Australia Australia - Kylie Blackwood, 42, Pakenham, Vic, 1 Aug 2013

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Still thinking of you, Kylie. You're not forgotten :rose:
You know, I still find something VERY odd about a man who was desperate for cash breaking into a home, viciously attacking Kylie as he did, taking her bankcard -- and not having the wit to realise that he'd need the correct PIN number to use it... wth.

Strange things do happen, I must admit. But not knowing atm's need PIN numbers is something I would not even expect from the dumbest, highest junkie I've ever met.

IMO, either the guy (who was somehow not notably covered in blood in the middle of the day?) wanted to make sure he was seen in the street at that time, for whatever reason, or he forced a PIN out of Kylie before fatally attacking her, and she had the presence of mind to give him the wrong one. But you know, if it was me, I'd be terrified not just for myself, but of making a man like that angry enough to come back - and the kids were due home.. But then, I dunno what I'd do if someone was sticking a knife in me at the time.
Sorry, we're having a pretty full-on thunder storm here tonight and I can't sleep, mind working overtime, sorry for the babble.. But. If the guy had just stabbed/slashed Kylie in a frenzy, enough to leave her as bloody as she was found, and he didn't change clothes at all (and we know he didn't because the tradie would've noticed, surely) how'd he walk about, spattered in blood and no-one noticed? How does someone this violent NOT have fingerprints on record, or leave a ton of them behind for that matter? As well as the thing with the card, eh.

Idk, maybe it's the storm/insomnia. But this stuff is really bothering me tonight.
Sorry, we're having a pretty full-on thunder storm here tonight and I can't sleep, mind working overtime, sorry for the babble.. But. If the guy had just stabbed/slashed Kylie in a frenzy, enough to leave her as bloody as she was found, and he didn't change clothes at all (and we know he didn't because the tradie would've noticed, surely) how'd he walk about, spattered in blood and no-one noticed? How does someone this violent NOT have fingerprints on record, or leave a ton of them behind for that matter? As well as the thing with the card, eh.

Idk, maybe it's the storm/insomnia. But this stuff is really bothering me tonight.

This case has me baffled and frustrated, too, Ausgirl...

There are way too many questions left unanswered...

I am appreciative that you are keeping Kylie on the "front page" of WS...

We need to find her killer!!!!

Bumping up this pic of Kylie on the front page of the paper.... Announcing the dragnet to find her killer.......

Hope it works...

ETA...Didn't work... Sorry.... :blushing:
Bumping up this pic of Kylie on the front page of the paper.... Announcing the dragnet to find her killer.......

Hope it works...

ETA...Didn't work... Sorry.... :blushing:


This pic, Clue?

Can't believe that it has been over three months since we have heard anything at all about Kylie. Still no reward offered either. :sigh:

Soon her children will be spending another Christmas without their mum. And still no-one has been locked up for her brutal murder. :(

Extract from the Gazette...
On Monday 15 July 2013, the Pakenham mother signed a pledge to increase the minimum sentence for people convicted of murder, manslaughter, rape and offences related to children.
The Gazette has verified the signature.

Not sure what to think - was it just a one off petition that she happened to sign.
I know I sometimes see people with petitions in the Shopping centres and will have a look and sign fr the cause if its something I agree with.
Or was Kylie active in other areas of Social Justice?
I think it's a bit strange that after almost a year and a half someone notices Kylie's signature on a petition probably signed by hundreds or even thousands. And then bring it to the attention of the press! Why?
Well, it is pretty ironic. I kind of get why.

And really, the more awareness of how crap our sentencing procedures are, the better. Who knows, Kylie *might* be still be alive if her killer is one of the many still walking around thanks to the court - when he really should not be, for all our safety.
Hi, just remembered about poor Kylie. I only live about 20 mins from her house and at the time my friends and I were really spooked by her murder. Thought I'd pop over to see if anyone has any clue what's going on with her investigation… I shall read back but I'm surprised there's only 27 pages. No leads?
Still catching up, but on page 17 it occurred to me that if this was a job; maybe the payment was grab the credit card and withdraw what you want. Perhaps perp then forgot or was given the wrong pin (sorry if this has been discussed or if I'm just way off).
I'm all caught up now… Obviously things are a bit quiet for Kylie. Just want to add that it surprised me there were only 17 likes for her justice page on Facebook. Only 17 people want Justice for Kylie- how sad is that? Are her family running another page for her?
I'm all caught up now… Obviously things are a bit quiet for Kylie. Just want to add that it surprised me there were only 17 likes for her justice page on Facebook. Only 17 people want Justice for Kylie- how sad is that? Are her family running another page for her?
I agree... The silence is "deafening" and heartbreaking... :(

:welcome: Burtrito...

I just re-watched the footage from her funeral. Another thing I noticed is that the photo that was chosen for her funeral booklet was a selfie. Am I reading too much into this? Wasn't there any nice photos of Kylie that someone else took? (It was a very nice picture of her and I suppose in this day and age a selfie is an acceptable obit. pic)
I just re-watched the footage from her funeral. Another thing I noticed is that the photo that was chosen for her funeral booklet was a selfie. Am I reading too much into this? Wasn't there any nice photos of Kylie that someone else took? (It was a very nice picture of her and I suppose in this day and age a selfie is an acceptable obit. pic)

Interesting question...

It does seem that "selfies" are accepted throughout society these days...

But those seem to be from more casual events....

I do question when the last "family portrait" may have been taken?

So from what I gather everyone here thinks that police have one or several POIs and are trying to connect the dots? I just don't believe VIC police would let a violent & unpredictable predator be on the loose without alerting the public- similarly in Maddy's case mentioned upthread the likely perp is under police watch…
Just going to write down a summary of what Ive read- please correct me if I get anything wrong
1. 10 am a neighbour hears a scream coming from Kylie's home.
2. Kylie goes out in morning and while she's out a man is seen snooping around by a tradie at about 11:30am
2. Someone local admits to snooping around for a valid reason and is "all but cleared" (which is not 100 percent cleared- he is found to be in possession of a striped hoodie)
3. Kylie is murdered somewhere between 12 and 330 pm, she is found in a sitting position on her couch (by her own children- bless them). She has defence and face wounds and is still bleeding- cause of death not being made known to public.
4. Tradie see's the same man leaving the home 20 mins later (around 12pm)
5. Sometime after Kylie's murder her credit card is used in main street and the attempt to withdraw cash is thwarted by entering the wrong pin 3 times (I assume the card was then seized by the machine- this indicates to me that the perpetrator was not thinking straight)
I dont understand whether the person that used her card walked there or was driven. I certainly hope that there was some CCTV footage available for analysis given this fact arose sometime after Kylie's murder.
6. Police are drag netting DNA samples of criminals that like in Pakenham at the time Kylie was murdered. I assume then that they have found DNA outside of family members within the home?

That's it for now. But I'll be back to annoy you all soon- I was on William Tyrell's thread but its been closed for review *sigh
ETA IF Kylie left her garage door open, where was she heading in the afternoon? Not to pick up the kids as they obviously walked home… so between 12 and 330ish she had plans I wonder what they were or if they are in some way significant.

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