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I had read that a cop said she hadn't been sexually assaulted before she was killed. But did he rape her post-mortum? After all, he was apparently sick enough to dismember her, according to some.
Doesn't look like it to me. I Googled the author in the byline and couldn't link him to any reputable source. I believe he's in India.

seems to be a lot of spamdexing for scraper & fraudware sites since this case broke....I've never seen so many!
This story is unfathomable. IMO

I think this is the video in which the local reporter talks about her body being 'taken apart' ...

violent struggle ensued
killer took apart her body and put in wall space (at 1:40 on video timer)
When LE said they found her they first said they found a 'female', but had to ID Annie through ME. Okay, then they say she was clothed...........couldn't she be ID through those from pix? Was a substance like acid in a lab been used to deteriate the clothes color or her face? I wish something straight would come from ME office. So much for 1......
Two details I caught from news shows/reports...

The traumatic asphyxiation was described as something that could be done with an arm/choke hold or a pipe... so perhaps a pipe was some sort of weapon used? (why else say that?)

I think it was on JVM last night that someone said clearly her body was cut up and stuffed in the wall... which would explain 1) how even a small person would fit in that duct and 2) the bloody clothes stuffed in the ceiling. I have not seen this detail any where else?

Hello Miss Carla-la! how are you!??!

Well, it seems it could be very very big chase/duct space. Reports were the blood on the clothes was small, like from the defense wounds to the killer (scratches).

Now, get your Manolos to chat and tell ol' emma where you been and how you been!

I think rather than have family ID her (especially if she was dismembered in any way) they would rely on medical records as official form of ID (wearing clothing like the person who was missing would not be).

All just my opinion.
Well 5 days worth of decomp would make identification more difficult even if she had just been laying there.
Now, get your Manolos to chat and tell ol' emma where you been and how you been!



Im okayish... been doing a new treatment cycle thats kicking my butt and I had a root canal Monday...

I see Inchy, Faythe, etc on Facebook....
I guess they haven't confirmed what day she died. So we don't really know whether there was 5 days of decomp.

[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - 2009.09.16 Presser~ 5 pm EST[/ame]

And unrelated to that, but one of the first articles I found when trying to determine whether it had been stated that she'd been dead for 5 days ... and nobody noticed that this man was dead.
Did ME say when the whole autopsy report would be given to the public?

Autopsy reports in Ct are NOT given to the public routinely, this one is sealed at this time. It will be present at the trial.
yeah... they call it a simple case of workplace violence but yet all the documents and reports are sealed (the box checked on them saying the reason for the seal is the ongoing sensitive nature of the investigation). Doesn't sound so simple to me.
yeah... they call it a simple case of workplace violence but yet all the documents and reports are sealed (the box checked on them saying the reason for the seal is the ongoing sensitive nature of the investigation). Doesn't sound so simple to me.

I couldn't agree with you more. Quick question...If you are being sexually harassed at work, could that be considered "workplace violence"? Or would it be "sexually assaulted at work"? I'm trying to find it in my old book...haven't been able to find it.
Please forgive me if someone's already posted this question. Anyone know when we might be able to expect them to release the detailed autopsy results?
'Ailina, If they are sealed it might not even be known until the trial.

JG, at my hospital sexual harrassment and workplace violence fall under two different policies. Of course, at times the lines can blur between the two, I would think. Where I work they make us sign two different forms that we know the standards for what the hospital deems each to be (and I cannot remember the specifics LOL).
Two details I caught from news shows/reports...

The traumatic asphyxiation was described as something that could be done with an arm/choke hold or a pipe... so perhaps a pipe was some sort of weapon used? (why else say that?)

I think it was on JVM last night that someone said clearly her body was cut up and stuffed in the wall... which would explain 1) how even a small person would fit in that duct and 2) the bloody clothes stuffed in the ceiling. I have not seen this detail any where else?

NO NO NO. If you look back on my posts several days BEFORE the ME report announcement of COD I was saying it was strangulation -- specifically becaus eI know for a fact that her body was not cut up and no blood was near her body discovery site. OK?
Look here
[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - CT- Annie Le, missing from Yale, thread #5 FOUND DECEASED[/ame]

It isnt a tiny duct, it is a pipe and conduit run access and you could fit a 300 lb person in those intact.

This is a lab. they have gas lines, water lines, internet cable lines, waste lines, other cable lines etc and there would be big areas behind wasll with access panels.

He would have needed about two minutes total to put the body of a 90 lb 4'11" in a laundry cart, remove a panel and stuff her in.
I guess they haven't confirmed what day she died. So we don't really know whether there was 5 days of decomp.

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - 2009.09.16 Presser~ 5 pm EST

And unrelated to that, but one of the first articles I found when trying to determine whether it had been stated that she'd been dead for 5 days ... and nobody noticed that this man was dead.

According to court documents, RC is being charged w/ murder on or about 09/08/09.
I understand the frustration. I have to take a break when the conversation starts to spin backwards because old misinformation crops up again.
NO NO NO. If you look back on my posts several days BEFORE the ME report announcement of COD I was saying it was strangulation -- specifically becaus eI know for a fact that her body was not cut up and no blood was near her body discovery site. OK?
Look here
Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - CT- Annie Le, missing from Yale, thread #5 FOUND DECEASED

It isnt a tiny duct, it is a pipe and conduit run access and you could fit a 300 lb person in those intact.

This is a lab. they have gas lines, water lines, internet cable lines, waste lines, other cable lines etc and there would be big areas behind wasll with access panels.

He would have needed about two minutes total to put the body of a 90 lb 4'11" in a laundry cart, remove a panel and stuff her in.

Hi Rdm, There are several things that tell me he didn't just remove a panel and stuff her in, based on what we have read*:

* LE searched all the chases originally. The panels are said to be easily opened even with a butter knife. That means her body was not visible to the searchers and the dogs were skewed by the odors in the lab.

* Her body was difficult to extricate from the chase and by Sunday evening was still trapped there. They had to go up several feet and cut a hole in the chase to get her out.

* Her body was moved to a different place or room from where she was killed.

I think those three facts {if they are the case} go to show she was probably pushed through an opening in the chase from above, pushed thru those plywood panels and dropped onto the conduit and pipes below. And I think it could have been accessed through a dropped ceiling where it meets a wall.

Really I would love to have my theory disproved as it is so haunting to me. IMO
Could he have stepped on her neck - he 190 lbs/she 90 lbs.

He had bloody shoes. Traumatic Asphyxia symptoms include:

Purple-blue face discoloration
Purple-blue neck discoloration
Skin petechiae in upper part of body (broken blood vessels)
Facial swelling
Subconjunctival hemorrhage

"Traumatic asphyxiation is distinguished by the brute force needed to severely compress the thorax, it is a violent sounding cause of death that describes a truly violent act. Traumatic asphyxia is generally defined as a form of asphyxia caused by chest or upper abdomen compression and normally does not include direct pressure on the throat.

The thoracic cavity contains the heart and lungs and traumatic asphyxiation involves crushing pressure being directly placed on these organs. For the average person it would take between 2-3 minutes to die from crush asphyxiation, if a person were struggling or fighting back death would most likely come even faster than that."

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