AZ AZ - Adrienne Salinas, 19, Tempe, 15 Jun 2013 - #8

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Yes that is an excellent observation. Adrienne was by far the prettiest girl at the party I would imagine. And I have a feeling the ratio of guys to girls would be more in favor of guys so yes there were probably lots of guys there who could have been interested in Adrienne. One in particular was mentioned in the police report as having a crush on her.
Another possibility I have considered is that if she did in fact ditch the cab and then went home and changed clothes she might have waited until the coast was clear and headed back to the area of the AMPM store and Circle K to get something to eat. It's doubtful they had much in the way of food at the apt. IMO
She might have even been at the Circle K after 6:00am. This isn't really a stretch since no one has said they saw her.
But wait! In the police report didn't the delivery gut at CK say he saw a woman at the microwave?
Maybe LE should look at the surveillance videos AFTER 6:00 am since they only looked at the ones from 4:00am to 6:00am. JMO

LE checked the video, no woman was at the microwave at the time specified...don't have the link. Maybe some else does?
I know I am in the minority but I completely believed A called the cab and was that desperate to continue the fight and/or make up. Also probably upset by the wreck, maybe wanted to blame the BF for making her so upset that she crashed, or get him to comfort her. I also believe, at this point, that she ran into a predator, known to her or otherwise, but not necessarily anything to do with the party. JMO

Or, the bf could have flipped the story around. Maybe it was Adrianne who had received too much attention from another man that night therefore neglecting bf. Since they were friends as well as on and off again lovers, he may have felt he was losing something before his eyes. Maybe it was an unusual dynamic for this couple - that is, that the bf felt threatened (for a change?). Did he sense AS was attracted to another guy? Show us the other guy's picture and maybe we could take a guess. Then, because she really loves bf, she ran after him because she felt badly that she made him feel bad or mad. She may have been a truly kindhearted person who didn't normally roll like that. Or, she frightened herself after finding out how mad it made bf (even though maybe the pages had been turned many times before).

I'm just doing the role playing test here. One of the the roomies said that the couple couldn't define their relationship but didn't specify who wanted it to be more clearly defined. Why does it have to be her who wanted that? Maybe she received lots of attention from other young men and didn't want to be limited to the boy she knew since 6th grade even though she valued their relationship. Her friends would know the dynamics though for sure because girls constantly share that kind of information.
From Pima County Medical Examiner's site (FAQ's): (

"18. How long does it take to receive an autopsy report?
Most autopsy reports are completed and are generally available to the public within 6 to 8 weeks. In certain cases, particularly those that require extensive additional testing, this may take significantly longer.
19. Why is it taking so long to get results?
While the actual autopsy rarely takes longer than a few hours, the follow-up analysis, studies, tests, and consultations may take several weeks. Following the completion of the autopsy, the findings must be dictated, transcribed, proofread, and then signed. Additional studies such as toxicology , histology (microscopic analysis) and microbiology cultures are not done on site and are sent out to a contracted forensic laboratory. When completed, materials are returned for interpretation and are incorporated into the final results."

The ME in Pima County deals with a lot of the bodies of illegals found in the desert. IMO, they're probably the best when identifying COD with remains exposed to the elements in Southern Arizona. Quite possibly, LE might already have the initial COD, and knew of it BEFORE they announced the positive ID. The ME had the remains for over a week at that time. The METHOD of death might still be in the investigative stage. But....there may be a bullet, a garrote, restraints, rope, indications of knife penetration, duct tape......
I think the ME was able to give LE a pretty good idea about a general TOD and any apparent cause within the first 48 hours of the examination. They wouldn't have a reason to go public with it if they have suspects they're concentrating on and didn't want to tip their hand. Wasn't it 9 days for an announcement of a positive ID? How many other cases have any of you followed, where there is a "Known Missing" in a area where a body is found, similar in almost every aspect, and it takes 9 days for a positive ID? And Tempe was the only jurisdiction that had a missing that was in any way similar, so you didn't have 2 or 3 other jurisdictions clamoring to the site and paperwork by AJ LE being done 2 or 3 times over in triplicate.
It seems that only the effected jurisdictions where contacted, AJ LE, Pinal CSO, and Tempe LE. All the rest are investigative support, the FBI, Pima County ME, private Search and Rescue, etc. All they need is the jurisdictional LE of the perp, if it isn't covered already by the existing agencies.
JMO, OMO, MOO.......

Thanks for posting that. Interesting!
It does require a good deal of patience I suppose. If it is a random perp that might make a difference, time wise, but if it is someone else who had known contact with her then LE can conceivably take their time as they would be aware of what any 'potential' suspects movements are? Am I correctly t in these assumptions? JMO
Or, the bf could have flipped the story around. Maybe it was Adrianne who had received too much attention from another man that night therefore neglecting bf. Since they were friends as well as on and off again lovers, he may have felt he was losing something before his eyes. Maybe it was an unusual dynamic for this couple - that is, that the bf felt threatened (for a change?). Did he sense AS was attracted to another guy? Show us the other guy's picture and maybe we could take a guess. Then, because she really loves bf, she ran after him because she felt badly that she made him feel bad or mad. She may have been a truly kindhearted person who didn't normally roll like that. Or, she frightened herself after finding out how mad it made bf (even though maybe the pages had been turned many times before).

I'm just doing the role playing test here. One of the the roomies said that the couple couldn't define their relationship but didn't specify who wanted it to be more clearly defined. Why does it have to be her who wanted that? Maybe she received lots of attention from other young men and didn't want to be limited to the boy she knew since 6th grade even though she valued their relationship. Her friends would know the dynamics though for sure because girls constantly share that kind of information.

I am going off the assumption for now that she made all of those calls to him. So to me, she wanted to see him, maybe more than the other way around. JMO
How can we start a national campaign for young women to take better care of themselves? I'm sickened by these cases that could have been avoided if different choices were made by the victim. Another factor is that young people feel invincible and don't like (no, hate) being told what to do.

Girls should not be wandering around alone at night under any circumstances. They just shouldn't do it, period. I'm so sad that another beautiful young woman lost her life for reasons unknown.

The sad part is that there isn't a reason a woman shouldn't be able to walk around alone at night. There is an evil element walking around in the shadows of the night - and even in the day!!!

Continuing to educate the public on the importance of defensive safety is imperative. I wish it wasn't so, but that's what it's come to anymore. Same with kids riding their bikes alone. Makes me so mad we are losing our freedoms more and more with each passing day. :notgood:
I am going off the assumption for now that she made all of those calls to him. So to me, she wanted to see him, maybe more than the other way around. JMO

To me that's a given. I think she made all the calls, was very obsessed with him, and wanted more out if the relationship. I just wonder, however, if at some time that morning she might have 'just given up on the idea' temporarily due to a lack of response from him.
the sad part is that there isn't a reason a woman shouldn't be able to walk around alone at night. There is an evil element walking around in the shadows of the night - and even in the day!!!

Continuing to educate the public on the importance of defensive safety is imperative. I wish it wasn't so, but that's what it's come to anymore. Same with kids riding their bikes alone. Makes me so mad we are losing our freedoms more and more with each passing day. :notgood:

I would be more than willing to participate in such a campaign and I wholeheartedly agree with every word you have just posted. These are dangerous times and it is a dangerous world we live in. They teach sex education in schools (for whatever good that does) but they should also be teaching personal safety education. These kids just don't get it. No matter how many times their parents tell them to be careful it doesn't seem to soak in. And all it takes is letting your guard down just one time. One time is all it takes. :(

I've witnessed first hand how brutal young people can be to one another these days too. The intense feelings of what they think is love combined with games and moves to create jealous reactions goes way beyond what I remember (at least the way I rolled). The changing of FB page pictures, the instant knowledge gleaned that someone kissed someone else, the deep hurt I've sensed within the 'victim' who is too young to realize a calculated move when it is so obvious to me. All of these behaviors can cause an emotionally distraught person to act in embarrassing ways or to lash out inappropriately.

Watching teenagers or young adults grow up is exhausting when things aren't going their way. They need to be watched closely without them knowing they're being watched imo.
Or, the bf could have flipped the story around. Maybe it was Adrianne who had received too much attention from another man that night therefore neglecting bf. Since they were friends as well as on and off again lovers, he may have felt he was losing something before his eyes. Maybe it was an unusual dynamic for this couple - that is, that the bf felt threatened (for a change?). Did he sense AS was attracted to another guy? Show us the other guy's picture and maybe we could take a guess. Then, because she really loves bf, she ran after him because she felt badly that she made him feel bad or mad. She may have been a truly kindhearted person who didn't normally roll like that. Or, she frightened herself after finding out how mad it made bf (even though maybe the pages had been turned many times before).

I'm just doing the role playing test here. One of the the roomies said that the couple couldn't define their relationship but didn't specify who wanted it to be more clearly defined. Why does it have to be her who wanted that? Maybe she received lots of attention from other young men and didn't want to be limited to the boy she knew since 6th grade even though she valued their relationship. Her friends would know the dynamics though for sure because girls constantly share that kind of information.

Adrienne's Instagram account has been discussed a lot on previous threads. In it she clearly shows how obsessed she was with this relationship and it appears at times she is distraught over it as well. JMO
I've got to believe that LE secured a warrant for Adrienne's phone records soon after her missing person's report was taken. If the phone was in her father's name, all they would have needed was his written permission. LE confirmed that her phone went dead, silent, whatever, soon after 5:00 am. All the pings off the towers placed her phone in the general area of her apt. Without witnesses, no one knows "who" was using her phone. For all we know, those repeated calls to the BF's phone were an attempt to find it because he had misplaced it? 11 or 32, that many calls and no left messages? Was his voice mail full? The only time I've ever done that is when my BF looses his phone somewhere in the house, which is pretty common. If it's under his discarded clothes, or the freezer (yes, it has happened) it takes several calls from the land line to pin down where the ringtone is coming from. At one point, he's even gone so far as to put his ear up to one of the dog's stomachs. :facepalm:
I've witnessed first hand how brutal young people can be to one another these days too. The intense feelings of what they think is love combined with games and moves to create jealous reactions goes way beyond what I remember (at least the way I rolled). The changing of FB page pictures, the instant knowledge gleaned that someone kissed someone else, the deep hurt I've sensed within the 'victim' who is too young to realize a calculated move when it is so obvious to me. All of these behaviors can cause an emotionally distraught person to act in embarrassing ways or to lash out inappropriately.

Watching teenagers or young adults grow up is exhausting when things aren't going their way. They need to be watched closely without them knowing they're being watched imo.

You are so right! You have a good grip on how teens react these days and it us really interesting to see how they use social media to convey messages. And it isn't always nice. You're right in that they need to be monitored but they create secret accounts just to avoid this. Teens today are very savvy. And sadly they are also very unaware.
Awareness is the key to survival!
Adrienne's Instagram account has been discussed a lot on previous threads. In it she clearly shows how obsessed she was with this relationship and it appears at times she is distraught over it as well. JMO

Oh thanks. I tried to cover everything (through Amanda's photobook and reading here) but, of course, couldn't read all the threads and links. If you know that it was indeed she who was trying to get a solid commitment from him, then I believe you.

Still, what if the pages had turned that night? Would bf be okay with it (you know, what's good for the goose . . . )?
Stating my opinion does not take away from any opinions anyone else may have.

I'm very interested in knowing what it is that makes you lean towards a random perp rather than someone who was known to have contact with her. What am I missing? There must be something that causes you to feel that way. What is it?
Oh thanks. I tried to cover everything (through Amanda's photobook and reading here) but, of course, couldn't read all the threads and links. If you know that it was indeed she who was trying to get a solid commitment from him, then I believe you.

Still, what if the pages had turned that night? Would bf be okay with it (you know, what's good for the goose . . . )?

From the reports if what occurred that night, and this was in the police report as well as stated by the roommates, she was upset with him for showing more attention to others at the party and not to her. So I don't think the possibility of her having an interest in someone else there is even an issue. But I do understand your thought processes and feel it is worth examining.
I'm very interested in knowing what it is that makes you lean towards a random perp rather than someone who was known to have contact with her. What am I missing? There must be something that causes you to feel that way. What is it?

I know you are addressing cluciano, but I too think there is a strong possibility this could be the work of a random perp (FWIW I also think other scenarios are highly likely, including George and some other ones...I have a list of about 7 possible theories / ways this might have gone down; lol...):

She was a pretty girl, walking alone. She was vulnerable. Motive, Means, Opportunity.
I'm very interested in knowing what it is that makes you lean towards a random perp rather than someone who was known to have contact with her. What am I missing? There must be something that causes you to feel that way. What is it?

I know this wasn't directed towards me, MissD, but I'm still open to a random perp, as well. That being said, I'm not closed to the idea of it being an individual she knew or an acquaintance either; I just personally feel it still could be any of the three. I don't feel there's enough evidence to definitively rule any one of the three out at this point. The only thing I feel strongly of is it's not some sort of elaborate cover-up by numerous individuals she knew. JMO. :seeya:
LE checked the video, no woman was at the microwave at the time specified...don't have the link. Maybe some else does?

I remember reading that the guy's observations were unfounded. A young woman in light colored shorts nearby the microwave that police couldn't collaborate. I didn't note the timeframe though. LE has to put limits to how far back or ahead they check I suppose. I mean they have to go by what the witness claims within reason or they'd be checking video forever.
From the reports if what occurred that night, and this was in the police report as well as stated by the roommates, she was upset with him for showing more attention to others at the party and not to her. So I don't think the possibility of her having an interest in someone else there is even an issue. But I do understand your thought processes and feel it is worth examining.

Partly because of where and how she was found, but even before that, I felt that at 5am, at least partially distracted and alone on a street a young woman is going to attract the attention of those who look for exactly this type of victim. Also because of the seeming lack of evidence of raised voices, an argument, etc. could point to a weapon and her being quietly forced into a vehicle in an instant, by a "pro" who was ready to go.
Hi Woe! Nice to see you here and have some fresh eyes on the case. Hope all is well.


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