Australia - John Price, 44, butchered, fed to his kids, Aberdeen, NSW, 29 Feb 2000

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Woman who cooked victim appeals sentence

Wednesday Jun 28 16:53 AEST
Abattoir worker Katherine Knight stabbed her de facto husband 37 times, skinned him and baked his buttocks with vegetables as a meal for his children.

But the NSW Court of Criminal Appeal has been told that the killing of John Price was not in the worst category of murder, and that the life sentence handed to Knight was too harsh.

Knight pleaded guilty to murdering Mr Price at the home they shared at Aberdeen, in the NSW Hunter Valley.

She has now appealed against the sentence imposed in 2001 by Supreme Court judge, Justice Barry O'Keefe, who jailed her for life, never to be released.

The crown opposed her appeal, with Deputy Director of Public Prosecutions Greg Smith SC saying the case "has features of barbarism" unheard of in NSW.
Police found Mr Price's headless body on March 1, 2000.

Bloodstains showed the 44-year-old had tried to escape from the house, but was dragged back inside.

His skin was hanging from a meathook in the loungeroom, his head was cooking in a "sickening stew" on the stove and slices of his buttocks were served as "gruesome steaks" for Mr Price's children, Justice O'Keefe said.

Knight, a 50-year-old mother of four, sat stony-faced in court during the appeal, wearing a simple black suit with a large crucifix around her neck.

Arguing her sentence was excessive, Knight's barrister, John Stratton SC, said she was the only woman in Australia jailed for life without hope of parole.

The thing that distinguished Mr Price's murder from other domestic killings was the mutilation of his body, he told appeal judges Peter McClellan, Michael Adams and Megan Latham.

But as "ghastly" as this was, it did not elevate it into the worst class of murders deserving life sentences, Mr Stratton said.

However, Justice Adams said psychiatric evidence suggested Knight "got some pleasure out of the mutilation, and that was very troubling".

"There are crimes so wicked for which only a life sentence is appropriate and where there ought to be no prospect of release," Justice Adams said.

Mr Stratton said the sentence took a "one-sided view" of Knight's violence towards her previous partners, ignoring evidence that they had subjected her to violent assaults.

He disputed that the murder was premeditated, saying Knight was angry because Mr Price wanted to end their relationship and committed "a crime of passion".

He also said Knight's borderline personality disorder should have been taken into account.

However, Mr Smith said the disorder played no role in the killing, which was motivated by Knight's desire for revenge and her "vindictive, violent" nature.

She had boasted months in advance that she would kill Mr Price and feign madness to get away with it, showing "a coolness of planning".

Mr Smith argued that she was like a professional killer, drawing on her experience as a meat slicer and treating the body almost "as a trophy".

The court reserved its decision for a date to be fixed.
©AAP 2006
Be it jail or a institution for the mentally ill, this woman needs to never walk free again. How horrid.
What a bizarre case! This goes to show that truth IS stranger than fiction!
montana_16 said:
Be it jail or a institution for the mentally ill, this woman needs to never walk free again. How horrid.
I agree, killing someone is one thing but to feed it to your children is beyond horror and revulsion, she needs to be put away and I hope that for once the Australian government throughs away the key, and not let her out early like they normally do.
How on earth can this crime NOT be in the "worst class of murders deserving life sentences"???? What, exactly, would such a crime be then?
I can't think of anything worst then this killing......:eek:

Also glade I was only having coffee when reading this thread.
Or I might of :sick:
I once had a freezer full of deer meat from a deer my ex husband had hit with his truck. I couldn't eat it, so I cooked it up with bbq sauce and fed it to the farm workers at my grandfather's farm. I felt guilty feeding them what I considered "road kill" that they didn't know.

Never dawned on me I could have just stuck the ex in the crockpot instead.

Hindsight is 20/20
bykerladi said:
How on earth can this crime NOT be in the "worst class of murders deserving life sentences"???? What, exactly, would such a crime be then?
Good question.
:laugh: :laugh:

GlitchWizard said:
Never dawned on me I could have just stuck the ex in the crockpot instead.

Hindsight is 20/20

Ok, that made me laugh out loud - as disgusting as it is. :D

On a serious note, what a horrific crime. I just can't even fathom those poor kids eating that. Truly makes me want to :sick:
Not in the worst class?? Yeah. Mmmm hmmm.

So how old are her children and what is going to happen when they find out they were served parts of their own father for dinner? Those poor children. I just wonder how much therapy it would take and if you really could ever recover from something like that. It sends chills down my spine and I'm only reading about it.
Gmommy said:
Not in the worst class?? Yeah. Mmmm hmmm.

So how old are her children and what is going to happen when they find out they were served parts of their own father for dinner? Those poor children. I just wonder how much therapy it would take and if you really could ever recover from something like that. It sends chills down my spine and I'm only reading about it.

It made me go huh too Gmommy! Sheesh what in the world is happening to some of these women? Some of their murders can top any male serial killer. Wasn't there another case where a woman tied her husband to the bed and stabbed him almost a hundred times? Why all these way overkills with bizarre depravity?

And all these sicko women maiming and killing their own children.....letting perverts rape them and even participating in the assault. It is enough to boggle the mind.

It just so sad and scary sometimes at the world we live in.


OMG...I wonder if these children know 'bout this and if so how it must be affecting their lives. I wonder what their ages are. God Bless this kids...this is just HORRIBLE!
I read a couple of variations of this in Greek mythology and Shakespeare. Usually the parents end up being fed the kids, though.
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
==="Never dawned on me I could have just stuck the ex in the crockpot instead.

Hindsight is 20/20"===

Okay this is a horrible story and I do feel for the kids.

Now Glitch....that was just too funny!!! I told you I had a morbid sense of humour. Were we seperated at birth?
Gmommy said:
Not in the worst class?? Yeah. Mmmm hmmm.

So how old are her children and what is going to happen when they find out they were served parts of their own father for dinner? Those poor children. I just wonder how much therapy it would take and if you really could ever recover from something like that. It sends chills down my spine and I'm only reading about it.
They were grown children belonging to the deceased...she was not their mother although she does have her own children..this happened about half an hour away from where I live.
There are two books written about this is called Blood Stain....and the other is called Beyond Bad....neither book is for the faint hearted.
This woman has a long history of mental illness and I pray to God they keep her locked up tight .....and away from knives
I have read a lot of horrible stories, I can deal with gore pretty well, I don't get upset easily.
But reading this, what a scary woman this is! Very evil and very dangerous. And she must have had also a very charming side, cause her lovers knew how dangerous she was and still they became involved with her. That made her even more dangerous, what a psychopath!

And for her daughter Melissa to still support her mom, that also makes me wonder what she went through. It's obvious her mother was very abusive to her. Such a sad story for everyone involved.

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