Deceased/Not Found Australia - Lynette Dawson, 34, Sydney, Jan 1982 *husband guilty* #5

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Eight words that sealed Dawson’s fate​

From the article part of the decision. After listening to the podcast I suspected that those records would have been kept if they truly existed even though Lyn did not make the purchases. His brother Peter had the opportunity to show those at the Inquest but they weren't seen then. They never believed he would be charged after the initial period.

Dawson claimed that he had received bank statements that showed Ms Simms had made purchases at Katies on January 12, 1982 and Just Jeans on January 26 or 27.

“His failure to keep records which he identified at the time as being important cannot properly be characterised as a consequence of the delay,” Justice Adamson found.
I have said A High Court is in London, and Australia has a High Court in Canberra. London isn't THE only High Court. So We Ssssure Do. Have since 1903, One has never HAD to take a matter to the High Court (Privy Council ) in London, but one could in days past, right up until around 1965 - 68 as I said in my original post. It all ended with a legal argument , as things often do in matters when a famous AU barrister, Sir Garfield Barwick disagreed with a judgement that had come down from the Privy Council in London on a matter taken to the High Court in London, (DPP v SMITH) and the AU parliament passed a bill disallowing this procedure.

It's a long story, but I'll cut it short. The Privy Council overturned Sir Garfield Barwick's judgement and this caused a legal stoush that , with lots of back and forth and to and fro and up and down and inside and out resulted in the Privy Council being not accounted for all intents and purposes as any higher than any Australian court, nor it's Law Lords being of any heavier weight in judgement than an Australian High Court Judge,

So that was the situation in AU., in 1968, The High Court in Canberra is it. Except up until 1986, one could appeal a judgement to the Appeals to the Privy Council from any State Supreme Court in AU , and then that was closed off, with consent by Parliament and that is the situation today.

Apropos of nothing, the High Court in Canberra is a rather beautiful building on a prime spot on Lake Burley Griffin, a public building, well worth a detour.

As to your side note. Mr Dawson's third wife has divorced him and settled their estate, a necessary move on her part as she sunk her superannuation into his court cases, and was up for more, so the assets probably needed to be divvied up before the Barristers bills came in. As I understand it, he is using legal aid , I think I read that somewhere, .. He has the free services of his brother, who is a barrister, the same barrister who gently led him thru the legal maze of his 'divorce' from Lynn.

( my personal opinion on the category 'legally married' .. his first marriage ended in his being a widow, but since he could not put that on his 2nd marriage licence , (because he was claiming he was looking for Lynn ) he went thru a form of sham divorce claiming Lynn had deserted him, and left him with two children, and he was granted a 'divorce' on those grounds. ( which were spurious grounds, making that judgement null and void) .

He then married JC, claiming to be a divorcee, which he was not, he was a widower. JC divorced him ( not knowing it was a sham marriage certificate ) and he married his third wife, claiming on it to be a twice divorced man,, which he was not, , when he was a widower and a bigamist and a divorcee once., all this is embroidery and garnish entirely served up to illustrate the slipperiness of 'legally married' )
Thank you for your detailed response, it is very much appreciated. I will make a note to check out the high court in Canberra one day, it sounds quite lovely indeed.

This is actually quite fascinating. So wife number three dug into her own super to fund her foolish husband’s court battles…. It’s like throwing good money after bad, isn’t it?

How many lives has CD ruined? IMO

It’s like he dug a hole and kept digging and digging and digging, and now he can’t get out.
He should not have taken his third wife’s money … that’s so wrong - but she must have volunteered it.

I wonder what she knew of his past and Lyn all this time. I feel so angry just because he re used Lyn’s rings, let alone his relationship with an underaged child- how could you know this about a partner and feel happy with them… I just don’t understand it. She must not have seen the whole picture at the time.

This exclusive by Stephen Gibbs for DMA just dropped.

  • Bones found at Cromer on Sydney's northern beaches
  • Site is 12km south of where Lynette Simms disappeared
He should not have taken his third wife’s money … that’s so wrong - but she must have volunteered it.

I wonder what she knew of his past and Lyn all this time. I feel so angry just because he re used Lyn’s rings, let alone his relationship with an underaged child- how could you know this about a partner and feel happy with them… I just don’t understand it. She must not have seen the whole picture at the time.

Please don't assume that she must have given it to him. One of the patterns of behaviour of someone who has coercive control in an abusive relationship, is that they believe they have the right to access their victim's money and do so through threats, humiliation, harassment, gaslighting, etc. including outright theft.

This exclusive by Stephen Gibbs for DMA just dropped.

  • Bones found at Cromer on Sydney's northern beaches
  • Site is 12km south of where Lynette Simms disappeared

A skull was found, and there was evidence of a homicide, so it shouldn't take too long to hear if Lyn is eliminated as the victim. Do we know anything more about the South Creek Rd construction site? What building, if any was standing and for how long?

The victims of several notorious missing persons cases were last known to have been seen in the northern beaches area.

Mother-of-two Lynette Simms vanished without trace from the Bayview home she shared with husband Chris Dawson in January 1982.

Cromer is about 12km south of Bayview and 13km south of Newport, from where 18-year-old Trudie Adams disappeared in February 1978.

There is no indication at this stage the bones could belong to Ms Simms or Ms Adams.

The victims of several notorious missing persons cases were last known to have been seen in the northern beaches area.

Mother-of-two Lynette Simms vanished without trace from the Bayview home she shared with husband Chris Dawson in January 1982.

Cromer is about 12km south of Bayview and 13km south of Newport, from where 18-year-old Trudie Adams disappeared in February 1978.

There is no indication at this stage the bones could belong to Ms Simms or Ms Adams.
Bones unearthed by workers at a construction site on Sydney’s northern beaches have been confirmed as non-human, police have confirmed.

The victims of several notorious missing persons cases were last known to have been seen in the northern beaches area.

Mother-of-two Lynette Simms vanished without trace from the Bayview home she shared with husband Chris Dawson in January 1982.

Cromer is about 12km south of Bayview and 13km south of Newport, from where 18-year-old Trudie Adams disappeared in February 1978.

There is no indication at this stage the bones could belong to Ms Simms or Ms Adams.
Was Trudie Adams known to CD?

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