GUILTY Australia - Khandalyce Pearce (Wynarka) and Karlie Pearce-Stevenson (Belanglo) #11

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I took no offence.. it is you who have chosen to be offended, and write unasked for messages , which I require you to stop doing.. Thanks. I responded to your rather peremptory statements as clearly and at length as was possible in the time I allot to this matter. My responses were pertinent to the question asked. What more did you want?

It would be conducive to the progress of this particular blog if you would consider responding to 1968 and me re our question to you. I am sure we both posed our query with the required amount of pleasantry and due deference.... .. to save you going back, the general gist of our similar question was...

what is your theory and how did you come to your conclusion....?

You are at liberty to ignore both of us, naturally, I merely point the matter out as a convenience to you.
As I have explained I'm new to this forum, I don't even know how it all works so fair go, I don't even know when my inbox is full, this is a weird website, I've never used one like this before. As you seem to be quite upset by one little message from me then I don't think I will bother with you again after this reply as you seem like a very defensive strange person to me so I'd rather not have any further communication with you from now on.

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As I have explained I'm new to this forum, I don't even know how it all works so fair go, I don't even know when my inbox is full, this is a weird website, I've never used one like this before. As you seem to be quite upset by one little message from me then I don't think I will bother with you again after this reply as you seem like a very defensive strange person to me so I'd rather not have any further communication with you from now on.

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I wish there was more out there about Karlie and Khandy the people.

they were both so young....... There are bits and pieces about Kharlie....her family loved her, her cousins never let her go...

.. I have often thought, how crazy brave was she to set out with Khandy, off on a road trip, no destination, just answering the call of the road.. it has a romantic air. Australian roads are so rarely romantic though, long, dusty, hot, gritty, especially the roads she traversed, up thru the Territory, South Australia, along those vast baking heat plains of western Victoria and NSW.....

She must have had spark, though, and I take my hat off to Khandy.. what a little soldier.
they were both so young....... There are bits and pieces about Kharlie....her family loved her, her cousins never let her go...

.. I have often thought, how crazy brave was she to set out with Khandy, off on a road trip, no destination, just answering the call of the road.. it has a romantic air. Australian roads are so rarely romantic though, long, dusty, hot, gritty, especially the roads she traversed, up thru the Territory, South Australia, along those vast baking heat plains of western Victoria and NSW.....

She must have had spark, though, and I take my hat off to Khandy.. what a little soldier.

Yes very brave - and sad that her quest ended in a lonely grave in a forest far from her baby and her home. I have no doubt she did nothing to deserve this horrible end.
I wonder if DH (good acronym) will show any empathy for her during the trial...
He will be certain to insist he is innocent of all charges ... but it will be very telling....he won’t be able to hide his true nature behind a barrister - it will be all out there for everyone to see.

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Yes very brave - and sad that her quest ended in a lonely grave in a forest far from her baby and her home. I have no doubt she did nothing to deserve this horrible end.
I wonder if DH (good acronym) will show any empathy for her during the trial...
He will be certain to insist he is innocent of all charges ... but it will be very telling....he won’t be able to hide his true nature behind a barrister - it will be all out there for everyone to see.

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I am curious as to how he is going to explain away the murder of Khandalyce. Even for one as deaf and blind to normal human conduct, that one is going to sink him, neck and crop. There just is no explanation that has the capacity for lift off. He is stuck with that ice cold murder any which way he tries to spin it.

Juries just hate the narcissists who represent themselves.. they take up so much of everyone's time, the jury, the judge, the court officers... it is a real labour of civic duty being juror on those kind of trials, but for a murder of a child, it will be almost unbearable for the unlucky citizens..
Yes poor little Khandalyce - how is he going to explain that. Stuffed in a suitcase. Dumped beside the highway. Didn’t even give that baby girl a proper grave.

The trial judge, jury, prosecutors, witnesses, experts, public gallery. Poor things. They should provide buckets for everyone in the court. Or anti - nausea tablets.

The police might approve - they don’t have to have their evidence cross examined and picked apart by a good lawyer.
Just bouncing of this and slightly off topic but I recently followed a thread of Dellen Millard. He was on his 2nd trial for murder (he is about to go to 3rd - yes 3 different people) anyway he represented himself. It was quite odd to read the proceeding. Beside being narcissistic and bringing into trial weird irrelevant pieces of evidence and how womanising he was, it was really off when he questioned the family and friend of the victim. I appreciate the fact he did in fact represent himself and partially did a lot better job than most of us may do but it was strange tactics. I am unsure what reasoning a person would have of doing this really. He did also constantly try to stall and always referring to the fact he was indeed representing himself. IMO

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Terrible that this is allowed, IMO! Traumatic. That means maximum sentence for the relatives/friends. :moo:
I remember the howling behind closed doors before DH's first court appearance .... IF he was the polluter.
Now a future "defense lawyer" wearing a suit (certainly), freshly combed and shaved and proud to be the center of the "event".
I remember the howling behind closed doors before DH's first court appearance .... IF he was the polluter.
Now a future "defense lawyer" wearing a suit (certainly), freshly combed and shaved and proud to be the center of the "event".

Oh yes FG, I recall howling in the background, and last year DH said via videolink from a special unit in Goulburn Jail he feared for his life if he was made to appear before a court. But, he said he intended on representing himself at trial. And Les Marbutt told DH in that case he would have to appear in court upon which DH became upset and agitated. DH said he wanted to stay in Goulburn Jail, he felt safer there, and he wanted to go straight to trial, and he didn't want to do this. :thinking:
they were both so young....... There are bits and pieces about Kharlie....her family loved her, her cousins never let her go...

.. I have often thought, how crazy brave was she to set out with Khandy, off on a road trip, no destination, just answering the call of the road.. it has a romantic air. Australian roads are so rarely romantic though, long, dusty, hot, gritty, especially the roads she traversed, up thru the Territory, South Australia, along those vast baking heat plains of western Victoria and NSW.....

She must have had spark, though, and I take my hat off to Khandy.. what a little soldier.

My female cousin from Broken Hill will drive alone to Adelaide on a whim. To our wonderful country people ‘everywhere is just up the road’.

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