Australia Australia - Tamam Shud Case - Male, Dec 1948

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
A Hoax ??

Now you've just reminded me of this;

Operation Mincemeat

One April morning in 1943, a sardine fisherman spotted the corpse of a British soldier floating in the sea off the coast of Spain, setting in train a course of events that would change the course of World War Two......

The brainchild of an eccentric RAF officer and a brilliant Jewish barrister, this great deception involved an extraordinary cast of characters including Ian Fleming, who would go on to write the James Bond stories; ......

First, they obtained a dead body from a London coroner named Sir Bentley Purchase. Then they set about creating an entirely new personality for the dead man, whom they designated William Martin, a major in the Royal marines.

Using false identity cards, faked personal letters, receipts, bills, photographs and other "wallet litter"......

Operation Mincemeat fooled Hitler completely: German troops were deployed to the wrong place; thousands of British, Canadian and American lives were saved; Mussolini was deposed; and the course of World War Two was changed.
Good grief! Little Jedi... You know everything!...I'd never heard of operation 'Mincemeat". Funny how it often ends up the 'formally' homeless and mentally ill cadavers that are best suited to such arrangements. Perhaps it's thought they've nothing to loose as they've already been deemed 'worthless' or maybe I'm being too harsh.
Glyndwr Michael life might have been forgotten but for this incident I guess. At least he's now been immortalised by serving his country after his death hmmm. Justifiable exploitation that saved other peoples lives...nice, and a good ending to a lousy life and a preferable way to be remembered. An excellent story and an important part of history.
Reminds me of that piece from Omar Khayyam's book re- "Tamam Shud" where the last line says.....
Where I made one - turn down
an empty Glass!
Well I suppose Mr. Michaels life might have easily been compared to 'an empty Glass'... but for operation 'mincemeat'. SM would have also been quickly forgotten... but for a sprinkling of hocus pocus. SM's cadaver without a name and symbolic perhaps.
The "Unknown man" ... "Unknown Soldier" ..."Known only to God"

And when Thyself with shining
Foot shall pass
I can only think this is ones bony foot shimmering by moonlight upon Earths boneyard
(a shiny foot indicates you're dead)...

Among the Guests Star scatter'd
on the Grass
There's stacks!...+ Grass...No longer flesh, in spirit glancing down you see that we are all only Guests here for a short while and all the bones of humanity lay scattered, shimmering like stars. Oh what folly! Your stargazing days are over!

Just a wild guess!

There's an odd selection for placement of capitol letters in the piece?

*Transcript for last nights Somerton Man program was placed on the
www. site today for any that are interested ("Has part of the mysterious Somerton Man Code been cracked"). Gordon covers the micro writing.
Ok ! I'll admit the whole explanation of the 'code' lost me.

But the U.S. Military caught my attention considering the I.D. Card is also U.S. issued ??

Reading ^^ above link ^^ talks about UK Air Force Code so I'm not sure if it's the same as this ??

Somerton Man: Eureka Part 3:

Code Analysis 1st Cut,

The letter 'C' holds the key!

Further evidence that the 'Code Page' is based on the US Military Radio Operators Manual..

(Updated 20/6/14) In the two previous Eureka posts, we discussed the 'unlocking' of the code page thanks to the discovery of a US Military Radio Operators Manual.

Here's the thing about Morse Code that seemingly has escaped so many Academics, students, serious and amateur code crackers and more..

The manual revealed the existence of 'Prosigns' (particular letters and groups of letters of the alphabet) used in Morse Code by the US Military that reduce the number of morse code key events, the dots and dashes, in a message.....

The significance of the 5th and bottom line is that it gives us further corroberation to the claim that the Code Page is indeed based on the US Military Radio Operators Manual dated 1945.
Ok ! I'll admit the whole explanation of the 'code' lost me.

But the U.S. Military caught my attention considering the I.D. Card is also U.S. issued ??

Reading ^^ above link ^^ talks about UK Air Force Code so I'm not sure if it's the same as this ??

Somerton Man: Eureka Part 3:

Code Analysis 1st Cut,

The letter 'C' holds the key!

Further evidence that the 'Code Page' is based on the US Military Radio Operators Manual..

(Updated 20/6/14) In the two previous Eureka posts, we discussed the 'unlocking' of the code page thanks to the discovery of a US Military Radio Operators Manual.

Here's the thing about Morse Code that seemingly has escaped so many Academics, students, serious and amateur code crackers and more..

The manual revealed the existence of 'Prosigns' (particular letters and groups of letters of the alphabet) used in Morse Code by the US Military that reduce the number of morse code key events, the dots and dashes, in a message.....

The significance of the 5th and bottom line is that it gives us further corroberation to the claim that the Code Page is indeed based on the US Military Radio Operators Manual dated 1945.

His clothing was from the US too, even though the tags had been cut out (who does this?).

Very interesting and nothing at all to do with the Beaumonts.

Just crazy Adelaide stuff. Most of which was down to one Bevan Spencer Von Einem (crazy stuff has stopped).
October 29, 2013

Professor's 15-year search for answers seeks to crack the secret code to the death of the 'Somerton man' found on an Adelaide beach

A PROFESSOR has spent 15 years trying to solve one of Australia's most baffling mysteries, which hinges on a coded message. Can you crack it?

But the book - with its missing back page - had a secret. Visible only under ultraviolet light, police found what looked like a code. It appeared to read:


The second line was struck out, and some letters were unclear at best.

Gordon Cramer professes to have the background expertise for understanding codes and he's able to demonstrate this with examples of what he believes is micro-writing. He introduced the concept a while back and good to see his work receiving some public recognition via the Media.
When I look at the tiny figures shown within the codes capital letters I'm left thinking that what Gordon states about micro-writing, is entirely possible.
However...when I translate the micro-writing concept to what others have stated repeatedly... that is..."the letters found on the back of the book were only visible under ultraviolet light", I feel a bit stumped. I can't see how anything that faint as to need ultraviolet light to be visible, could later magically reveal these tiny little letters within letters; but maybe I've missed something!
To my mind it's like finding something solid from within a shadow. The micro-writing findings lack logic if I can't understand the process that produced them, but I've no expertise in the field either. Can anyone explain how ultraviolet light could show such fine detail. The quality of equipment used in the late 40's couldn't have been that great surely and without the original evidence of the book, there's no way to re-examine the Code or put Mr. Cramer's findings to the test.
Meanwhile I'm stuck on the dumb stuff, the logic etc.. I need to know more to make sense of it, and I'll be waiting on the outcome of Mr. Cramer's final analysis (what the secret message is) like every one else.
Lots of interesting/detailed information from a researcher in the case and links to the exhumation petition.

Search the web for "I am Professor Derek Abbott"
No idea where Harvey Keitel came into it ?
But that photo shows that his cavium clearly is larger than his cymba

Somerton Man Ears

On the left is the Somerton man's ear showing the upper hollow (cymba) is larger than the lower hollow (cavum).

On the right is a normal ear showing that the upper hollow is typically much smaller.
The Somerton man's ear type is possessed by only 1–2% of the Caucasian population and is an important clue to narrowing down his identity. It is possible that any lost relatives may have this feature.

Photo of Somerton man's ear, compared to normal ear.


I think that I'm starting to understand/see the difference. So…There are many pics on the internet of Sir William McMahon's ears. (Former political leader in Australia.) A curiosity…How do his ears look to you? Is the Cymba larger than the Cavum???
I think that I'm starting to understand/see the difference. So…There are many pics on the internet of Sir William McMahon's ears. (Former political leader in Australia.) A curiosity…How do his ears look to you? Is the Cymba larger than the Cavum???

Hi Pink Panther :seeya:

Good find !

I think you could be right

~ kinda hard to see properly in portrait photos but this one seems to show it.


* It took me a while to 'get' the difference (even when reading thru explanations with pic's lol)
Well...Those ears are flipping amazing!
Also saw Derek Abbott (via the AMA / ask me anything) mention a bank number on Khayyam's book. It's odd that Gerry Feltus states the opposite in his own book 'The Unknown Man'. I also emailed Gerry later as a double check in light of Makara's mention of the bank number, and the response was, that there was no bank number that he knew of, but there was no longer a book to check, however he did say that he was aware that the bank number had been raised on another site but didn't know it's origins. Perhaps it sprung from DA.
It would be nice if Mr. Feltus could give a response to DA's AMA... perhaps conduct one of his own.

I noticed DA didn't mention any DNA test results for Thomson family members, but I wouldn't expect to see too much said of anything that might interfere with his plans for SM's exhumation. His request has already been refused twice by the Attorney General Mr. Rau. I've never seen a 'blood group' for SM that I recall. The 'spy thing' seems to have been well and truly squashed by DA and it seems Jestyn wasn't fluent in Russian after all (though it's what her daughter inferred on the 60 minutes program).

It's a reminder to any of us with children (nieces and nephews) ...that we should all conduct our own 'ask me anything' before we die.

The tartan scarf may hold interesting clues if anyone can pin down a clan name to match.
If readers have a look at Gordon Cramer's BlogSpot photo gallery, he's put up some terrific pictures of the suitcase contents. You can see the scarf there.
DA did say something about SM having large hands. It's not something I was aware of before. The unidentified chap standing alongside me in the Jetty photo has hands that stand out (see page 7), but DA dismissed the photo (it's definitely not Robin, he said).
Glad DA did the AMA. He's keeping SM's case current and he's a thorn in the side of Govt. and Police while he pesters them for his DNA experiment.
Also great to see people back in this space.
P.S. Little Jedi...Luv the new outfit...stunning!
Hey Little Jedi! I can't keep up with your wardrobe, :loveyou:. Derek Abbott is still taking questions on reddit's AMA (ask me anything) by the way. So if anyone missed the opportunity to ask before, take your questions up with him now. Go to "unresolved mysteries. I am Professor Derek Abbott, a researcher of the Taman Shud / Somerton Man".
:wave: Is Gordon Cramers blogspot the one called 'Tamam Shud' ?

He has a few pic's in gallery which I hadn't seen before.

Anyone else see someone on the DA AMA mention a shipping record for HC Reynolds ??

I've found the record on 'Find My Past' but only very basic details (subscription needed to view actual doc's ~ anyone a member?)

Passenger from Southampton UK to Sydney Australia in 1947
Oh dear, last post 2014, it's been too long! This has always been one of my 'favourite' cases. I certainly do hope he was some sort of spy, although Derek seems to think otherwise. One can dream, though.
I seem to remember that not only did Robin and SM share the ear thing, but the teeth thing aswell? Or am I mistaken?
Accidentally posted the message twice.

Also, what's that about Derek's lovechild with Jestyns granddaughter?

Advances in DNA testing may help identify a body found on a beach southwest of Adelaide 67 years ago — and help solve one of Australia's most infamous cold cases, according to forensics experts.

Adelaide University Professor Derek Abbott told the Adelaide Advertiser there is "a good chance" of identifying the body if South Australia's Attorney-General, John Rau, agrees to exhume the remains, which are buried at an Adelaide cemetery.

"Even with a body of that age, I think we will be able to get something," he was quoted as saying.

Mr Rau refused an exhumation request back in October, 2011 because he said the motive did not transcend "public curiosity or broad scientific interest".

"If circumstances existed ... that would warrant my considering an exhumation it would be considered, however, those circumstances don’t exist and never have," he said yesterday.
I have never heard of this case before. I'll have to set some time aside to have a really good read it sounds fascinating.
:wave: Is Gordon Cramers blogspot the one called 'Tamam Shud' ?

He has a few pic's in gallery which I hadn't seen before.

Anyone else see someone on the DA AMA mention a shipping record for HC Reynolds ??

I've found the record on 'Find My Past' but only very basic details (subscription needed to view actual doc's ~ anyone a member?)

Passenger from Southampton UK to Sydney Australia in 1947

According to the document on Find My Past, this H. C. Reynolds sailed from Southhampton UK to Sydney aboard the ship H.M.T. Asturias. It departed Southhampton on 7 February 1947 and was carrying service personnel and families. H. C. Reynolds is listed as a Sergeant in the Air Force.

The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA: 1931 - 1954) Tuesday 4 March 1947. Page 11.

Arrival Of Repatriation Ship Asturias


The Repatriation Commission announced today that the Asturias, which left Britain on February 8 with 84 servicemen's wives, children and fiancees for Australia, was expected to arrive in Fremantle on Thursday. It would reach Melbourne on Monday.

The Mail (Adelaide, SA : 1912 - 1954) Saturday 20 September 1947. Page 11.

Huts For Oversea Arrivals
PERTH.— Some full fare passengers in the migrant ship Astarias will have to go to an ex Army camp when they arrive on Monday. However every effort is being made to make them comfortable, and a chef and six cooks, all with hotel experience, will serve them the equivalent of hotel meals. The camp — Graylands, near Ciaremont— win take up to 300 people. There are nearly 1,760 migrants in the Asturias. They are in three categories— those to be housed in the metropolitan area, those for country areas, and full-fare passengers. Those who will go to the camp have not made arrangements for accommodation in Perth, and probably are unaware the city is crowded out. They are on their way to the eastern States. Many will be greatly surprised as they are probably planning to stay at city hotels. The shortage has been caused by an influx of visitors for conventions, golf championships, and the Royal Show.

The West Australian (Perth, WA: 1879 - 1954) Friday 19 September 1947. Page 11.

Polish Immigrants. Members of the Polish Resettlement Corps which would arrive on the immigrant ship Asturias on Monday, would be under Army control. an Army spokesman said yesterday. They were ex-members of the Polish Army who had been selected for work on the Tasmanian hydro electric scheme. While in Perth they would be stationed at General Details Depot, Karrakatta. and would fall into the general routine of the camp, with leave at night. Beginning on September 25 they would proceed by troop train to the Eastern States at the rate of about 70 a week

There is much more published about the 1947 arrival of the Astarius at the link above, including references to some of the ship's crew deserting upon arrival in Australia. Some of these crew members were apprehended and jailed, while others were not located.
I tried to read most of the post, but may have missed a few things. I read before on another site that the tie and other garments in Somerton man's posession was of American origin (this doesn't necessarily rule out anyone from the UK or declare a US origin).
Here's a site that has some pretty recent work done on disproving HC Reynolds as Somerton man:

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