AZ AZ - Alissa Turney, 17, Phoenix, 17 May 2001 *stepdad ARREST in 2020, acquitted*

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Dang, I just caught this thread again and I missed the show...arrrrgh! Recap, anyone?
i didn't get to see the show, i just discovered this thread. but i read the free michael page and there was something there that made me hinky. wonder if it was checked by LE with the school.
Dang, I just caught this thread again and I missed the show...arrrrgh! Recap, anyone?

Hiya KT! I'm on the west coast and it hasn't aired yet here. If someone else doesn't beat me to it, I will recap following.
Watching right now. So far, very much in favor of the stepfather. Course, he is the only one around to give his side of the story.

There is a killer by the name of Hymer who claims to have killed Allisa. Failed a polygraph. The stepfather had cameras installed IN THE HOUSE - he claims to "protect" the children. He has refused to turn those tapes over to LE. LE is saying there were creepy things going on in that house.

Looks like step-daddy is a looney tunes. He had guns and explosive devices in his possession. House in complete and total dissarray....


Background - Mom died of cancer. He had (I think) 3 boys and she had 2 girls going in. If I'm not mistaken, they had one more girl together.

Said Alissa was "rebellious."

One of his own sons says his father took Alissa out of school the day she went missing and he believes he killed her. Something about a "snuff" film. Sorry - didn't get all of that.

Stepdad gave some kooky story about a union retaliation responsible for Alissa's murder.

He is in federal prison on the weapons charges.

Claims he had nothing in his home but firecrackers - any bombs belonged to "someone else." Had a manifesto claiming he had to kill union members - recorded on video. Also claims the "union" killed Alissa and dumped her body in a particular area.

Saying the tape was of him having "kinky" sex with another woman. Alissa claimed she had woken up twice with stepdad gagging her.

He says there are only 2 people in the world who know what happened - he and Alissa and she isn't here. Hmmmmmm - wonder why?????

Commercial - but I will say this guy is a wierdo. No doubt in my mind he killed Alissa.

Little sister refusing to believe Alissa is dead - defending dad - along with one brother. Never seen dad do anything bad.

Another brother - doesn't know if his dad was capable of killing Alissa.

Friend of Alissa thinks stepdad killed her.

Stepdad's court date is this fall (didn't say when). Partial remains have been found but not yet determined if they are Alissa's.
Here are two written articles about the case on abcnews (there are comments with both articles). On the abc page there is a tab you can click on to view programs and Primetime: Crime has 3 episodes currently available. I don't see Alissa's story as being available and am unsure how quickly abc puts them up for viewing after the original airing.

"Looking for Alissa: Father Hunts for Rebellious Teen" (July 28, 09)

"Doubts About Dedicated Stepfather Mount in 'Runaway' Case" (Aug 11, 09)
i posted earlier i read on that link about wanting the stepdad freed. i said there was something there that raised my hinky meter. no one has said anything about it and i had to get offline for a bit and couldn't add more. so i'll expand on it now.

in that link it said that a gym teacher from her school made her wrestle with a boy in class without any protective equipment on to cover private parts and that private parts were hurt. the stepdad removed her from that school and placed her in another one. now here are my questions.

why would a teacher make a girl wrestle a boy especially at that age. for one it would be embarassing, for another come on boy's hormones are running nuts they don't need to be given permission to be touching all over a girl. with or without protective equipment.

was there a big stink about this and did it cause any one to be fired...or disciplined for doing this?

did it really happen?

was she really hurt that way or was she perhaps molested/raped and this is what people were being told happened?

perhaps it was an ongoing thing and she decided to threaten to tell.

Sarah i know its your dad...please don't be offended by my question or thoughts. while yes your father could be one of the suspects...i also wonder as to if there was someone else that did it so don't think i'm just pointing the finger at your father.

just i know how i would be if my daughter was told she had to wrestle with a male, with or without gear....i'd be all up in that school and teacher's face. boys don't need any excuses to be touching a female.
I watched the show, and I don't want to offend any family members here, but I think the stepdad did something to Alissa. I mean, the video cameras; stepdad giving LE tapes of Alissa with boys in the living room but not the video from the actual day she went missing; stepdad taking her out of school that day; Alissa saying she woke up twice to her stepdad gagging her and tied to a chair one of those times; the bondage videos; the commercially made snuff film; the accounts of stepdad trying to inappropriately touch Alissa; the list of things he made Alissa initial including saying he never molested her; the huge amount of guns and pipe bombs found; him saying that LE planted the pipe bombs - I mean, this guy obviously has some screws loose, and I think he was obsessed with his stepdaughter. She did not give into him, and he ended up killing her. He could've even forced her to write the note. All of the above is of coure my opinion only.
Gotta agree, RL. I watched the show last nite too. You hit on every single point that I believe, directs attention to Mike. I think he knows much more than he is telling.
Father in missing-person case guilty of having pipe bombs

by Michael Ferraresi - Apr. 2, 2010 09:54 AM
The Arizona Republic

A Phoenix man who was questioned in the unsolved disappearance of his teen stepdaughter pleaded guilty this week to possession of 26 pipe bombs discovered during a 2008 police search related to the missing-person case.

Michael Roy Turney, 62, entered his plea in U.S. District Court in Phoenix. His sentencing is set for June 21.

Phoenix police uncovered the homemade improvised explosive devices that Turney and authorities said were built with the intent to destroy a local electricians' union hall, according to court records.

The explosive devices and silencers were not registered in the National Firearms Registration and Transfer Records, as required by federal law, authorities said.

Authorities searched Turney's home near Bell Road and 34th Street in December 2008 after developing probable cause in the missing-person case, which Phoenix detectives said was likely the result of foul play. No arrests have been made in the case.

Alissa Turney was last seen at her home in Phoenix on the last day of her junior year at Paradise Valley High School in May 2001.

more here
Michael Roy Turney's home is nearby, and on the day of his arrest, after noticing that several helicopters had been hovering overhead for over an hour, I went there, and saw the digging going on in the back yard. At that time, one TV news report included an interview with a neighbor saying that he had seen Turney walk from his front door to his mailbox while carrying a gun.

After having pleaded guilty to possession of 26 unregistered pipe bombs, Turney is due to be sentenced today. Here are some excerpts from a recent article about the case:

Stepdad of missing girl to be sentenced in bomb plot

It’s been nearly 10 years since Michael Roy Turney picked up his stepdaughter on the last day of her junior year at Paradise Valley High School. That was May 17, 2001, and Turney was the last known person to see 17-year-old Alissa Turney. Now an investigative lead in her disappearance, he refuses to answer questions and will not sit down for a police interview as he nears sentencing Tuesday in an unrelated federal case on charges stemming from a bomb plot to attack a local union hall. Phoenix police detectives William Anderson and Stuart Somershoe, who have investigated Alissa’s disappearance since September 2008, believe she is dead and that Turney “wins” until her body is found.


Turney, 62, has a long history of claiming people have conspired against him in his past jobs as a deputy with the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office and later as an electrician, according to authorities and forensic experts. He is facing up to 10 years in prison in a sentencing scheduled for Tuesday with U.S. District Court Judge Susan Bolton in Phoenix. Turney has been held in a federal prison since his arrest in December 2008, soon after Phoenix police arrived at his home in northeast Phoenix with a court order to obtain DNA evidence from him in connection with Alissa’s disappearance. Instead, police discovered 26 pipe bombs, including one about 2 feet long filled with 20 pounds of roofing nails and gunpowder, and numerous firearms. From Turney’s home, police also confiscated a 97-page manifesto titled “Diary of a Madman Martyr,” in which Turney wrote that the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers were out to get him and that he shot and killed two of the union’s “assassins” — who he said claimed responsibility for Alissa’s death.

The entire article is here.
Missing girl's stepdad gets 10 years in union hall bomb plot

The man who was the last to see his teenage stepdaughter when she went missing nearly 10 years ago was sentenced to 10 years in federal prison on Tuesday — not in connection with her disappearance, but for possessing bombs to attack a local union hall.

Michael Roy Turney, 62, who was representing himself in U.S. District Court, was sentenced by Judge Susan Bolton for unlawfully possessing destructive devices — 26 pipe bombs, numerous firearms and a van rigged with combustible material to catch on fire and explode as he drove it through the front of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers union hall in Phoenix, according to documents.


Turney submitted a notice of an appeal to Judge Bolton immediately after his sentencing, even though he waived his rights to an appeal by entering into a plea agreement. He claims that his writings were fictitious and that he was not physically or mentally capable of executing a sophisticated plan of attack against the union hall.

The entire article is here.
Video gives new insight into missing teen's life
Alissa Turney was a bright, energetic high school student, but on her last day of her junior year at Paradise Valley High School she vanished.

First believed to be a runaway, police did little to find her, until years later when detectives uncovered a sinister secret inside Alissa's North Phoenix home.

3TV has obtained telephone and videotape conversations never heard or seen until now.

Only four years younger, Alissa's sister, Sarah Turney, always looked up to Alissa.

"She was my hero," Sarah said. "She was my big sister. Everything she did was really cool and I wanted to be just like her."
New clues in case of missing Phoenix teenager (Part 2)
Phoenix Police Detective Will Andersen believes, "For any crime to occur, you have to have means, motive and opportunity."

Andersen, with the Phoenix Missing Persons Unit has dedicated years investigating the disappearance of 17-year-old Alissa Turney.

Turner was a Junior at Paradise Valley High School when she vanished on May 17, 2001. Her stepfather, Michael Turney, picked her up early that last day of school and no one ever saw her again.
Andersen told 3TV, "There's no reason for me to believe she ever came home."

3TV has uncovered horrifying allegations about Alissa's childhood. computer wont let me watch those videos, can you recap what they say? computer wont let me watch those videos, can you recap what they say?

The video is basically what is in the article. It does show one of his tapes, (it seems he taped the home inside and outside) of her in the house with a boy maybe?

I don't know something is seriously wrong with the step dad imo. Did you read how he talked about her?
Thinking about Alissa today. Her 29th birthday is next week. She disappeared the day I graduated from high school. I hope she can be brought home and her siblings can find what peace they can from that.

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