Australia Australia - William Tyrrell Disappeared While Playing in Yard - Kendall (NSW) #78

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So far she hasn't been charged.

It's been my contention all along that the brief in question is so weak that it's a joke. Again, I suspect that the ODDP is waiting for the police to withdraw it before the DPP has to put the kibosh on it.

(PS: The bolding in the bit I quoted was the author's, not mine.)
That is the part i don't understand. Without charges, it seems the police are seeking advice from the ODPP. Is there any part of the process that the ODPP can escalate or put a stop to at this stage? If the ODPP thinks the police have nothing, why not send the brief back to police? BBM
That is the part i don't understand. Without charges, it seems the police are seeking advice from the ODPP. Is there any part of the process that the ODPP can escalate or put a stop to at this stage? If the ODPP thinks the police have nothing, why not send the brief back to police? BBM
What would that mean, to send it back? I doubt the brief is made of paper; it's not a question of one or the other being in physical possession. I suspect the ODPP has advised that no charges can be laid because the evidence is lacking as to specific essential elements of the crimes alleged. ODPP will look at it again if more evidence is produced, but in the meantime its own file is closed. Police won't take No for an answer, so the case remains under investigation: actively perhaps, or nominally.

(All MOO)

Sorry to bring this up again. The Foster Grandmother's walk through video.

Why is her recount so different??

On the morning he vanished, he had a minor fight over a toy with another child staying in the house, had scrambled eggs and orange juice for breakfast and was throwing objects and displaying unsettled behaviour before he vanished.

But the night before he vanished, William slept with the foster father, in a small bedroom with lace curtains, vertical blinds and a blue and white bedside lamp, on a bed with pink and green blankets.

In his first police statement, the foster father says William 'is a real restless sleeper', after they both woke around 5.50am.

I am looking at these points in particular.IMO

Restless sleeper, so instead of sleeping children together, mum and dad together in the 2 bedrooms. They decided to put WT with the Foster Dad for a better sleep outcome. IMO

Arguing over a toy in the morning - not unusual for young children but maybe it made FF and FM uncomfortable or maybe judged by Foster Grandmother about parenting??? JMO

After watching cartoons on his foster father's phone, William went into his foster grandmother's room next to the kitchen and woke her.

William made several trips to the toy cupboard and started playing in the lounge room near the grandmother at the dining room table, the foster mother told police.

She said the foster father left for his online meeting and errands, a ten minute drive away in Lakewood, just after she had phoned washing machine repair man Bill Speeding and left a message

The grandmother believes it was earlier, telling police, 'He certainly wasn’t there when we had breakfast about 8 o’clock. He would have gone by eight'.

So not sure when Foster Grandmother woke up but seems she to imply that FF left before breakfast at 8.00am and Foster Grandmother is awake.

I would suspect that children might be hungry for breakfast at 8.00 am if they had been up since 5.50am. MOO But would it take an hour to have breakfast?? IMO

The foster grandmother said after breakfast, her daughter then 'went off with the children... and I think that’s when she went down there playing monsters.

'When she went off... I would have done the washing up. And when I finish the dishes we’re out here on the patio.

'And this is where it all happened.'

So what time is it now?? Is it about 9.00 am or later??? IMO

She said William drew pictures with crayons, 'got fed up', and while he was doing so was photographed by his foster mother, 'that photo of him in the Spider-Man suit, that was taken here'.

'Then (the foster mother) had him throwing the dice, and he was THROWING the dice and she had to teach him that you don’t, just let it roll out of your hand.

I would love to know if there was other photos of the children taken that morning?? Not just those odd photos on the back deck.

Mainly because those photos seem to show action shots - targeted to show exactly proof of how WT interacted with activities that were being offered to him. IMO

Not really the type of photographs to keep as a keepsake of the last time you would be in that house altogether. Maybe there were other photos?? JMO

At that point, the grandmother had been living in the house in the NSW Mid North Coast town of Kendall for almost 24 years.

So after the photos were taken and He roared like a tiger he disappeared around the corner of the house.

'But he still wanted to throw it. He got sick of that as well.'

It was after that, she said, came the last actions of the little boy observed by anyone other than his abductor, the 'daddy tiger' game.

'He was sort of taking over everything and we said "roar, I'm a tiger" and he just disappeared around the corner of the house.

'As I was sitting there, that’s when he went around … and that’s my last memory of William, going around the corner.

So did the Foster Grandmother sit on the back deck with LT for close to 45 minutes before she got up to look for her daughter and WT?? (9.45 - 10.30). IMO

Because she seems to imply the FF arrived back similar time to when she walked down the steep slope looking for her daughter and WT. JMO

Detective Partridge asks the grandmother what happened next and is told that 'between four and five minutes' later her daughter disappeared after William.

After remaining seated 'for some time, then I didn’t hear from her, I got up and followed them down.'

Leading the detective around the side of the house she said, 'I walked all the way down here wondering what’s going on' and agreed she still couldn't see her daughter and so 'I went all the way down to the road.

'When I got down to the road I could see Anne Maree (Sharpley) who lives there.

'It was absolutely deathly quiet. Still. Nothing. I was down on the road talking with Anne Maree and then (the foster mother) came up very distraught and said "I've got to call the police".

'I think I was walking up when (the foster father) arrived and he was distraught as well.

'How he knew at that stage I’m not too sure, he’d tell you, I’m not too sure, then he started running around. Everybody was running around.'

I would love a detailed timeline with all the early rising, toy fighting, breakfast, miscellaneous phone calls, bike riding, weird people in cars, tree climbing, hand hurting, action photos, car driving down the road, inside house looking timeline. MOO

Sorry to bring this up again. The Foster Grandmother's walk through video.

Why is her recount so different??

On the morning he vanished, he had a minor fight over a toy with another child staying in the house, had scrambled eggs and orange juice for breakfast and was throwing objects and displaying unsettled behaviour before he vanished.

But the night before he vanished, William slept with the foster father, in a small bedroom with lace curtains, vertical blinds and a blue and white bedside lamp, on a bed with pink and green blankets.

In his first police statement, the foster father says William 'is a real restless sleeper', after they both woke around 5.50am.

I am looking at these points in particular.IMO

Restless sleeper, so instead of sleeping children together, mum and dad together in the 2 bedrooms. They decided to put WT with the Foster Dad for a better sleep outcome. IMO

Arguing over a toy in the morning - not unusual for young children but maybe it made FF and FM uncomfortable or maybe judged by Foster Grandmother about parenting??? JMO

After watching cartoons on his foster father's phone, William went into his foster grandmother's room next to the kitchen and woke her.

William made several trips to the toy cupboard and started playing in the lounge room near the grandmother at the dining room table, the foster mother told police.

She said the foster father left for his online meeting and errands, a ten minute drive away in Lakewood, just after she had phoned washing machine repair man Bill Speeding and left a message

The grandmother believes it was earlier, telling police, 'He certainly wasn’t there when we had breakfast about 8 o’clock. He would have gone by eight'.

So not sure when Foster Grandmother woke up but seems she to imply that FF left before breakfast at 8.00am and Foster Grandmother is awake.

I would suspect that children might be hungry for breakfast at 8.00 am if they had been up since 5.50am. MOO But would it take an hour to have breakfast?? IMO

The foster grandmother said after breakfast, her daughter then 'went off with the children... and I think that’s when she went down there playing monsters.

'When she went off... I would have done the washing up. And when I finish the dishes we’re out here on the patio.

'And this is where it all happened.'

So what time is it now?? Is it about 9.00 am or later??? IMO

She said William drew pictures with crayons, 'got fed up', and while he was doing so was photographed by his foster mother, 'that photo of him in the Spider-Man suit, that was taken here'.

'Then (the foster mother) had him throwing the dice, and he was THROWING the dice and she had to teach him that you don’t, just let it roll out of your hand.

I would love to know if there was other photos of the children taken that morning?? Not just those odd photos on the back deck.

Mainly because those photos seem to show action shots - targeted to show exactly proof of how WT interacted with activities that were being offered to him. IMO

Not really the type of photographs to keep as a keepsake of the last time you would be in that house altogether. Maybe there were other photos?? JMO

At that point, the grandmother had been living in the house in the NSW Mid North Coast town of Kendall for almost 24 years.

So after the photos were taken and He roared like a tiger he disappeared around the corner of the house.

'But he still wanted to throw it. He got sick of that as well.'

It was after that, she said, came the last actions of the little boy observed by anyone other than his abductor, the 'daddy tiger' game.

'He was sort of taking over everything and we said "roar, I'm a tiger" and he just disappeared around the corner of the house.

'As I was sitting there, that’s when he went around … and that’s my last memory of William, going around the corner.

So did the Foster Grandmother sit on the back deck with LT for close to 45 minutes before she got up to look for her daughter and WT?? (9.45 - 10.30). IMO

Because she seems to imply the FF arrived back similar time to when she walked down the steep slope looking for her daughter and WT. JMO

Detective Partridge asks the grandmother what happened next and is told that 'between four and five minutes' later her daughter disappeared after William.

After remaining seated 'for some time, then I didn’t hear from her, I got up and followed them down.'

Leading the detective around the side of the house she said, 'I walked all the way down here wondering what’s going on' and agreed she still couldn't see her daughter and so 'I went all the way down to the road.

'When I got down to the road I could see Anne Maree (Sharpley) who lives there.

'It was absolutely deathly quiet. Still. Nothing. I was down on the road talking with Anne Maree and then (the foster mother) came up very distraught and said "I've got to call the police".

'I think I was walking up when (the foster father) arrived and he was distraught as well.

'How he knew at that stage I’m not too sure, he’d tell you, I’m not too sure, then he started running around. Everybody was running around.'

I would love a detailed timeline with all the early rising, toy fighting, breakfast, miscellaneous phone calls, bike riding, weird people in cars, tree climbing, hand hurting, action photos, car driving down the road, inside house looking timeline. MOO
About each of the above paragraphs you can think hours, so I feel again and again since years. It looks, as if MFC and FFC were a team, and grandma knew only half of the things, which were going on. It looks, as if Kendall from the beginning was intended as a place, where one could get rid of little stressful W. - not injured or dead, but alive and "well" (although not his state of mind). It would be fitting, that someone saw little W standing upright in a car speeding past. Probably that was the first time this fateful morning, when little W felt excited and good, getting away from these 3 demanding adults at Benaroon Drive. I imagine, that probably interrupted his bout of aggression nicely. A question is: HOW DID HIS NIGHT TURN OUT and why did he show so much aggression in the morning?? Actually he made a journey, which could have been joyful. A (last) visit to grandma's home, lots of space to play around, no daycare, no work-related absent parents. But the stress for the little boy started already in Sydney, when the parents hastily brought the start forward. They could have known better, when they would have wanted to start their journey, especially if you think of the parents as rather organized business people. I'm sure, there was a REASON for the premature start, and we still don't know, which. To me it makes no sense at all, to have a night more in Kendall than originally planned, but then (the MFC) not having appropriate options in Kendall "to have a zoom business calling". For what exactly were they there so early? To surprise the not quite well grandma with their demanding family hoopla?

Of course, if nothing had happened in Kendall, I wouldn't think about an early start in Sydney or other things. BUT something very important happened in Kendall the next morning at a certain time (a little boy disappeared into nowhere), and it looks like a sophisticated plan by players at Benaroon Drive, with the help of at least one player from elsewhere.

Until today, I'm not agreeing with myself, if grandma and FFC were a team or if FFC/MFC were a team or all 3 adults were a team. For a long time I thought, grandma was the original planner to help her daughter (without the knowledge of MFC, because he allegedly loved little W). Meanwhile I have a different look on the 3 adults. - All MOO like always.
About each of the above paragraphs you can think hours, so I feel again and again since years. It looks, as if MFC and FFC were a team, and grandma knew only half of the things, which were going on. It looks, as if Kendall from the beginning was intended as a place, where one could get rid of little stressful W. - not injured or dead, but alive and "well" (although not his state of mind). It would be fitting, that someone saw little W standing upright in a car speeding past. Probably that was the first time this fateful morning, when little W felt excited and good, getting away from these 3 demanding adults at Benaroon Drive. I imagine, that probably interrupted his bout of aggression nicely. A question is: HOW DID HIS NIGHT TURN OUT and why did he show so much aggression in the morning?? Actually he made a journey, which could have been joyful. A (last) visit to grandma's home, lots of space to play around, no daycare, no work-related absent parents. But the stress for the little boy started already in Sydney, when the parents hastily brought the start forward. They could have known better, when they would have wanted to start their journey, especially if you think of the parents as rather organized business people. I'm sure, there was a REASON for the premature start, and we still don't know, which. To me it makes no sense at all, to have a night more in Kendall than originally planned, but then (the MFC) not having appropriate options in Kendall "to have a zoom business calling". For what exactly were they there so early? To surprise the not quite well grandma with their demanding family hoopla?

Of course, if nothing had happened in Kendall, I wouldn't think about an early start in Sydney or other things. BUT something very important happened in Kendall the next morning at a certain time (a little boy disappeared into nowhere), and it looks like a sophisticated plan by players at Benaroon Drive, with the help of at least one player from elsewhere.

Until today, I'm not agreeing with myself, if grandma and FFC were a team or if FFC/MFC were a team or all 3 adults were a team. For a long time I thought, grandma was the original planner to help her daughter (without the knowledge of MFC, because he allegedly loved little W). Meanwhile I have a different look on the 3 adults. - All MOO like always.
As much as I wish for a scenario like this because it would mean Wm is still alive, growing up in a new family somewhere, does the female caregiver seem altruistic to anyone? That she'd GO TO JAIL to protect Wm's location? That she'd TOLERATE the investigation and interrogations and scrutiny and judgment and vitriol?

Nothing happens in a vacuum. I think tensions were high. In the marriage and expectations (of children's behavior) unrealistic. The audio reveals that both foster parents believed the children ought to feel GRATEFUL for being taken in! Children! Children were supposed to grasp the kind if gratitude that comes with wisdom (age)! They were supposed to be polite, grateful, reasonable, quiet at all times. Despite being children. Despite having disrupted home lives. Like well-modulated miniature ADULTS.

I think Wm was a challenge. UNDERSTANDABLY. Understandable for people who are UNDERSTANDING.

I think foster father left twice. Once for the paper, too early for the Rx. Once for the Rx and his business call.

Which angered the foster mother who resented his leaving.

(Is there a possibility that, if he left twice, he took Wm wth him the first time?)

Tensions between them were high, tension with Wm high because they were at someone rides house and they were IMO trying to control Wm in a way that wasn't realistic. My gosh, last minute change of plans, McDonald's meal, disrupted bedtime routine. Wm, likely over-stimulated (happy! excited!). Don't run. Don't jump. Sit down! Draw! Play quietly! Roll dice correctly!

Just IF... if Wm took off running, misjudged the distance, with the foster mother chasing after him, IF something terrible happened resulting in a fatal fall, with parenthood precarious, what lengths MIGHT the foster mother go to so 1. she wouldn't look like a bad mother/caregiver and 2. wouldn't lose the foster daughter?

I see self-preservation.

As much as I wish for a scenario like this because it would mean Wm is still alive, growing up in a new family somewhere, does the female caregiver seem altruistic to anyone? That she'd GO TO JAIL to protect Wm's location? That she'd TOLERATE the investigation and interrogations and scrutiny and judgment and vitriol?
NO, she wouldn't protect someone except herself (her reputation, which is connected with the reputation of her husband), and she wouldn't endure all these negative things, if not for an important reason, IMO. I would like LE to find out finally. But: who doesn't want the same?

Sorry to bring this up again. The Foster Grandmother's walk through video.

Why is her recount so different??

On the morning he vanished, he had a minor fight over a toy with another child staying in the house, had scrambled eggs and orange juice for breakfast and was throwing objects and displaying unsettled behaviour before he vanished.

But the night before he vanished, William slept with the foster father, in a small bedroom with lace curtains, vertical blinds and a blue and white bedside lamp, on a bed with pink and green blankets.

In his first police statement, the foster father says William 'is a real restless sleeper', after they both woke around 5.50am.

I am looking at these points in particular.IMO

Restless sleeper, so instead of sleeping children together, mum and dad together in the 2 bedrooms. They decided to put WT with the Foster Dad for a better sleep outcome. IMO

Arguing over a toy in the morning - not unusual for young children but maybe it made FF and FM uncomfortable or maybe judged by Foster Grandmother about parenting??? JMO

After watching cartoons on his foster father's phone, William went into his foster grandmother's room next to the kitchen and woke her.

William made several trips to the toy cupboard and started playing in the lounge room near the grandmother at the dining room table, the foster mother told police.

She said the foster father left for his online meeting and errands, a ten minute drive away in Lakewood, just after she had phoned washing machine repair man Bill Speeding and left a message

The grandmother believes it was earlier, telling police, 'He certainly wasn’t there when we had breakfast about 8 o’clock. He would have gone by eight'.

So not sure when Foster Grandmother woke up but seems she to imply that FF left before breakfast at 8.00am and Foster Grandmother is awake.

I would suspect that children might be hungry for breakfast at 8.00 am if they had been up since 5.50am. MOO But would it take an hour to have breakfast?? IMO

The foster grandmother said after breakfast, her daughter then 'went off with the children... and I think that’s when she went down there playing monsters.

'When she went off... I would have done the washing up. And when I finish the dishes we’re out here on the patio.

'And this is where it all happened.'

So what time is it now?? Is it about 9.00 am or later??? IMO

She said William drew pictures with crayons, 'got fed up', and while he was doing so was photographed by his foster mother, 'that photo of him in the Spider-Man suit, that was taken here'.

'Then (the foster mother) had him throwing the dice, and he was THROWING the dice and she had to teach him that you don’t, just let it roll out of your hand.

I would love to know if there was other photos of the children taken that morning?? Not just those odd photos on the back deck.

Mainly because those photos seem to show action shots - targeted to show exactly proof of how WT interacted with activities that were being offered to him. IMO

Not really the type of photographs to keep as a keepsake of the last time you would be in that house altogether. Maybe there were other photos?? JMO

At that point, the grandmother had been living in the house in the NSW Mid North Coast town of Kendall for almost 24 years.

So after the photos were taken and He roared like a tiger he disappeared around the corner of the house.

'But he still wanted to throw it. He got sick of that as well.'

It was after that, she said, came the last actions of the little boy observed by anyone other than his abductor, the 'daddy tiger' game.

'He was sort of taking over everything and we said "roar, I'm a tiger" and he just disappeared around the corner of the house.

'As I was sitting there, that’s when he went around … and that’s my last memory of William, going around the corner.

So did the Foster Grandmother sit on the back deck with LT for close to 45 minutes before she got up to look for her daughter and WT?? (9.45 - 10.30). IMO

Because she seems to imply the FF arrived back similar time to when she walked down the steep slope looking for her daughter and WT. JMO

Detective Partridge asks the grandmother what happened next and is told that 'between four and five minutes' later her daughter disappeared after William.

After remaining seated 'for some time, then I didn’t hear from her, I got up and followed them down.'

Leading the detective around the side of the house she said, 'I walked all the way down here wondering what’s going on' and agreed she still couldn't see her daughter and so 'I went all the way down to the road.

'When I got down to the road I could see Anne Maree (Sharpley) who lives there.

'It was absolutely deathly quiet. Still. Nothing. I was down on the road talking with Anne Maree and then (the foster mother) came up very distraught and said "I've got to call the police".

'I think I was walking up when (the foster father) arrived and he was distraught as well.

'How he knew at that stage I’m not too sure, he’d tell you, I’m not too sure, then he started running around. Everybody was running around.'

I would love a detailed timeline with all the early rising, toy fighting, breakfast, miscellaneous phone calls, bike riding, weird people in cars, tree climbing, hand hurting, action photos, car driving down the road, inside house looking timeline. MOO
Is it just me, or does the FGM's choice of words when talking about little WT seem a little unkind when talking about how he did things, what he was doing?
It just does not seem very loving to me.

Of course, all IMOO.
Is it just me, or does the FGM's choice of words when talking about little WT seem a little unkind when talking about how he did things, what he was doing?
It just does not seem very loving to me.

Of course, all IMOO.
A little on the unsympathetic side. I've heard a lot worse from a grandmother, sometimes in the presence of the children, sometimes not, who nevertheless said she loved the children to death. People who aren't murderers do vary.
I think the foster mother was able to smudge the timeline because the foster grandma and foster daughter were easy to mold, relative to their ages.

It was telling to me that the foster grandma, in her retelling, expressed some doubt but foster quite capture it. Gaps. Who was at breakfast, Wm disappearing, the foster mother disappearing, the foster mother re-appearing, the foster father seemingly already in the know....

I'll bet she didn't know that her daughter took a drive in her car.

I find her credible. Relating what she recalled, or had been told.

I wonder if the foster mother parked the car in the same place she took it from. I wonder if, if the foster grandma's memory had been sharper, if she would have noticed details like that. Oddities about the car (car moved... driver's seat moved.... keys moved, anything missing from the home. Tarp. Bag. Hat. Robe. Coat.

I find it GLARING that, if Wm went missing around the side of the house and the foster mother went genuinely in search of him, how did she come full circle around to the back again? Why would you go a quarter of the way and decide its disappeared? Never checked the other sides of the house? Never checked to see if he made it full around, back on the deck, rolling dice incorrectly some more? Never alerted the foster grandma to keep a look out, neve inquired it Wm had come around that way? Never begged the foster grandma to keep a close eye on the foster daughter, out of an abundance of caution? Never said that she was going to go on search of him but will take her phone, call me if Wm surfaces?

I'll grant that everyone responds to situations differently, sometimes unpredictably, but if her instinct and inclination was to dispense with the logical search in the placed a toddler could quickly get, grab car keys and go for a search/drive, why not own that? Why was it absent from her emergency call and her early narrative?

I shift the perspective and get this, posted previously:

IMO she is resentful of Wm. She finds him hard to manage, wrangle, control.

IMO she resents the bio mom completely.

IMO she resents the foster father, for his affection for Wm. Wm bites her.

IMO she wants children, wants to be a mom, wants to be a super mom. Put bio mom down, elevate self.

IMO she micromanages children, has unrealistic expectation of normal child behavior, has little tolerance or patience for children with special emotional needs. Expects perfection, gratitude.

IMO tensions were high in the marriage, tension over wanting/not wanting Wm. Tensions were high that morning. Trying to keep stimulated children quiet and cooperative and well-behaved, as SHE would define it. And in the midst of this, the foster father chooses to be mostly absent. Did he REALLY have to leave for that virtual meeting and due to connectivity? Or did he need to break away from the noisy morning and find a quiet place, away? Was she especially frazzled?

IMO all these disparate points contributed to an unintended outcome.

And a frantic but (so far, remarkably) successful cover up.

I think the foster mother was able to smudge the timeline because the foster grandma and foster daughter were easy to mold, relative to their ages.

It was telling to me that the foster grandma, in her retelling, expressed some doubt but foster quite capture it. Gaps. Who was at breakfast, Wm disappearing, the foster mother disappearing, the foster mother re-appearing, the foster father seemingly already in the know....

I'll bet she didn't know that her daughter took a drive in her car.

I find her credible. Relating what she recalled, or had been told.

I wonder if the foster mother parked the car in the same place she took it from. I wonder if, if the foster grandma's memory had been sharper, if she would have noticed details like that. Oddities about the car (car moved... driver's seat moved.... keys moved, anything missing from the home. Tarp. Bag. Hat. Robe. Coat.

I find it GLARING that, if Wm went missing around the side of the house and the foster mother went genuinely in search of him, how did she come full circle around to the back again? Why would you go a quarter of the way and decide its disappeared? Never checked the other sides of the house? Never checked to see if he made it full around, back on the deck, rolling dice incorrectly some more? Never alerted the foster grandma to keep a look out, neve inquired it Wm had come around that way? Never begged the foster grandma to keep a close eye on the foster daughter, out of an abundance of caution? Never said that she was going to go on search of him but will take her phone, call me if Wm surfaces?

I'll grant that everyone responds to situations differently, sometimes unpredictably, but if her instinct and inclination was to dispense with the logical search in the placed a toddler could quickly get, grab car keys and go for a search/drive, why not own that? Why was it absent from her emergency call and her early narrative?

I shift the perspective and get this, posted previously:

IMO she is resentful of Wm. She finds him hard to manage, wrangle, control.

IMO she resents the bio mom completely.

IMO she resents the foster father, for his affection for Wm. Wm bites her.

IMO she wants children, wants to be a mom, wants to be a super mom. Put bio mom down, elevate self.

IMO she micromanages children, has unrealistic expectation of normal child behavior, has little tolerance or patience for children with special emotional needs. Expects perfection, gratitude.

IMO tensions were high in the marriage, tension over wanting/not wanting Wm. Tensions were high that morning. Trying to keep stimulated children quiet and cooperative and well-behaved, as SHE would define it. And in the midst of this, the foster father chooses to be mostly absent. Did he REALLY have to leave for that virtual meeting and due to connectivity? Or did he need to break away from the noisy morning and find a quiet place, away? Was she especially frazzled?

IMO all these disparate points contributed to an unintended outcome.

And a frantic but (so far, remarkably) successful cover up.

I too find the FGM credible in her recollection. And I think in the stress of the situation she would not have noticed oddities with her car.

She also said MFC was not there when they were having breakfast at 8am. So that meant he left really early to go into town.

I'm a little confused as to at which point did the FFC take her mum's car for the drive? Can anyone please enlighten me?

Thank you.

I too find the FGM credible in her recollection. And I think in the stress of the situation she would not have noticed oddities with her car.

She also said MFC was not there when they were having breakfast at 8am. So that meant he left really early to go into town.

I'm a little confused as to at which point did the FFC take her mum's car for the drive? Can anyone please enlighten me?

Thank you.

There IS confusion in the timeline. Because the timeline as presented makes no sense.

I think Wm did leave the patio and the foster mother went after him (to investigate or alternately to discipline him, more of a chase really). IMO she found him shortly after. No need to alert anyone to help look. No need to continue the loop to see if Wm ran full round to the patio again.

Think she scooped him up in whatever was near. Blanket, tarp and drove a distance. Returned within 15-20 minutes, maybe less. By then the foster grandma became aware of the silence and lapse of time and went in search of both Wm and her daughter, both missing. I think the foster grandma was previously preoccupied with a fresh paper and her morning tea while the foster daughter was engrossed at length drawing.

When she went to look for the missing two and found the foster mother coming up toward her saying IIRC she needed to call the emergency number, the foster father returned. And immediately started tearing around the yard in search of Wm. It was the foster grandma's impression he already knew but "how could he have?". She wasn't sure. Perhaps the foster parents had met on the road a moment prior?

I think the foster mother dialed the dispatch WHILE "doing the practice thing", searching in cupboards with the foster grandma. I think she started her "Wm's missing time clock when she RETURNED FROM HER DRIVE. And not whatever time he ran from the patio.

The 000 call is embedded in this same article. Sounds like she's actually outside while on the phone.

She says they've been looking for 15 or 20 minutes and that Wm went missing in the five minutes before that.

I'd love to see a re-enactment.

Yes me too. The timeline just seems so tight, for me it’s difficult to imagine how the alleged accident and cover up could have happened. I’m tempted to go back to WT following something into the bush (bush turkey)? except I don’t think he had shoes on.
Yes me too. The timeline just seems so tight, for me it’s difficult to imagine how the alleged accident and cover up could have happened. I’m tempted to go back to WT following something into the bush (bush turkey)? except I don’t think he had shoes on.
Then why the secrecy around the drive?

Her story telling feels contrived to me.

The timeline WAS tight. Due to necessity IMO.

Play it out, if it happened like this.

All the same details. Tensions high. Unrealistic expectations.

She chases after Wm. He has fallen from the high veranda. Strung by his cape or fallen at an impossible angle.

But the course changes.

She screams for the foster grandma to get help. Call OOO. she shouts. Gathers Wm, cradles him, tries CPR... he is already decreased when paramedics arrive.

Investigation follows, foster daughter removed.... will there be charges? Negligence? Manslaughter? Accident.

She fears she'd be blamed.... what will people think? She'll never be entrusted with another child.

So she does none of those things. First she has to hide what happened from the other two on site. Foster grandma and foster daughter. Has to hide it from neighbors. Has to get him gone. Has to hide it from the foster father. Has to hide it from 000. Then has to hide it from LE. Later has to explain for the truck driver seeing her. Alters story accordingly. Doesn't have to hide it as much from the public because their identities are protected. That's a lot of hiding but not really if one considers it part of a cohesive whole-' ultimately to protect herself from looking like a bad mom and losing what's left of her family.

Then why the secrecy around the drive?

Her story telling feels contrived to me.

The timeline WAS tight. Due to necessity IMO.

Play it out, if it happened like this.

All the same details. Tensions high. Unrealistic expectations.

She chases after Wm. He has fallen from the high veranda. Strung by his cape or fallen at an impossible angle.

But the course changes.

She screams for the foster grandma to get help. Call OOO. she shouts. Gathers Wm, cradles him, tries CPR... he is already decreased when paramedics arrive.

Investigation follows, foster daughter removed.... will there be charges? Negligence? Manslaughter? Accident.

She fears she'd be blamed.... what will people think? She'll never be entrusted with another child.

So she does none of those things. First she has to hide what happened from the other two on site. Foster grandma and foster daughter. Has to hide it from neighbors. Has to get him gone. Has to hide it from the foster father. Has to hide it from 000. Then has to hide it from LE. Later has to explain for the truck driver seeing her. Alters story accordingly. Doesn't have to hide it as much from the public because their identities are protected. That's a lot of hiding but not really if one considers it part of a cohesive whole-' ultimately to protect herself from looking like a bad mom and losing what's left of her family.


Another question I have is if she took FGM car how did FGM not hear it or see it or none of the neighbours. FGM said it was really quiet when she went and spoke with the neighbour.

I do sometimes wonder if things did not happen as any of them have said and they were on the porch much earlier leaving much more time for a cover up. Or if something happened before MFC left and he took WT in his car perhaps?

Of course all speculation and MOO.
I think the foster mother may have gone out twice. Once to dispose of Wm :( and then did like a three-point turn upon her return in order to leave again, to get rid of evidence she almost forgot.

May have sounded like a postal maneuver to neighbors.

It may have been this second trip where the truck driver saw her and she storied that she was leaning out, calling for Wm, when I think it more likely she was shoving evidence into a grate.

Wm may have been stashed in another location/direction all together.

I think the foster mother may have gone out twice. Once to dispose of Wm :( and then did like a three-point turn upon her return in order to leave again, to get rid of evidence she almost forgot.

May have sounded like a postal maneuver to neighbors.

It may have been this second trip where the truck driver saw her and she storied that she was leaning out, calling for Wm, when I think it more likely she was shoving evidence into a grate.

Wm may have been stashed in another location/direction all together.

I often think, if this was the case, where on earth did she dispose of him that he has never been found. Of course I hope, deep down, that he is ok, living somewhere happily, absolutely oblivious to the great search for him.

I often think, if this was the case, where on earth did she dispose of him that he has never been found. Of course I hope, deep down, that he is ok, living somewhere happily, absolutely oblivious to the great search for him.

If she went out twice, but LE has only counted the one trip where she encountered tge truck driver, that's the logical place to look for Wm. But if she disposed of just his shoes or something, they could've washed away in the sewer... meanwhile, Wm was left somewhere else entirely. Whoever she went initially.


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