I would say that points to there being no "collusion" in their stories, otherwise they would all have the exact same time frame for everything.
There are time discrepancies all over the place, with everyone. Not just the foster family.
The Crabbs heard the same vehicle, but they estimated the time frame differently.
RD who was at the tennis club thought he left at a specific time, then later on realised that he must have left at a different time.
FGM estimated the times by what time she "usually' got up. So she guessed that she got up at the same time that day, but maybe she didn't.
Unless people are religiously looking at the time every 5 minutes, all they can do is estimate it to the best of their ability.
Actually, you would want MFC, FFC, and FGM to have "corroborating" evidence - a collection of facts and information that backs up someone's story. You want the exact time frames of all 3 otherwise red flags are raised.
The FGM is adamant she never saw MFC that morning in the walk-through video. FFC and MFC suggest he left around 9-ish Yet we have various times given when he left, especially if you're to believe CO's version in her book.
If they couldn't corroborate that basic (seeing each other) piece of info, then "Houston, we have a problem!" The walk-through video was done within a week of September 12th, so it's not like you couldn't remember exactly who was present and when. It's not hard to recall if you saw/didn't see someone and the other 2 parties place all 3 people still at the house. If one party is suggesting something different then that raises the possibility someone is not telling the truth.
There are time discrepancies with MFC, FFC, and FGM for good reason IMO.
Why is it that the time of William's disappearance has been allowed to be moved from 10:30 am to 10:10-10:15 am over the years? Not even Mr. Jubelin has raised an eyelid over this. Instead, he put 100% focus on Spedding and Savage and we now know how that all went down.
When does FMC take that drive to Batar Creek Rd? Is the timeline shifted back to fit the drive into the 10:15 am-10:30 am window? If so, then all the stories about him going missing at 10:30 have suddenly become unbelievable. Even in the police public interview in 2015, the FFC mumbled under her breath "no that is not right", responding to MFC saying 10:15 am is the last time he was seen.
If 1
0:30 am is the time he disappeared how on earth does FFC make the drive to Batar Creek Rd and be back to greet the MFC in the driveway? We know for a fact she takes the drive to Batar Creek Rd, that's indisputable.
You can't have it both ways when it comes to
times and discrepancies. Time will bring someone's version undone with all the flip-flopping. I'm sure Mr. Laidlaw is aware of this.