Australia Australia - William Tyrrell, 3, Kendall, Nsw, 12 Sep 2014 - #65

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IMHO, it appears to verge on "saving face".

We don't know that William was abducted.

"Once again" is stated twice indicating frustration:

Once again we are forced to watch others objectify William for personal gain.

I'm unsure how this statement makes sense? I don't know of anyone that will personally gain from a further investigation into the disappearance of William?

...and once again we find ourselves preparing to deal with the grief and loss compounded by years of not knowing what happened to our boy or where he is.

Were there similar statements made by the FP's every time a new POI was investigated? If not, why not and why now?

"William was"
"who knows and loves William"

Change from past to present tense.

Stating it is FAKE NEWS doesn't mean it is untrue.


The priority is the FP's in this heading statement, not finding William. Is it to evoke sympathy?

Here we have the FP's who feel the need to protest their innocence and tell us "not knowing what happened to our boy or where he is."

All IMO.

From above article: "Once again we are forced to watch others objectify William for personal gain."

I think that comment is very telling. Could they mean financial gain?
Yes me too. I did wonder if it was allowed to be published as it is unrelated to WT then the FCs lawyers potentially shut it down.

Do you know for sure that the FC lawyers shut it down? I was more inclined to think it would be the Coroner considering that it's her orders that they can't be named.
Do you know for sure that the FC lawyers shut it down? I was more inclined to think it would be the Coroner considering that it's her orders that they can't be named.

Of course not, i said i wondered... :)
You're right, could have been the coroner. I have no idea how the surpression orders work. Is it purely in relation to WT or any other matter?
It's at odds with what the police are doing in Victoria with the Russell-Clay case. They've given a general area but no specifics, no media allowed, if journalists do turn up no photos.

I wonder if this is just because it's different states, different cases or if this is a deliberate strategy from LE?

And if it's to apply pressure to the POI, why would this "crack" them if they haven't cracked for 7 years?

I don't understand the psychology of it. I have faith in NSW police but I'm curious about the criminal mind.

If you've been able to endure 7 years, what is it about finding remains that triggers a criminal into confessing?

What factors trigger a criminal into confessing?

These factors are referred to as
  1. Internal Pressure,
  2. External Pressure and
  3. Proof.
The factors were found to be associated with the type of offence committed and the attitude of the offender towards his confession.

The reasons why suspects confess during custodial interrogation: data for Northern Ireland - PubMed
Of course not, i said i wondered... :)
You're right, could have been the coroner. I have no idea how the surpression orders work. Is it purely in relation to WT or any other matter?

I think it's across the board, Bio's and Fosters cannot be ID'd in name or photo - and not just BM, BF, FFM and MFF also any family member. This is why BGM is not named or shown in any recent articles.
IMHO, it appears to verge on "saving face".

We don't know that William was abducted.

"Once again" is stated twice indicating frustration:

Once again we are forced to watch others objectify William for personal gain.

I'm unsure how this statement makes sense? I don't know of anyone that will personally gain from a further investigation into the disappearance of William?

...and once again we find ourselves preparing to deal with the grief and loss compounded by years of not knowing what happened to our boy or where he is.

Were there similar statements made by the FP's every time a new POI was investigated? If not, why not and why now?

"William was"
"who knows and loves William"

Change from past to present tense.

Stating it is FAKE NEWS doesn't mean it is untrue.


The priority is the FP's in this heading statement, not finding William. Is it to evoke sympathy?

Here we have the FP's who feel the need to protest their innocence and tell us "not knowing what happened to our boy or where he is."

All IMO.

I was puzzled by the personal gain bit, too.

I guess book authors make personal gain.
(I haven't bought any of them so no contribution to personal gain from me.)
What does everyone make of this post on the official WT facebook page?

Curious how the FP know that this is "fake news"? Thoughts?

It’s almost 7 years since William was abducted and once again we find ourselves preparing to deal with the grief and loss compounded by years of not knowing what happened to our boy or where he is.
Imagine waking up to an unsubstantiated article published by a large NSW media outlet claiming that a “senior officer” within NSW Police has shared that they have a NEW person of interest, whilst inferring that this heinous crime is on the brink of being solved. Once again we are forced to watch others objectify William for personal gain.
Time and time again we’ve watched people lose sight of the tragic reality that William was a precious, innocent little boy who was taken from those he loved and who love him deeply, forgetting that there is a heartbroken family waiting in hope that William will be found.
To publish unverified claims, without consideration to the hurt that articles of this nature cause is disrespectful and devastating to everyone who knows and loves William.
A ONE MILLION DOLLAR reward is waiting for the person who can lead police to William – that’s one MILLION REASONS to make the call to Crime Stoppers NOW on 1800 333 000. Make the call and help bring precious William home to the arms of those he loves and who love him...
#WheresWilliamTyrrell #WheresWilliam #OneMillionReasons #MakeTheCall #CrimeStoppers #MissingWilliamTyrrell #BringHimHome #HelpBringWilliamHome #BringWilliamHome #NeverGiveUp #KeepHopeAlive
To learn more about William please visit his website:

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Yes! I found this rather odd because this came direct from the police, not some random journalist making up a story.

I still can't understand why you'd call news from the police "fake news" Even that term "fake news" is weird as tends to be the catch cry of politicians when confronted with some scandal.
Police who have identified a new suspect in the hunt for the killer of William Tyrrell are liaising with Deputy State Coroner Harriet Grahame, who has postponed handing down her findings into his disappearance.

The coroner had signalled she would be delivering her findings in June but that was delayed amid internal conflict over who police believe was to blame, The Daily Telegraph can reveal.

After all of those months of inquest hearings, including delays caused by COVID, and then being ready to publish findings based on those hearings, to have the police announce out of the blue that they have a new suspect and need to go digging up half of Kendall would be grounds for annoyance for anyone involved.

But it has to be done.

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Unless there’s a miracle I feel the finding will be taken by person or persons unknown.
I’m continuing to pray and hope they find William . His family deserve to know where he is not least of all his sister !
It seems there’s less and less news each day so I remind myself this is an ongoing case and we need to trust the police / coroner who does need to know has information and we the public will be privy at the right time.

And if recent cases in this country are anything to go by then just as it appears nothing is happening...boom!...there's an arrest.
There are Where’s William posters in shopping centres up here on the Far North Coast, you pay to rent the spots where they are displayed .. they’ve been there for years. I assume they are all over so money would have gone to printing plus renting ad space.

That reminds me of when we all speculated on police thinkings regarding where posters were displayed across australia & who could possibly live in those areas… blast from the past
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