Australia Australia - William Tyrrell, 3, Kendall, NSW, 12 Sept 2014 - #15

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I still think if the cars were relevant we would have been told earlier and at what times they were seen, and whether anyone else saw them, I thinks it's a psychological tactic, or else desperation on the polices part.
A lot of mind games being played now
It seems unlikely to me that the owners of all four cars can't be identified after 12 months of investigation. At least four people were associated with those vehicles, more if any were carrying passengers. Were none of these people carrying smart phones? Were all four vehicles not captured on CCTV?
Whatever the reasons are behind this strategic release of information, I hope it helps the investigation move forward.
As Makara stated, there appears an increase in attempted abductions.

I think "appears" is a key word here. We hear about attempted abductions because we're all on social media 24/7/365. In the past the only media was newspapers you'd read once a day and the news on once in the evening. There was a limit in space and time allocated in these media what could be reported on. Now, we hear and see about absolutely everything! We really are never safer than we are now.

e.g. when I was in primary school (1980s) there were a few times when we were warned at school about a creep hanging around and to be careful etc ... it never made news, why would it? we were a country village. Nowadays it would be on Facebook at least, every time it happened. Back then it was kept within the school community.
Yeah. Once these things hit the media people seem to take the step of reporting abductions in their area as they ar ed on higher alert.
For the most part some crime goes unreported for different reasons.

Yeah and with the advent of cheap high resolution security cameras crime has in some ways subsided.
But I think there is a lot that goes on that isnt reported.
Ive reported crime before. Vehicle theft.
Right number plate, right car. Cop said cant do anything. People give up.

I think "appears" is a key word here. We hear about attempted abductions because we're all on social media 24/7/365. In the past the only media was newspapers you'd read once a day and the news on once in the evening. There was a limit in space and time allocated in these media what could be reported on. Now, we hear and see about absolutely everything! We really are never safer than we are now.

e.g. when I was in primary school (1980s) there were a few times when we were warned at school about a creep hanging around and to be careful etc ... it never made news, why would it? we were a country village. Nowadays it would be on Facebook at least, every time it happened. Back then it was kept within the school community.
Thanks Soso. I think that we're going to end up with a long list of creeps trying to pick up children. Makes my blood boil!

I know we are not allowed to link to FB pages unless official police etc, but I hope this is allowed. Please delete if not. It has a big list of newspaper reports/articles on attempted abductions.

Edited to add more links...

I know there a lot more out there but don't want to take up too much of anyone's time.

Another thought... Would a would-be abductor be a transient-type of person, someone who travels around the country or state for whatever reason and try and take a child if and when the 'urge' or opportunity strikes? It would make things easier to not be noticed if the number plate is not noted by a child. Cars can easily bought for next to nothing (I see a lot of 'bombs' being driven around by backpackers and seasonal workers and they're often on-sold when they leave the country) so it wouldn't be too hard to ditch a car on the side of the road (it happens a lot where I live) and just buy another cheap car.
Dont put 'most' into the category. The majority of crime is generated by drugs.
I can asure you they dont care where their money comes from.
But to say meth dealers have some sort of moral compass is laughable.
Most criminals absolutely loathe child sex offenders though.
The cars in both 60 minutes image and your sleuth earth images look like a Skoda. Octavia or similar?
I sent pics to Crimestoppers on the weekend. Really wanted to see what you all thought on here. I have not put pic on any social media.
We stop the car down the street a bit from William’s grandmother’s house. “You are here,” he says as we look up through trees to the house, “and you see a three-year-old kid in a Spider-Man suit on the road and there’s no one else around. What do you do?” It’s pretty easy to establish a rapport with a little boy. G’day Spider-Man. How are you going? Where’s your mum?
The way Jubelin sees it, you open the door and you put him in the car. Perhaps your first thought is to return him to his parents. Certainly, if anyone saw you now, you could say you were driving him to the police station in Laurieton, 15 minutes away. Instead of knocking on doors, you head back out past the showground. No one *follows you. You cross the Camden Haven River and nobody notices young William with the seatbelt over him. You bypass the police station in Laurieton and you just keep driving. By the time William’s mother calls 000 you are 30km away. There are tens of thousands of hectares of dense bushland between you and Kendall. *William is strapped in beside you, dressed in his Spider-Man suit.

I know there was talk about this a number of threads ago. I can't remember if this was a theory (Puggle, perhaps?) or something that was reported by a member of the public as something they recall seeing (a very small child whose top of the head they could see but with the seatbelt strap across the chair). This is interesting to me, anyway.
Thanks for feedback guys. I think the date stamp on the car made me think it was 2014.


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Never off topic Soso.

I can't sleep now you've got my attention. :)

I've been thinking about the cars. One older and the other a newer sporty model both with windows's reminding me of my days in real estate. It would be nothing to meet someone at a property, chat outside the cars and leave the windows open because you would have the keys in your hand and you wouldn't be far away from the vehicles. I never drove onto the properties I always parked on the roadway as I felt it was respectful.
Who would imagine that prestige rural area would be dangerous.
Benny Hill said never to assume.
You would think that it would be easy enough for the LE to check the real estate agent out though and what car they drive and who they have had at the property. I'd imagine they have and this is why they are still trying to track down the cars owners, or they are baiting someone.
All of the child abduction cases that have been mentioned have either:

1. Occurred in public places (Beaumont/Ratcliffe and Gordon/Cowan at Darwin
2. Been taken by someone known to the family and therefore had the child's trust
3. Been taken by a lone offender.

Also, when the child was by themselves.
Apparently there are other persons of interest but we have not been privy to that information. On that basis I suspect BS is the least likely to be the perp.
We don't know who else visited the home.
BS would need to be a very clever man to commit a child sex offence of such depravity and not reoffend for 30 years wouldn't he?
He had children in his care who were spiderman fans,
most people would be aquainted with a pedophile but never know it, given the stats,
we don't know if his alibi is proven or not as the police have never said either way,
they still call him a POI and not a suspect,
lastly, he only made a statement re the dates, I don't consider that to be protesting his innocence.
If police were sure he was the suspect, they would arrest him, I am sure.

I also think BS was not capable physically carrying out the abduction BUT it feels there is a link somewhere between the two.
Re the cars the one in the front of the google images looks to me like an early 2000s Hyundai Elantra to me maybe 2002. Not some weird rare car. Also do we know if the pictures of the cars were drawn with the mum and a sketch artist or are they just an artist impression. If just a rough artists impression we might be wasting our time guessing the vehicles. Otherwise if the details of the drawings have been gone over with the mother I too think the front one looks like a corolla. It doesn't really seem like mum knows her cars though so the description could be off.
Thanks Karinna. That one is behind a paywall. Are you able to paraphrase the basics please?

It's not that big of an article so will c/p it for you. This was in 2012 and in the Sydney areas:

SEVEN children have been victims of attempted abductions in less than a week across Sydney, with police yesterday issuing a renewed plea for vigilance among parents.

Officers are taking no chances after the alarming spate of incidents, which began last Thursday when a 13-year-old boy was followed by a man at Cambridge Park, in Sydney's west, and offered a lift and chocolate.

The next day an 11-year-old boy and his eight-year-old sister were approached by a man at St Ives, who offered to give them a lift.

The same day, two boys were followed by a man in a blue car at Thornleigh.

And on Sunday, a seven-year-old boy was grabbed around the waist at Colyton but managed to escape - while two 11-year-old boys were playing in Coogee when a white van stopped and a man in the passenger seat invited them to get in.

The boys hid in bushes until he left, then ran to tell their parents, who were nearby.

The warning follows two linked attempted child abductions on Sydney's north shore earlier this year.

Detectives last week issued a computer-generated image of a man believed to be involved in the scares, with sex crimes squad boss Superintendent John Kerlatec saying the predator depicted was still on the loose.

"I'm satisfied he is still out and about somewhere," Supt Kerlatec said.

In the first incident in February, a six-year-old girl riding her scooter in a park at South Turramurra was grabbed by the man, who then led her into bushland. Witnesses intervened and the man fled.

Supt Kerlatec said detectives were confident the same man approached a 14-year-old girl at Westleigh on April 26 as the teenager walked across a footbridge near the Benowie Walking Track.

The man grabbed the girl around the throat and threatened her with a knife, then pushed her backwards to a secluded side track.

Police said the man continued to threaten the girl, until he was distracted by people nearby and the girl managed to break free.

"It is very disturbing and very serious that someone like that is out there," Supt Kerlatec said.
Police do not believe the latest abduction attempts are linked to those two assaults in February and April.

A Federation of Parents and Citizens Association of NSW spokesman said schools had been told to reinforce the advice of police in the wake of the recent spike.

Supt Kerlatec said parents and school officials needed to drum into children never to walk on their own and only walk near busier roads where there are lots of people.

They should also know that corner shops and petrol stations are "safe places" where children can go and call police if they are frightened, he added.
Does anyone know the type of the 3 cars taken from the Spedding home for forensics? Obviously his work van is one. I tried to find pics on the net but looks like all have been removed.

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Apparently there are other persons of interest but we have not been privy to that information. On that basis I suspect BS is the least likely to be the perp.
We don't know who else visited the home.
BS would need to be a very clever man to commit a child sex offence of such depravity and not reoffend for 30 years wouldn't he?
He had children in his care who were spiderman fans,
most people would be aquainted with a pedophile but never know it, given the stats,
we don't know if his alibi is proven or not as the police have never said either way,
they still call him a POI and not a suspect,
lastly, he only made a statement re the dates, I don't consider that to be protesting his innocence.
If police were sure he was the suspect, they would arrest him, I am sure.

Yes he has been named a person of interest.
Not reoffended for 30 years - BS says he is not guilty of the historical charges.
I feel a highest priority is to find out what happened to William, where he is, and bring him home to his family.
The homicide squad has carriage of the case and that concerns me.
They will charge the perp(s) .. when the time is right.

I still think if the cars were relevant we would have been told earlier and at what times they were seen, and whether anyone else saw them, I thinks it's a psychological tactic, or else desperation on the polices part.
A lot of mind games being played now

Perhaps it was for the child's safety not to let the world know of the cars which might pressure the perpetrator(s) to get rid of evidence.
For the most part some crime goes unreported for different reasons.

When my uncle's home was burgled long time ago, I told him to report to the police but he choose not to, probably something to hide or he doesn't trust the police or doesn't want to get involved into the police investigation.
Tyrrell parents plead: bring our boy home

September 15, 2015, 2:33 pm

The family of missing NSW toddler William Tyrrell have penned an emotional plea for members of the public to come forward with the clues police need to bring their child home.

His parents met with Justice Minister Troy Grant and his shadow counterpart Jodi McKay at NSW Parliament on Tuesday, just over a year from the day the then-three-year-old disappeared from his grandmother's yard on the NSW mid-north coast.

In an open letter read to journalists, the Tyrrells thanked members of the Kendall community who have turned out again and again to search for William and given their support.
"We love William. And when he was home, we treasured every second of every day with him," they wrote.

"Now, with William missing, we are faced with having to live our lives as a family incomplete.

"We have to face holidays, sunrises, sunsets without him. New Year's without William. A Christmas without him. A birthday for William but without William." :cry:

In their letter, the Tyrrells said they were overwhelmed by grief and worry but still held out hope for a family reunion.

"We hope that together we can help police find William and bring him home," they wrote.
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