Autopsy Results

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Awwwww. Dammit! GRRRRRRR! :furious::furious::furious:

Autopsy results showed Neveah Buchanan suffocated after inhaling dirt, according to the Associated Press, leaving investigators to believe she was still breathing when she was put into the crude grave along the banks of the River Raisin or her face was forcibly held in the dirt.

I find it odd they don't mention any signs of sexual assault. I know it doesn't mean it didn't happen, but I would really have expected it to be released with the autopsy results to confirm or deny it.
As many cases as you follow it never fails to disturb you to the core when you hear about cause of death. I'm actually afraid of a day when it doesn't disturb me.

Poor baby. This should never have happened to Naveah.

Or any of them for that matter.
I dont think they are releasing the full report yet, they may not have everything in just yet. I dont know if most people will be able to handle it. What we know already made me ill reading of it yesterday.

I am so sorry Nevaeh that this happened to you, may you RIP little one and get swift justice.
The grave was reportedly very shallow. I think poor little Neveah must have been held there until she died otherwise, unless she was very weak at that point, she could probably have managed to crawl out. What an awful thing.
Buried alive makes the time to commit this crime pretty short, shorter than we had guessed. Remember how the timeline (or, that is, the time reports by various people) kept creeping forward just a bit at a time?
Oh gods that is so horrifying.

Some other elements hat have leaked out or been released regarding the forensics.

Dirt found in her throat and lungs. She died from asphyxiation, most likely in that grave.

Carpet fibers found under her fingernails. Think about what it would take to have that happen. This isn't something you find normally. The poor child would have had to be clawing at the carpet somewhere. So there is at least one other crime scene involved. Also telling is that they are taking carpet samples from her residence and the surrounding apartments. This means the fibers they found are probably more indicative of residential carpeting, then say the carpeting used in vehicles.

I'm not sure how true this one is, but there is a report, supposedly from one of her relatives, that LE indicated she had been found undressed with her clothing beneath her.

It still blows my mind how many predators and sex offenders his poor girl seemed to have contact with in her short tragic life.
Oh gods that is so horrifying.
It still blows my mind how many predators and sex offenders his poor girl seemed to have contact with in her short tragic life.

I used to have under my hat (christine2448) WS has changed the way I walk in this world (until posters complained I wasn't identifying myself as a moderator, so I went back)...but it has. It's HORRIFYING to know what is ALL AROUND US, EVERYDAY, ALL DAY...I hadn't a clue until I joined WS. Thank God, I now see the light and am able to protect me, mine, and others we can make aware. It's a VERY scary world we live in. :(
I have always known what a scary world we live in, not a psychic, not anywhere close, just a sense of these things. WS has in fact enlightened me to how harsh and severe it really is and not just my over active imagination/fear.
Bless Nevaeh's heart. I do know she is wrapped in the arms of love now and knows nothing but peace and I will take comfort in that.
As for the people responsible for her torturous and horrifying death, justice can not come swiftly and harshly enough.
I can not even bring myself to imagine those last horrific breaths, I pray whoever did this is identified and convicted before they can harm another precious child. :furious: :prayer:


If they are taking carpet samples from the apartments in the complex where she lived, it is possible that those fibers came from her own home or the upstairs friend and were under her nails as a result of playing on the floor.

No sexual assault, no visible injuries, nude, suffocated by dirt and carpet fibers under her nails. What does this tell us?

I know anything is possible, but don't SO's usually kidnap to rape their victims?

Could this dirt be potting soil from an indoor plant?
If they are taking carpet samples from the apartments in the complex where she lived, it is possible that those fibers came from her own home or the upstairs friend and were under her nails as a result of playing on the floor.

No sexual assault, no visible injuries, nude, suffocated by dirt and carpet fibers under her nails. What does this tell us?

I know anything is possible, but don't SO's usually kidnap to rape their victims?

Could this dirt be potting soil from an indoor plant?

It tells me the perp could not complete the act for whatever reason. JMO. I pray she was unconscious when she suffocated so that her terror was lessened. Clearly something happened while she was conscious that caused her to put up a sufficient fuss that she was clawing at carpet-are we sure it was not inside of a vehicle?
Maybe forensics wants to see if the carpet fibers under her nails matches the carpet in the apartments...once ruled out, they can look at fiber from different cars, motel carpet, suspects homes etc. Same with the dirt! forensics can analyze the chemicals to see if it's potted, dirt along the river, or from elsewhere. Maybe they can't tell if a sexual assault occurred or don't want to release the info. YET!

Sounds to me like the perp just couldn't handle little Nevaeh. Had to go to extremes to silence her. I bet little Nevaeh fought like **** Hope with all my heart they nail this perp!!!!!

You know, I sit here time and time again and think... it can't possibly get any worse, and then something comes along and BLAMMO! Not only worse, but MUCH worse.

This poor child :(

Please God let them match these fibers and get this perp off the street!
I feel such a range of emotions, simultaneously, upon reading this horrific news and even more so considering this person walks about freely eluding arrest. Moreover, I cannot think of a case more befitting the death penalty and I am discouraged to consider that if this perpetrator is ever caught they will live out the rest of their lives protected from their peers in prison since Michigan does not have the death penalty. Monsters roam and inhabit this earth and they have no remorse for their heinous acts and for that I am beyond outraged. Sorry for the rambling but I am extremely upset.

The sheriff said the exact day or time of her death couldn't be determined, but the autopsy indicated she died shortly after she was discovered to be missing from her home. "I can't give you a day or time. But it would have been soon after she disappeared. Within a window of a day or so, if not on that very same evening."

The sheriff said toxicology testing conducted by the medical examiner's office showed that she wasn't drugged.
Knowing reality is breaking my heart that our children must endure such horrible cruel attacks by sick demented beings that call themselves human.
sorry little heart is sad for you tonight...
Saw this among the numerous articles that AngelWhoCares posted today and thought I'd bring it over for those that either don't, or haven't had the time to go through them all.

Thank you AngelWhoCares for ALL YOU DO!:blowkiss::blowkiss:

Task force furious over
autopsy leak

MONROE, Mich. - Monroe County investigators are not happy with the leak of the autopsy results for Nevaeh Buchanan.

Although that information is generally public information, the Nevaeh task force, which is comprised of Monroe city, Monroe County, Michigan State Police, and the FBI, chose not to release the results.

The autopsy results were leaked to the Detroit Free Press, which published the report Tuesday afternoon..

The move sent investigators scrambling to notify Nevaeh's family and try to patch up this major blow to their investigation.

snipped from here:

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