AZ - Gabriel Johnson, 8 months, 26 Dec 2009 - last seen in Texas - #8

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Originally Posted by ~PrinceSSa~
Perhaps however someone posted to her website the info about "Beth"

"Beth"? Out of the loop (here) for a bit..Sorry! Link to the "Beth" info? TIA! :)
Momtective - I think your theory might be right.

I'm not ready though to say TPS and JS are not involved in some kind of baby brokering. They have some "shady" connections and postings, in my opinion. TPS's need to explain away everything is also thought-provoking and raises the hinky meter. Even when we saw GA & CA act like this, we could understand it because CA was their daughter.

Here though - TPS has been working this situation from all sides. She is staying friends with EJ, even while she bad mouths her in front of the national media, sets up "interviews" and "begs" to take polys that she can't PASS. TPS also thinks it is her personal responsibility to coordinate all news media? What is up with that?

If I took a poly and failed - I'd be running for cover, lol.

There is something up with this woman - maybe she's off her meds?

When is this so called presser thing going to happen today ? I have read so much stuff my brain is begining to scramble ....TIA
"Beth"? Out of the loop (here) for a bit..Sorry! Link to the "Beth" info? TIA! :)

See the last few pages (31-32) of Thread 7 - there is a link to thread 7 in the first post on this thread. I'd explain but better you see for yourself. Pretty good info! And I believe it was turned over to LE.

I think we're getting closer and closer in Gabriel's case. I think Tammi orchestrated the whole thing and I just can't believe they would let Tammi question EJ without being recorded. That just blows my mind.

I don't think Tammi is a baby broker or anything like that. I just think she is desperate to have a baby and when she hooked up with Elizabeth she sure as heck wasn't going to let Logan stand in her way of adopting Gabriel. So she cooked up this little plan to send EJ to SA to stay there for a week or two with Gabriel, just until Logan signed those papers. When Logan filed kidnapping charges the whole thing blew up in her face.

I think that's when Tammi enlisted the help of her friend JM. If EJ would have brought the baby back after Logan had filed kidnapping charges there is no way the Smith's would have gotten Gabriel and Tammi knew that. I think her thought process was, "You know what, Logan might be able to keep me from adopting Gabriel but he sure as heck can't keep EJ from giving him up for adoption to someone else!"
I think that Tammi thought Logan was abusive and if she couldn't have Gabriel she was going to make sure Logan didn't get him. I think that's when the call was placed to Janet Morris.

Now whether Janet actually helped I don't know. Maybe she actually did encourage EJ to return to AZ. If she did I'm sure that didn't set well with EJ and she probably thought, "Fine! If neither of you is going to help me do this then I'll do it myself!" and she did.
I think EJ found the couple on craigslist the same day she talked with Janet and Janet refused to help her. I think EJ made arraignments for the couple to meet her there in SA, maybe spent a day or two with them, most likely just a day, pouring her heart out to them. Then she handed Gabriel over to them.

The thing about the car seat and the couple getting it from EJ's hotel room because they didn't have one, could reveal a couple of things. 1.) they flew into SA and were in a rental car. 2.) they drove into SA in their own car because SA was within driving distance of their home and 3.) obviously the adoption was short notice, evidenced by the fact that they were not prepared to bring a baby home.

I'm also quite sure the couple would be on hotel video so maybe we will have some good news today.

I completely agree with you, mom-t, until the part where EJ made arrangements with some unknown couple to adopt Gabriel. I just can't believe she was able to locate some young dream couple who look like Snow White and Prince Charming to come to a hotel room and take Gabriel and who are willing to hide him away for a couple of years. I think that's a fairy tale she made up. It doesn't sound like real life at all to me. And it conveniently conjures up additional suspects if Gabriel's body is found.
Someone is feeding Tammi info from this website. She states that she already called the FBI in regards to that posting from "Beth'. How did she know about it???

(taken from her FB)

I wouldn't be surprised if she or a friend of hers is "Beth". It's a red herring meant for someone to find and throw the heat off her.

just my opinion
She reads here .....imo

No wonder she only has gotten 15 hours of sleep in the last 3 days. If she is reading here, fb, other crime sites, news articles, going to the court house to find documents, planning and carrying out interviews, taking care of H, running a business (which I am sure has a crapload of business since this broke and people want to check it out), calling the FBI, seeing LE, visiting the prison to see EJ and all other personal tasks it is a wonder she gets any sleep at all.

IMO she needs to slow down before she gives H's father a leg to stand on by not being available for H. TPS and JS are systematically destroying their lives and everything they proclaim to have worked so hard for. Her business may have be busy right now but it will die down when all the curious people lose interest. The people who were or would be customers will have lost trust in her and what she says with all her contadictions and go elsewhere. same with JS and his work. There are too many other choices out there that you can trust. They won't be able to make money off the Gabriel hoopla forever. The calls for interviews will stop. She is not going to be the next reality star nor will any business be calling them to be their spokeperson.

Sadly there will be a new case that will capture everyones interest and this story will fade away only to be reviewed once in a while (or as soon as Gabriel is re-united with his father).
Anyone here know if this "supposed" interview is going to happen? Tammi the said on Nancy Grace, they agreed to do an interview. If it doesn't happen Nancy needs to get on her case, she has been way to nice to this woman!!!
I completely agree with you, mom-t, until the part where EJ made arrangements with some unknown couple to adopt Gabriel. I just can't believe she was able to locate some young dream couple who look like Snow White and Prince Charming to come to a hotel room and take Gabriel and who are willing to hide him away for a couple of years. I think that's a fairy tale she made up. It doesn't sound like real life at all to me. And it conveniently conjures up additional suspects if Gabriel's body is found.

Another scenario is that she had a little help finding the couple....maybe JM did help her. After all the woman does do adoptions, right? So maybe she contacted the couple and sent them on the merry way to SA to collect Gabriel.:waitasec:
See the last few pages (31-32) of Thread 7 - there is a link to thread 7 in the first post on this thread. I'd explain but better you see for yourself. Pretty good info! And I believe it was turned over to LE.


Yes - it has been forwarded to Federal agents on the case.
You know what keeps standing out to me. Tami has mentioned several times that "the couple" plans on keeping Gabriel hidden till his looks change.

I think Tami is having that baby hidden for her. Once his looks change and time has passed, will H suddenly get a "new brother"?
She wants the FBI to come to her home?? How about the FBI haul your clean colon to their office and explain things to you? Like, they don't believe you or your hubby!!

But, I doubt that will happen.

Bolded by me

OMG!, that was funny to me. Thanks Amster!
My Dears,

Please remember to refrain from name calling. Against TOS and all that. ;)

Also, we have so many new people reading here I hope somebody wouldn't mind doing a quick recap on this thread as to where we are with the case. That way people won't have to try and find and read all of the other 7 threads.

Make it simple . . . something like this:

*Gabriel's mom is in jail
*Would be Adoptive Parents took polygraph and was inconclusive
*Cops still think would be adoptive parents are persons of interest

Just an example of course (not sure if I have it correct or not) please recap how you want.

Thank you.
You know what keeps standing out to me. Tami has mentioned several times that "the couple" plans on keeping Gabriel hidden till his looks change.

I think Tami is having that baby hidden for her. Once his looks change and time has passed, will Hannah suddenly get a "new brother"?

Well his looks will change but his DNA won't!
She wants the FBI to come to her home?? How about the FBI haul your clean colon to their office and explain things to you? Like, they don't believe you or your hubby!!

But, I doubt that will happen.

FWIW, LE will be the first to tell you that a 'perp' often times reveals something BEFORE it's asked.

Keep talkin' Tammi. :loser:

Remember, no full names of minors. Only initials, like "H."


"Beth"? Out of the loop (here) for a bit..Sorry! Link to the "Beth" info? TIA! :)

Hi amysmom here is the link to the post refering to the "Beth" posting, posted by robinmphoto , hope this helps :)

[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - AZ-Gabriel Johnson, 8 months, missing since 12-26-09 thread #7[/ame]
Another scenario is that she had a little help finding the couple....maybe JM did help her. After all the woman does do adoptions, right? So maybe she contacted the couple and sent them on the merry way to SA to collect Gabriel.:waitasec:

I hope you're right. I really do. I just see no reason at all to believe that's the case. I didn't believe in Zanny and I don't believe in this couple. When EJ was picked up and gave that early interview to TS, she told a different story about the couple. Why change stories about the hand off, except she's come up with a better story now, a more feel-good story? In fact, her stories only get nicer: "I killed him." "I handed him to an unknown couple in a park." "I placed him with a lovely couple who brought a brand-new car seat to my hotel room."
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