Australia Australia - Owen Redman, 25, Brunswick, Vic, 21 Feb 1991

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believe09 - I don't think anything happened. It looks like Christine was trying to work with julespa on the LE angle. I don't know if they ever did get ahold of LE.

I tried contacting the website for Owen, but no answer. So...... this is just sitting for the moment.

If Christine and julespa will weigh in here, maybe we can get some follow up going on?

believe09 - I don't think anything happened. It looks like Christine was trying to work with julespa on the LE angle. I don't know if they ever did get ahold of LE.

I tried contacting the website for Owen, but no answer. So...... this is just sitting for the moment.

If Christine and julespa will weigh in here, maybe we can get some follow up going on?


I don't see where jules ever answered me...sad to say I am working on so many things I move on until someone nudges me....Salem, you wanna take the reigns and find out what's going on with this submission?
Yes, Christine - I will. I'm gonna check in with julespa first. I'm sure I saw her post a day or so ago. I'll try a pm and see what happens.

Starting over on this one. I have sent an email to the person in charge of this website: asking for help facilitating information between the two countries.

Cross your fingers and say prayers that we get a response and may have someone in Austraila that will give us a hand.

Heard back from the Australian Missing website. They are going to get me some phone numbers and take a look at Owen. The prevailing thought in Austraila is that Owen has gone to work with the native people.

Heard back from the Australian Missing website. They are going to get me some phone numbers and take a look at Owen. The prevailing thought in Austraila is that Owen has gone to work with the native people.


In Australia? But I would think that his height and general appearance would stand out some amongst the natives-not a whole lot of tall, skinny, blue eyed red-heads I would think. And if he were in the native community there, wouldn't word have leaked out??? This will be interesting to see....

I had a friend who went to Tibet-my friend was over 6 feet tall, white as a ghost and female. The kids in the villages would throw stones at her thinking she was some kind of devil because she was so tall, so pale and female....they got used to her after a while of course.
Ohhhh your poor friend. I'm glad they got used to her and her life settled down in Tibet - that must have been an incredible experience.

Yes, you are right. He would stick out like a sore thumb. I'm not sure why they think this is where he is, she didn't explain. Hopefully, I'll get more info in the next few days. Crossing my fingers.

Ohhhh your poor friend. I'm glad they got used to her and her life settled down in Tibet - that must have been an incredible experience.

Yes, you are right. He would stick out like a sore thumb. I'm not sure why they think this is where he is, she didn't explain. Hopefully, I'll get more info in the next few days. Crossing my fingers.


Oh, she loved it. Statements like the above regarding his possible location always makes me think a siting was called in and possibly verified. We had another case on here where the person themselves called LE, but wanted to stay missing. Different agencies handle it different ways, and of course I have no idea what the Aussies would do....:cool:
Potential Match Submissions and Database Questions --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Questions regarding the potential match procedures General inquiries on the process Or if you are a non-member and would like to submit a Potential Match Please contact the Potential Match Coordinator, Rocky Wells --------------------- Questions regarding our Potential Match Database Please contact the Potential Match Database Coordinator, Traycie Sherwood
Here is Rocky Well's email address. Rocky Wells (
I heard back from Nicole who runs the missing persons registar for Austraila. She sent me an email address for submittal of possible matches. I emailed Jason Doe's information this morning.

I have also calendered a reminder to followup in April.

I submitted Jason Doe for Owen Redman. Here is the response:

Good morning Salem,

Thank you for bringing this to our notice and we will make the necessary enquiries through official channels.
Police are bound by Privacy Laws and we cannot forward further information to you. All that is available is already on the NMPU website.


Samantha SCHUBERT | Admin VPS2 | Missing Persons / Suspicious Deaths Crime Theme Desk | Victoria Police

So they will be checking with Virgina LE (who really are not very helpful, in my opinion). I will be sending a thank you email and asking if they will at least let me know if Owen can be ruled out.

Thanks Salem for submitting this. It may be a long shot I know but worth it. Sorry I have been so MIA, moving and other issues, but I am back now :) I hope we hear something back soon, sorry I couldn't find my original email before I moved I purged a lot of stuff on my computer ++slaps self in forehead++ DOH!
I sent another email to Australia asking if we can rule Mr. Redman out. Hopefully we will get a reply.

Mr. Redman is still listed as missing on Australia's missing person website:


ETA: I sent another email to the very nice person who helped me find the info for the missing person site, to see if maybe she could tell if Owen had been ruled out and then let us know. Hopefully we will hear something soon.
I just noticed this thread when I did a search for my brother Owen's name.

I really appreciate you posting this :)

Dylan Redma
Is this thread still active?

If anyone can help me find my brother I would appreciate it....I will buy the person responsible for reuniting me with my brother a very expensive bottle of Australian wine....
Is this thread still active?

If anyone can help me find my brother I would appreciate it....I will buy the person responsible for reuniting me with my brother a very expensive bottle of Australian wine....

I'm here! I need to read up a bit for details on his case. Does he have a thread here somewhere?
I sent another email to Australia asking if we can rule Mr. Redman out. Hopefully we will get a reply.

Mr. Redman is still listed as missing on Australia's missing person website:


ETA: I sent another email to the very nice person who helped me find the info for the missing person site, to see if maybe she could tell if Owen had been ruled out and then let us know. Hopefully we will hear something soon.

That link is no longer working. Any email update?

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