AZ - Gabriel Johnson, 8 months, 26 Dec 2009 - last seen in Texas - #2

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Can EJ be arrested for child endangerment? negligent child care? kidnapping?
I think she can. Just like casey anthony, based on her story that she abandoned her child to a couple she did not know and cannot locate. I'm sure that's next, or a murder charge.
Posting article for those who are coming in late as myself:

Two sets of parents caught up in a bizarre custody dispute are frantic with worry about a missing 8-month-old baby and are begging his mother to tell police the truth about what she did with him.

Gabriel Johnson's biological father, Logan McQueary, said he fears Elizabeth Johnson may have killed their son, despite the lack evidence. But a couple who had been in talks to adopt the baby are sticking by the Arizona mother, saying she hid Gabriel to protect him.
Tammi and Jack Smith told "Good Morning America" today that Johnson gave her baby to an unknown couple while on the run in San Antonio, Texas.
Johnson, 23, of Tempe, Ariz., disappeared before Christmas after McQueary refused to let her adopt out their son. She had lost custody of Gabriel after failing to appear at a Dec. 28 court hearing.

She was arrested Dec. 29 in Miami Beach for interfering with custody -- without Gabriel.
"What she is telling us is that she met a family, a Caucasian man and woman with no child -- young," Tammi Smith told "Good Morning America."
"And she met them in the park. And she was crying and distraught and they came up to her and said, 'How can we help you?'"
When pressed for details about the couple, Smith said Johnson didn't remember much despite having spent three days with them, just that the woman's first name was "Cheryl." Tammi Smith said Johnson told her she purposely tried not to focus on their car or last names so she wouldn't be tempted to change her mind and get her son back.

"She believed she was doing a closed adoption," Tammi Smith said.
In a jailhouse interview Tuesday with a Phoenix CBS affiliate, Johnson reiterated her claim that she had given Gabriel to a couple she met at a San Antonio Park.
"I made a hasty decision and I thought it was OK," she said. "They approached me. I was out alone with the baby at the park. I trusted them, I believe in my heart they are good people."
Johnson is scheduled to be extradited to Arizona this week.
Took me awhile to catch up on the posts here. I just watched the Smiths two interviews - OMG. TPS - a total loon. She obviously knows where the child is - he does not seem in the least upset or concerned about his welfare.
I believe that TS set the whole thing up - she has connections through her web site, etc. from around the country I bet. She arranged for someone to pick up the baby in San Antonio.
What I do not get is - now what? Does TS think we'll all forget about it? Suddenly the baby can be hers? She seems like a sick woman, and like a prior poster stated, about ready to tear a fetus from someone's womb.
She is a piece of work - willing to get a baby at all costs! Wonder if she knows what she is doing will land her in jail - remember human trafficking? That it is illegal to manipulate/buy/sell a human being?
We need cell phone records and surveillance videos. The actual transaction of baby to owner occurred in San Antonio just prior to EJ 's leaving the car at the Motel 6 - as she was seen exiting the car alone at 12:30 PM.
Why is TS so excited to talk to the media and give interviews? Is she crazy? Well, I guess Ms Tammi should keep on talkin' - the more she talks, the more trouble she will be in! I can't understand why she is not already being interrogated by LE in a most harsh way.
Waiting now for Jane V-M or NG shows to provide some info........:eek:
Okay. Follow me here. You're Elizabeth. You've given your baby to a couple in a park. You've been arrested. Everybody is upset. You recognize LE is trying to find your baby. You talk to your friend Tammi on the phone from jail.

Don't you ask your friend Tammi that since she's all over the TV to please beg Cheryl and her hubby to call LE and let them check out your baby?

Why haven't the Smiths in all these interviews begged for Cheryl and Mr. Cheryl to contact LE? To just let everybody know that Gabriel is okay?

I'm losing my mind. Nothing about this makes any damm sense.

:banghead: :waitasec: :crazy:
It does not look too good. If somebody had him i'm sure by now they would have contacted somebody.

Quit playing games, AND TELL POLICE WHAT YOU DID WITH YOUR SON!!!!!!:furious:

EJ needs to be in prison for a LONG time.
Okay. Follow me here. You're Elizabeth. You've given your baby to a couple in a park. You've been arrested. Everybody is upset. You recognize LE is trying to find your baby. You talk to your friend Tammi on the phone from jail.

Don't you ask your friend Tammi that since she's all over the TV to please beg Cheryl and her hubby to call LE and let them check out your baby?

Why haven't the Smiths in all these interviews begged for Cheryl and Mr. Cheryl to contact LE? To just let everybody know that Gabriel is okay?

I'm losing my mind. Nothing about this makes any damm sense.

:banghead: :waitasec: :crazy:

Okay, but maybe you're believing all the manipulative/motherly/nurturing (remember - no mother that we have heard of for EJ) crap that is being told to you. Now, you're in jail. You call - TPS is sooooo willing to talk to you, and ALSO to bring in news crews. TPS is being soooo nice to your grandfather. TPS tries to see herself to the media as the one who is "helping" --

Cheryl and Mr. Cheryl have been in this all along.

That baby will be found by a REAL tip from someone who notices a couple with an 8-month-old beautiful child (and recognizes him) that they have never had before.

I really think that TPS is delusional - she really thinks she is going to get this baby in the end, and she will do whatever necessary to get it. JMO.

Tell EJ that that's what's going on -- she may crack.

And now - I'm going crazy with this. I have to leave for a while, because this is so much - maybe I'm doing it to myself (yeah - ya think?)!
I'm losing my mind. Nothing about this makes any damm sense.

:banghead: :waitasec: :crazy:

They don't want it to make sense BeanE cause if it does then they all go to jail.
I have all the confidence in the world that it's all making perfect sense to the FBI & LE...they are just holding off until they have all their ducks in a row.
I so hope NG rips her a new one - won't need any more colonics! Good move, TPS, going on NG!!!!

Sorry, that's why I have to leave.
NG is showing alot of pics of Gabriel with TPS and her daughter. This woman is stupid!
Did TPS just say that she has only known EJ for 3 or 4 weeks?
I don't think Florida LE have/had any jurisdiction to charge EJ with anything. I think we'll see the ball start to roll when she's back in AZ.

I have another question about TPS. Why didn't she just tell EJ that LM had signed the papers so she would return with the baby if she was so worried about them? How would EJ have known the difference? I call BS on that one too. TPS was trying to get those papers signed at all costs and when LM refused, plan B went into place.

They don't want it to make sense BeanE cause if it does then they all go to jail.
I have all the confidence in the world that it's all making perfect sense to the FBI & LE...they are just holding off until they have all their ducks in a row.

Thank for that, mom. I needed that. Hugs.
I can't believe that the Smiths are on NG, acting like victims that only wanted to help. I wish NG would ask the questions that need to be asked, like what sent EJ to San Antonio in the first place? They seem to be enjoying all this attention a little too much if you ask me. TPS needs to do a colonic on herself because she is full of it.
Am I missing something here, Tammi says she has only known EJ for 3 or 4 weeks now.
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