Australia - Noah Krespanis, 22 mos, dies in hot car, Kyneton, Vic, 19 Feb 2015

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'A toddler has been found dead in a car in central Victoria.

Police said the 22-month-old boy was discovered by a family member about 3pm on Thursday in a car in Acacia Drive, Kyneton.

The toddler had been left in a Toyota Hilux parked in the driveway of a house, which a neighbour said operated as a daycare centre. Paramedics performed CPR on the boy but were unable to revive him.'

The article reports temperatures reached 31 degrees that day and the inside of the vehicle was 'very warm'. A woman was seen sitting on a step outside the home crying, as medics arrived. The home's in Acacia drive, Kyneton.


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So did the daycare worker accidentally leave 1 of the kids in the car? :cry:
Or was he left in the car as punishment?

I just don't believe this crap anymore! It's damn hot here in OZ, especially in February. We hurry to get our groceries out of the car so nothing spoils, yet kids are left to die! :banghead:
Or was he left in the car as punishment?

I just don't believe this crap anymore! It's damn hot here in OZ, especially in February. We hurry to get our groceries out of the car so nothing spoils, yet kids are left to die! :banghead:

I've been in tears for this babe.
The senior sargeant did a good job speaking to the media I thought. That's got to b so hard to stay composed that well with a camera in your face.
I drove through Kyneton today primesupect it was that typical February muggy heat this afternoon that we can't wait to be over by the end of summer.
So did the daycare worker accidentally leave 1 of the kids in the car? :cry:

She (or he)? will never forgive themselves if that's the case. I never did the home daycare thing with our kids, even though it is a more affordable option usually.

At about 3pm a family member found the unconscious 22-month-old boy in a Toyota Hilux parked in the driveway of the house on Acacia Drive.
Emergency services were called to the day care centre, with paramedics smashing through a rear window to get to the little boy strapped into a booster seat.
Police are investigating reports that when the boy's parents arrived at the day care centre to collect him, they were told the child was never dropped off.

Earlier, police said the car in which Noah was found outside a Kyneton childcare centre had only been parked for a few minutes before he was found.
His mother, too distraught to be interviewed, was present when he was found very shortly after the Toyota HiLux had parked outside the Acacia Drive home where the centre operated from, police said.
"At this stage, we haven't been able to establish what's happened. That's primarily because the mother is quite devastated and she hasn't been in the position to talk to us."
Police on Friday seized CCTV footage taken from cameras at a nearby hour in the small residential street to help establish the circumstances.

It appears from this report, the death of this poor little boy had nothing to do with Kyneton childcare centre. The mother arrived to pick her son up without realizing he was in the back seat the whole time, she was told on arrival he hadn't been dropped off?! How long was he left in the car, all day?!! :cry:
Oh My Lord. That poor woman. Who was supposed to drop him off? Did she forget or did her spouse or someone else? What a gut wrenching experience. :rose:
Oh My Lord. That poor woman. Who was supposed to drop him off? Did she forget or did her spouse or someone else? What a gut wrenching experience. :rose:

Katydid your right!
On 3AW yesterday (Victorian am radio station) the host Neil Mitchell had callers ring in and share experiences of that split second of forgetting children. Some of the callers had amazing stories to tell (all kids turned out ok and laugh about it some 30 years later). One couple left their 6 month old at a family party and got a call from the host at 3am asking "did u forget something?), another lady played a basketball game, had previously tucked the babe in to baby carrier under a spectator seat (it was 70s I think) and left the stadium and didn't realise she had left bub behind until exiting the car park!
In general they talked about how easy it could happen as we are all so busy busy busy goin from one thing to the next. A caller rang in with the suggestion of some kind of alarm to advise if there was weight still left in baby seat once ignition was turned off, to act as a reminder, as it becoming more and more often we are hearing about this.
Primesuspect or katydid, you will know - what was the name of the babe who died in the car (it was somewhere in America -I know that doesn't help the question but I don't know which part of America) and the dad thought he had taken him to crèche on way to work, but hadn't and spent the day in the office, and was going through a drivethru after work and realised son had been in car all business day? and I think it was going to go to trial as the police had doubts that it was accidental? (The boy had a good strong sounding name like William or something? (Do you remember that case and did the dad end up going to trial? (I'm thinking this was in the last 2 years????)
Primesuspect or katydid, you will know - what was the name of the babe who died in the car (it was somewhere in America -I know that doesn't help the question but I don't know which part of America) and the dad thought he had taken him to crèche on way to work, but hadn't and spent the day in the office, and was going through a drivethru after work and realised son had been in car all business day? and I think it was going to go to trial as the police had doubts that it was accidental? (The boy had a good strong sounding name like William or something? (Do you remember that case and did the dad end up going to trial? (I'm thinking this was in the last 2 years????)

The child was named Cooper Harris. Very sad case and it is going to trial soon.

thread here:
I feel for the parents, especially if the mother accidently left him in the car. I don't have any bad feelings toward her whatsoever. We have all gone on auto pilot at some stage and unfortunately for her the consequences were devastating and the worst imaginable. But what I can't understand is why did they have to smash a window. If she did go pick him up and then realised that he was still in the car when they told her that he wasn't dropped off, why could she not find the keys? Maybe she couldn't find them in all the panic, maybe.
From the Daily Mail article:

Taking to his Twitter page, a devastated Mr Krespanis paid tribute to his son making a heartfelt plea to parents urging them to hug their children and 'never let them go'.
'We lost our beautiful son today,' he wrote on the social media account on Thursday.
'Hug your children. Hug them and never let them go.'
'I love him more every day. Forever.' he said, referring to his baby boy.
'I'll always know I cherished every day. Every laugh, every adventure, every cuddle. Miss you noey X.'
Mr Krespanis' post comes just hours after it was revealed that Noah's mother is too distraught to speak to police.

Maybe I'm the weirdo for not posting every little thing that happens to me on social media, but does it seem odd to anyone else that the mom is so distraught she can't speak to police for days (weeks?) but dad is tweeting about it the same day? And the tone of the tweet is a little.... Idk, I can't find the word I'm looking for....self-congratulatory? Holier-than-thou? Condescending?

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