Australia - Warriena Wright, 26, dies in balcony fall, Surfers Paradise, Aug 2014 #2

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Gable Tostee’s mates pledge to ‘stick by him’ following his murder arrest for the death of Warriena Wright who was believed to be fleeing him when she fell from a Surfers Paradise balcony

But while Mr Tostee prepares to spend his fourth night behind bars, his friend Tony Ongart has taken to Facebook to support his mate.

“No matter how much hate from the media our mate gets we always stick by our mates til the end, including Gable Tostee,” he wrote.

“There is no physical evidence that accuses him of being guilty.

“So go hate as much as you want we don’t care, it won’t change our decision.

In all these years he stuck by us, and has never been a violence person ... so we will back him up the whole way.”
Speaking with my daughters friend who boasted she had 1200 friends. But then I realised these friends were on Facebook and she'd never met them and really she was a loner who worked, went home to a cat and wrote and posted about trivia to a faceless crowd. I thought she was desperately lonely.
Everything goes onto Facebook, selfies and pics of what she had for breakfast again to faceless people.
Are we like this on WS??? NAH???

Again just my thoughts trying to piece together the workings of this guy trying to be accepted though ANY form of contact or touch. Is our new generation forming?

Isis is there a new name for this cyber loneliness?

I spoke with a woman (in her 40s) who said she felt she had power when she slept with a one night stand. I told her it was the opposite because the men were only using her. She refused to see my point. I'll never understand that one but it was interesting nonetheless.
Could this guy been desperately lonely? Anyone for company and when that person had to leave he became a crying blithering mess to the point it was frightening?
Was he reaching out to girls like Warriena because they had a caring side?

There's something not adding up. I feel there is some desperate side to this bloke and he needed help.
He was searching for acceptance in the wrong places.
Just my thoughts out there.

'An autistic savant with severe obsessive compulsive disorder, Gable had always been shy at school. He’d made a few close friends,

He lost his friends. He retreated from society. He went to work with his father in property development and investment pursuits where his only contact was with people years older.

For years he lived like this, tucked away at his computer.

And then, in 2010, he ran into an old friend at a restaurant.

He’d been one of Gable’s best friends before everything went wrong. The friend had been genuinely excited to see him.

``When I asked him what other friends were up to I realised how much things had changed and how much I have missed out on socially over the last half a decade,’’ he told his online community.

``The problem is that I don’t really know where to start, I feel like someone who has been teleported into the future.’’

I don't come from a medical or legal back ground. However when I first read about the autism - I would imagine it would be quite unusual to feel comfortable with loud music, close contact with people etc, etc. I would imagine somebody with these disorders would need to be fueled with booze to be able to interact the way he does. OCD/Autism - medication, steroids - booze - recipe for disaster.
I don't come from a medical or legal back ground. However when I first read about the autism - I would imagine it would be quite unusual to feel comfortable with loud music, close contact with people etc, etc. I would imagine somebody with these disorders would need to be fueled with booze to be able to interact the way he does. OCD/Autism - medication, steroids - booze - recipe for disaster.

BBM - Absolutely! (minus the steroid bit lol)

Where would this put him if found guilty? Some people go to psyche wards over jail for murder. Would this apply to Tostee if his lawyers can prove he does suffer some kind of mental illness?
I dunno .. this guy may just have been good at playing the pity card, the poor-me-help-me card. He may have played it a lot in his life. And it is human nature to try to help the perceived underdog .. to feel sorry for them.

Sometimes we need to see past that .... to the death of a beautiful young girl, the slights to all those used girls, the recording of his conquests and non-conquests, the blatant posting of personal information about the girls, the horror and shame he has put upon his family, the embarrassment of the company he worked for and the company who owns the apartment building, the shock (and, in some, denial) of his party friends ....

If he was so lonely, why didn’t he join a gym as BB posters suggested? Why didn’t he develop or even try to develop a relationship, instead of having a preferred running string of one night stands? Why didn’t he join a sailing club, a book club, a photography club, an IT nerds club?

I think he may have liked his lifestyle – sit at home chatting to like-minded people on a forum, prowl for the next one night stand, walk to all the local conveniences, work part-time and be ‘fortunate’ enough to make enough money to support his lifestyle, focus on him and him alone, his body, his looks, his gratification …..
I think he may have liked his lifestyle .

^ This. I mean, it's like anyone who is leading a seedy life. Why do they do it (whatever 'it' happens to be..)? Because it feels good, better than anything else they could be doing. The end. Sure, there's going to be a disconnect between genuine emotional need as a human entity and the state of being 'high' on the chosen lifestyle. But it's worth it to them or they wouldn't do it.

Thing is, the life they're leading isn't fulfilling at all, it only feeds their cravings. But even the most abject addict can choose to seek help and healthier choices. People find the decency within themselves at the bottom of far greater abysses -- but only if they've realised that where they are *is* an abyss. Not a lifelong sex club, yannow?

So yeah, I do not have a great deal of empathy for this 28-year old child-man whose lack of self control has taken the life of a truly beautiful person, whose existence-added- something to the world.
There are some videos on tostees youtube channel that don't come up in the playlist at all... (possibly due to being set to private at some stage)

This is one of them

Found from:

Listening to that recording made me so angry, he's mind <modsnip> her! Her English is perfect, she couldn't understand his gibberish crap because that's what it is! :mad:
So he doesn't just use their bodies, he humiliates them and treats them like bimbos as well! Horrible man, I have no pity for the guy! He knew what he was doing, women are nothing to him and the guys in his virtual world are everything.
Probably spoke a whole lot of nonsense to Warriena too, playing with her mind as she was his prisoner! He thinks he's superior, lol, well he's not in any shape or form.

Gable Tostee&#8217;s mates pledge to &#8216;stick by him&#8217; following his murder arrest for the death of Warriena Wright who was believed to be fleeing him when she fell from a Surfers Paradise balcony

But while Mr Tostee prepares to spend his fourth night behind bars, his friend Tony Ongart has taken to Facebook to support his mate.

&#8220;No matter how much hate from the media our mate gets we always stick by our mates til the end, including Gable Tostee,&#8221; he wrote.

&#8220;There is no physical evidence that accuses him of being guilty.

&#8220;So go hate as much as you want we don&#8217;t care, it won&#8217;t change our decision.

In all these years he stuck by us, and has never been a violence person ... so we will back him up the whole way.&#8221;

I seen <modsnip> call of support made the news today... nothing more than a 5 minutes of fame publicity stunt which the media fell for if you ask me...
Hello to all. Everyone has posted some very interesting thoughts. I realize mine may not be too popular, but felt I had to add it. I am not victim blaming, but speaking of all (or most) of the girls that go home with Gable, or any other young man like him. Really, if you leave a bar at last call with a male, and go to his house, are these young ladies so naïve, or what do they expect is going to happen. I am not saying it is right, but the young man is thinking you are into having sex. Really, it is late at night, they both most likely have been at least drinking and you go to with a man to his apartment. It has been a long time since my bar days, but even then, we pretty much all knew, if you did this, the man was wanting sex. What really else are you going to do at 2:00 or 3:00 in the morning? Talk?? you can talk the next day, right. And, Warriena had been with him most of the evening, drinking, talking, laughing? What happened next. If it is true that he had all of these other girls to his apartment, why did he not assault any of them? No one else died in his presence that we are aware of. I don't know what happened, but I have some doubts here about what was going on. I cannot condemn this young man until we know more actual facts. He appears to be a loose cannon, but he is certainly not the only man his age that acts this way, and while it is so very unfortunate that this young woman died, I cannot believe the vile, horrible human being that everyone wants to make him out to be. So many young man are wild, full of themselves, do outrageous things, yet women are not dying around most of them. There must be more to this story than what we are aware of. I know I am not going to be popular with my thoughts, but I believe we must give him a chance to tell his story before we condemn him. Thanks, Katt
I spoke with a woman (in her 40s) who said she felt she had power when she slept with a one night stand. I told her it was the opposite because the men were only using her. She refused to see my point. I'll never understand that one but it was interesting nonetheless.

Call me a modern gal, but I totally see her point. Not every relationship has to be long-term to be fulfilling. ;) But if one night stands is -all- you have, for years on end, well that might just be problematic. Anyway, I dunno about your friend and her state of contentment, but it's not impossible for a 40 year old woman to own her own sexuality that way and also truly feel good about herself.

As for cyber loneliness.. that is a really interesting discussion I would like to have some time. In Tostee's case, I have to wonder how many of the people coming out to bat for him now have known him in any real depth. If so, how do they reconcile this 'great guy' with his abysmal treatment of women, etc. Or are they birds of a feather?
If it is true that he had all of these other girls to his apartment, why did he not assault any of them?

Well, he actually did. He even describes a couple of occasions himself, on his beloved forum. He was thrown out of clubs for harassing women, including staff members.

eta: and I don't actually think anyone in that apt that night was thinking there'd be no sex. Sex isn't the issue at all IMO. It's about Gable Tostee wanting some kind of sense of control that crossed some kind of personal boundary for his guest, and Warriena obviously being unwilling to give it to him (as had other women been, before her). And him, being unwilling to take 'no' for an answer.

If a woman says 'yes' to sex, that doesn't mean the guy gets to do whatever he likes with her!

Sure, he didn't kill anyone before. But that doesn't mean he wasn't a creep toward the young woman who died, as police believe, trying to get away from him.

And who cares about 'unpopular' opinions? Not me, that's for sure. The world would be dull if we all thought the same. :)
Thanks Katt for your view which I wholeheartedly disagree with but each to their own.
If you enter anyone's home, do you believe they have the right to hold you captive? Does it matter if it's 2 am or 12 noon? Does it matter if it started off with laughing and frivolity, it can change awfully quickly with as you say, a 'loose cannon'.

We don't know whether he assaulted other girls, he's only 28 years old and he's brought about the death of a young woman, it was only a matter of time.

Young guys can be full of themselves, bragging about conquests, rating women from 1-10, talking amongst themselves about their sexual habits and fetishes etc. But when they step over the line, they need to be held accountable, GT needed that, but it's too late now, it's in the hands of the courts and a jury and the evidence of what transpired that night. jmho
Hello to all. Everyone has posted some very interesting thoughts. I realize mine may not be too popular, but felt I had to add it. I am not victim blaming, but speaking of all (or most) of the girls that go home with Gable, or any other young man like him. Really, if you leave a bar at last call with a male, and go to his house, are these young ladies so naïve, or what do they expect is going to happen. I am not saying it is right, but the young man is thinking you are into having sex. Really, it is late at night, they both most likely have been at least drinking and you go to with a man to his apartment. It has been a long time since my bar days, but even then, we pretty much all knew, if you did this, the man was wanting sex. What really else are you going to do at 2:00 or 3:00 in the morning? Talk?? you can talk the next day, right. And, Warriena had been with him most of the evening, drinking, talking, laughing? What happened next. If it is true that he had all of these other girls to his apartment, why did he not assault any of them? No one else died in his presence that we are aware of. I don't know what happened, but I have some doubts here about what was going on. I cannot condemn this young man until we know more actual facts. He appears to be a loose cannon, but he is certainly not the only man his age that acts this way, and while it is so very unfortunate that this young woman died, I cannot believe the vile, horrible human being that everyone wants to make him out to be. So many young man are wild, full of themselves, do outrageous things, yet women are not dying around most of them. There must be more to this story than what we are aware of. I know I am not going to be popular with my thoughts, but I believe we must give him a chance to tell his story before we condemn him. Thanks, Katt

Id like to know why he violently assaulted Rrie. Why she feared for her life and why she had to climb the balcony to escape saying ,No, no ,no I just want to go home. Sadly we wont hear Rries side and GT maintained his silence (which he has the right to do)
If GT had no part to play in Rrie's death why didnt he call for help or speak up? No he hid behind a pillar while Rrie lay on the ground. GT would have used the recordings the police have to proclaim his innocence if they had actually showed that but no they were the breakthrough the police used to arrest him.
Rrie isnt the only girl who tried to leave GT's apartment, sadly she wasnt as lucky as the other girls....
However, where I come from "NO" is a complete sentence. No is no and stop is stop.
I really have no words left in regard to Tostee.

I usually feel great empathy for the perp as well as the victim - because I understand that what's led them to that point is typically very complex and tragic.

With this guy - for the first time ever - I feel ZERO empathy for him. Which kind of shocks me.

His treatment of women on those bb forums is just so consistently disgusting and demeaning- all designed to boost his own fragile ego..........

And absolutely CrankyChef - no means no.

Full stop.

For whatever reason!!

At any point.

I can't believe anyone would still be questioning the validity of that in 2014. :facepalm:
\Really, if you leave a bar at last call with a male, and go to his house, are these young ladies so naïve, or what do they expect is going to happen. I am not saying it is right, but the young man is thinking you are into having sex. Really, it is late at night, they both most likely have been at least drinking and you go to with a man to his apartment.

This video was from 7 years ago. You would have seen it. It's at the exact spot that you should have taken into
Once again, I am not taking Gable's defense, because I don't know what happened in that apartment, other than a lovely young woman is dead. I just don't think we should be so totally surprised by the actions of this young man. Yes, he behaved very badly with women, but lots of men do, and women are not falling off of their balconies. He is not very different from many men I ran into years ago at bars, totally being a jerk, bothering females, making lewd remarks, yet I know of no women who are dead by or because of their bad behavior. I think an annoying, womanizing, drug using man is not who I would choose to hang out with, yet, some women do, and most of them don't end up falling l4 floors to their death. He may have, for lack of a better word, annoyed many females, but what caused this one to choose the balcony. Honestly, if I believed that I may be getting raped in a guy's apartment, a guy that earlier that evening I thought was attractive enough and appealing enough to go home with at 2:00 or 3:00 in the morning, I somehow think having sex with him would be the lesser of two evils, versus risking (and actually losing) my life, trying to climb to another balcony l4 floors above the street below. She had to see the risks involved in this balcony - what made her choose to do that? Maybe he was doing more than trying to rape her, I don't know, but what I think is, we should find out why this incident ended with this lovely young woman dead, and this man being charged with her murder. Thanks to all, Katt
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