Australia Australia - Revelle Balmain, 22, Kingsford NSW, 5 Nov 1994

Police are "forensically searching" three properties in Sydney's eastern suburbs, hopeful new information can finally solve the 1994 disappearance of Revelle Balmain.
The three properties of "significant" interest, where searches will begin from 9am, are located at Bellevue Hill, Bondi Beach and Potts Point.

Search for Revelle Balmain clues at three properties in Sydney's east, as police chase 'significant' lead
finally ...I am so so happy happy....lets hope Revelle finally gets some long awaited justice.
We all have waited a lifetime.
I have been married for 25 years have two sons 24 and 18......Revelle never got to live her life.

I no longer live in Paddington in Sydney, no longer work in film and photography.

I wonder what Revelle would be doing now.....our lives were so similar back then , same clubs, bars , shops, was quite a small world in the modeling/ editorial fashion industry...same faces night after night , day after day.
1994 , such a lot has happened since then ....not for poor Revelle, or her family and friends.
I hope NSW police get some answers.
Sounds like they are after the Stanojevic's. In her first police statement in 1994 Jane Stanojevic gave the Swiss Grand Hotel as the location for Revelle to meet the two Yugoslav friends of her husband. 4 years later she changed her mind and claimed the Yugoslavs were at the Parkroyal in Darling Harbour - strange that. And the Stanojevic brothel was located in Potts Point. I wonder who has talked? Coulton?

Yes, seems like FINALLY they're looking into the Stanojevics. I've read everything I can find online about this case and could never get over the easy ride that couple was given during the investigations. SO questionable. For example, I never saw anything questioning what the arrangement was between the agency and Revelle to get her from Samer's house to the appointment with the Yugoslavians. Where was Stanojevic supposed to pick her up? He knew she was at Samer's - wouldn't it have been logical for him to pick her up there? Did he go there looking for her? Had they agreed he would pick her up at a different location and if so, where - her house? Surely that is a key part of the timeline on the final night of her life...

You would have seen the Police received a photo from an anonymous source after the $1 million reward was announced. They released the photo to the media and are now confirming the person in it has been identified. Revelle Balmain disappearance: NSW Police to search three properties in Sydney’s eastern suburbs

My heart goes out to those who loved Revelle.
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Sounds like they are after the Stanojevic's. In her first police statement in 1994 Jane Stanojevic gave the Swiss Grand Hotel as the location for Revelle to meet the two Yugoslav friends of her husband. 4 years later she changed her mind and claimed the Yugoslavs were at the Parkroyal in Darling Harbour - strange that. And the Stanojevic brothel was located in Potts Point. I wonder who has talked? Coulton?

Yes, seems like FINALLY they're looking into the Stanojevics. I've read everything I can find online about this case and could never get over the easy ride that couple was given during the investigations. SO questionable. For example, I never saw anything questioning what the arrangement was between the agency and Revelle to get her from Samer's house to the appointment with the Yugoslavians. Where was Stanojevic supposed to pick her up? He knew she was at Samer's - wouldn't it have been logical for him to pick her up there? Did he go there looking for her? Had they agreed he would pick her up at a different location and if so, where - her house? Surely that is a key part of the timeline on the final night of her life...

You would have seen the Police received a photo from an anonymous source after the $1 million reward was announced. They released the photo to the media and are now confirming the person in it has been identified. Revelle Balmain disappearance: NSW Police to search three properties in Sydney’s eastern suburbs

My heart goes out to those who loved Revelle.
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Sydney news: Five men charged during investigation into Revelle Balmain's disappearance

Charges in missing woman investigation

Five people have been charged and an alleged criminal syndicate has been shut down as part of a renewed investigation into the disappearance of model Revelle Balmain.

Officers searched properties at Maroubra, Randwick and Surry Hills yesterday and arrested five men aged between 50 and 65.

They were all refused bail and will front court in Sydney today.
Excellent news which raises an interesting question. It is now clear that the police know Revelle was due to meet the Yugoslavs at the Swiss Grand. Jane Stanojevic gave this as the location in her initial police interview in 1994 and subsequently claimed this was a mistake and named another hotel. Why have the police not charged her with perverting the course of justice and applied pressure - via this charge - to get more information on what happened to Revelle?
Jane's comments following the announcement of the million dollar reward for new information: Ex-madam fears police missed key interviews in Revelle investigation

King explained the agency followed strict protocols to verify clients and appointments. Her “girls” called in before and after each “job”. King would often call hotels before appointments to check the names made on bookings matched the details of hotel guests while Zoran Stanojevic drove the escorts to and from appointments.


According to Samer’s statement, Balmain stayed with him for another hour before he gave her a lift to the Red Tomato Inn, a pub in Kingsford. The last time Samer saw Balmain, he told police, was after she left his car and walked towards the back door of the hotel.

Again, no-one is asking or talking about the arrangement to get Revelle from Samer's place in Kingsford to the Swiss Grand in Bondi. On Jane's description, Zoran would normally have picked Revelle up from Samer's place before taking her to Bondi. Was something else agreed for that night? If so, what?
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I haven't posted on here in such a long time, but I was talking to a friend about this case today and doing some googling and found the thread. I worked as a sex worker for a period of time. I was not around during the same era as Revelle, but the friend I was talking to worked in Sydney at the time. I don't have any specific information, but there are things that jump out at us that may not jump out at everyone so I thought I'd bring them up here.

So the first thing is that when Raquel privately extended the booking after the initial 2 hours, I would assume she felt relatively safe. It's hard to judge exactly how safe, because I don't know her financial circumstances (ie how desperate she may have been for money at the time). But the fact that she was able to call her friend Kate at 7:15pm suggests to me that had she been concerned when she did the extension she would have called someone so at least there was a person who knew what was going on. Every worker has ways of doing this if they need to, without alerting the client.

This brings me to the phone call with Kate, which I think is absolutely crucial. Kate clocked that she was likely with a client. She could have been just leaving Samer, or she could have been extending with him for another hour based on her "I'll call you in an hour" comment to Kate. Did she say "I'll call you in an hour when I'm home" or "I'll call you in an hour when I'm done"? It would be easy to confuse those two. Either way, I would presume that at 7:15pm she felt relatively safe. Kate has given no indication Revelle gave her cause for concern, and again I am sure Revelle would have been able to do this if she needed to.

So that leads me to the conclusion that either she stayed with Samer and something changed in the next little while or she left as Samer said. While I don't rule out that people can be unpredictable, it would be unusual for a client to be fine for three hours including a private hour and then suddenly go crazy or execute something pre-planned, especially given Revelle had multiple opportunities to leave before then. This is also most likely to occur due to crystal meth use, and that wasn't really around in 1994. It's not impossible, of course, and speed was around, but I'd put it at the lower end of likelihood. An alternative: did they canvass the possibility that something went wrong as part of a kink session?

As an aside, it annoys me that there seems to have been no examination of whether Samer saw other escorts and, if so, what they thought of him. That would tell us quite a lot.

Then we have Samer's story that he drove her to a local pub (both his place and the pub were in Kingsford). I find this chain of events bizarre. Why would Revelle have him drive her anywhere, let alone just a couple of kilometres away? It is really unusual for a sex worker to have a client drive them somewhere at the end of a booking. You are more vulnerable in a car, and the last thing most of us want is to have to continue entertaining a client after the time is up. Even if she was in a problematic situation financially, she should have had the cash from that booking to get a taxi, and in any case being driven a couple of kilometres away is not really cutting down any taxi fare.

Again, it's not that it doesn't happen; it does. What I am getting at is that there seems to have been an acceptance in the examination of this case that something like this happening made sense (even if he is not believed) whereas the fact that it would have been unusual makes it worthy of examination. The first possibility is that he's just made it up. But the other possibility is that it did happen and, given it was odd, that there was a specific reason for it that might provide clues to what happened. Was she meeting someone near the pub? Was she concerned about someone watching/following her? Did she extend for an hour without payment up front and he was going to get the cash from an ATM?

I can see why Samer has been the primary person of interest. His story sounds stupid and there's also the possibility she stayed with him for another hour after 7pm and something happened in that hour, but I do think he was focused on too much perhaps at the expense of other possibilities, and an examination of the situation with a proper understanding of sex work was lacking.

There are certainly some inconsistencies in the stories from Zoran, the owner, that raise my eyebrows, and I agree with PeterPenelope that there are questions to be asked about the logistics of the end of the booking with Samer and the later apparent booking with the Yugoslavian friends. There might be nothing in this at all, because agency logistics are not exactly a well-organised and oiled machine. I have been expected to wait at the end of a booking for a driver for an hour (no thanks, I'll sort it out myself); have been told a driver is literally on their way only to then be told ten minutes later to make my own way to a job; have been on the way to one job and diverted to another; have been told one driver is coming only for another to turn up. Sometimes the drivers wait at the bookings, sometimes they don't; sometimes you have one driver all night, sometimes you have different ones. They may have made specific arrangements for the evening with the Yugloslavian friends but equally they may have been planning to make those at the time depending on the circumstances. There appears to have been a significant time gap between Revelle finishing, even at 7:15pm, and when she was supposed to see the Yugoslavian friends, because according to the testimony at the inquest, "Kelly", the escort who actually saw them had an hour booking at 7:15pm then went home then went back out to see them. (Although the inconsistencies as to the location of the Yugoslavian friends raises questions about the legitimacy of testimony, the timeframe has been consistent.) However, regardless it is important to fill in those gaps.

But I would be surprised if the money she owed the agency and her annoying habit of not turning up to bookings and her seeing clients on the side was the motive for anything. This happens ALL THE TIME. Workers have run off owing thousands, have used brothels and agencies as a literal mine to develop their private work, and flake out on bookings as a matter of course, and they don't turn up dead. Too much has been made of all this, and if there is a motive it would be something else.

Jane's commentary about how she managed Revelle's tendency to disappear rings true. The managers know the ones who have a penchant for that and in fact they'll often have a backup in mind when they book someone unreliable for an important job. It sounds perhaps strange that Revelle would get away with being so unreliable and, according to Jane a bit cold, but she was 22 years old and a stunner. She could have gotten away with almost anything, and she would still be offered premium jobs. What we do know is that Revelle had no intention of taking the job later that evening, and probably only agreed to it so she could get the earlier one as well before finishing her time with the agency. Yes, owners have spied on workers who they think are poaching clients, so Zoran may have had an inkling and gone to Kingsford, but the workers don't turn up dead as a result. Again, there would have to be another motive.

I just really wish the police had consulted with a few sex workers at the time to get a better insight into this matter. I am sure there would be disagreements about the likelihood of certain things, but it's looking at it all through the right prism and with the right understanding that ensures the veracity and accuracy of an investigation.

Personally I feel that there has never been enough of an examination of whether Revelle had any involvement in the alleged drug side of Zoran's world, which we have now become aware of. I am not saying this judgementally and nor am I equating sex work and drug use or supply. This is based on the specifics of what we now allegedly know about Zoran, coupled with the rambling comments allegedly made by Coulton at the time, which could have been just rumour and gossip, but which could also have been prompted by some truth, especially given what we know about him. Revelle may have had nothing to do with drugs, but if she did, or even if she was being pressured into doing something, this may provide more of a motive for something happening to her. The sex work itself may have been a red herring, yet it became the sole focus.
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More than 200 pages of fresh evidence could hold the key to determining what happened to Revelle Balmain when a new coronial inquest into her disappearance begins next year.

The cold case investigation into Ms Balmain’s suspected death began was reopened last year after a $1 million reward was put forward in the hope of finally answering questions about what happened to the glamorous model in 1994.

The Daily Telegraph can reveal detectives who have been investigating the case have put together a fresh brief of more than 200 pages that contains enough new evidence for the coroner to call for a new inquest.

That inquest was slated to start in the latter half of this year, but will likely now not get underway until 2023.
Revelle Balmain was a model, dancer and escort who was going to quit prostitution after her appointment with Gavin Samer at his home in Sydney's south-eastern suburbs.
Revelle Sabine Balmain, a model and dancer, was preparing to embark on a six-month dance contract in Japan and had planned to meet a girlfriend on the night of the 5 November, 1994, for a drink. She never showed up.

Two days later, one of her cork high heels, make-up bag, diary and the keys to her Bellevue Hill unit were found scattered along four Kingsford streets in Sydney's south-east.

The striking blonde beauty had been secretly working as a high-end escort for two agencies and had gone to see a client, Gavin Samer, at his home in McNair Avenue, in Kingsford, on the night she disappeared.
Two days later, one of her cork high heels, cane make-up bag (pictured), diary and the keys to her Bellevue Hill unit, were found scattered along four nearby streets

Police were anonymously sent a photo of a man sent to them who could provide the key to finding out what happened to Sydney woman Revelle Balmain, who disappeared 29 years ago.
The NSW Government announced a $1 million reward as part of an appeal for information that may help police find out what happened to her.

Ms Balmain was 22 when she was last seen in the Kingsford area in Sydney's east in the evening on November 5, 1994. She would now be 51-years-old.
Revelle Balmain was last seen in Kingsford on November 5, 1994. Picture via AFP

Revelle Balmain was last seen in Kingsford on November 5, 1994. Picture via AFP
She was near Kingsford's Red Tomato Inn with a man on the night she disappeared.

Her make-up bag, keys and a shoe were later found scattered in the same suburb near Ainslie Street.

The model and dancer was reportedly preparing for a six month dance contract in Japan and was due to meet her mother in Newcastle on November 6, 1994, but never arrived.

Ms Balmain was reported missing but no one has been charged over her disappearance.
A coronial inquest in 1999 found she had died at the hands of a person or persons unknown and the matter was referred to the NSW Police Unsolved Homicide Unit for future investigation.

Last year, a formal review of the cold case began.

Police released an image of a man they wish to identify, who may have information about Ms Balmain's last known movements.

Strike Force Aramac lead investigator Detective Chief Inspector Stuart Bell said the image was sent to investigators anonymously after the reward was announced.

"It is believed that this image was taken some time in the mid-2000s, but that the individual depicted may have information that would help us progress our investigation," Detective Chief Inspector Bell said.

"As always, we continue to encourage anyone in the public that may have information about Revelle's disappearance to come forward and speak with police, so that we may finally provide answers to her family."
Police released an image of a man they wish to identify, who may have information about Ms Balmain's last known movements.

IMO, given the clarity of the photo, that guy's face should have been readily recognizable by someone.

And what about the anonymous provider of it? How come they didn't name him, or say where and when the photo was taken (assuming that those details were not provided to the police)?

''Tara Brown reveals vital new clues that could finally solve one of
Australia’s greatest mysteries; plus, the Hollywood stars who are
backing a convicted rapist.
Sundays 8:45pm''

By Natasha Clark|5 hours ago
''But now, 60 Minutes can reveal new evidence pointing to two new possible persons of interest, which could finally lead to justice for the former cover girl.''
IMO, given the clarity of the photo, that guy's face should have been readily recognizable by someone.

And what about the anonymous provider of it? How come they didn't name him, or say where and when the photo was taken (assuming that those details were not provided to the police)?

OK, so 60 Minutes has revealed that the photograph is of Boyarn Prvulovic who was a friend of escort agency co-owner, sleazy Zoran Stanojevic. The other co-owner was his equally sleazy then-wife Jane King. Prvulovic was Revelle's last intended client.

60 Minutes reveals that Stanojevic bought Prvulovic a plane ticket to Thailand the morning after Revelle went missing.

Apparently this "new" information has been provided by Jane King which makes me suspect that she knows a lot more than she's letting on. And IMO her body language shows that she is lying about being in the restaurant with her husband on the night Revelle went missing:

"For the majority of people looking up and to the right means a person is constructing a picture. Looking up on to the left usually shows they are remembering a picture."

I look forward to seeing both Stanojevic and King under questioning at an Inquest.
Far out. I wonder if Zoran’s conviction and the dismantling of his crime syndicate have emboldened Jane to speak up. Also, surely (?) the police are putting pressure on her.

Imo she *absolutely* knows more than she is saying here, but this is still significantly more than she has previously shared. That said, if she’s actually sat on the name of the Serbian friend and the info about the booked flight for 29 years, that is awful. The old clip of the interview with Revelle’s devastated parents was heartbreaking.

If Z booked his mate a flight out the country the very next day, it’s entirely possible that he also went and scattered Revelle’s possessions around Kingsford. That part has always seemed like a bit of a set up to me - like, if Sameer was able to kill Revelle and dispose of her body, surely he wouldn’t have just dropped a number of her possessions around his own neighbourhood. As the reporter said, apart from Samer, only Jane, Z and a booker knew Revelle was in Kingsford the evening she went missing.

And maybe this is a bit far-fetched, but when I read Akai’s very interesting and on-point comment above, it made me wonder whether Z actually went to pick up Revelle in Kingsford, perhaps got angry about the off-book work, then subsequently threatened Samer to stop him telling anyone that it was Z who picked up Revelle. Hence Samer made up the weird story about the Red Tomato Inn. Perhaps the scratches on Samer’s neck and hand occurred during a struggle or altercation with Z.

Also, if Z was involved with drug-dealing and organised crime in ‘94, that helps explain why the initial police investigation of him was so light-touch.

There may yet be justice <3
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it’s entirely possible that he also went and scattered Revelle’s possessions around Kingsford. That part has always seemed like a bit of a set up to me - like, if Sameer was able to kill Revelle and dispose of her body, surely he wouldn’t have just dropped a number of her possessions around his own neighbourhood. As the reporter said, apart from Samer, only Jane, Z and a booker knew Revelle was in Kingsford the evening she went missing.

Yep, yep and yep.

Bring on the Inquest.
On Monday [19 Feb], NSW Deputy State Coroner Joan Baptie held a hearing to set down a second inquest to begin on April 29.


There is no suggestion that Mr Stanojevic is being investigated by police.

Hmmm. Let's see if that changes as the result of this new inquest.

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