in control, I bet she had a gut feeling that not everything was right but wrote it off as being a little paranoid or being silly, she had refused an escort already.
I am lost here. You think he was using a felafel as a weapon? lol
Well there is a turkish restaurant nearby ... :winkaway:

I am on the fringing/artefact side of the fence here - it distorts everything IMO, and the zoomed in shots that have been posted just exaggerate it even more. He could have been holding a cigarette for all we know - that could account for what kind of looks like a pistol grip there and the casual way he seems to be waving Jill on as well. She just doesn't seem to be reacting like someone who has been confronted with a weapon of any sort.

I agree with perthite here:

Sadly, that all means that we are just going around in circles here talking about the same theories; He has a gun, you're being followed, he's impersonating an officer, he's stalked her before, he's overheard a conversation at the pub etc.

There is only so much to be gleaned or surmised from that one piece of cctv footage until more info is released by the police.
I have looked closely at the body language. He moves as if it is a weapon. It could have been a felafel but he uses it in an authoritative way moo

He may have even had a phone in his hand but I'll stick by my earlier post & say police would not have released that footage or they would have edited it out if it had shown the accused was holding some type of would have been far too distressing for Jill's husband & family to watch.
October 05, 2012

JILL Meagher's family will lead a moving silent procession through the main street of her Irish hometown in what officials hope will heal the hurt being felt by her loved ones and the local community.

On the steps of the church, Jill&#8217;s uncle Michael McKeon will formally receive the many condolence books that have been signed by more than 10,000 local well wishers since Jill was killed 19,000 kilometres away in Melbourne last week.
October 5, 2012

THE final funeral preparations for Jill Meagher are being made in Melbourne with organisers hoping to ensure her family can mourn her death in private.

The family of the 29-year-old ABC radio employee, whose alleged rape and murder inspired thousands to join a peace march last weekend, have planned an invitation-only service for this morning.

The public can instead send flowers to Tobin Brothers Funerals, who are organising the service and will pass on any donations to the family.
Two buses of Jill's Meagher's friends have just arrived at Fawkner Memorial Park. Walking slowly into chapel now. #7NewsMelb
I think the reports of cars outside his house said 'about or around' 2am? We've been told the time stamp on cctv is accurate and phone records show call time.

His partner apparently lived there too, perhaps she had late night visitors? It could be completely unrelated??
October 05, 2012 10:23AM

MOURNERS have arrived at Melbourne's Fawkner Memorial Park in buses for the funeral of slain ABC radio employee Jill Meagher.
Dressed almost exclusively in black, close family and friends of the 29-year-old lined up to sign a guest book on Friday morning before entering the chapel where they will say their final farewell to the Irish national
My prayers and thoughts are with the family.

RIP Jill.
Disappointed that the media couldn't stay away from the funeral. Tom gave them plenty of time, her mother gave them plenty of time, they asked for privacy. I just wish they would have said ABC will have and share the story or AAP because many many many are mourning, but they asked for none, that could have been respected - I don't care how far away they are from the cemetery.
Disappointed that the media couldn't stay away from the funeral. Tom gave them plenty of time, her mother gave them plenty of time, they asked for privacy. I just wish they would have said ABC will have and share the story or AAP because many many many are mourning, but they asked for none, that could have been respected - I don't care how far away they are from the cemetery.

I agree and the address of the funeral should not have been published when he asked for privacy.... very poor form.
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