AZ AZ - Adrienne Salinas, 19, Tempe, 15 Jun 2013 - #8

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AZ AZ - Adrienne Salinas Media and Timeline Thread **NO DISCUSSION** - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

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I have a feeling that whenever they confirm COD as homicide, they'll move in to make an arrest on someone they have been building a case against the entire time. They probably just needed a body and then an official cause of death to seal the deal. I've already mentioned who I feel is the most likely unofficial official POI.
Hi Doc! Yes I agree with you. I believe the Tempe PD is playing their cards very close to their chest and they REALLY REALLY want to solve this crime! Sgt Pooley was quoted as saying they (LE) were "heartbroken" over the discovery of her remains. You rarely read that in a report from a LE officer. I believe they have and are investing every possible means at their disposal, including the FBI, to find the perpetrator/perpetrators. And I believe they have them in their crosshairs as we type.
I hope LE can determine a cause of death; although homicide should be apparent, it still helps in court. But as we have seen in other cases, locating the victim's body does not equal an arrest, even when there is a suspect. They still have to be able to tie a suspect to her actual murder and if possible, to the location. A cause of death helps if a weapon was used, which could be matched to a suspect.

We might still be a ways from an arrest, even assuming there is a prime suspect. JMO
Bet you kids are just chompin' at the bit to see another map!
Got the area of the search and 1 mile radius lines around the remain's site.
AJ LE said they were searching between the 88 and 60, apprx 4 miles, some areas have no tributaries into the Weeke's wash, so they're out. Bulldog Wash is actually a flood control concrete cache canal that stops short of Apache Trail. Keep in mind, the majority of washes will be going in a Southerly direction, ie, going down to the bottom of the map.
So for those of you who like maps, here you go:

I also hope that I have apologized to everyone privately if my comments were misunderstood or came off wrong. If I didn't catch everyone, please accept my apologies!
I, too have been thinking about that culvert, Bernina. I haven't been through there for years but I know there are a few bridges on the trail, but I think they all go over dry land (maybe to allow for water spill-off from the mountains?) There's even one creepy one that you have to take turns to cross because it's only one car width wide that I hated going over. Good thing that restaurant in Tortilla Flats had good chili :) I don't remember paying a toll, but there might have been. That culvert seems quick and easy to me. Adrienne was about 100 lbs, I believe, that's a lot of weight to carry somewhere, or even to lift out of a trunk or back seat. As far as the condition of her remains, I don't know anything about decomposition or decay (not sure I have the stomach for all of it, frankly) but is it possible that she was wrapped in something, such as a blanket, shower curtain, tarp or something like that that may not only keep animals from scavenging, but delay decomposition? Could that explain why there were "legs" for the property owner to find? If that was the case and it came off while she was moving down the wash, it could be literally anywhere...maybe even further down stream then they found her body, right?
In 1932, 81 years ago, the Lindbergh baby was kidnapped and murdered. After 78 days the badly decomposed body of baby Lindbergh was found and even with missing hands and imbs medical pathologists at the time were able to determine a number of things, without DNA testing. The identity if the body was confirmed as well as the COD, which was determined to be a blow to the head while the baby was alive.

That was in 1932. This is the year 2013.

We've come a long way baby.

I am confident, that in adriennes case, the medical examiners will be able to find many things that can help them to determine COD and even DNA to lead LE to the perpetrator/s.

There is no such thing as the perfect crime!
I, too have been thinking about that culvert, Bernina. I haven't been through there for years but I know there are a few bridges on the trail, but I think they all go over dry land (maybe to allow for water spill-off from the mountains?) There's even one creepy one that you have to take turns to cross because it's only one car width wide that I hated going over. Good thing that restaurant in Tortilla Flats had good chili :) I don't remember paying a toll, but there might have been. That culvert seems quick and easy to me. Adrienne was about 100 lbs, I believe, that's a lot of weight to carry somewhere, or even to lift out of a trunk or back seat. As far as the condition of her remains, I don't know anything about decomposition or decay (not sure I have the stomach for all of it, frankly) but is it possible that she was wrapped in something, such as a blanket, shower curtain, tarp or something like that that may not only keep animals from scavenging, but delay decomposition? Could that explain why there were "legs" for the property owner to find? If that was the case and it came off while she was moving down the wash, it could be literally anywhere...maybe even further down stream then they found her body, right?

Not to kinda gross out peeps, go to the last 2-3 pages on the previous thread and there's a few posts on desert decay.....if she was wrapped in something along the lines of plastic, the process of decomp would have started, any moisture and liquids wouldn't have been able to evaporate. And predators have a tendency to unwrap things. Think about your pups and and that roast you put out to thaw, my pups are unwrapping fools!
In my experience, everything that I've had to bury was no closer than 4 feet to the surface. I've had wolfdogs for over 20 years and they will dig, didn't matter if my kids did something special for the pet that had passed or it was one of the elderly horses, 4 feet or more, or there'd be a mess in the morning. I just used the backhoe and go 8 feet. A lot different than manually digging.
I really believe she was buried, unearthed by the flooding and came to rest in the flood debris.
I think it was one of the neighbors, who lives close to the site, that said, "if there are any secrets, they usually are not kept for long", something along those lines. So very true. Someone can be out there for decades, but eventually, the desert will give them up. How amazing that this was the first extreme flooding in that area for years.
I hope LE has an arrest warrant soon, one chapter has closed for the Salinas family, but this book will have many chapters before it's all said and done. It's not going to get better, Adrienne is gone, but it will get different.
I may be in the minority, I have a deep respect for LE in Arizona, and confident they'll solve this. I can't think of a single detective that I know who didn't take situations like this personally.
Honestly, I do not think that when LE in other cases in other states are unable to solve a crime, it means they care less or did not try as hard. I think detectives always agonize over unsolved homicides, in particular. LE can only work with evidence and witnesses and do their best. I am sure AZ LE means to solve Adrienne's murder, but I believe that of all LEA's, unless they somehow show otherwise. JMO
Hey Bernina! I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoy reading your very creative and well informed posts! I love the way you paint a visual (however graphic) so we may be better able to understand the message you are sharing! I'm so glad you are also optimistic her perps will be apprehended. Thanks for your valuable input.
Honestly, I do not think that when LE in other cases in other states are unable to solve a crime, it means they care less or did not try as hard. I think detectives always agonize over unsolved homicides, in particular. LE can only work with evidence and witnesses and do their best. I am sure AZ LE means to solve Adrienne's murder, but I believe that of all LEA's, unless they somehow show otherwise. JMO

I guess I'm still getting over the nay sayers (after the trial a few years back in another state that shall not be named) that were convinced an evil little sociopath wouldn't get convicted in Arizona. But I guess anywhere there was going to be a "Media" presence, people were going to compare every trial to that particular one. JMO.
OT: Just out of idle curiosity...anyone ever go to the Scandinavian on Fifth Avenue in Scottsdale? No longer there....just consider this a random act of boredom.
I guess I'm still getting over the nay sayers (after the trial a few years back in another state that shall not be named) that were convinced an evil little sociopath wouldn't get convicted in Arizona. But I guess anywhere there was going to be a "Media" presence, people were going to compare every trial to that particular one. JMO.

Great analogy! Remember all the lies? And thinking that laundering of the camera would destroy the evidence? But there are ways.....modern technology. And the little slip ups, like accidentally taking a pic of ones foot.

My point, as was your point I am presuming, is that LE is going to find something because no murderer is that smart or they wouldn't have committed the crime to begin with.

This is exactly why so many perpetrators will return to the scene of the crime. They want to see what they forgot, see what they missed, see it one more time.

Like I said....criminals aren't nearly as smart as they think they are and LE is a hell of a lot smarter and has many many more resources. That's why our prisons are overcrowded. Dumb criminals and smart LE!

There will be justice for Adrienne!!!
OT: Just out of idle curiosity...anyone ever go to the Scandinavian on Fifth Avenue in Scottsdale? No longer there....just consider this a random act of boredom.

This is a case I haven't been able to dig into very much, but I did live in Scottsdale till I was eight years old. This case caused me to realize the house I grew up in has seemingly been demolished in favor of houses with smaller lots. (I lived in one of the little cul de sacs that used to be more numerous southwest of Hohokam elementary. We used to boat out at Lake Roosevelt. Seeing all the street names does take me back, in a bittersweet way. My parents moved us to Florida for pretty unsavory reasons and I was a kid who had loved the Florida public school system was quite a shock. As an adult I eventually got the heck out of there.

If Big Surf is still there, my dad built the original waterslide. It's probably all gone now.
This is a case I haven't been able to dig into very much, but I did live in Scottsdale till I was eight years old. This case caused me to realize the house I grew up in has seemingly been demolished in favor of houses with smaller lots. (I lived in one of the little cul de sacs that used to be more numerous southwest of Hohokam elementary. We used to boat out at Lake Roosevelt. Seeing all the street names does take me back, in a bittersweet way. My parents moved us to Florida for pretty unsavory reasons and I was a kid who had loved the Florida public school system was quite a shock. As an adult I eventually got the heck out of there.

If Big Surf is still there, my dad built the original waterslide. It's probably all gone now.

Heck no! Big Surf is still there, in fact, Adrienne's roomate SD works there!
Kiva Elementary, 1 year at Scottsdale HS and the rest at Saguaro. My daughter went to Hohokam until Oct. of her 2nd grade and we moved up north. Lived on Granada off of Hayden then. She walked to school with the neighbor kids. Weren't they the "Falcons"?
If this work of a random perp, chances are he could strike again.

There are so many angles and possibilities in this case, still, even after her being found...jmo
If this work of a random perp, chances are he could strike again.

There are so many angles and possibilities in this case, still, even after her being found...jmo

Yes or he could have even left the area, long before she was found, if it was someone either unknown to her, or known in only a slight way so that he would not have come up as a suspect. As much as I don't want her killer to be anyone we already know about, it would make the chances of the crime being solved higher, IMO.
Heck no! Big Surf is still there, in fact, Adrienne's roomate SD works there!
Kiva Elementary, 1 year at Scottsdale HS and the rest at Saguaro. My daughter went to Hohokam until Oct. of her 2nd grade and we moved up north. Lived on Granada off of Hayden then. She walked to school with the neighbor kids. Weren't they the "Falcons"?

Hmm, I don't remember. We lived on, I believe, 82nd or 83rd place, a cul de sac off Hubbel that I can no longer find with google maps. And yeah, I walked to Hohokam quite young, often with the little Mormon family next door. This was the 70s, when Big Surf was being built. My Dad had a successful swimming pool business, and he did the single waterslide that was there at the time.

There was some store around my house we would always walk to. Smitty's? That was like a modern-day Walmart. Groceries, clothes, barber shop, everything.

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