Australia- Nine people stabbed including 9 month baby @ the Westfield Shopping Centre in Bondi Junction, suspect fatally shot, Sydney, 13 April 2024

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Licence revoked? For what? For agreeing to see how the patient goes without their medication for 6 months, and then the patient moves interstate and becomes uncontactable, and never attends for follow-up? If the patient is not involuntarily detained, is not on a Community Treatment Order, has no known history of violence (at that point) against self or others, there is nothing we can do. If we find out which doctor the patient is attending in their new state (through the parents or others), we can contact that clinic and say "this patient is now attending your service, could you please check how he is going and restart his medication if necessary" but the vast majority of the time we have no idea where they are.

Most of our patients with schizophrenia take themselves off their medication anyway, with or without our approval or knowledge, because that is just the nature of their illness. If they are not under legal compulsion to take their meds, what can we do - attend all of their homes and hold them down and shove their medication in their mouth or give them an injection against their will? That is assault for which we can be prosecuted.

Why is this on the GP and not the parents?

Take it as my opinion only as I am not verified here as a medical practitioner.

If it was safe to take him off meds why was he known to Police for mental health incidents as was reported?

Who is really responsible for a MH patient?

A patient himself/herself?
a person who can be oblivious of his/her real condition?

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My opinion is that if a security guard needs to be more qualified/weaponised as part of the public perception of his job role then the shopping centre should be paying and recruiting accordingly. It should not be down to the individual. Otherwise, when you get staff turnover you will get differing levels of protection which would be exploited.

Reminder that one of Websleuths' most basic principles is that we are victim friendly and do not blame victims or somehow make them responsible for their own deaths.

Members who can't seem to post in accord with that policy should not post in this discussion.
Licence revoked? For what? For agreeing to see how the patient goes without their medication for 6 months, and then the patient moves interstate and becomes uncontactable, and never attends for follow-up?

The most important part of treatment for schizophrenia is medication. It is nearly impossible to manage symptoms without antipsychotic drugs. There is currently no cure for schizophrenia, so it's evident that treatment should be ongoing. While there may be periods of remission where symptoms improve, treatment is typically necessary for life as the condition rarely, if ever, goes into complete remission.
The most important part of treatment for schizophrenia is medication. It is nearly impossible to manage symptoms without antipsychotic drugs. There is currently no cure for schizophrenia, so it's evident that treatment should be ongoing. While there may be periods of remission where symptoms improve, treatment is typically necessary for life as the condition rarely, if ever, goes into complete remission.
She didn't stop his medication she changed and reduced his medication to reduce the crippling side effects.

Are people with schizophrenia supposed to be forced to live like zombies their whole life just in case they have a violent psychotic episode one day?

There's also no evidence reducing his medication is what caused this episode. The illicit stimulants and hallucinogens are more likely to have done that.
If it was safe to take him off meds why was he known to Police for mental health incidents as was reported?

Who is really responsible for a MH patient?

A patient himself/herself?
a person who can be oblivious of his/her real condition?

We decided as a society some decades ago that people shouldn't be forced long term to live in institutions they don't want to be in, or to take medication they don't want to take.

You camt have you're cake and eat it too.
We decided as a society some decades ago that people shouldn't be forced long term to live in institutions they don't want to be in, or to take medication they don't want to take.

You camt have you're cake and eat it too.

One thing is obvious to me.

A very dangerous person was allowed to roam the streets.
Without proper medications.
Without whatever monitoring although there were red flags (obsession with knives, being "known to Police").

And left destruction in his wake :(
And he himself is dead.

Right care and meds COULD have prevented this tragedy.

There are millions of schizophrenics all over the world who take medications and are treated by dedicated and caring doctors, true professionals.

Do they all look and behave like Zombies?

I don't think so.
As the video interview with a schizophrenic sent upthread shows.


here it is!

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The killer might have been mentally ill, but I think he was likely also a grievance collector. Judging by his stated dating record and the apparent focus of his attacks.

It wasn't anyone else's fault that he had difficulties getting what he wanted in life.

I guess if he couldn't get anyone's attention in life, he'd get it in others' deaths.

The killer might have been mentally ill, but I think he was likely also a grievance collector. Judging by his stated dating record and the apparent focus of his attacks.

It wasn't anyone else's fault that he had difficulties getting what he wanted in life.

I guess if he couldn't get anyone's attention in life, he'd get it in others' deaths.


I would think that a professional psychiatrist might have observed these worrying traits in a patient suffering from schizophrenia.
And act accordingly.

Is it too much to ask for adequate treatment for MH patients? :oops:

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I would think that a professional psychiatrist might have observed these worrying traits in a patient suffering from schizophrenia.
And act accordingly.

Is it too much to ask for adequate treatment for MH patients? :oops:


He might have been going to do this anyway. Not just as a by-product of his schizophrenia.

The bad dates that were spoken of in MSM were when he was medicated, I think. "Nice guy, but ...."

We will never know.

Look I know he's the bad guy, but geeze when will this humiliation end? I feel so sorry for his parents.

I suppose all these accounts are important forensic data, but they could just give these stories to the police.

Everyone wants their 15 minutes I guess, never-mind all the bodies!
We have the same problems in the USA. Except our psychotic people can buy and keep all the guns they want. Psychotic does not translate to stupid, either. They know what to say and what not to say to get released if they are picked up on a psych hold. It is very tough to work with this population.
With all due respect, that's simply not true. Restrictions range from state to state, restrictions that apply to everyone, not just someone dealing with psychosis. Waiting periods and/or background checks apply. Is the system perfect? No. But mental health is imprecise and imperfect by nature. The right to privacy and the idea of minimal government interference are still concepts and protections that we enjoy and that most Americans still value tremendously. imoo omo

Different strokes for different folks, and different cultures for different countries. KWIM?
Look I know he's the bad guy, but geeze when will this humiliation end? I feel so sorry for his parents.

I suppose all these accounts are important forensic data, but they could just give these stories to the police.

Everyone wants their 15 minutes I guess, never-mind all the bodies!
So, she and her coworker disparage the man, mock him, don't offer him any constructive criticism, and then financially exploit him by booking appointments for him and renting a room out to him in their brothel?? That's cold. amoo
Look I know he's the bad guy, but geeze when will this humiliation end? I feel so sorry for his parents.

I suppose all these accounts are important forensic data, but they could just give these stories to the police.

Everyone wants their 15 minutes I guess, never-mind all the bodies!

The point is,

*this* shows how a person can
"hit the bottom"
when not treated properly,
not receiving/taking proper medications.

When a person with MH issues is mocked and jeered at.

This is the real humiliation,

and not the fact that some papers describe it or not.

Because what is being described,
To a person who was NOT in his right mind.

And that is the real problem IMO,
not some article that people read one day and forget about the next day.

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<modsnip: Quoted post was remove> ... he was somebody's patient, who seemed to manage him very well for decades, until he wasn't their patient anymore.

He moved away , disconnected with services, living an itinerant life style.

What more could they have done??

Legally, what more could anyone of done?

He had no history of violence on anyone ( that we know of )

All will be revealed at an inquest , probably years away , unless they push it forward like the Lindt Siege Inquest .
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Letting a schizophrenic

(stuffing himself with drugs, not able to hold a job, apparently not taking meds, collecting knives and known to Police for mental health episodes),

wander without being NOT monitored is lethal to society.

Why anybody is surprised with this tragic outcome
is beyond me :rolleyes:

But how do you think these people should be managed? Drugged and kept locked up somewhere? It's a fine line.
The point is,

*this* shows how a person can
"hit the bottom"
when not treated properly,
not receiving/taking proper medications.

When a person with MH issues is mocked and jeered at.

This is the real humiliation,

and not the fact that some papers describe it or not.

Because what is being described,
To a person who was NOT in his right mind.

And that is the real problem IMO,
not some article that people read one day and forget about the next day.

How do any of us know he was NOT in his right mind? I know lots of ADHD kids who refuse to take meds because it takes away their creativity. So many reasons people refuse to take meds.

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