AZ - Isabel Mercedes Celis, 6, Tucson, 20 April 2012 - #11

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I know; it's a real conundrum, huh? (And I also know through personal experience that your are right. It is not the victim nor their family who decides if charges should be brought ~ it is the state. . . so that decision or bargaining chip is out of their hands.)

Nevertheless, what else are they left to say ~ left to offer as an enticement for the perp to return her or reveal where she is ~ other than what they already said ~ that they would do anything in their power to get her back . . . and never give up?

For me, it appears that they are cooperating with the LE officers. (Haven't even "lawyered up" although not much has been mentioned of that, despite the fact that had they retained a lawyer it would have made headline news!) Their interview today made me aware that they have also been trying to analyze their own responsibility in not having kept Isa safe from this terror happening. LE has never swerved from saying the family is cooperating and IMO their recent interviews have reflected the same. Whether I like the closed eyes, looking down in the wrong direction, head shaking, too much fake emotion, not enough emotion, etc, etc, etc ~ The big point of it all, for me, is as you stated, Bluesky, that they're cooperating. At this point, I find that alone a significant point in their favor. Besides, even though their pleas might not move the perp ~ they may engage the public to continue to keep on the look out for anything connected to Isa's disappearance. moo.

They were asked today in their lastest interview if they had obtained a lawyer and they said 'no, they had no reason to hire one.' (paraphrasing)
I have never seen LE in any state come out publicly in an ongoing investigation and give the results of a polygraph they have given to anyone. Not in AZ or any other state.

Also 99% of the cases I have kept up with LE never comes out and rules anyone out by name. They simply announce they have made an arrest if that happens and that is it.

The only time I saw that happen lately was in Sierra Lamar's case and then the Sheriff retracted that and said no one has been ruled out.


The LE involved with Sierra Lamar's disappearance said early on that the parents were not suspects ?Not that they had been ruled out,though. That they had alibis etc But just by saying that they were not suspects went a long way with the public...MOO. ... I have never seen that come from the LEOs involved with this family... A few posters here have commented on LEs apparent attitude towards the Celis family ? Have you read those comments ? MOO
We have a local school that reports of a man in a white truck was cruising for kids. Two different incidents, Lee & Rosemont 4/27, & Santa Rosa 5/2. Townsend Middle school area (they have K-6 also there I read). This was on local news just now. It's not real close to Isa's home but thought I'd post it since there was someone doing this before Isa went missing near Erickson school, 5 reports there. Gah. Creeps.

FYI- someone does have a photo of a white pick-up
The LE involved with Sierra Lamar's disappearance said early on that the parents were not suspects ?Not that they had been ruled out,though. That they had alibis etc But just by saying that they were not suspects went a long way with the public...MOO. ... I have never seen that come from the LEOs involved with this family... A few posters here have commented on LEs apparent attitude towards the Celis family ? Have you read those comments ? MOO

From what I rememember..yes, they did...they said that the three, Steve, Marlene, and Rick were not involved in Sierra's disappearance.

And then on Nancy's show she mentioned that all three had been ruled out because they all had albis and then the Sheriff coomented on that and it was only then......three weeks after Cordoza and Lt Smith had both said that all three wasnt involved in her disappearance.........she took a complete turn and said no one has been ruled out.

It lit up that thread because we had all read they had already been ruled out and it left a lot of posters confused and shocked by the sudden turn.

Have I seen other LE like this one that lets family members twist in the wind until an arrest has been made? Absolutely, sadly I have to say I have..several times in fact. In some past cases I think some family members were treated very poorly by LE.

They were asked today in their lastest interview if they had obtained a lawyer and they said 'no, they had no reason to hire one.' (paraphrasing)

Thank you, ocean. And there haven't been any comments about that, that I've seen. But can you imagine the dust up if they had said that they had retained representation? That was one of the points I was trying to make . . .
It's not up to LE to bring up charges or to make decisions on whether charges are dropped. That is up to the Pima County Attorney's Offlice. All LE can do is investigate and establish probable cause for an arrest.
i read the rules but once a certain family member is broadcast by MSM we are free to sleuth, correct (excluding social media sites)?

If the family member has been named a POI or Suspect.

Can you link the MSM so that the mods can read it? It would be helpful for answering your question.



Thanks for the link to the interview, White Rabbit. To answer your question, the uncle is not a POI, and therefore it's not okay to post his personal information beyond what is reported in MSM.

You can discuss his statements. You can post your impression of him, and your interpretation of his statements. That's fine. Just keep it reasonable. Here's a guideling to consider before posting: if asked to explain your opinion, can you provide a MSM link that supports it? If no, then you should probably reconsider posting it.

Websleuths is a victim friendly forum. Attacking or bashing a victim is not allowed. Discussing victim behavior,good or bad is fine, but do so in a civl and constructive way and ONLY IF IT IS RELEVANT TO THE CASE. Additionally,sleuthing family members that are not suspected of being involved in the crime or disappearance is not allowed. Don't make random accusations or post personal information (even if it is public) like parking tickets, address, or first and last names of all their relatives and their neighbors. Also, never "bash" or attack them, or accuse them of involvement. However that does not mean that family members cannot come into discussion as the facts and issues of the case are discussed.

Rules Etiquette & Information - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community
It's not up to LE to bring up charges or to make decisions on whether charges are dropped. That is up to the Pima County Attorney's Offlice. All LE can do is investigate and establish probable cause for an arrest.
Has the City of Tucson employed lenient DAs? Have other people in Tucson had criminal charges for DUIs and endangering a child dropped? IIRC both Becky and Sergio had DUIs dropped and by different judges.
PinkiGreen I can't quote from last thread but I sort of agree with you, but lately I have been leaning more towards the idea that prayer, in the sense of it being highly focused and concentrated positive energy towards an outcome, can actually push things in the right direction. Not sure how it works, and I am very funny about prayer, because when I hear a parent of a cancer patient or other sick child say "God answered our prayers"when their child is cured, my first reaction is to think, "and what, God just didn't feel like answering the prayers for the child in the next room that passed away?" I understand there is more to it for those of deep faith, but I can't reconcile a G-d intervening to help one child over another because of all the prayers for one and lack of prayers for the other. If she is not found safe, it is not because we didn't pray enough, in other words.
If it was my child, I would say that, too, though, I would say "search, look, be suspicious of everyone and everything, don't forget about my daughter, pray if you pray, send positive thoughts if you don't pray, just please do whatever you can to help bring her home...."

BBM - Self fulfilling prophecy. Basically, you believe in it so much that you subconsciously make it so through certain actions/behaviors. Also, you may want to look up Dr. Emoto's water experiment, very interesting regarding positive thoughts and prayers. Sorry for the O/T. :)
Have the parents said what kind of a sleeper Isa is? My oldest son was such a heavy sleeper, you could carry him from the car to bed and he never woke up.
Actually, there's been a few cases where LE came out and said the parents were cleared before an arrest was made:

Adam Walsh
Mark Himebaugh
Kali Poulton
Jaycee Dugard (her mother)
Travis Jay Zwieg
Karen Grajeda

It doesn't seem that unusual....
I posted this right after Isa disappeared. Someone else found they probably attended a diversion program. Oh where is that post now...?
I've never heard of a diversion program for not having your car registration and not paying for insurance for your car. Why were these charges dropped if they went to a diversion program for drugs (toxic vapors) and DUIs?
I have always thought it was a set up, there was too much work done to make it look like that is where she left from.

Plus that hit the dog got ... imo that led to them thinking that she left via a door or the garage.

Yeah I repeat myself - :)

GF, Who,in your oinion, would benefit from making it look like the window is where she left from ? TIA

BBM: Very Lucky -- OR -- they had a darn good Defense Attorney !

Fascinating! How would they pay for a good defense attorney when they couldn't even pay for car insurance? :seeya:
I've never heard of a diversion program for not having your car registration and not paying for insurance for your car. Why were these charges dropped if they went to a diversion program for drug (toxic vapors) and DUIs?

They probably provided the proof on insurance.
TOTALLY O/T but I really hate how some of my fave night shift sleuthers obviously have a life other than WS's on a Friday night.
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