Autopsy Report - 13 Fatal wounds ***DISCUSSION***

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The abrasions on the upper cheek caught my attention too. My first thought was that she had been struck wtih something; hand, gun, rock. I also thought that perhaps there was a struggle before the shootings. It does seem quite possible they could have been caused by falling. This is so sad. I just wish they would put the responsible party behind bars! I find myself checking the news every few hours to see if there's been a break in this case. I wish it would get the attention that others have.

You and me both, houndacres... I wonder as well about the abrasions, but part of me is curious as to whether or not there would have been time for a struggle? I would think something like this would have happened very quickly, just do it and get the heck out of dodge. Plus, if there were a struggle, there would probably be shoe impressions (maybe there was, I'd have to go back and check). But, I don't know how these people think (or IF they think, for that matter)... I, like you, just want justice for these girls. Thanks for your continued insight. :)

I've not seen the area, but if the struggle took place in the grass/woods it might not show alot of evidence. I agree though, I don't think there was a big struggle. Didn't someone mention that Skyla might have turned and started to run? Perhaps Skyla turned to run if Taylor was struck. The killer/s couldn't let them get away, hence the killer/s pulled the guns and fired quickly. It's late and my mind is wandering! I was also thinking about their parents. If it were your child, wouldn't you be in the public eye every chance you had, looking into things yourself, doing everything you could to keep the investigation moving? I think I would be screaming from every roof top to make somebody listen!
I've not seen the area, but if the struggle took place in the grass/woods it might not show alot of evidence. I agree though, I don't think there was a big struggle. Didn't someone mention that Skyla might have turned and started to run? Perhaps Skyla turned to run if Taylor was struck. The killer/s couldn't let them get away, hence the killer/s pulled the guns and fired quickly. It's late and my mind is wandering! I was also thinking about their parents. If it were your child, wouldn't you be in the public eye every chance you had, looking into things yourself, doing everything you could to keep the investigation moving? I think I would be screaming from every roof top to make somebody listen!

This has been mentioned so many times!!! I totally agree w/ you.

The girls were killed on a rural road. If there was a struggle, they could not have made it to the woods easily. There was a barbed wire fence that kept them from gaining easy access to the wooded area. But, along the dirt road were the typical weeds, brush etc............ FTR~ I believe Taylor was shot first and then Skyla. When Skyla saw Taylor be shot, she turned to flee but, was also shot............:mad:
You and me both, houndacres... I wonder as well about the abrasions, but part of me is curious as to whether or not there would have been time for a struggle? I would think something like this would have happened very quickly, just do it and get the heck out of dodge. Plus, if there were a struggle, there would probably be shoe impressions (maybe there was, I'd have to go back and check). But, I don't know how these people think (or IF they think, for that matter)... I, like you, just want justice for these girls. Thanks for your continued insight. :)


Hi, KBD - just commenting on the bolded part of your post...if the perps were known to the girls, maybe it didn't start off as a quick hit scenario...perhaps they stopped to say something to the girls, it turned nasty and then the murders happened after some type of confrontation. Even though the road was loose dirt and footprints could have been would be difficult, I would think, to put much stock in footprints since PP was at the scene first and I, believe, another of the P's indicated the boot prints found there were probably hers.
I've not seen the area, but if the struggle took place in the grass/woods it might not show alot of evidence. I agree though, I don't think there was a big struggle. Didn't someone mention that Skyla might have turned and started to run? Perhaps Skyla turned to run if Taylor was struck. The killer/s couldn't let them get away, hence the killer/s pulled the guns and fired quickly. It's late and my mind is wandering! I was also thinking about their parents. If it were your child, wouldn't you be in the public eye every chance you had, looking into things yourself, doing everything you could to keep the investigation moving? I think I would be screaming from every roof top to make somebody listen!

If it were your child...

There are earlier posts from people who have met some of the family members, and from people who have seen them. There are also a few videos of them around, and they have made a few statements to the press. Like many others, I thought their behavior was odd. I was sure it was easy to be very brave and very public with both grief and rage. I'm not so sure now.

In the beginning, their behavior was scrutinized by many. People wondered if some of them were directly involved, or if their lifestyles were partly responsible. Until they were eliminated as suspects, they were, well, suspects. Even after LE started looking in other directions, the families' whole life stories were splashed all over the internet. Every little speck of dirt that could be dug up about them (and anyone related/connected to them) was exposed. Might that have made them a little reluctant to behave like John W or Beth H or like we're sure we would?

Could it also be that LE privately reassured them that justice would be forthcoming, and they believed in LE? Maybe that neck of the woods is a place where you don't stir up trouble. Maybe scratching out a living is such a daily ordeal there that they can't afford to vary their routine. Maybe, deep down inside, they believe in turning the other cheek. Maybe they are so devastated that even getting out of bed in the morning, much less trying to pick up the pieces of their lives and maintaining a front for other family members, is harder than any of us could imagine.

It's easy to cast stones, especially from one's own living room, under a cloak of anonymity, like I've been doing toward OSBI for a while. Not that anyone was casting stones at the families here; it is a logical question. I raised a daughter who's now 20. If this happened to her...I just don't know. No one knows. It's just too awful to consider. After some thought, I just think I'd be crushed beyond belief. Ergo, it's easy to think the girls' families might be, too.

Another recent post suggested OSBI was once reading these comments and wondered if they still are. If so: Thank you for your past efforts. Now solve this case. Bring justice to the girls and their grieving families.
Thank you for your past efforts. Now solve this case. Bring justice to the girls and their grieving families.

Ditto on that one, XPA! My feelings exactly!
4K, so if I follow what you are saying, we should not post about this case because if we are correct and they read it, they might bolt. And if we are wong, they will feel safe.
Sorry if I gave the impression that we shouldn't be posting.I'm just incredibly disgusted everytime I think about the killer/s having another day of freedom.I was speculating that the perp's or someone close to them monitors this forum as a safe way for them to keep up with what others are saying about the case.Again,sorry for coming across the wrong way,but it just infuriates me to no end.
The abrasions on the upper cheek caught my attention too. My first thought was that she had been struck wtih something; hand, gun, rock. I also thought that perhaps there was a struggle before the shootings. It does seem quite possible they could have been caused by falling. This is so sad. I just wish they would put the responsible party behind bars! I find myself checking the news every few hours to see if there's been a break in this case. I wish it would get the attention that others have.
I still wonder if the abrasions were caused from being dragged.Something that stuck in my mind was according to autopsy diagrams,Skyla had abrasions on the top of her foot,while Taylor did not.I surmised that the girls could have possibly been dragged??And the reason Skyla had abrasions on her foot and Taylor didn't,I'm thinking because Taylor was wearing tennis shoes and Skyla was wearing house slippers,which could have easily fallen off.
This has been mentioned so many times!!! I totally agree w/ you.

The girls were killed on a rural road. If there was a struggle, they could not have made it to the woods easily. There was a barbed wire fence that kept them from gaining easy access to the wooded area. But, along the dirt road were the typical weeds, brush etc............ FTR~ I believe Taylor was shot first and then Skyla. When Skyla saw Taylor be shot, she turned to flee but, was also shot............:mad:
I think Skyla was shot first because she didn't appear to have time to react,where Taylor appears to have tried to shield herself from the gun fire with her hands since she had what I would call defense wounds.
I also wondered if Skyla was shot first. I always believed Taylor had been until I started thinking about the abrasion on her face. Could Taylor have been struck with the end of one gun, Skyla turned to run, was shot?, Taylor would have instinctively put up her hand to touch her face, it would have stung like heck, and then once the decision was made to shoot Skyla the gun was then fired at Taylor? Plausible?
If it were your child...
Could it also be that LE privately reassured them that justice would be forthcoming, and they believed in LE? Maybe that neck of the woods is a place where you don't stir up trouble. Maybe scratching out a living is such a daily ordeal there that they can't afford to vary their routine. Maybe, deep down inside, they believe in turning the other cheek. Maybe they are so devastated that even getting out of bed in the morning, much less trying to pick up the pieces of their lives and maintaining a front for other family members, is harder than any of us could imagine.
That could be so so true.. and does make sense. Sometimes when people do not have alot of self esteem it is hard to be out in front. Espically after all their laundry was aired..
Seems to me, the PD could start by arresting the people who are stealing the cameras. It might be the perps, or they might know who the perps are. If they don't have wireless up links, if they can't protect their own cameras, what chance do they have in catching these killers!?

Perhaps they should have taken the help that was offered...
XP, I was in no way meaning any disrespect to the families of Skyla and Taylor. I only wish them God's comfort during this difficult time. I certainly wasn't comparing their public actions to what I think mine would be, if I were in their situation. I was just thinking out loud at how frustrated I would be. I was not meaning to be critical of their actions.
It is a shame of what they have had to endure in the public eye. I do hope that LE has given them some reassurance and kept them informed.
Seems to me, the PD could start by arresting the people who are stealing the cameras. It might be the perps, or they might know who the perps are. If they don't have wireless up links, if they can't protect their own cameras, what chance do they have in catching these killers!?

Perhaps they should have taken the help that was offered...

Hi, USARDOG - Just for the record, let me say this about the security cameras "being stolen".

Since I'm the only one who recalls that part of PP's statement - I would prefer that we not accept my memory as fact on this. I'm pretty fact and detail based and don't like to build my theories around rumors. Accordingly, I do not wish to put statements here in the regular threads that aren't substantiated.

This, of course, is FWIW and MOO.
XP, I was in no way meaning any disrespect to the families of Skyla and Taylor. I only wish them God's comfort during this difficult time. I certainly wasn't comparing their public actions to what I think mine would be, if I were in their situation. I was just thinking out loud at how frustrated I would be. I was not meaning to be critical of their actions.
It is a shame of what they have had to endure in the public eye. I do hope that LE has given them some reassurance and kept them informed.

Hi, HA - I feel the families are very frustrated and I don't think they have been reassured or kept informed. IMO - as always!
XP, I was in no way meaning any disrespect to the families of Skyla and Taylor. I only wish them God's comfort during this difficult time. I certainly wasn't comparing their public actions to what I think mine would be, if I were in their situation. I was just thinking out loud at how frustrated I would be. I was not meaning to be critical of their actions.
It is a shame of what they have had to endure in the public eye. I do hope that LE has given them some reassurance and kept them informed.

Of course you meant no disrespect. Your post was very thought-provoking. I used to feel the same way. We see the courage exhibited by a few very brave people who can absorb this kind of tragedy, and rise to exceptional levels in their quest for justice. We see it almost daily, and it seems like the proper way to react. Again, you really made me think. Some can stand and fight, but some just might not be able to.

It seems that everyone following this case here is as frustrated as we both are. Not with each other, but with the progress, or lack thereof. Despite the frustration, and taken as a whole, these posts here (and yours specifically) seem to express a lot of love for the girls and support for the families, and a desire for justice for both.
I think we also need to remember the fear factor in all of this. These families are afraid for their own safety and for their other family members. Even if they know something, which I don't necessarily believe anymore, I feel they are questioning their safety at all times. There is a killer or killers out there that are getting away with the brutal murders of two innocent children. Innocent. They were children and children should not have to know what it feels like to know they are going to die....without their parents to comfort them in their final moment.
I think we also need to remember the fear factor in all of this. These families are afraid for their own safety and for their other family members. Even if they know something, which I don't necessarily believe anymore, I feel they are questioning their safety at all times. There is a killer or killers out there that are getting away with the brutal murders of two innocent children. Innocent. They were children and children should not have to know what it feels like to know they are going to die....without their parents to comfort them in their final moment.

Very well said, Lauren.

Thank you.
I think we also need to remember the fear factor in all of this. These families are afraid for their own safety and for their other family members. Even if they know something, which I don't necessarily believe anymore, I feel they are questioning their safety at all times. There is a killer or killers out there that are getting away with the brutal murders of two innocent children. Innocent. They were children and children should not have to know what it feels like to know they are going to die....without their parents to comfort them in their final moment.

The bolded, colored part of the paragraph, broke my heart. So sad........:(

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