Australia Australia - William Tyrrell, 3, Kendall, Nsw, 12 Sept 2014 - #61

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She was only 10yo at the time. IMO FFC wrote it, had her rehearse it and then it was recorded.
Yeah , probably how it happened .. but that proves what ??
How do you know this? Is there an MSM link?
Can’t find link at moment but read several sources saying parents have employed lawyers .
As for child removal it has been said many many time in news child has been removed -
It appears to me that FACS let both families down - making promises to FPs without consideration for the BPs.
I always wonder if FF hav a contact at the depth who gave them what they wanted, all of a sudden thies people want little kids sibling long term and they get exactly what they asked for but in reality it was a different situation a baby boy being ripped from his mother for being around the child's father, if the domestic violence wasn't strong enough for police to step in and do a restraining order on the mother or father i think its harsh that the department are making thies decisions, WT survived 7 to 9 months with his mother and father who maybe argued like alot of couples can she has other kids so im sure he would of survived longer than the next two years that he only survived for with the foster department
- if forensic evidence is found that implicates the FFC, and then she comes clean and says it was an accident and she covered it up, then what would she be charged with? I am not familiar with the NSW Criminal Code, but am imagining something like "interfering with a corpse" and "giving false or misleading evidence under oath".
- Would you think, at this late stage in the investigation that it would be difficult to get irrefutable evidence to prove anything more serious like "manslaughter" or "murder" (knowing that all criminal convictions require that evidence must support the conclusion "beyond reasonable doubt"?

I am wondering that even if they find evidence of WT's demise, it may then be another huge challenge to bring a successful case of prosecution against the FFC (if she was somehow involved) for any charges - especially knowing that she has an excellent, clever criminal lawyer in her corner who can use the past failures of the investigation to prove reasonable doubt.

We may never know exactly what happened to poor William and his loved ones never get closure
I think if the letter sent to Coroner re inconsistencies in FFC's statements/actions is addressed, and WT is found, it might be enough to go to trial. Circumstancial. But lawyers cost an absolute fortune and ffam might be well off, but money can quickly run out. MOO
- if forensic evidence is found that implicates the FFC, and then she comes clean and says it was an accident and she covered it up, then what would she be charged with? I am not familiar with the NSW Criminal Code, but am imagining something like "interfering with a corpse" and "giving false or misleading evidence under oath".
- Would you think, at this late stage in the investigation that it would be difficult to get irrefutable evidence to prove anything more serious like "manslaughter" or "murder" (knowing that all criminal convictions require that evidence must support the conclusion "beyond reasonable doubt"?

I am wondering that even if they find evidence of WT's demise, it may then be another huge challenge to bring a successful case of prosecution against the FFC (if she was somehow involved) for any charges - especially knowing that she has an excellent, clever criminal lawyer in her corner who can use the past failures of the investigation to prove reasonable doubt.

We may never know exactly what happened to poor William and his loved ones never get closure
I think if the letter sent to Coroner re inconsistencies in FFC's statements/actions is addressed, and WT is found, it might be enough to go to trial. Circumstancial. But lawyers cost an absolute fortune and ffam might be well off, but money can quickly run out. MOO

The BM has recently been in trouble with police for spitting on them 3 times, hitting a female officer in the eye. Repeatedly calling them c@$*s in the presence of her other two very young children. She has a long record of assault.
She was pictured yesterday with a beer in her hand in the middle of the day.
WT and LT were removed due to DV by both BPs and drug use.
I wouldn't be quick to return her to the BMs care.
I dont think she would be returned even if LT wanted to.
The process is long and complicated.
If LT seeks out her bio family and wants to spend time with them she should be allowed to.
Her siblings are full biological and they deserve to know each other if they wish.

BM never lost custody of the younger ones, so DOCs must be satisifed things in thehome improved.

Wasn’t operation Arkstone about 18 months ago .... winter 2020?
That’s connected to Dark web....CS cops looked at dark web contacts ..... speculation only . Perhaps I’m searching for links where there is none
If she took the kids to FGM without first informing the department then she would of had to lie as she needs to inform the department if taking the children away, you can see how she may be getting mad that the adoption hasn't happened yet with all the restrictions she has with foster children

I'm not saying that FFC would have taken the children to see FGM on a visit between her husband's funeral and when WT went missing without permission. She would have asked for permission and actually that would be on FACS records which may or may not have ever been checked. When I said she could have lied, I meant maybe she did not disclose this visit to LE as this could have been when she took those photos. I think FFC could have been at boiling point with all the mucking around and thought if I can't adopt him, I can't face these visits with BM any more for another 14 years!
If she’s 56 now and the oldest child is 11 or 12, then she had to have been at least 44 when they came into her care.
She was approved as a FC in 2011 so that would make her 46? Wonder if there is a cut off on age that the department will want younger children to be adoptable with, you would think once a person gets to a age that adopting young children would be harder because once the children reach 20 yrs old the adoptable parents would be aged maby deceased, could the FF be racing to adopt younger children before to old i know its harder to get a mortgage once at a certain age, she is heading to 60 could she be making one last dash to adopt and everything back fired and somehow domestic violence with the sister has happened
She does interject, speak over him on a regular basis and generally seems a bit aggressive. However, my overall impression of him so far is that he has a more retiring personality. It's not unusual for one person to be more dominant in a relationship and she may be the one who wears the pants.

I'd like to know if they were unable to have a child of their own and that's the reason they fostered in the first place. How old was she when she started fostering the two children?
Late 40's. FM is 2 years older than FF
Do bio parents get their other bio children taken away if one of their kids is missing and considered as possibly abducted?

I asked myself the same thing, and no I don't think they would unless they were on FACS radar.

And the FF were on FACS radar, not because of anything bad but routine monitoring.

Therefore FACS would no doubt have a responsibility to investigate and assess?

The FF also had a fractious relationship with the BF. The BF is the same BF as the remaining sibling. The BF understandably would be upset so the BF may put pressure on FACS to remove their other child.

Whereas a bio family whose child goes missing doesn't typically have a relationship with FACS or have another family wanting custody of their kids.

Which is why the covering up of an accident doesn't make sense to me.

Death or injury of a child is going to bring you some heat, but so is a child who was abducted or wandered off under your supposed supervision. Would be different if the child went missing when under the care of the daycare provider.

If an accident did occur and hypothetically it was the FMs fault why not blame FGM? FM is allowed to go make herself a cup of tea or use the bathroom and have her mother watch the children for 5 minutes.

Why not say it was the FGM fault? Takes the heat of the FPs. And it's an accident so I don't think LE are going to go hard on 81 year old with no criminal history.

This is what makes this case so baffling.

If she took the kids to FGM without first informing the department then she would of had to lie as she needs to inform the department if taking the children away, you can see how she may be getting mad that the adoption hasn't happened yet with all the restrictions she has with foster children

The emails between FACS workers RE adoption mention the Kendall trip so they were aware of it.
Oh yes, I totally get that! I did part of a law degree before switching to another profession and have friends who are lawyers. My apologies, I didn't mean to offend, was really just being a bit facetious.

Not offended at all. It’s actually interesting to read people’s perceptions on the legal profession. I think a lot of people choose their lawyer based on the type of clients they represent. All good.
Can you expand?

Well statistically it is usually the caregivers who are usually responsible for a child's disappearance. They do something to the child, then scream that the child has been abducted by a disgusting pedo or has wandered off hoping to distract LE from looking at them. I was frustrated that this was not being done in this case. The focus went to BS and valuable time was wasted by this distraction. In the CS case LE spent three days investigating the parents.
Just a thought - if I make some one get on a horse, a minor in my care for example, and they didn’t want to and they subsequently fall and become injured can I then be charged with assault?
IIRC there was a case in Aus a few years back, small girl, fell off a trail bike/motor bike, I think she died. I will try to find link.

Edit to add link

Child, 4, died after being forced to ride motorbike by mother, court told
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Having worked in the area for many years, I can tell you it is not money that makes the best parents. Far from it! And it was biodad who took WT and as he said It was just me and William. Bio mother still has 2 other sons.

It was biodad who took WT? As in the weeks he was missing prior to going into foster care? Because that is not the case
Assault carries a jail term. If you can afford the best, why not hire them?

Yes I assumed it could be a jail term for both parents if proven guilty. However, I wonder what the relevance of this horse riding story is which seems to be their defence.
I asked myself the same thing, and no I don't think they would unless they were on FACS radar.

And the FF were on FACS radar, not because of anything bad but routine monitoring.

Therefore FACS would no doubt have a responsibility to investigate and assess?

The FF also had a fractious relationship with the BF. The BF is the same BF as the remaining sibling. The BF understandably would be upset so the BF may put pressure on FACS to remove their other child.

Whereas a bio family whose child goes missing doesn't typically have a relationship with FACS or have another family wanting custody of their kids.

Which is why the covering up of an accident doesn't make sense to me.

Death or injury of a child is going to bring you some heat, but so is a child who was abducted or wandered off under your supposed supervision. Would be different if the child went missing when under the care of the daycare provider.

If an accident did occur and hypothetically it was the FMs fault why not blame FGM? FM is allowed to go make herself a cup of tea or use the bathroom and have her mother watch the children for 5 minutes.

Why not say it was the FGM fault? Takes the heat of the FPs. And it's an accident so I don't think LE are going to go hard on 81 year old with no criminal history.

This is what makes this case so baffling.


If a child is Missing from Care or Heaven forbid dies in care, I’m assuming there are formal fact finding investigations. In the UK these are undertaken by an independent scrutiny body and would be separate from LE investigation but would draw on any info from LE. That’s why I’m so baffled and concerned RE FFC being a POI at this late stage… if she’s guilty, she has managed to convince many professionals otherwise. Horrifying!
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