Hi all,
So the games have begun. The defendant has applied to “add” witnesses to the trial (or rather his lawyer has) and this will be on the 30th Sept. Apparently this is a stalling tactic as the standard to teach and be successful is actually quite high.
Basically they should have gotten their *advertiser censored* sorted like they were supposed to early on.
Anyway, I digress (it’s been a LONG week with NMPW and Leisl being on coffee cups in Australia through selected cafes) from the point.
No word on a trial date yet, as things can’t be moved forward etc until the crap in Sept is sorted out.
Sorry for the obvious frustration and potential rudeness of my tone but I’m quite sick and staring down the barrel of a diagnosis of influenza. Which is just adding to a rather *advertiser censored* week all round atm.
Take care all, I do drop by and while I dont always write I do read and your thoughts and well wishes are much appreciated.
Xx E