GUILTY Australia - Sophie Collombet, 21, found dead in Kurilpa Park, Brisbane, 27 March 2014

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Milward's been charged with murder, deprivation of liberty, rape and robbery

I know the chances weren't good but I was so hoping that at least he didn't do that to her... :notgood:

Poor Sophie.
Murder charge, South Brisbane

April 8, 2014 at 7:12 pm

Detectives have charged a 25-year-old man with murder following investigations into the death of 21-year-old
Sophie Louise Collombet at South Brisbane on March 27.

Ms Collombet’s body was discovered at Kurilpa Park on March 28.

A 25-year-old man has been charged with one count each of murder, rape, deprivation of liberty and robbery.

He is due to appear in the Brisbane Magistrates Court tomorrow.

Anyone with information which could assist with this matter should contact Crime Stoppers anonymously via 1800 333 000 or 24hrs a day.
myPolice South Brisbane
After reading his gross Facebook comments I had a feeling that is exactly what he was trolling for in the park that night...poor least he has now been caught.
The mother of Benjamin James Milward has left flowers at the makeshift tribute site set up for Sophie Collombet in the South Brisbane park where she was killed.

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I dont think I could do that. Ive never been in Dianne Milwards position and pray to God I never am. But I couldnt, not yet anyway .Maybe in time and in private.
I understand people do things different and Im probably more different than others but no.

Isis am I way off with this thinking?

I thought the same thing when I first saw that - I think because the cameras were there it all felt a bit voyeuristic and made me uncomfortable.

It does suggest that his mother now believes that he is indeed guilty, IMO. And I suspect that she is genuinely feeling terrible for Sophie's family. As the mother of the accused, I imagine she's feeling deep guilt. I know I would be.

But like you say - everyone's different. I personally wouldn't have made such a public gesture so soon, but hopefully she's genuinely trying to be caring and show that she is sorry if her son is responsible. (Rather than it coming out of subconscious desire to have attention or be in the limelight)

I know the chances weren't good but I was so hoping that at least he didn't do that to her... :notgood:

Poor Sophie.

Me too :facepalm:


  • PHOTO Benjamin James Milward arrived at the police watch house in Brisbane on Tuesday evening. (.jpg
    PHOTO Benjamin James Milward arrived at the police watch house in Brisbane on Tuesday evening. (.jpg
    115.3 KB · Views: 25
The mother of Benjamin James Milward has left flowers at the makeshift tribute site set up for Sophie Collombet in the South Brisbane park where she was killed.

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I dont think I could do that. Ive never been in Dianne Milwards position and pray to God I never am. But I couldnt, not yet anyway .Maybe in time and in private.
I understand people do things different and Im probably more different than others but no.

Isis am I way off with this thinking?

Jumping on the bandwagon here - maybe you can comment in on my opinion too IR...

I compare the response of Diana Milwards to the Gittany family and RL.
Very different approaches.
What I see from DM is an attempt of showing some humility and respect for Sophie in amongst the angst of a having to deal with the reality that her son was involved in Sophie's death. I see it as her separating herself from her son in a way.

I cant recall another incident where the parent of the perpetrator has so openly grieved at the shine of the one that their child has murdered.

It could be said it takes lot of courage to do what she is doing - but I think it would take a lot of Soul searching and coming to terms firstly with what she had perceived to be a good son, to suddenly be made aware of the actuality of the depth of his utter treachery, dishonesty, brutal and murderous nature. I wouldn't know to reconcile that immediately.

She did not murder Sophie - her son did. But as his mother she may be taking on the guilt and blame for his actions.
The reality will set in as the sentence is handed down - and then possibly the anger phase will show its head.

If her intention and purpose to visit Sophie's shire is in alignment with her true
feelings and understanding of the situation, and she is genuine - I cant decide if her visit is 'right' or 'wrong' - maybe its not about that type of judgement. She is doing what she thinks is right, but I think her feelings of grief is different than the parents who have to deal with the loss of their daughter.

Her position is one I would never hope to find myself in - from the action of another that placed me there to deal with something so horrendous - I really don't know, if it was me, how I would respond and react.

I dont think she is standing by her son thinking that he didn't do this, I think she is there because he did do it. (if that makes sense)
If you look at Milward's actions as a result of a mental illness and substance abuse you might just get a glimmer of where his Mum is coming from. She would be relieved that he is now in custody and the worst has happened. She said she hadn't slept. Her son has come to a very dark place, but at least she knows where he is and what he is doing now.

I am extremely glad that I was unable to read his letcherous facebook comments.

And I think Sophie had the most beautiful eyes I have seen in a long time, as did Peaches Geldof :(
I knew when she was found naked that she had been raped. The FB comments just confirmed it moo.

I feel sick. I knew it was more than likely she had been raped but it still shocks me. To be left battered, naked and on display like that is appalling. No matter how often I hear stories like this it still shocks me everytime that men (usually) can just use someone for their own purposes and discard them like they were nothing. Hope he never gets let out again.

On a positive note, he no doubt has left dna at the scene so will probably have no choice but to confess and hopefully save everyone from a long drawn out trial.
If you look at Milward's actions as a result of a mental illness and substance abuse you might just get a glimmer of where his Mum is coming from. She would be relieved that he is now in custody and the worst has happened. She said she hadn't slept. Her son has come to a very dark place, but at least she knows where he is and what he is doing now.

I am extremely glad that I was unable to read his letcherous facebook comments.

And I think Sophie had the most beautiful eyes I have seen in a long time, as did Peaches Geldof :(

I agree - I didn't see any standing in the way here - I did see the encouragement to ask him to come forward and hand himself in. He was given the chance to do the right thing - but still he didn't this :facepalm: - thank goodness he was recognized and hauled in.
And this has been so fast to get him charged and in the dock soon.
Good on the Police that were involved in bringing him in.
They were not mucking around at all.

I feel sick. I knew it was more than likely she had been raped but it still shocks me. To be left battered, naked and on display like that is appalling. No matter how often I hear stories like this it still shocks me everytime that men (usually) can just use someone for their own purposes and discard them like they were nothing. Hope he never gets let out again.

On a positive note, he no doubt has left dna at the scene so will probably have no choice but to confess and hopefully save everyone from a long drawn out trial.

I am shaking my head at the way he thought he could get away with this. Why did he have to kill her!!! I hope the Police know in which order these horrendous things happened to Sophie. Could he have spared her life - of course he could have (MHO). But this whole incident and the way she was left after the attack to be found is just beyond words. I had the same feelings when Eunji Ban was murdered and her killer lay with her pretending to be her 'boyfriend' when she was deceased, so he wouldnt get caught.
Its just SO sick.
I hope he gets the full brunt of the law for this.
Adrian Bayley received a life sentence with a 35-year minimum term for the rape and murder of Jill Meagher. Should we expect the same for Milward, Cowan got 20 years minimum or is Qld judicial system slacker than Victoria.
Jill, Sophie and Daniel were raped, robbed & murdered by the same type of person.

It should be the same across the board.

I think 35 years minimum will suffice thank you
Sophie's was just walking home. Why is this happening? I don't understand why someone has to do this? I'm really sad tonight over this. Just another unnecessary loss of a beautiful life. Nobody knows.

Tonight thinking of Jill, Allison, Daniel & Lisa.
And a very special little lady, Anita Cobby. (I hope you liked the roses.)
Sophie's was just walking home. Why is this happening? I don't understand why someone has to do this? I'm really sad tonight over this. Just another unnecessary loss of a beautiful life. Nobody knows.

Tonight thinking of Jill, Allison, Daniel & Lisa.
And a very special little lady, Anita Cobby. (I hope you liked the roses.)

I am sorry you are really feeling it TGY. Nature is cruel. Humans are cruel. Societies exist to try to keep some sort of order and protection. It is way bigger than you and I.
Good to see the great work from the police :great:

I wonder if he used Sophie's umbrella as a weapon???

So many young women murdered & for what............ :tears::mad:
Not defending anyone, but I feel really sorry for BM's mum - her son - who she loves has allegedly committed a horrendous crime - she is confused - she also feels really bad and sorry for Sophie's death to visit the site of her death. She is totally confused about the son she loves - what does she do? - I have no idea what I would do. But for her to go to the place Sophie died - IMO - was an inspirational thing to do. How confused she must be.

Two families have lost the children that they love - I can't compare the difference, Foremost Sophie's parents and family, have lost their daughter that they loved. This is a situation that nobody wins.
I am sorry you are really feeling it TGY. Nature is cruel. Humans are cruel. Societies exist to try to keep some sort of order and protection. It is way bigger than you and I.

Thanks mumma Poss. ;)
Yes nature IS cruel but this isn't natural. Humans are very cruel, unfortunately.
Anyone of us in the WS family scratch our heads and say "but for the Grace of God go I" & hopefully our babies are safe knowing we can't watch them 24/7. (Even when they are over 30)
We watch, we sleuth, giggle & cry. (& get 240v) :)
But the whole thing is relentless with no end & that's the kinda sad part.

As Jeff Fennech would say- I loves ya all!

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