Australia - Warriena Wright, 26, dies in balcony fall, Surfers Paradise, Aug 2014 #6

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Thanks for filling me in, SouthAussie. What do you think about the short amount of time between her being put on the balcony and her falling? It just seems so incredible that she would so quickly try to climb off a 14th floor balcony, before even calling out for help from neighbours. I am perplexed as to why the prosecution hasn't raised him putting over over the balcony and leaving her dangling as an alternative scenario. It would be more likely to result in a conviction (as no break in the chain of causation) and is more plausible than the scenario they are running with. Does anyone here know what the forensic evidence said about fingerprints on the balcony?
I know one shouldn't judge without all the facts but I automatically thought he was guilty. The arrogance and lack of distress over what happened is very telling.
Glad I got that out of the way. Now that makes sense with the transcripts. Yeah I find it odd, weird, creepy to record a date BUT not somthing one would do if they had murder on their mind. (Unless they were setting up an alibi)

There is no motive or reason for him to throw her off the balcony. Putting her out on the balcony, not wise but the bathroom may not have been able to shut her in. Tossing her into the hallway outside is not an option if she was boisterous and the type of building it was.

Unfortunately this appears to be an accident and should serve as a poster for drinking/drugs, hookups etc.
Mods I've been off the forums a while, so hopefully I post this very interested to see what else comes up in this trial, there is certainly a few things that have peaked my interest, such as the walk Toastee takes through the adjacent park after fleeing the scene & the time he takes. Is there any bins in that park? I'm sure LE would have been all over it.The missing pillow case (might be significant?). Victim sounds like she is choked, was an item used? I just saw this in MSM and does anyone know what Tostee might be holding as he exits building into what looks like garage?? Looks long and perhaps metal?

Excellent find MelbourneSleuth, thank you. I've managed to grab a few screen shots from the video at your link. The object Tostee is holding definitely looks metallic and rigid. It is far too big to be a phone. Something else I find interesting is that it looks like Tostee is wearing gloves, although it may be just shadow.




Two more screen grabs from MelbourneSleuth's link above. I could be totally wrong, and I often am, but it looks to me like Tostee is about to bin whatever he is carrying. In the next image it doesn't look like Tostee is carrying anything in his left hand as he was in the previous images. It still looks like he is wearing gloves IMO.


Glad I got that out of the way. Now that makes sense with the transcripts. Yeah I find it odd, weird, creepy to record a date BUT not somthing one would do if they had murder on their mind. (Unless they were setting up an alibi)

There is no motive or reason for him to throw her off the balcony. Putting her out on the balcony, not wise but the bathroom may not have been able to shut her in. Tossing her into the hallway outside is not an option if she was boisterous and the type of building it was.

Unfortunately this appears to be an accident and should serve as a poster for drinking/drugs, hookups etc.

It has never been alleged that Tostee threw Warriena off the balcony. The DPP's case is that Tostee caused Warriena's death by dragging her, screaming in fear, out to his balcony and looking the door behind him. Warriena was in fear of her life and subsequently tried to escape, falling to her death in the process. Tostee certainly did have the option of escorting Warriena to his front door and closing it behind her. This would have been a safer option for both of them. I doubt Warriena would have been screaming "no, no, no"... x10 and "I just want to go home..." outside his front door like she was on his balcony. IMO She made far more noise on the balcony, ending with her final chilling scream.
No way is that the "world's longest phone" he's holding. Just from the way he's gripping it, you can see it's some sort of stick. It's narrow from both the front and side angles. I agree it looks like he's wearing gloves.

But is that definitely still him in the last photo? It appears he's shed his green shirt and is wearing a white t-shirt with elbow length sleeves.
Two more screen grabs from MelbourneSleuth's link above. I could be totally wrong, and I often am, but it looks to me like Tostee is about to bin whatever he is carrying. In the next image it doesn't look like Tostee is carrying anything in his left hand as he was in the previous images. It still looks like he is wearing gloves IMO.



Gloves, I cannot really tell. But I guess if you wanted to give something a bit of a quick wipe over before you binned it. Why not a glove?
Whatever, it is in his hand it just looks to be something that could be held against someone's throat and restrict their breathing and their voice to be muffled..

He said of particular interest was the altercation that happened prior to her being locked on the balcony.
Mr Cash said the recording would be played and included noises "consistent with her being choked or strangled in some way"
Tossing her into the hallway outside is not an option if she was boisterous and the type of building it was.

Are you suggesting she could potentially have disturbed too many people, living too close together? I'd agree that was not a desirable outcome for him.

But what was to stop him calling her a cab or escorting her home?
Excellent find MelbourneSleuth, thank you. I've managed to grab a few screen shots from the video at your link. The object Tostee is holding definitely looks metallic and rigid. It is far too big to be a phone. Something else I find interesting is that it looks like Tostee is wearing gloves, although it may be just shadow.

[snipped for brevity]

Excellent sleuthing Melbourne Sleuth. Great job Makara for capturing these screen shots for us.
Has somebody notified the police and provided this evidence to them?
Wondering if anyone on here recalls during the investigation, reports of the witness in the apartment below saying that she saw Warriena's feet come down over the balcony facing "outwards", indicating that she had been lowered over the balcony by Tostee. This is what I always thought happened - that he lowered her over the balcony then went inside, leaving her hanging. That would explain her falling so quickly. I think he planned it that way, considering he would always be able to say she was inside when she fell.

I'm new to this thread but I've been following the case since it first hit the news. Thank you for bringing this up, I remember this as well. I feel like some details are missing in the current coverage of events. I'm guessing this could be due to the fact that it would weaken their case and they have no proof this actually happened.

I apologize if this has been brought up already, I just thought I'd share.

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Thanks for filling me in, SouthAussie. What do you think about the short amount of time between her being put on the balcony and her falling? It just seems so incredible that she would so quickly try to climb off a 14th floor balcony, before even calling out for help from neighbours. I am perplexed as to why the prosecution hasn't raised him putting over over the balcony and leaving her dangling as an alternative scenario. It would be more likely to result in a conviction (as no break in the chain of causation) and is more plausible than the scenario they are running with. Does anyone here know what the forensic evidence said about fingerprints on the balcony?

Nick Casey told the court he heard a loud noise just before 2.30am and went outside to see a person climbing over a higher balcony, and told them to climb back before "she fell straight past me".

The court also heard Ms Wright's palm print was found on Tostee's balcony railing and her fingerprints on a beer bottle inside the apartment.

No way is that the "world's longest phone" he's holding. Just from the way he's gripping it, you can see it's some sort of stick. It's narrow from both the front and side angles. I agree it looks like he's wearing gloves.

But is that definitely still him in the last photo? It appears he's shed his green shirt and is wearing a white t-shirt with elbow length sleeves.

Looks like he rolled the sleeves on the shirt up. moo
I don't think he was wearing gloves, personally.. What I do see is him peering around the corner before walking away from the elevator in a very strange manner... while looking directly at the camera (he knew where it was maybe?) and fishing something out of the front of his pants - not like a pocket, but way down in front and he also seems to grab his crotch area as he walks, as though it's slipping or he wants to mask the shape of it. Anyway, it's very peculiar, and then he suddenly has this mysterious item in his hand,

As for Warriena being throttled - through his entire rant right before the door slides shut, W says -nothing at all (because, I believe, she could not).. right before he goes spare at her, she says he sounds like a f__got and appears to be kind of joking around, as if she's not taking him seriously while he's getting angrier and angrier. The "f word" seems to send him over the edge into a blind rage.

Those alleging he "told her to leave and she would not" are clearly avoiding the very obvious fact that he was holding her down the whole time. At the end of that rant, right before the balcony door slams, he tells her to "get up" because he's been on top of her, and he admits to tackling her to floor numerous times, to his dad. He rants at her to leave but doesn't let her up..... all the while she's on the floor, she says *nothing* but a couple of throttled sounding single words, he rants for a time, and she is utterly silent (he is choking her) and then he tells her to "get up"... which she doesn't right away, probably out of terror and just being choked hard.

Then she starts screaming her head off. Then we hear the door slam, and then Warriena dies.
Sorry, I meant to add... could the item be a replica gun? He tells her something is "fake" just before he flies into his rage. He's got something long and metallic hidden down his pants as his leaves... then suddenly doesn't have it.

Could he have pointed a gun shaped object at her once that door shut, and this is what compelled her to clamber over the rails, screaming "No" and "Let me go home" and I believe "murder" at one point?
I haven't been on here in a while but I have to say I'm quite shocked at the tone these threads surrounding this case have taken. I don't remember Websleuths members being this hostile.

It's upsetting to see how Warriena is being dragged through the mud by implying she was on drugs before they met up and it was her own fault. Some of you need to take a step back and realize how tasteless your accusations are. What if it was your daughter or your sister this happened to? She was a real person! Show some compassion for gods sake. I'm sure I'm not the only one who wants to see things get back to the essence of sleuthing. Just my two cents.

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Warriena looks perfectly sober on the CCTV, right before she walks into his apt building.
AUSGIRL, Tostee pointing a gun at her might explain why she so hastily climbed over the balcony instead of calling out to neighbours for help.
I wonder if the Courier Mail can figure out what he is carrying, if it was pointed out to them somehow.
Ausgirl, that would explain why she climbed over the balcony instead of calling for help.

She also never once beat on the door and yelled to be let back in, which is what I'd pretty much expect anyone to do if they didn't think their life was in danger.
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