Australia Australia - Tegan Lane, 2 days old, Sydney, 14 Sept 1996 *K. Lane guilty*

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You find "Andrew". Once you find "Andrew" you can find out his profession. No clue where he worked in 1995/96 though. I am hopeful the Exposed Team might have a snippet of information that might lead them to that because it would be useful to know.
The first step is always the hardest.. :(

There have been a few comments on the Exposed Facebook page how people have survived without birth certificates.

She could have been taken overseas and registered. Hopefully we will find out the answer one day.

Babies need a passport to travel too. What nationality was Andrew, that didn't need a birth certificate to apply for a passport?
The first step is always the hardest.. :(

Babies need a passport to travel too. What nationality was Andrew, that didn't need a birth certificate to apply for a passport?

May be he hasn't travelled.

If she did go overseas, maybe it was with someone else.

Babies didn't need separate passports in 1996. Pre 9/11 days. Children were endorsed on adult passports, not recorded separately. Not sure what evidence was needed to have a newborn endorsed at that time. Interesting question though.
May be he hasn't travelled.

If she did go overseas, maybe it was with someone else.

Babies didn't need separate passports in 1996. Pre 9/11 days. Children were endorsed on adult passports, not recorded separately. Not sure what evidence was needed to have a newborn endorsed at that time. Interesting question though.
Urgh I think we are going round in circles...

The only thing I can add is - if the real Tegan has not registered for a birth certificate, hasn't gone overseas, and hasn't gone to school, got drivers licence etc etc, what is the most likely thing that has happened to her?

I sure hope there is a simple reason for that, that is very hard to uncover but is certainly there. Everyone loves a happy ending.
Urgh I think we are going round in circles...

The only thing I can add is - if the real Tegan has not registered for a birth certificate, hasn't gone overseas, and hasn't gone to school, got drivers licence etc etc, what is the most likely thing that has happened to her?

I sure hope there is a simple reason for that, that is very hard to uncover but is certainly there. Everyone loves a happy ending.

Yes, I am praying for the happy ending. True, we don't know exactly what has happened yet.

Not all schools responded to the Police request for checks on "Tegan". It is possible "Tegan's" school is one of those. I don't know. There were a lot of children found to be registered without a birth certificate.

I even managed to enrol my son at a school without a birth certificate a few years ago. It was accidental. The school just forgot to check!

I am looking through licence requirements to see if there are any ways around it. It has certainly tightened up a lot and some states are more difficult than others. My husband had a friend who couldn't use his birth certificate as evidence of identity to get a licence in another state because his official name was a foreign name, where his original licence was in his Anglo name. He had to show other documents to get around it.
Yes, it is possible that it could get murky too!

I do think the simple explanation are the correct ones here though.

I think "Andrew" hasn't lodged the birth certificate because he is a bit slack when it comes to that kind of stuff. All this fuss because he didn't lodge a form!! OMG!

Consider this:
- "Andrew" can't be located through his tax returns. He simply doesn't lodge them. Maybe he works cash in hand? Keli said he had lots of cash in his wallet.
- "Andrew" might have moved into a friend's flat. Maybe his friend wanted to break the lease or something. Couldn't be bothered going through all the complications with the real estate agent. He and his friend never update the real estate agent that "Andrew" now has moved in or is subletting. The phonebook is not going to turn up "Andrew" at Wisbeach St either. The phone is in his friend's name. Alternatively, "Andrew" is just using his friends place occasionally. He is not the leasee. "Andrew" is not named on the electricity bills either. Couldn't be bothered changing anything over.
- "Andrew" is not on the electoral roll. He never bothered to fill in the form. Sounds familiar!
- I wonder if he drives unlicensed too! Couldn't be bothered with all that stuff. Might be a bit far fetched. We know he can drive. He has a Holden Berlina.

I am actually thinking Andrew is dyslexic. He has trouble with forms and formal legal stuff.
But how LIKELY are all of those scenarios?
*Snipped by me

Righto o_O 'Tegan' would be 22. How would she go to school(s), get a drivers licence, get a tax file number, Centrelink, etc.. You can only get away with not having a birth certificate for so long before you *need* one. In this country anyway. Only explanation would be IF she was taken out of the country as a newborn and registered overseas.
Or that he managed to register her birth as a home birth and gave a different mother’s name, but I think that’s very unlikely and a conspiracy TBH.
I read somewhere that there was mention of him being in banking or finance.
Aaron Williams, the fictional father of baby number 3 worked in banking and finance too. It was a lie. The real father of baby 3 was found. He didn't work in banking and finance. Keli makes stuff up. We know that. The fact that AW and "Andrew" sounded similar was used to discredit her and her story. It is why she is sitting in jail.
You know what! This is all BS. The ABC should stop what they are doing. They'll never find what they are looking for. This case DOES need an immediate judicial review. Keli needs to be released. The Police need to get involved and fix their incompetence.

I am quite concerned about where this thread has been heading of late. I think it behooves all of us to remember that this is Tegan’s thread. She is a victim of crime as things stand. Not Keli who, correctly or incorrectly under the law, has been found guilty of her murder. Please, let’s try to remember that and keep #justiceforTegan uppermost in our minds.
I am quite concerned about where this thread has been heading of late. I think it behooves all of us to remember that this is Tegan’s thread. She is a victim of crime as things stand. Not Keli who, correctly or incorrectly under the law, has been found guilty of her murder. Please, let’s try to remember that and keep #justiceforTegan uppermost in our minds.

Absolutely. The reason I feel so passionate about this case is because a 2 day old baby disappeared. It's heartbreaking.

I am concerned where this whole case is heading. But Tegan could be alive. She might not be. I don't know.

This case does need to go back to the Police. There is more to be uncovered. I think this absolutely has everything to do with justice for Tegan too if that is how it turns out. There is a person of interest. Someone else knows where Tegan is and what happened to her. Problem is, it is not Keli. Justice for Tegan and justice for Keli may not be mutually exclusive.

There is another huge problem here and that is our justice system does not care about the truth. It is all about the proof. There is no proof what happened to Tegan. It is entirely circumstantial. That's flawed. Keli can't prove her story. That's why she is in jail for murder.

The ABC are trying to dot i's and cross t's. "Andrew" doesn't do that. He is not that kind of fellow. He is a hard person to pin down. That's why no one can find him, but that does not mean he does not exist. If you try and dot i's and cross t's in this case, there is a very strong probability that you will come up with nothing and therefore the easiest assumption to make is that something is not true. Wrong! I think the police did get one assumption very wrong though and from what I think happened, if they disregarded that, they may have found "Andrew". I am concerned that the information the ABC has will lead to nothing and they will pull the pin and conclude it is a dead end. It isn't. This case is about putting all the breadcrumbs together. There are little snippets around. Disregard the wrong one and you may come to the wrong conclusion. It is the most puzzling case. It could actually be all simple in the end. It could suddenly get very murky.

My lightbulb moment came when I realised that I had found my six degrees of separation from this case. I came here last week with a wild theory about illegal adoption. Nope. I don't believe that now from what I have sinced found out. Keli is a simple brain, so is "Andrew". There is no complicated conspiracy.

I never ever forsaw my six degrees of separation. I want this case to go back to Police. There is a possibility that it all could be cleared up in 5 minutes. There is a huge risk here for Keli and there is a chance that things could go even more pear shaped for her too. I really don't know.

Bo - if you think I have derailed the thread. Then I apologise.

For me the last few days have definitely been a case of "curiosity killing the cat". I am hopeful that "satisfaction will bring it back". For now, I will sign off. I have said enough.
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Most of this discussion, in so far as it focuses on the conviction of Keli Lane rather than the fate of Tegan Lane, misses the key points. Keli Lane may. or may not, be guilty of murder - I do not know. What is now proven probable is that the prosecution breached at least three sacrosanct rules in getting their conviction;
  • they failed to disclose all the evidence as required under court rules.
  • they coached a witness (possibly to the point of committing perjury).
  • they reached an agreement about court process (presentation and cross examination of witnesses) with the defence, and failed to disclose this to the judge (or others).
Any one of these examples of prosecutorial misconduct would normally be sufficient to have a case reexamined (and possibly overturned although that is not inevitable). I cannot think of any other cases where the exposure of such a litany of misconduct has not resulted in immediate reference to an appellate court.

There has also been criticism of the police and original judge. Neither were perfect but they were choirboys compared with the prosecution. At least the police originally took the view that the evidence for prosecution was inadequate (and were overruled). And while I take issue with some of the judges decisions (such as not giving a directed verdict) I take more issue with the decision of the higher court to admit as evidence that lying about her previous babies was evidence of guilt in this case.

This case really is a complete and utter shambles.
Absolutely. The reason I feel so passionate about this case is because a 2 day old baby disappeared. It's heartbreaking.

I am concerned where this whole case is heading. But Tegan could be alive. She might not be. I don't know.

This case does need to go back to the Police. There is more to be uncovered. I think this absolutely has everything to do with justice for Tegan too if that is how it turns out. There is a person of interest. Someone else knows where Tegan is and what happened to her. Problem is, it is not Keli. Justice for Tegan and justice for Keli may not be mutually exclusive.

There is another huge problem here and that is our justice system does not care about the truth. It is all about the proof. There is no proof what happened to Tegan. It is entirely circumstantial. That's flawed. Keli can't prove her story. That's why she is in jail for murder.

The ABC are trying to dot i's and cross t's. "Andrew" doesn't do that. He is not that kind of fellow. He is a hard person to pin down. That's why no one can find him, but that does not mean he does not exist. If you try and dot i's and cross t's in this case, there is a very strong probability that you will come up with nothing and therefore the easiest assumption to make is that something is not true. Wrong! I think the police did get one assumption very wrong though and from what I think happened, if they disregarded that, they may have found "Andrew". I am concerned that the information the ABC has will lead to nothing and they will pull the pin and conclude it is a dead end. It isn't. This case is about putting all the breadcrumbs together. There are little snippets around. Disregard the wrong one and you may come to the wrong conclusion. It is the most puzzling case. It could actually be all simple in the end. It could suddenly get very murky.

My lightbulb moment came when I realised that I had found my six degrees of separation from this case. I came here last week with a wild theory about illegal adoption. Nope. I don't believe that now from what I have sinced found out. Keli is a simple brain, so is "Andrew". There is no complicated conspiracy.

I never ever forsaw my six degrees of separation. I want this case to go back to Police. There is a possibility that it all could be cleared up in 5 minutes. There is a huge risk here for Keli and there is a chance that things could go even more pear shaped for her too. I really don't know.

Bo - if you think I have derailed the thread. Then I apologise.

For me the last few days have definitely been a case of "curiosity killing the cat". I am hopeful that "satisfaction will bring it back". For now, I will sign off. I have said enough.

I apologise if I came across as rude. I’m not saying that you are derailing the thread—I’d just like it remembered that, as things stand, Tegan is the victim here, not Keli, at least until proven otherwise.

By all means stay onthread. You seem to have a lot of information that I, in particular, would love you to share.
Most of this discussion, in so far as it focuses on the conviction of Keli Lane rather than the fate of Tegan Lane, misses the key points. Keli Lane may. or may not, be guilty of murder - I do not know. What is now proven probable is that the prosecution breached at least three sacrosanct rules in getting their conviction;
  • they failed to disclose all the evidence as required under court rules.
  • they coached a witness (possibly to the point of committing perjury).
  • they reached an agreement about court process (presentation and cross examination of witnesses) with the defence, and failed to disclose this to the judge (or others).
Any one of these examples of prosecutorial misconduct would normally be sufficient to have a case reexamined (and possibly overturned although that is not inevitable). I cannot think of any other cases where the exposure of such a litany of misconduct has not resulted in immediate reference to an appellate court.

There has also been criticism of the police and original judge. Neither were perfect but they were choirboys compared with the prosecution. At least the police originally took the view that the evidence for prosecution was inadequate (and were overruled). And while I take issue with some of the judges decisions (such as not giving a directed verdict) I take more issue with the decision of the higher court to admit as evidence that lying about her previous babies was evidence of guilt in this case.

This case really is a complete and utter shambles.

Thanks alb1on. I, for one, am not terribly knowledgeable about the law; especially in a complicated case such as this.
Most of this discussion, in so far as it focuses on the conviction of Keli Lane rather than the fate of Tegan Lane, misses the key points. Keli Lane may. or may not, be guilty of murder - I do not know. What is now proven probable is that the prosecution breached at least three sacrosanct rules in getting their conviction;
  • they failed to disclose all the evidence as required under court rules.
  • they coached a witness (possibly to the point of committing perjury).
  • they reached an agreement about court process (presentation and cross examination of witnesses) with the defence, and failed to disclose this to the judge (or others).
Any one of these examples of prosecutorial misconduct would normally be sufficient to have a case reexamined (and possibly overturned although that is not inevitable). I cannot think of any other cases where the exposure of such a litany of misconduct has not resulted in immediate reference to an appellate court.

There has also been criticism of the police and original judge. Neither were perfect but they were choirboys compared with the prosecution. At least the police originally took the view that the evidence for prosecution was inadequate (and were overruled). And while I take issue with some of the judges decisions (such as not giving a directed verdict) I take more issue with the decision of the higher court to admit as evidence that lying about her previous babies was evidence of guilt in this case.

This case really is a complete and utter shambles.

Hi alb1on - fantastic post. Love your work and analysis. Written like a true legal professional. ;)

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