Found Deceased Australia - Karen Ristevski, 47, Melbourne, Vic, 29 June 2016 - #13

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any ideas why he's got CR's pic as main?

I can only assume that he has it in for CR. It seems totally childish and spiteful IMO. I guess it's something only AR can answer and I'm really surprised that nobody has asked him that very question to date.
Slightly O/T but did anyone happen to watch "Catching a killer" last night on the ABC? Fascinating behind the scenes with homicide squad and family regarding a missing persons case. The partner did it, but it showed how they unravelled his web of lies including cctv of his car movements, (sound familiar?). Highly worth watching. It is on abciview if you're interested

Thank you Morrisa.
As you have stated, a fascinating, detailed depiction, of the full investigation of a 'missing person'.
From the beautiful way the 6 year old was questioned, depicting movement of cars, cameras, finding of blood, removal of evidence, blood in boot, all unraveling the web of lies, discovering body and funeral, left me very emotional, a complete outsider.
The killer, a controlling manipulator, showing no remorse, brought to justice.

Depicting the close bond the investigators had with family was very good to witness
Best part for me was, in prison, due to circumstances of the crime, the killer will be badly treated by inmates: FOR 20 YEARS!!!!!! :happydance:
Slightly O/T but did anyone happen to watch "Catching a killer" last night on the ABC? Fascinating behind the scenes with homicide squad and family regarding a missing persons case. The partner did it, but it showed how they unravelled his web of lies including cctv of his car movements, (sound familiar?). Highly worth watching. It is on abciview if you're interested

Yes a great watch .....

I kept thinking whilst watching ........ why haven't they arrested Borce yet...

Feel there is something we are totally missing in this case ........

Haven't people been arrested for murder ..... with even less circumstantial evidence, than what we have been presented in this case ...

Scratches head .........????
I can only assume that he has it in for CR. It seems totally childish and spiteful IMO. I guess it's something only AR can answer and I'm really surprised that nobody has asked him that very question to date.

Ant is either brave or stupid. He knows the murderer will do anything not to go to gaol and others who will protect the murderer.

any ideas why he's got CR's pic as main?


Serious note ...

AR at one point in time used to "hang" with CR as we saw (heard) on ACA.... what circles "they" mixed with when they hung out can only be left to ones imagination...

IMO I think AR saw himself as an equal to CR and upset that Family have choosen to still include CR ..... but have excluded him.

Like ...thinking....... two black sheep ..... but only one sheep accepted .... and it's not fair!!...... totally IMO only...
Ant is either brave or stupid. He knows the murderer will do anything not to go to gaol and others who will protect the murderer.

I don't think he fears his Dad at all ..... remember he said his father "doesn't have it in him" ..... to kill.

He actually paints a portrait of his Father being this meek "nerdy" straighty 180...coward..... who allowed a woman to control their lives.

With his past FB posts featured on msm ..... he basically makes it sound like Borce allowed certain things to continue because Borce was to afraid to brake that perfect image of the perfect family.

Personally I'd be more worried about an out of control person who admittedly uses ICE.....

ICE is known to make people violent ....... and remember he was the one incarcerated for 15months for assault ..... from memory a weapon was involved....

No AR is invincible in his own mind .... well at times... at others ....

I suspect feels rejected, inadequate, unloved and forgotten........ addiction is a very sad consequence ..... a self medication from some ill...

Very sad allround...
Mmmm will have to mull over that overnight...

Night *advertiser censored*

VR looks druggy IMO.

What do you mean TGY? Do you feel that VR is a user and/or a dealer? And what type of drugs? IMO VR's complexion and physicality would suggest that he is not a user of any illicit drugs whatsoever.
Does anyone think that a mature pleasant woman like KR would be have the slightest interest in an illiterate, ranting, drug addicted child? I don't.
What do you mean TGY? Do you feel that VR is a user and/or a dealer? And what type of drugs? IMO VR's complexion and physicality would suggest that he is not a user of any illicit drugs whatsoever.

Not the heavy stuff.
What do you mean TGY? Do you feel that VR is a user and/or a dealer? And what type of drugs? IMO VR's complexion and physicality would suggest that he is not a user of any illicit drugs whatsoever.

Interesting....drug dealers and users.
I had considered that in regard to the younger members of the family.
The elders ... hmmm. I guess addiction is addiction regardless of what it is. Would you sell drugs to feed a gambling addiction? :dunno:
Did Borce really watch AR, one of his children use drugs?
One thing for sure imo is you might be able to keep many things hidden under the family rug.
There is something about drug use that brings all to the surface .... secrets very hard to keep, manipulation rife..
Close loving relationships ...fractured.
I am curious as to what the issue with SR and her mother had been in those last weeks.
On THREAD 2...Post # 273...Emirates

Yes Makara...
Our lovely local Emirates drove past the Ristevski home doing some sleuthing for us...

The garage was open with 2 grey with a P-plate (guessing that might be Sarah's).

I don't know how to bring that post on Thread 2 Post # 273 over to here...

Hi Matey......on one drive by going back quite a few months ago she had green "P'....on a drive by shortly after the funeral there were no 'P' plates. I drive past maybe twice a week with nothing to advise unfortunately. I was on Mount Macedon for a social event last weekend, whilst not going off track I was surprised with position of KR's burial location. I was hoping to engage in conversation with several locals....I couldn't believe nobody was really interested.....they thought I was a bit of a nutter.......(says she who is currently watching an autopsy Saturday morning with a cuppa). Anyway off to my daughters salon on Friday.....will speak to the owner again in an endeavour for the local lady who allegedly saw KR walking on the day of her disappearance to contact me. I'm sure I
Slightly O/T but did anyone happen to watch "Catching a killer" last night on the ABC? Fascinating behind the scenes with homicide squad and family regarding a missing persons case. The partner did it, but it showed how they unravelled his web of lies including cctv of his car movements, (sound familiar?). Highly worth watching. It is on abciview if you're interested

Hope BR watches 'Catching a Killer' alerted for us above, by Morrisa.
BR will be TERRIFIED knowing his ridiculous lies will be disentangled as in program referred to.

Note the childlike innocence, with the BRILLIANT evidence given by the 6 year old, 'nailing' the case.
In KR's case, hope also comments by BR, and others have a similar effect.
Our Police evidence, will bring about "no comment" from Br, as in case referred here.

BR hope you are watching, not long to go.
Too late, mate, it's happening around the next corner, hope you are ready !!!!
Ive been listening to 'Australian true crime' podcasts. They have one on maria korp and allison baden clay. Lots of similarities.... although, both other cases affairs were involved where im now very convinced that br/kr wasnt having an affair.

Worth listening too

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THE troubled stepson of murdered Melbourne retailer Karen Ristevski has launched a Facebook blog in a bid to bring attention to the unsolved crime.
Self-described ice addict Anthony Rickard, 33, is seeking financial support for the project, titled “A life of missery (sic) from Rickard to Ristevski”.
Mr Rickard has asked his 5000-plus friends and followers to share the “book blog” around in order to “make a bit of an impact”.

I received this google alert, msm is reporting AR's blog, so it's open to discuss. I would love to know Borce's reaction to this, but got to hand to them (father & son), it's always about money.

Sorry guys, late to the party. TGY already posted. :)
THE troubled stepson of murdered Melbourne retailer Karen Ristevski has launched a Facebook blog in a bid to bring attention to the unsolved crime.
Self-described ice addict Anthony Rickard, 33, is seeking financial support for the project, titled “A life of missery (sic) from Rickard to Ristevski”.
Mr Rickard has asked his 5000-plus friends and followers to share the “book blog” around in order to “make a bit of an impact”.

I received this google alert, msm is reporting AR's blog, so it's open to discuss. I would love to know Borce's reaction to this, but got to hand to them (father & son), it's always about money.

Sorry guys, late to the party. TGY already posted. :)

He has asked for financial support from who? His 5000 friends and followers on facebook. How do they fund him even if they wanted too? Does he have a go fund me page or something?
Surely not the media again.
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