Found Deceased Australia - Karen Ristevski, 47, Melbourne, Vic, 29 June 2016 - #13

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I've been told many smart people purchased Domain and business names and made huge profits from the names. Could this be what they were doing because there's soo many business names.

I believe an obscure person purchased Coca-Cola and because Coca-Cola needed and wanted the name they had to purchase it for big bucks, same for Optus. It might be an urban myth.

Here is a link where you can check for business names available and purchase them for $99. It shows U Turn has been & Korce is available.

I was thinking the same TGY. Maybe 'parked' the names - he has a habit of parking in interesting places. :saythat:

However, it appears the objection was withdrawn. Not sure of the legals here, but from the date correspondence/action trails, it seems Borce must have been able to produce 'evidence' he was actually using the name?

Grounds on which a non-use application may be made.
I was thinking the same TGY. Maybe 'parked' the names - he has a habit of parking in interesting places. :saythat:

However, it appears the objection was withdrawn. Not sure of the legals here, but from the date correspondence/action trails, it seems Borce must have been able to produce 'evidence' he was actually using the name?

Grounds on which a non-use application may be made.

Theres one thing that freaks my daughter about her business is being late paying/renewing those things.
She says she can loose the name.
There must be money in grabbing up business names.
Just thinking
Unfortunately not , I wish .... Damn I wish I listened to my father .
but you don't gravitate to alledgly offing your better half over night . IMHO
unless your John sharpe and he wasn't well equiped to hold it together .
Previous convictions ?
I reckon the screening process for Uber drivers in Australia would be pretty stringent, background check ...... so thinking BR has no criminal history.

Sent from my SM-T550 using Tapatalk
Googling gives many many opinions of the vetting process in Australia.

The background check will review:
● Driving history
● Federal and state courthouse records going back 7 years
● The multi-state criminal database going back 7 years
● Motor Vehicle Records
● National Sex Offender Registry

I reckon the screening process for Uber drivers in Australia would be pretty stringent, background check ...... so thinking BR has no criminal history.

Sent from my SM-T550 using Tapatalk
I reckon the screening process for Uber drivers in Australia would be pretty stringent, background check ...... so thinking BR has no criminal history.

Sent from my SM-T550 using Tapatalk

Was he a uber driver for real though?
It's hard trying to fill in the gaps especially when the two closest to KR I believe hold the missing pieces and are not assisting LE.

When you can't complete the puzzle it sometimes helps if you can find another similar situation to try and see if there is any pattern. Profiling
past murder case's and murderer's does sometimes seem to throw up very similar traits. I have read of the Baden-Clay case on here and have read
where some similar situations have shown up with KR's case.

Here is one I found from 1982 which I found to have a few very scary similarities.

Peggy Dianovsky was the mother of three young sons, she was married to Robert Dianovsky (his family name is from the Baltic area close to area where BR family is from).
At age 31 one of the sons after intense therapy was able to recall a violent fight the night Peggy went missing seeing his father hold
a knife to his mother's throat. This was was 24 hours before she would go missing for good (BR and KR argued the night before she went missing).
She left with a few things in a plastic bag (BR said KR left with a handbag & clutch purse).
The couple were very close to final settlement on their divorce (KR reportably stated she was leaving after SR's 21st birthday).
Robert Dianovsky reported Peggy missing 5 days after the night of the last fight (BR was 3 days).
The boys were not allowed to talk about Peggy after she was gone (SR is not talking about her mother).
Robert stated she left voluntarily taking a few clothes and leaving behind her 3 boys and car (VR stated "I think she has run away, I don't think she will come back").
Peggy tucked her boys in and kissed them good night every night but somehow they hid their secret memories for 20 years so Robert was obviously a very good manipulator and intimidating as it took the boys that long to feel safe enough to go to authorities. Unfortunately there was no happy ending for justice as all evidence was circumstancial and there was no body ever found.

That's one thing which I have never worked out why hasn't SR assisted LE but when you read past cases like the one above you realise when someone who I think needs support from their parents and then lose one it wouldn't be hard to block out certain situations especially if it was violent. You don't want to imagine that a violent situation resulting in someones death if proven could totally alter your whole life. Hard to believe that intense therapy was required to unblock such a violent scene of a knife held to that boy's mothers throat but who wouldn't have wanted to have it blocked out.

I have always been disappointed with SR's stance by not assisting LE but to me now I have realised that she is another victim who has been controlled and manipulated but I hope it doesn't take her 20 years for her to feel safe enough to share any secret memories she may have. VR could be in the same situation, manipulated to help while blocking out the truth.

The boys asked their father about their mother but he would reply that he couldn't remember so Robert Dianovsky erased his wife from their lives.

I have no doubt that BR did the same to KR by trying to erase her from his life with VR's comments 'I think she has run away, I don't think she will come back" and BR's comment saying that he believed an evil stranger is to blame on her disappearance.

I have never heard a murderer profiled as an 'eraser killer' but this profile of an eraser killer I think fits KRs situation:
- he is an intelligent, careful, methodical killer eg body transported in KR's car.
- he is a compulsive, pathological liar whose lies are meant to get a reaction out of others eg evil stranger.
- he makes up stories big and small often lying for no apparent reason eg fuel gauge.
- he fabricates evidence to exagerate his accomplishments, wealth, success, social, standing eg told media to get facts correct about his financial situation.
- he knows how to use words, lies and actions to manipulate others eg SR & BR
- he leads what appears to be a normal & productive life but undernetah the surface unbeknown to almost anyone he has used all his well honed abilities to lie, manipulate and fabricate reality in order to commit the perfect murder.
- his goal is to erase his victim to expunge her from the record of his life.
- in his mind he is simply rearranging the world to better suit his needs to let him make a fresh start eg signing over the business.
- he harbours a cluster of psychological traits very unusual in the general public. He doesn't experience the almost universal psychological reaction called fear. It is
not that he is brave or that he has conquered fear. He does experience an abstract, emotionally colourless sensation when put under great stress especially
when caught in a situation
he is not confident he can talk his way out of when he is in no longer in control of everyone around him eg he had lost control of KR.
- eraser killers employ cunning, stealth and often meticulous planning to overcome their trusting prey, frequently employing the agonizing slow and terror induced method of
suffocation or strangulation in order to minnimise the type of messy crime evidence that could get them caught.
- they kill with total calm and control.
- they are a master of deceit and an expert manipulator.
- his killing is carried out in total secrecy.
- he is killing the woman in question as she has become inconvenient. In his eyes she no longer meets his needs. She is not allowed to leave him or take away anything he holds dear, be it a home or children or the lifestyle he has come to enjoy.
- he plans his killing well in advance of the final encounter.
- he will exhibit neither mourning or real signs of emotional loss and will almost always exhibit strangely inappropriate behaviour and speech after the mysterious death of his wife.
- he will be using his full array of skills to direct any inquiries or police investigation towards fictious threats and other suspects and away from himself.
- he is generally intelligent though he greatly overestimates his talents.
- he believes that he is smarter and better than the rest of us, certainly smarter than the police.
- to achieve his goal he may follow one of two distinct strategies. Either he can erase the victims body by destroying it entirely or secreting it where it won't be found or he can rearrange the crime or stage a whole false scenario to erase all connection between himself and any criminal act. Either way he appears to remain free and clear of any involvement in the act.
- eraser killers hardly ever commit suicide as they feel no guilt for what they have done. Only in the rarest of instances will they ever admit their crimes.

I was 99.9% sure after one week BR premeditated the situation and has played it out, sometimes well and other times badly. I can't be 100% sure but hopefully i can add that .1% some time soon.

AR for me has no involvement at all. I believe KR did confide in him re leaving when SR was 21 as she didn't want friends and family to know the true situation.
As to SR & BR's involvement I think there is some after the final act to what extent I can't even guess.

BR shut up from talking as he was making too many statement mistakes pure and simple, told to shut up or sink yourself.

I think the body was somewhere else before the final area where KR was found. I don't know if KR had life insurance but I think Victoria is 7 years before insurance payout if no body is found.
I think her body was placed there a few months after she went missing in the hope that it would be found as there was too many opportunities very early on to hide or bury her body in a far better place.

BR's most idiotic media comment to The Australian who had printed that the family was battling financial pressures 'let me tell you something - you cant even get your facts right'.That's coming from someone who when questioned 'where were you on the day your wife went missing' and somehow just a wee fact of a 2 plus hour window when you took the car for a drive was left out. The fuel gauge wasn't the only thing not registering on the day!

Puzzling for me is the person who claims he saw two men and one with with a shovel near where KR's body was found and would have no problem identifying the expressionless man.
He said the two men resembled BR and VR isn't that enough to make an arrest? Another local says he saw someone walk out of the bush with a shovel straight into his head lights.
I dont think even BR would be that thick to walk out with a shovel into head lights you would hide until the vehicle is gone. The person said it was late December he shared the story with locals and it was doing the rounds at dinner parties and he later reported it to local police. When KR's body was found he recounted the story to homicide detectives.
Why wouldn't the local police have given the info to detectives? it wasn't as though the area around hadn't been searched re Gisborne. The person made the effort to advise local police but not followed up, just seems odd. So two sightings and yet KR's body was found in a place not what you would consider to be a well hidden spot.

KR was unfortuante that BR was basically her first love at an early age i think around 16 years old and with no experience of having had previous boyfriends she had nothing to judge him against and he would have found her easy to manipulate from day one as he would be too street wise for her. I know plenty of guys who are no good with women either control freaks orpossevive. None of them obvioulsy gone to the extreme, one did time for assault, one has 8 protection orders on 8 different women, those two have been numbers 1 and 2 on the list for years but there is 20 on the list. I wouldn't think they would be like that but takes a while for true colours to come through. I said a year ago i was going to write a book on the top 10 and their stalking and possessive traits so young girls can see the danger signs before its too late. Also have few stories from the women who were in bad possessive and manipulating relationships. It won't help everyone but if one is saved from a situation like KR it will be worth it. First copy will be going to my 12 year old niece. Believe me some of the stories from the guys are horror stories and you would think couldn't happen but they did.

So sorry I haven't given you much (but I did like reading the traits of an eraser killer) but I will get some satisfaction knowing someone is reading it and hopefully abusing the crap out of me to someone else.



you know who it's going to be!
this thing about Sarah 'not co-operating' with the police'...... there is no good reason to believe that to be the situation ..... naturally, police would say that for Sarah's protection, it's not as if they are going to say, 'oh yes., Miss Sarah is blabbing everything in a stream of consciousness, stuff going back years'... not at all. That would be counter productive.

I have doubts re Sarah, but those doubts rest entirely on the claim of her non co-operation with LE, and if that is not the case, but merely the perspective the police wish to have laid down for the time being, then all bets are off, in regard to SR..
It's hard trying to fill in the gaps especially when the two closest to KR I believe hold the missing pieces and are not assisting LE.

When you can't complete the puzzle it sometimes helps if you can find another similar situation to try and see if there is any pattern. Profiling
past murder case's and murderer's does sometimes seem to throw up very similar traits. I have read of the Baden-Clay case on here and have read
where some similar situations have shown up with KR's case.

Here is one I found from 1982 which I found to have a few very scary similarities.

Peggy Dianovsky was the mother of three young sons, she was married to Robert Dianovsky (his family name is from the Baltic area close to area where BR family is from).
At age 31 one of the sons after intense therapy was able to recall a violent fight the night Peggy went missing seeing his father hold
a knife to his mother's throat. This was was 24 hours before she would go missing for good (BR and KR argued the night before she went missing).
She left with a few things in a plastic bag (BR said KR left with a handbag & clutch purse).
The couple were very close to final settlement on their divorce (KR reportably stated she was leaving after SR's 21st birthday).
Robert Dianovsky reported Peggy missing 5 days after the night of the last fight (BR was 3 days).
The boys were not allowed to talk about Peggy after she was gone (SR is not talking about her mother).
Robert stated she left voluntarily taking a few clothes and leaving behind her 3 boys and car (VR stated "I think she has run away, I don't think she will come back").
Peggy tucked her boys in and kissed them good night every night but somehow they hid their secret memories for 20 years so Robert was obviously a very good manipulator and intimidating as it took the boys that long to feel safe enough to go to authorities. Unfortunately there was no happy ending for justice as all evidence was circumstancial and there was no body ever found.

That's one thing which I have never worked out why hasn't SR assisted LE but when you read past cases like the one above you realise when someone who I think needs support from their parents and then lose one it wouldn't be hard to block out certain situations especially if it was violent. You don't want to imagine that a violent situation resulting in someones death if proven could totally alter your whole life. Hard to believe that intense therapy was required to unblock such a violent scene of a knife held to that boy's mothers throat but who wouldn't have wanted to have it blocked out.

I have always been disappointed with SR's stance by not assisting LE but to me now I have realised that she is another victim who has been controlled and manipulated but I hope it doesn't take her 20 years for her to feel safe enough to share any secret memories she may have. VR could be in the same situation, manipulated to help while blocking out the truth.

The boys asked their father about their mother but he would reply that he couldn't remember so Robert Dianovsky erased his wife from their lives.

I have no doubt that BR did the same to KR by trying to erase her from his life with VR's comments 'I think she has run away, I don't think she will come back" and BR's comment saying that he believed an evil stranger is to blame on her disappearance.

I have never heard a murderer profiled as an 'eraser killer' but this profile of an eraser killer I think fits KRs situation:
- he is an intelligent, careful, methodical killer eg body transported in KR's car.
- he is a compulsive, pathological liar whose lies are meant to get a reaction out of others eg evil stranger.
- he makes up stories big and small often lying for no apparent reason eg fuel gauge.
- he fabricates evidence to exagerate his accomplishments, wealth, success, social, standing eg told media to get facts correct about his financial situation.
- he knows how to use words, lies and actions to manipulate others eg SR & BR
- he leads what appears to be a normal & productive life but undernetah the surface unbeknown to almost anyone he has used all his well honed abilities to lie, manipulate and fabricate reality in order to commit the perfect murder.
- his goal is to erase his victim to expunge her from the record of his life.
- in his mind he is simply rearranging the world to better suit his needs to let him make a fresh start eg signing over the business.
- he harbours a cluster of psychological traits very unusual in the general public. He doesn't experience the almost universal psychological reaction called fear. It is
not that he is brave or that he has conquered fear. He does experience an abstract, emotionally colourless sensation when put under great stress especially
when caught in a situation
he is not confident he can talk his way out of when he is in no longer in control of everyone around him eg he had lost control of KR.
- eraser killers employ cunning, stealth and often meticulous planning to overcome their trusting prey, frequently employing the agonizing slow and terror induced method of
suffocation or strangulation in order to minnimise the type of messy crime evidence that could get them caught.
- they kill with total calm and control.
- they are a master of deceit and an expert manipulator.
- his killing is carried out in total secrecy.
- he is killing the woman in question as she has become inconvenient. In his eyes she no longer meets his needs. She is not allowed to leave him or take away anything he holds dear, be it a home or children or the lifestyle he has come to enjoy.
- he plans his killing well in advance of the final encounter.
- he will exhibit neither mourning or real signs of emotional loss and will almost always exhibit strangely inappropriate behaviour and speech after the mysterious death of his wife.
- he will be using his full array of skills to direct any inquiries or police investigation towards fictious threats and other suspects and away from himself.
- he is generally intelligent though he greatly overestimates his talents.
- he believes that he is smarter and better than the rest of us, certainly smarter than the police.
- to achieve his goal he may follow one of two distinct strategies. Either he can erase the victims body by destroying it entirely or secreting it where it won't be found or he can rearrange the crime or stage a whole false scenario to erase all connection between himself and any criminal act. Either way he appears to remain free and clear of any involvement in the act.
- eraser killers hardly ever commit suicide as they feel no guilt for what they have done. Only in the rarest of instances will they ever admit their crimes.

I was 99.9% sure after one week BR premeditated the situation and has played it out, sometimes well and other times badly. I can't be 100% sure but hopefully i can add that .1% some time soon.

AR for me has no involvement at all. I believe KR did confide in him re leaving when SR was 21 as she didn't want friends and family to know the true situation.
As to SR & BR's involvement I think there is some after the final act to what extent I can't even guess.

BR shut up from talking as he was making too many statement mistakes pure and simple, told to shut up or sink yourself.

I think the body was somewhere else before the final area where KR was found. I don't know if KR had life insurance but I think Victoria is 7 years before insurance payout if no body is found.
I think her body was placed there a few months after she went missing in the hope that it would be found as there was too many opportunities very early on to hide or bury her body in a far better place.

BR's most idiotic media comment to The Australian who had printed that the family was battling financial pressures 'let me tell you something - you cant even get your facts right'.That's coming from someone who when questioned 'where were you on the day your wife went missing' and somehow just a wee fact of a 2 plus hour window when you took the car for a drive was left out. The fuel gauge wasn't the only thing not registering on the day!

Puzzling for me is the person who claims he saw two men and one with with a shovel near where KR's body was found and would have no problem identifying the expressionless man.
He said the two men resembled BR and VR isn't that enough to make an arrest? Another local says he saw someone walk out of the bush with a shovel straight into his head lights.
I dont think even BR would be that thick to walk out with a shovel into head lights you would hide until the vehicle is gone. The person said it was late December he shared the story with locals and it was doing the rounds at dinner parties and he later reported it to local police. When KR's body was found he recounted the story to homicide detectives.
Why wouldn't the local police have given the info to detectives? it wasn't as though the area around hadn't been searched re Gisborne. The person made the effort to advise local police but not followed up, just seems odd. So two sightings and yet KR's body was found in a place not what you would consider to be a well hidden spot.

KR was unfortuante that BR was basically her first love at an early age i think around 16 years old and with no experience of having had previous boyfriends she had nothing to judge him against and he would have found her easy to manipulate from day one as he would be too street wise for her. I know plenty of guys who are no good with women either control freaks orpossevive. None of them obvioulsy gone to the extreme, one did time for assault, one has 8 protection orders on 8 different women, those two have been numbers 1 and 2 on the list for years but there is 20 on the list. I wouldn't think they would be like that but takes a while for true colours to come through. I said a year ago i was going to write a book on the top 10 and their stalking and possessive traits so young girls can see the danger signs before its too late. Also have few stories from the women who were in bad possessive and manipulating relationships. It won't help everyone but if one is saved from a situation like KR it will be worth it. First copy will be going to my 12 year old niece. Believe me some of the stories from the guys are horror stories and you would think couldn't happen but they did.

So sorry I haven't given you much (but I did like reading the traits of an eraser killer) but I will get some satisfaction knowing someone is reading it and hopefully abusing the crap out of me to someone else.



you know who it's going to be!

Wow Steve. Thank you for this utterly comprehensive post. Where did you get your info on the erasure killer from please?

May I ask if you had met BR prior to this all happening?

I hope you do write that book and dedicate it to Karen. It could save lives! I'd like to see Trooper co write it with you. Such a talent.
Yes I went into the shop numerous times before Karen's body was found and SR was always there on her own. She always looked like she had seen a ghost and seemed terrified that someone would ask about her mother. Despite what she would be going through I found her to have a strange personality.

Barbie05 one of our lovely locals here posted this on 30th July only a few days ago re Sarah's strange personality when she went into the shop numerous times before Karen's body was found...

Haven't posted in ages but wanted to add my thoughts.


Also apart from Samuel (who only knew her through business dealings) no one who REALLY knew Karen well bar one article has ever publicly attested to what she was really like.

As I previously posted in the early days, it was well known at Watergardens by other traders the shop was in trouble. Now if Karen was the face of the business who's to say she wasn't the type of person who wanted to keep up appearances, live the high life and try and get in with celebrity clientele and not be a particularly nice person to those that actually knew her. Of course this is the million dollar question as no one knows what goes on behind closed doors and in this case what happened to her during her death.
If they were fighting about the shop as stated perhaps it was BR sick of her draining their finances and flogging the dead horse that the shop was. Maybe he wanted to leave her? Maybe SR really hated her Mum and an accident inside the home caused BR to cover up?

So many questions and not much being answered by those that know!

mella, another one of our locals here who knew Karen, Borce and Sarah personally, posted this a few days ago...

I'm trying to find more insight into the family dynamics and personalities to get a clearer picture of how it all comes together... but it still feels very foggy to me, with what we know up until now. :thinking: :waiting: ...MOO
Unfortunately not , I wish .... Damn I wish I listened to my father .
but you don't gravitate to alledgly offing your better half over night . IMHO
unless your John sharpe and he wasn't well equiped to hold it together .

in reality, plenty of wife murderers, partner murderers do exactly that, graduate to force 10 killers in an instant. It is a world wide phenomenon, but sadly, it is no surprise to the woman at the end of the weapon, with her last thought, she probably says to herself, 'I knew he'd do this some day'...

More often than not, all the neighbors say ' gee, he was such a quiet fellow'.... or....' he seemed so nice!'... the blokes he worked with saw a few meltdowns but nothing to warrant the bloodbath he left behind him. .... his own mother usually says, ' well. he held grudges, I have to admit that'.. .. the local police never heard of him. ..

His scout troop, his church fellowship group, his fishing mates, no one knew, Everyone thought he had a handle on it all.

The thing about John Sharpe was.. he didn't go off overnight. He'd been looking at those shark spears for some time..... . .. and he held it together enough to sashay out to get another spear to shoot his 2 yr old daughter with. ... leaving the body of his wife buried in the back yard, temporarily. ....
It's hard trying to fill in the gaps especially when the two closest to KR I believe hold the missing pieces and are not assisting LE.

When you can't complete the puzzle it sometimes helps if you can find another similar situation to try and see if there is any pattern. Profiling
past murder case's and murderer's does sometimes seem to throw up very similar traits. I have read of the Baden-Clay case on here and have read
where some similar situations have shown up with KR's case.

Here is one I found from 1982 which I found to have a few very scary similarities.

Peggy Dianovsky was the mother of three young sons, she was married to Robert Dianovsky (his family name is from the Baltic area close to area where BR family is from).
At age 31 one of the sons after intense therapy was able to recall a violent fight the night Peggy went missing seeing his father hold
a knife to his mother's throat. This was was 24 hours before she would go missing for good (BR and KR argued the night before she went missing).
She left with a few things in a plastic bag (BR said KR left with a handbag & clutch purse).
The couple were very close to final settlement on their divorce (KR reportably stated she was leaving after SR's 21st birthday).
Robert Dianovsky reported Peggy missing 5 days after the night of the last fight (BR was 3 days).
The boys were not allowed to talk about Peggy after she was gone (SR is not talking about her mother).
Robert stated she left voluntarily taking a few clothes and leaving behind her 3 boys and car (VR stated "I think she has run away, I don't think she will come back").
Peggy tucked her boys in and kissed them good night every night but somehow they hid their secret memories for 20 years so Robert was obviously a very good manipulator and intimidating as it took the boys that long to feel safe enough to go to authorities. Unfortunately there was no happy ending for justice as all evidence was circumstancial and there was no body ever found.

That's one thing which I have never worked out why hasn't SR assisted LE but when you read past cases like the one above you realise when someone who I think needs support from their parents and then lose one it wouldn't be hard to block out certain situations especially if it was violent. You don't want to imagine that a violent situation resulting in someones death if proven could totally alter your whole life. Hard to believe that intense therapy was required to unblock such a violent scene of a knife held to that boy's mothers throat but who wouldn't have wanted to have it blocked out.

I have always been disappointed with SR's stance by not assisting LE but to me now I have realised that she is another victim who has been controlled and manipulated but I hope it doesn't take her 20 years for her to feel safe enough to share any secret memories she may have. VR could be in the same situation, manipulated to help while blocking out the truth.

The boys asked their father about their mother but he would reply that he couldn't remember so Robert Dianovsky erased his wife from their lives.

I have no doubt that BR did the same to KR by trying to erase her from his life with VR's comments 'I think she has run away, I don't think she will come back" and BR's comment saying that he believed an evil stranger is to blame on her disappearance.

I have never heard a murderer profiled as an 'eraser killer' but this profile of an eraser killer I think fits KRs situation:
- he is an intelligent, careful, methodical killer eg body transported in KR's car.
- he is a compulsive, pathological liar whose lies are meant to get a reaction out of others eg evil stranger.
- he makes up stories big and small often lying for no apparent reason eg fuel gauge.
- he fabricates evidence to exagerate his accomplishments, wealth, success, social, standing eg told media to get facts correct about his financial situation.
- he knows how to use words, lies and actions to manipulate others eg SR & BR
- he leads what appears to be a normal & productive life but undernetah the surface unbeknown to almost anyone he has used all his well honed abilities to lie, manipulate and fabricate reality in order to commit the perfect murder.
- his goal is to erase his victim to expunge her from the record of his life.
- in his mind he is simply rearranging the world to better suit his needs to let him make a fresh start eg signing over the business.
- he harbours a cluster of psychological traits very unusual in the general public. He doesn't experience the almost universal psychological reaction called fear. It is
not that he is brave or that he has conquered fear. He does experience an abstract, emotionally colourless sensation when put under great stress especially
when caught in a situation
he is not confident he can talk his way out of when he is in no longer in control of everyone around him eg he had lost control of KR.
- eraser killers employ cunning, stealth and often meticulous planning to overcome their trusting prey, frequently employing the agonizing slow and terror induced method of
suffocation or strangulation in order to minnimise the type of messy crime evidence that could get them caught.
- they kill with total calm and control.
- they are a master of deceit and an expert manipulator.
- his killing is carried out in total secrecy.
- he is killing the woman in question as she has become inconvenient. In his eyes she no longer meets his needs. She is not allowed to leave him or take away anything he holds dear, be it a home or children or the lifestyle he has come to enjoy.
- he plans his killing well in advance of the final encounter.
- he will exhibit neither mourning or real signs of emotional loss and will almost always exhibit strangely inappropriate behaviour and speech after the mysterious death of his wife.
- he will be using his full array of skills to direct any inquiries or police investigation towards fictious threats and other suspects and away from himself.
- he is generally intelligent though he greatly overestimates his talents.
- he believes that he is smarter and better than the rest of us, certainly smarter than the police.
- to achieve his goal he may follow one of two distinct strategies. Either he can erase the victims body by destroying it entirely or secreting it where it won't be found or he can rearrange the crime or stage a whole false scenario to erase all connection between himself and any criminal act. Either way he appears to remain free and clear of any involvement in the act.
- eraser killers hardly ever commit suicide as they feel no guilt for what they have done. Only in the rarest of instances will they ever admit their crimes.

I was 99.9% sure after one week BR premeditated the situation and has played it out, sometimes well and other times badly. I can't be 100% sure but hopefully i can add that .1% some time soon.

AR for me has no involvement at all. I believe KR did confide in him re leaving when SR was 21 as she didn't want friends and family to know the true situation.
As to SR & BR's involvement I think there is some after the final act to what extent I can't even guess.

BR shut up from talking as he was making too many statement mistakes pure and simple, told to shut up or sink yourself.

I think the body was somewhere else before the final area where KR was found. I don't know if KR had life insurance but I think Victoria is 7 years before insurance payout if no body is found.
I think her body was placed there a few months after she went missing in the hope that it would be found as there was too many opportunities very early on to hide or bury her body in a far better place.

BR's most idiotic media comment to The Australian who had printed that the family was battling financial pressures 'let me tell you something - you cant even get your facts right'.That's coming from someone who when questioned 'where were you on the day your wife went missing' and somehow just a wee fact of a 2 plus hour window when you took the car for a drive was left out. The fuel gauge wasn't the only thing not registering on the day!

Puzzling for me is the person who claims he saw two men and one with with a shovel near where KR's body was found and would have no problem identifying the expressionless man.
He said the two men resembled BR and VR isn't that enough to make an arrest? Another local says he saw someone walk out of the bush with a shovel straight into his head lights.
I dont think even BR would be that thick to walk out with a shovel into head lights you would hide until the vehicle is gone. The person said it was late December he shared the story with locals and it was doing the rounds at dinner parties and he later reported it to local police. When KR's body was found he recounted the story to homicide detectives.
Why wouldn't the local police have given the info to detectives? it wasn't as though the area around hadn't been searched re Gisborne. The person made the effort to advise local police but not followed up, just seems odd. So two sightings and yet KR's body was found in a place not what you would consider to be a well hidden spot.

KR was unfortuante that BR was basically her first love at an early age i think around 16 years old and with no experience of having had previous boyfriends she had nothing to judge him against and he would have found her easy to manipulate from day one as he would be too street wise for her. I know plenty of guys who are no good with women either control freaks orpossevive. None of them obvioulsy gone to the extreme, one did time for assault, one has 8 protection orders on 8 different women, those two have been numbers 1 and 2 on the list for years but there is 20 on the list. I wouldn't think they would be like that but takes a while for true colours to come through. I said a year ago i was going to write a book on the top 10 and their stalking and possessive traits so young girls can see the danger signs before its too late. Also have few stories from the women who were in bad possessive and manipulating relationships. It won't help everyone but if one is saved from a situation like KR it will be worth it. First copy will be going to my 12 year old niece. Believe me some of the stories from the guys are horror stories and you would think couldn't happen but they did.

So sorry I haven't given you much (but I did like reading the traits of an eraser killer) but I will get some satisfaction knowing someone is reading it and hopefully abusing the crap out of me to someone else.



you know who it's going to be!

Thank you so much Steve for your post, it s very much valued here and a great evaluation of Borce's character and what most likely happened.
I'm glad that you see SR as a victim too, I mean, this man was the controller, the manipulator in that family and I think Karen was isolated enough not to ask friends for help, what can SR do but wait for the police to arrest her dad. Very sad and a shocking state of affairs.
Lets hope there's an arrest soon with enough to put this lying murderer behind bars where he belongs. He's fooled a lot of people, good and kind hearted people who project their goodness onto him, he doesn't deserve it. He'd let an innocent person be incriminated and would say nothing, he's looking out for number one as always! I also can't see a glimmer of remorse or guilt, just him trying to save his own neck.
You and your family will receive justice any day now! Let that knock, knock be the boys in blue! :)
Wow Steve. Thank you for this utterly comprehensive post. Where did you get your info on the erasure killer from please?

May I ask if you had me BR prior to this all happening?

I hope you do write that book and dedicate it to Karen. It could save lives! I'd like to see Trooper co write it with you. Such a talent.

So true!!
Barbie05 one of our lovely locals here posted this on 30th July only a few days ago re Sarah's strange personality when she went into the shop numerous times before Karen's body was found...

mella, another one of our locals here who knew Karen, Borce and Sarah personally, posted this a few days ago...

I'm trying to find more insight into the family dynamics and personalities to get a clearer picture of how it all comes together... but it still feels very foggy to me, with what we know up until now. :thinking: :waiting: ...MOO

The post was moderated and the offensive parts deleted, those sympathies lay with Borce unfortunately and didn't paint Karen in a good light, is Mella friends with Karen? This happened on GBC thread also.

If Karen finally let off steam after putting up with Borce's shenanigans for God knows how many years, can anyone blame her? Her only fault was that she trusted him enough to allow her to speak her mind and to leave! He couldn't even handle it, he had to STOP her!

Why is it when we're so close to the truth, do people bail on the victim?
Steve Richardson:
I think the body was somewhere else before the final area where KR was found. I don't know if KR had life insurance but I think Victoria is 7 years before insurance payout if no body is found.
I think her body was placed there a few months after she went missing in the hope that it would be found as there was too many opportunities very early on to hide or bury her body in a far better place.

My thought re "refrigerator" ..... especially because the newspapers stressed the phrase when Karen was found: badly decomposed body. of a body after freezing before&f=false


This FB-pic which shows Karen with two girlfriends at a party (fascinator on their heads, you remember) is perhaps showing BR too. Not really important to know, but I think he was an attractive man some years ago and the required handling by Karen was certainly very difficult in many ways. In addition his probable character as a Macedonian man - not an easy undertaking to have him as a husband, IMO, particularly because KR wasn't a Macedonian girl who had grown up with this special sort of men and their supremacy.


I think if BR knew of Karen's plan to leave him right after SR's 21st birthday (and why shouldn't he have known??) she had signed her own death sentence. MOO
Steve Richardson:

My thought re "refrigerator" ..... especially because the newspapers stressed the phrase when Karen was found: badly decomposed body.

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This FB-pic which shows Karen with two girlfriends at a party (fascinator on their heads, you remember) is perhaps showing BR too. Not really important to know, but I think he was an attractive man some years ago and the required handling by Karen was certainly very difficult in many ways. In addition his probable character as a Macedonian man - not an easy undertaking to have him as a husband, IMO, particularly because KR wasn't a Macedonian girl who had grown up with this special sort of men and their supremacy.


I think if BR knew of Karen's plan to leave him right after SR's 21st birthday (and why shouldn't he have known??) she had signed her own death sentence. MOO

re:refrigerator, I think forensics can detect if a body has been frozen at one stage.

I'm sure Borce has a lot of admirers and probably has a mistress or two skulking somewhere, maybe even one who's posted about how great he is and the awfulness he had to endure..... phfft!
I'm not up to speed with Macedonians except for an online friend, so they're known for controlling behaviour?
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