Australia - Warriena Wright, 26, dies in balcony fall, Surfers Paradise, Aug 2014 #2

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Oct 9, 2013
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The young woman in this case apparently met the man whose apartment she fell from on Tinder. Police are calling the death suspicious and the investigation is continuing.

Police have positively identified a woman who died after she fell from a Surfers Paradise high-rise apartment building.

The woman has been identified as 26-year-old Warriena Tagpuno Wright from Lower Hutt, New Zealand.

Around 2.20am on Friday officers were called to the Wahroonga Place building after receiving reports that a woman had fallen from a balcony.

Police have confirmed the death is being treated as suspicious.

......The 28-year-old man who is the sole occupant of the apartment, Gable Tostee, was assisting police with inquiries on Friday afternoon. He was not formally arrested and no charges have been laid.

Tagpuno Wright was reportedly visiting Tostee after meeting him through an online dating app, believed to be Tinder, the Courier Mail reported.


Gable Tostee, man at centre of investigations into Surfers Paradise highrise death plunge of Warriena Wright, charged with murder

Thread #1

Media/Timeline Thread
Originally Posted by Oddsocks
I just read some of the thread where he finds some beetles. I don't know why but it made me sad. I think he isnt an empty vessel. I just don't know what he is.

Maybe there is something locked away in there, Oddsocks. But it is locked away so deeply and so tightly that he seems to feel no compassion, feeling, or humanity toward the relentless string of girls that he has used.

He rates them on a scale of 1-10 based on his preference of looks only, he never gets to know them, he doesn't even want to know them. The decent ones who don't want to just have sex with him find there is nothing else there to know.

I think that is a dangerous way to be .. it is compassion, conscience, and empathy that make us human .. that give us moral values .. not self-absorption and self-gratification.

All imo, of course.
GT has been spiralling out of control and the inevitable disaster that was waiting to happen has now happened. Alcohol clearly has been one major factor as we see from his posts about alcohol-induced blackouts . On 27 January this year he was arrested and charged with assaulting police and public nuisance. Exactly 6 months later, on 27 July, he was arrested for extremely dangerous driving including a police chase (and it seems he was in an alcohol-induced blackout at the time). No doubt many other incidents have occurred as well but not come to the attention of the police. He desperately needed help. These were very serious warning signs. It's always so easy to see after the fact but I wonder what, if anything, was put in place to curb this rapidly downward spiral? Or did he just return to his natural habitat of the Gold Coast night club scene (like being in a constant holiday as he described it) to do it all over again.

We also know that in 2004 he came to the attention of the law following his counterfeit ID scheme - and at that time he was advised by a judge to use his intellectual talent for good purposes. I wonder what kind of guidance he had to do that at this time. Every one of these incidents have been critical points for help and intervention. He seems to have been so lost and desperately trying to fit in and belong somewhere and unfortunately immersed himself in a subculture that brought out the very worst in him. IMO
omg so siiiick... whine whine.. bear with me, guys, I will try to make sense. But first, thank you Marly!!! for all you do, you're terrific, and for the new thread ofc.

ok, so this is what struck me a minute ago... on that forum he's on, GT made a post (and I WILL get a link to it, I just can't stomach reading thru it all again atm) regarding how he cannot remain sexually interested in a woman after the first date or two, lamenting that he rapidly loses his sex drive with women he stays with, and how, even though a part of him wishes he could continue a relationship, he "has to" seek a new sexual partner all the time.

Okay. So then we also have the counterfeiting thing, and also the high speed cop car chases, and we aslo have altercations and predatory 'girl hunting' at the clubs...

It just all adds up to someone who feels he must have adrenaline pumping, pumping iron, hunting women, the thrill of the chase (in several different interpretations of the term) and this says to me he doesn't feel very 'alive' without that fast-burning adrenaline high. No wonder he crashes when he comes down, and feels like crap for days and can't sleep. I wonder how long this has actually been going on.

Anyways. Like all addictions it not only would wear him down a lot as a human being, but also would also require him to up the ante all the time to get the same "high". More workouts, more women, more and more risky behaviour until he inevitably crashes and burns.. Only he didn't, directly.. but same effect. It's all come to a screaming halt --- but you know, I can't help wondering.. is this yet another adrenaline high, just one that's way less fun for GT? I think it will actually crash down on him real bad if he is judged guilty and put away.

It's at that stage, perhaps a few months down the track, I might expect someone like him to really implode.

And what is of greatest concern is, there's dozens of GT's out there, burning themselves up... hopefully not taking anyone else down with them.
Links made between 1986 trial of Kim William Royall for murder of Kelly Healey and Gable Tostee case

August 18, 2014 12:00AM

A 1986 murder case where a woman fell to her death while climbing out a sixth floor window to flee her violent boyfriend is being examined by police investigating Gold Coast playboy Gable Tostee.

Kelly Healey was in the shower when her boyfriend broke down the bathroom door, grabbed her throat and punched her in the face.

Terrified and in fear of her life, Ms Healey is thought to have climbed out the window and fallen 21m to her death.

Her boyfriend, 33-year-old tattooist Kim William Royall, was found guilty of her murder – not because he necessarily threw her, but because she fell trying to escape him.

Police sources have confirmed they are assessing whether the unrelated trial may be applicable in their case against Tostee for the alleged murder of New Zealand tourist Warriena “Rrie” Tagpuno Wright.
Maybe there is something locked away in there, Oddsocks. But it is locked away so deeply and so tightly that he seems to feel no compassion, feeling, or humanity toward the relentless string of girls that he has used.

He rates them on a scale of 1-10 based on his preference of looks only, he never gets to know them, he doesn't even want to know them. The decent ones who don't want to just have sex with him find there is nothing else there to know.

I think that is a dangerous way to be .. it is compassion, conscience, and empathy that make us human .. that give us moral values .. not self-absorption and self-gratification.

All imo, of course.

Thing is, with these guys... they DO have a profound capacity for feeling.. as long it directly involves themselves. So GT can lament his wistful desire for a proper relationship in one breath, and in the next, to keep up with the other narcissisistic Joneses in the online testosterone gang, post up his Tinder conquests -- not only by number (for goodness' sake!) but with pictures of them as well.... like they're not really people.

The prime (and much more manly) example of this type that I dated on and off (and mentioned last thread..) dearly loved his dogs and his daughter, above and beyond anything - except himself. After ten years of relationship, some of it intimate, much of it as 'friends', I realised the sod did not have clue #1 when my birthday was. Which was the last straw on the back of one extremely weary camel, and I gave him the permanent flick outta my life (and was promptly replaced with a new girl-pal, as I 100% expected). But I did learn a LOT about narcisissists, in that decade. They can and do care for nature, for art, for literature, even for other people -- but nothing, not ever anything, as much as they care for themselves and the fulfilment of the things which feed their system of ego and its subsequent desires.

Gosh.. gabbing on here. But much food for thought, WS'ers, thanks for it.
Slightly off topic - I posted this in Allison's forum a few days back, not sure if you've all read it. Interesting times ahead especially if this case gets to trial. In a couple of years time perhaps we'll be viewing it in court.

Chief Justice Tim Carmody says a subcommittee has been set up to look at the possibility of televised trials

August 15, 2014

LIVE court case broadcasts for high-profile trials, similar to the unprecedented coverage of the Oscar Pistorius trial in South Africa, are on the cards for Queensland.

Chief Justice Tim Carmody has revealed a special subcommittee has now been set up to investigate the possibility of televised proceedings and live streaming.

It follows unheard-of public interest in recent Queensland trials, such as the trial of wife-killer Gerard Baden-Clay and Daniel Morcombe’s murderer Brett Peter Cowan, where members of the public lined up for hours to secure seats in the courtroom.



Public attention over Gerard Baden-Clay and Brett Peter Cowan trials sparks renewed calls for televised courts

August 18, 2014 12:00AM

QUEENSLAND Premier Campbell Newman has switched on to the televised trial debate, saying he would back a move to broadcast court cases.

Mr Newman said it had been 10 years since the last review into the issue and it was time to again consider whether cameras should be allowed into the Supreme Court of Queensland to televise or live-stream proceedings.
I love it and I wish someone, like Dan Abrams would take me up on my idea, offer to start a Regional CTV. We could have five regions, and a live feed each day; and not for just murder trials but for kidnapping and all cases. We could actually do it using the ID channel since their focus is already on true crime. There would be Five Channels based on Time Zone and Zone, and this would generate jobs, focus on the communities, and all kinds of positions from journalism to interns, to cameramen/women...and onward. I think it's an excellent idea, although Beth Karas agreed, an Expensive one. Who better than Dan Abrams or Turner to do this? I say lets get it started some that we can bring back CTV gavel to gavel but WITHOUT the stress on TALKING HEADS and pitting a devils advocate with another journalist for show. Lets just find out what states in each zone, allow cameras,get the dockets, set up an office in each REGION, and then in EACH STATE that allows cameras in the court room, and when nothing is airing air a trial that is on tape. This would be I think what each and every one of us would like to have. Court TV, five channels based on region. This way there would no longer be the bias of cameras in the court room for what MEDIA deems a "high profile case" as then we would see so many differnt types of cases actually being tried, live, without the theatrics of attys who realize: whoa I'm on camera, I could be famous now etc etc...there would BE no high profile case, every case would be tried as it should be...and we could have Five Regional Channels and if nothing is on air, air a taped trial. It's my idea...I'd like to see it come to fruition. Somehow. I applaud S Africa for their openness to ideas and change.
I love it and I wish someone, like Dan Abrams would take me up on my idea, offer to start a Regional CTV. We could have five regions, and a live feed each day; and not for just murder trials but for kidnapping and all cases. We could actually do it using the ID channel since their focus is already on true crime. There would be Five Channels based on Time Zone and Zone, and this would generate jobs, focus on the communities, and all kinds of positions from journalism to interns, to cameramen/women...and onward. I think it's an excellent idea, although Beth Karas agreed, an Expensive one. Who better than Dan Abrams or Turner to do this? I say lets get it started some that we can bring back CTV gavel to gavel but WITHOUT the stress on TALKING HEADS and pitting a devils advocate with another journalist for show. Lets just find out what states in each zone, allow cameras,get the dockets, set up an office in each REGION, and then in EACH STATE that allows cameras in the court room, and when nothing is airing air a trial that is on tape. This would be I think what each and every one of us would like to have. Court TV, five channels based on region. This way there would no longer be the bias of cameras in the court room for what MEDIA deems a "high profile case" as then we would see so many differnt types of cases actually being tried, live, without the theatrics of attys who realize: whoa I'm on camera, I could be famous now etc etc...there would BE no high profile case, every case would be tried as it should be...and we could have Five Regional Channels and if nothing is on air, air a taped trial. It's my idea...I'd like to see it come to fruition. Somehow. I applaud S Africa for their openness to ideas and change.
I like this idea...

especially your point that if ALL trials are being aired "Live"... It would reduce the circus surrounding "high profile" cases... Because all trials would be accessible for viewing...


O/T... But it always cracks me up...

I am in the U.S.... So when I catch up on your wonderful posts... You all are at work or asleep...

and it seems I am posting primarily to myself...


There are some videos on tostees youtube channel that don't come up in the playlist at all... (possibly due to being set to private at some stage)

This is one of them

Um, wow. Why on earth would he post that?! I'm assuming it's him and one of his conquests. If it is he sounds completely unable to express himself, almost wooden. So bizarre. And I'm also assuming she had no idea it was being recorded.
Um, wow. Why on earth would he post that?! I'm assuming it's him and one of his conquests. If it is he sounds completely unable to express himself, almost wooden. So bizarre. And I'm also assuming she had no idea it was being recorded.

It is indeed him with one of his conquests. :facepalm:

He posted this audio on the bb forum too. Then the dudes asked for a pic of the girl and he posted one - and they didn't believe it was really her and asked to see a pic of her on his phone as evidence. Anyway.....then I got over their misogynistic pap and couldn't read I don't know if he ever DID post a phone pic of her to prove he wasn't lying. was both trite AND painful.

And no, like SO many women whose pics and comments he posts on the bb forum, I'm sure she had no idea he was secretly recording her. Nice.
Ah, there you go - Whatson posted the link :happydance:
Could this guy been desperately lonely? Anyone for company and when that person had to leave he became a crying blithering mess to the point it was frightening?
Was he reaching out to girls like Warriena because they had a caring side?

There's something not adding up. I feel there is some desperate side to this bloke and he needed help.
He was searching for acceptance in the wrong places.
Just my thoughts out there.

'An autistic savant with severe obsessive compulsive disorder, Gable had always been shy at school. He’d made a few close friends,

He lost his friends. He retreated from society. He went to work with his father in property development and investment pursuits where his only contact was with people years older.

For years he lived like this, tucked away at his computer.

And then, in 2010, he ran into an old friend at a restaurant.

He’d been one of Gable’s best friends before everything went wrong. The friend had been genuinely excited to see him.

``When I asked him what other friends were up to I realised how much things had changed and how much I have missed out on socially over the last half a decade,’’ he told his online community.

``The problem is that I don’t really know where to start, I feel like someone who has been teleported into the future.’’
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