Australia Australia - William Tyrrell, 3, Kendall, Nsw, 12 Sept 2014 - #62

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Sky News Political Editor Andrew Clennell on Sunday said the “wrongly accused” man received a payout of about half a million from NSW Police and with added legal costs the total sum paid by police reportedly reached almost $1 million.

“There are fears another wrongly accused suspect, who was the subject of accusations when [former lead detective] Gary Jubelin was in charge of the case, might also sue NSW Police,” he said.
William Tyrrell's foster-mother feared her daughter would be abduction target

I was driving to Port Macquarie Airport to collect a family member, and had this flash of [realisation that] there were two cars," she said, adding she had forgotten about them in the panic of William's disappearance.

"I just went, 'There were two cars there.' My heart just sank because I thought those two cars were there for both of them," she said.

"I got back to the house, I went straight down to the command post and I told the guy on duty. He gave me his phone and said search for the cars," she said.

"I just went, 'There were two cars there.' My heart just sank because I thought those two cars were there for both of them," she said"

FM thought there were 2 cars to take both the children? Was she suspicious of the bio family at this point?

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These memories were assembled over time by FFC:

When FFC opens curtains/blinds around 7:30 AM, she sees the gunmetal grey car with the white car parked abnormally close behind it in an abnormal part of Ellendale Crescent. By her own admission, she thinks it’s odd, but forgets about it. No one else sees these cars.

About 60 - 90 minutes later, she is watching the kids ride their bikes on Benaroon Road. She watches someone in a dark grey/green car drive pass by to neighbours, turn in driveway, back out, and then drive back down passed FFC. She notices the guy was in his late 50s with an “old-timey beer belly.” WT’s sister sees car as well. FFC notices and makes eye contact with the man. Now, at this point, this exchange has to be compounded by the earlier sighting of the two cars parked with multiple abnormal elements.

I understand she recalls these details LATER. However, in the moment, she must be a little bit concerned. Not frightened, but CONCERNED. Yet, she thinks not to keep a more watchful eye on her children, even when WT’s roaring begins to trail later, and loses him from her eyesight. Then, FFC mistakenly *thinks* MFC is driving up due to WT’s fading roars (and surmising he's chasing after MFC’s car) or KNOWS MFC is driving up Benaroon Road (which would negate MFC actually having a view to strange people luring his foster son to strangely parked cars on Ellendale Crescent).

Also, did the biological parents even know where foster Nana’s home was? They didn’t even know foster family was taking trip until the state informed them. It *seems* ruling out the biological family would have taken very little time considering the facts, regardless of their history …
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These memories were assembled over time by the FFC:

When FFC opens curtains/blinds around 7:30 AM, she sees the gunmetal grey car with the white car parked abnormally close behind it in an abnormal part of Ellendale Crescent. By her own admission, she thinks it’s odd, but forgets about it. No one else sees these cars.

About 60 - 90 minutes later, she is watching the kids ride their bikes on Benaroon Road. She watches someone in a dark grey/green car drive pass by to neighbours, turn in driveway, back out, and then drive back down passed FFC. She notices the guy was in his late 50s with an “old-timey beer belly.” WT’s sister sees car as well. FFC notices and makes eye contact with the man. Now, at this point, this exchange has to be compounded by the earlier sighting of the two cars parked with multiple abnormal elements.

I understand she recalls these details LATER. However, in the moment, she MUST be CONCERNED. Not frightened, but CONCERNED. Yet, she thinks not to keep a more watchful eye on her children, even when WT’s roaring begins to trail later, she loses him from her eyesight. Anyway, FFC mistakenly *thinks* MFC is driving up due to WT’s fading roars (and chasing after MFC’s car) or KNOWS MFC is driving up Benaroon Road (which would negate the MFC actually witnessing strange people luring his foster son to strangely parked cars on Ellendale Crescent).

Did the biological parents even know where foster Nanna’s home was? They didn’t even know foster family was taking trip until the state informed them. It seems that ruling out the biological family would have taken very little time considering the facts …

Don't forget that in her OOO call she denied there being any cars around.
I think the decision of CO's podcast to release an update episode that only contains the FD's statement/interview is quite telling. Particularly as she made a point to highlight the use/misuse of the word 'balcony' when explaining that William was playing on the back deck.

A similar error was made in Ep. 1 of the Where's William podcast (The Little Boy in the Spiderman Suit). Lia Harris got it right and said it was the deck, but almost immediately after that Natarsha referred to it as the verandah. So now we have a deck, balcony or verandah.
New article by The Australian tonight with main points paraphrased:

  • PS told The Australian that he was “waiting for things to settle down” before making a decision, regarding making a claim against the NSW Police Force.
  • PS also hopes they can find William and let him Rest in Peace.
  • Further information relating to earlier reports of NSW Police spending almost $1m paying out an unidentified person of interest, half was in damages and half in legal costs, this person was not to BS.
  • BS who is still currently suing police, was not the unidentified person who had reached the settlement.
  • BS' lawyer Peter O’Brien told The Australian his client was still in court proceedings with NSW Police, with a hearing scheduled for April 2022.
  • Peter O’Brien states “It is a very substantial damages payment that we are seeking. There’s a destruction of a livelihood, a reputation, it’s periods of imprisonment in the magnitude of months for a man who has never ever been charged with or convicted with a single criminal offence.
Neighbour mulls adding to William Tyrrell ‘suspects’ suing police (
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@Gotta have Faith from last thread #1161

"It's finding those excellent Legal Aid lawyers that is the trick. they don't walk around with a sticker on their head saying, I'm an excellent Legal Aid lawyer, pick me!"

"If you are eligible for legal aid we will give you a lawyer to represent you. This will be either a lawyer who works at Legal Aid NSW or a private lawyer from one of our panels. If you want to choose your own lawyer, you need to ask your lawyer to submit your application for legal aid for you. If you submit the application for legal aid yourself you cannot choose your own lawyer."

Legal aid application process - Legal Aid NSW
@Gotta have Faith from last thread #1161

"It's finding those excellent Legal Aid lawyers that is the trick. they don't walk around with a sticker on their head saying, I'm an excellent Legal Aid lawyer, pick me!"

"If you are eligible for legal aid we will give you a lawyer to represent you. This will be either a lawyer who works at Legal Aid NSW or a private lawyer from one of our panels. If you want to choose your own lawyer, you need to ask your lawyer to submit your application for legal aid for you. If you submit the application for legal aid yourself you cannot choose your own lawyer."

Legal aid application process - Legal Aid NSW

Referral. Most people don’t have their own criminal lawyer on speed dial. When they need one in a hurry, they get referrals. From other lawyers as well as defendants.
Hopefully this will explain it a bit better. There are 100,000 words held on a computer, but the computer doesn't generate the name of the operation.

A person will select one or two names from that list of words. The words can be just about anything - fish, plants, battleships, castles, fonts, gemstones, you name it. You could choose one word, 2 words and join them together or 2 individual words.

In Canada for example, the military chooses their first word starting with the first letter of the region where the operation will be conducted. So if the location was Montreal, the first word could be any word starting with M, so you could have Maverick or Metal Horses. :D There aren't any guidelines.

Sometimes correct, but our Canadian military missions are not always named with first letter similarity. But, they are always written in capitalized letters.
Canada's operational missions in Afghanistan being APOLLO and ATHENA.
In Haiti - Op HALO.
I've taken part in three Ops that were not so-named, but there are more than just those three as well:
In Namibia? Op MATADOR.
Syria? Op DANACA
Egypt? Op JADE

Emergency medical response in Canada for pandemic's? Op LASER (s) based upon CONPLAN LASER (Contingency Plan LASER - kept and maintained plan for response to pandemic if ever so required // which we have had opportunity to dust off and utilize during COVID).

Annual exercises and sovereignty events in Canada's North? NANOOK, NUNLIVUT etc ....

Aid to Civil Power operations within Canada to respond to natural disasters such as fire, flood, earthquakes, ice storms etc etc are always known as Op LENTUS' (based off CONPLAN LENTUS). One underway in Vancouver right now. Op LASER is first called Op LASER 2021 (for the year in which the Op occurs). If more than one of these occurs in a year to which the military is asked to assist, we add a numeral onto our Op name: Op LENTUS 1/21, Op LENTUS 2 /21 ... etc etc
So FM friend "Ben Attwood" is helping her keep WT ? If 12 months have elapsed why wasnt WT given back to his mum? I think there should be a massive investigation into the whole Child Protection Services Dept and how they operate. Why was William ear marked for adoption without his mum knowing? How does that work? Oh boy What a mess !!!

There was a long term care order in place for both children until adulthood, family contact was extremely minimal, 6 times a year for 1-2 hours. Bio Mum also confirmed at the Inquest she was aware of potential for proceeding to adoption as it was referenced in a report I believe.

WS member’s notes from attending the Inquest:
Australia - Australia - William Tyrrell, 3, Kendall, Nsw, 12 Sept 2014 - #40

William Tyrrell inquest: Biological father had a 'feeling' day he went missing | Daily Mail Online

IMO, the MSM reports RE adoption vary from FC’s making an informal enquiry to a formal petition. Based on the email discussion between case worker asking his superior about the process, and my own research into the system, I think it’s most likely to have been at informal enquiry stage. Seems Australian adoption process is an ‘open’ one.

I don't believe it,if i could make a call at a much lower point directly opposite,then they surely could have.My phone wouldn't work in the house,and still doesn't,but outside is fine

William Tyrrell's foster father 'hysterical' when child went missing, inquest hears

Going by MFC’s testimony at the inquest, he went out to get a ‘strong’ connection for his conference call. This wouldn’t necessarily mean there was NO signal at the house IMO, just that it may have been a poor one he didn’t want to rely on for an important business call.

It’s possible he didn’t want boisterous, excited children as a distraction in the background. Entirely reasonable IMO. I have a toddler and a teen, working from home during Covid lockdown was certainly challenging at times.

Also, I did notice queries RE why the FC’s went to Kendall a day earlier. Apparently MFC had a cancelled meeting

William Tyrrell's foster-mother feared her daughter would be abduction target
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IIRC the FFC said that they had tried that before but the children, being children, didn't get to sleep, so they decided each parent would have a child share the room with them.
I know people are up in arms about this new info, but to be honest, my husband and I did a similar thing when we would take our kids to my parents summer cabin.

The rooms are so close together, and it is so quiet in the woods, that if we put our 2 and 6 yr old together in their own room, they just talked, played or argued, which kept my parents awake. Or they'd just run into our room because they'd hear noises outside....

So I'd take my daughter and hubby would take our son, and we could quietly get them to go to sleep. We are adoptive parents so I guess some here would question why my husband would sleep in the bed with his 6 yr old boy. But we had no concerns at the time other than everyone getting a good night's sleep.

My gut instinct says that if there was something nefarious going on that night, they wouldn't have mentioned the sleeping arrangements at all...? Why bring it up if there was something inappropriate happening in the bedroom?
These memories were assembled over time by FFC:

When FFC opens curtains/blinds around 7:30 AM, she sees the gunmetal grey car with the white car parked abnormally close behind it in an abnormal part of Ellendale Crescent. By her own admission, she thinks it’s odd, but forgets about it. No one else sees these cars.

About 60 - 90 minutes later, she is watching the kids ride their bikes on Benaroon Road. She watches someone in a dark grey/green car drive pass by to neighbours, turn in driveway, back out, and then drive back down passed FFC. She notices the guy was in his late 50s with an “old-timey beer belly.” WT’s sister sees car as well. FFC notices and makes eye contact with the man. Now, at this point, this exchange has to be compounded by the earlier sighting of the two cars parked with multiple abnormal elements.

I understand she recalls these details LATER. However, in the moment, she must be a little bit concerned. Not frightened, but CONCERNED. Yet, she thinks not to keep a more watchful eye on her children, even when WT’s roaring begins to trail later, and loses him from her eyesight. Then, FFC mistakenly *thinks* MFC is driving up due to WT’s fading roars (and surmising he's chasing after MFC’s car) or KNOWS MFC is driving up Benaroon Road (which would negate MFC actually having a view to strange people luring his foster son to strangely parked cars on Ellendale Crescent).

Also, did the biological parents even know where foster Nana’s home was? They didn’t even know foster family was taking trip until the state informed them. It *seems* ruling out the biological family would have taken very little time considering the facts, regardless of their history …

I do find FFC’s recollections odd, but maybe she only found a trio of strange vehicles odd in the context of WT being missing with no trace. I believe that was her reasoning at the Inquest. WT’s birth parents were not aware of any addresses linked to the Foster family.

I think the possibility that the birth family had snatched WT was a reasonable assumption for anyone to make, based on their history; However I did read birth parents testimony from the Inquest and there was certainly no subtle approach from LE. Apparently they banged on their door that day and asked them what they’d done with WT. Can’t imagine the distress of finding out your child was missing in such a confrontational manner. LE initially assumed the younger sibling was WT also as far as I can recall from podcast and previous threads where WS members actually attended the Inquest and heard testimony.

Also, a close friend of WT’s Paternal Gran had connections to two suspects in the case at the time.

Best friend of missing toddler William Tyrrell's grandmother questioned by police | Daily Mail Online

William Tyrrell's foster-mother feared her daughter would be abduction target

With regards to FFC asking WT’s sister if she had heard Daddy’s car, there was also mention of his sister having told FFC WT had gone to look for Daddy. If I recall correctly, they had a new car. Is it possible WT had wandered down the road and mistakenly approached a vehicle, thinking it was MFC and the occupant acted impulsively and took him? There was a loud vehicle heard by various neighbours at some point, so IMO its possible.
I don't believe it,if i could make a call at a much lower point directly opposite,then they surely could have.My phone wouldn't work in the house,and still doesn't,but outside is fine
I don't think they said he couldn't make a call. The issue was him doing a SKYPE call business meeting. I think it was more about doing so without the kids running around distracting him at the same time. And he had to pick up FGM's medication anyway, so why not drive a few minutes away to get both things done?
I know people are up in arms about this new info, but to be honest, my husband and I did a similar thing when we would take our kids to my parents summer cabin.

The rooms are so close together, and it is so quiet in the woods, that if we put our 2 and 6 yr old together in their own room, they just talked, played or argued, which kept my parents awake. Or they'd just run into our room because they'd hear noises outside....

So I'd take my daughter and hubby would take our son, and we could quietly get them to go to sleep. We are adoptive parents so I guess some here would question why my husband would sleep in the bed with his 6 yr old boy. But we had no concerns at the time other than everyone getting a good night's sleep.

My gut instinct says that if there was something nefarious going on that night, they wouldn't have mentioned the sleeping arrangements at all...? Why bring it up if there was something inappropriate happening in the bedroom?

Everything you say makes sense, foster or not.
I just hope they find the body and can bring peace to his BP’s as it must be hell never not knowing. LE obviously know a lot more than they are letting on and the fact they are convinced they will find his body speaks volumes.

i will never understand how anybody can hurt a child but we see it time and time again unfortunately in such cases.

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