AZ - Isabel Mercedes Celis, 6, Tucson, 20 April 2012 - #18

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You know, I always wondered what they put in the trunk of that car for all to see during the re-enactment. It seemed so staged. Could it have been a glass that someone drank out of that they were putting in the trunk for the DNA? (This wouldn't apply if they also brought this object into the house first, can't remember now).

On the DNA vs trunk of car thing... One thing it very well could have been was getting an identification of who's hair brush, comb or toothbrush was which. It has been known to happen in the past where LE would snag personal care items from a home durring an investigation to obtain DNA samples...

Having just watched the Presser from today I would have to concur with a statement made by another user earlier that it doe's appear that TPD does have a pretty strong idea of which way they are going in this case and that they are wrapping up loose ends and are pretty much prepared to goto the DA and get a judge to sign off on an arrest warrent. They also seem to have been leaving open the presence of not identifing any one particular person as a suspect as of yet to protect the integrity of the case they are prepared to move forward with. I think to that they may have enough evidence to move forward with at least a conspiracy to commit type crime or something of that nature. It really doe's appear that there is more known at this point than not known. This officer doing the presser IMO is presenting a body language and expression that seems to express that ' we just need to run spell checker and hit print '.
Just finding stuff that seems interesting to me and what we have all been talking about.

It's day six in the search for missing Isabel Celis, and there's still no sign of her. But her father, Sergio Celis, showed up at Tucson City Court this morning.

He walked on past cameras and ignored questions.

"He attended Tucson City Court on a matter that's related to animal violations, dog violations, I believe one of those dogs running at large, the other a vaccination violation," said Tucson police Lt. Fabian Pacheco.

Sergio Celis will have to reappear in court next month.
In a statement from the family Wednesday, Rebecca Celis hopes the search for her daughter remains top priority. does a parent of a missing child ever walk past cameras without speaking...we have seen it before and I just don't get it. You would see my face every time you turned your TV on, if it were me...JMO
It might just be me, but I always figured the person who said she was "very early" just meant that it was early in the morning, not necessarily that she was extremely or unusually early to work, but that was just my take...that 7am is early in the morning. JMO

Did anyone ever verify when her shift began?

On another note, I have great hope for Isabel even in light of the presser. I still don't know exactly what to think about what happened, who did it, or why. Parents are hinky but I don't know why. I think it is certainly good to question their behavior. I also think a stranger or someone acquainted with the Celis' (or a relative) could have taken her and got lucky on not waking anyone. Per this second theory, maybe even the Celis' have some suspicions but we don't know about them. Maybe they are involved with others or are not involved at all. I don't know!

I really thought the 7 question questionnaire they will be using could turn up some answers.

We watch a lot of the real whodunit shows on tv - it seems often they are following more than one good suspect or follow a good one only to rule them out at some point then another lead comes in leading to the real perp. I don't think it is all that unusual that LE would have some really good ideas and maybe even evidence but are teetering about if it's enough to make an arrest.

I'll preface both scenarios by saying that whatever happened, I believe SC, RC and at least one son know something about it.

If she's dead:
I don't know what could have happened in that house to cause her death and send her family into a cover-up, but it would have had to have been something secret, and sad, and something they wanted to keep hidden (even now). So if she is dead, I think she was handed off to someone at 6:30 a.m. who helped dispose of her, or SC did the deed, hiding her very well to keep any evidence that might be revealed on her body well-hidden.

If she's alive:
SC and RC handed her off to someone for collateral or as part of some sort of enrichment scheme that has now gone awry (Balloon Boy).

This case is difficult for me because these are two competing scenarios with very different motives and outcomes that I see as equally viable and possible.

Part of me thinks she is alive. Not Becasue of wishful thinking, but more Becasue it seems there has always been so little searching going on. LE usually really, really wants to find the body of a murdered child to make a case. I really do not recall any other case where LE actively discouraged the public from searching. Nor do I feel like the parents are acting as if they think she is dead. Brut, a bigger part of me thinks it would be highly unlikely that she would be alive after all this time, it happens, like Elizabeth Smart, but it is certainly rare.

I have always felt that it is possible that the parents are involved in something to cause her to be gone. But I don't think the circumstances seem to fit a murder and cover-up. The parents aren't exactly seasoned criminals, and it seems they would just barely have time to come up with a plan to cover up, transport her body, etc and this seems to be too well done for a last minute plan kind of thing.
Also I cannot imagine them involving a third party in a murder cover-up.. Not too many people will help a buddy out with that kind of thing, I think.

I am not sure what the status of mentioning the F&F thing is, but I do believe that she may have been taken to prevent certain testimony. Also, I think it is possible that someon took her to get her away from the family to "protect" her. But that seems unlikely now.

Please forgive any blatant typos, my iPad has a mind of it own at times.
Did anyone ever verify when her shift began?

On another note, I have great hope for Isabel even in light of the presser. I still don't know exactly what to think about what happened, who did it, or why. Parents are hinky but I don't know why. I think it is certainly good to question their behavior. I also think a stranger or someone acquainted with the Celis' (or a relative) could have taken her and got lucky on not waking anyone. Per this second theory, maybe even the Celis' have some suspicions but we don't know about them. Maybe they are involved with others or are not involved at all. I don't know!

I really thought the 7 question questionnaire they will be using could turn up some answers.

We watch a lot of the real whodunit shows on tv - it seems often they are following more than one good suspect or follow a good one only to rule them out at some point then another lead comes in leading to the real perp. I don't think it is all that unusual that LE would have some really good ideas and maybe even evidence but are teetering about if it's enough to make an arrest.


Curious to know, what gives you hope for Isabel?
I am not seeing much to be hopeful about, personally.
lol, you summed that up nicely.

I try.. I observe over 1000 people at a time as a personal security protection agent and I'm trained in body language interpretation and interogation methods.
Strange, the website was working early this afternoon.
Toady is not a good day for Isa :( I feel sick to my stomach over this case, someone knows something ,yet,they remain silent.Now, this calls for :banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead:
hmmm... both the bringisahome site and the FB page hosted by Steve are indeed dead and not working. This seems like what happened right before George Zimmerman got arrested as well as what has happened in other cases. Hmmm Wonder what has happened.. I really don't think its merely server error as BOTH sites and pages are not working.
Ok, for the many of you that are vehement that SC, BC or both were the abductors of Isa, what is your theory of how they hid her and where she could be? Since we know she was seen at the LL game that evening, it doesn't leave a lot of time until 8AM the next morning to hide her, or dispose of her remains... So far no one has elaborated on a theory other than who dunnit AFAIK

Here is my theory. The family gets home from baseball game. Nightly routines, BC braids Isa's hair so that in the morning for her 9 am game she can just get up and SC doesn't have to do her hair. The kids go to bed, BC goes to bed. SC stays up watching a DVR recording of the Diamondback games. Hmm, sometime around midnight he goes into Isa's room to do what he has done before (molestion). Isa either is going to cry out or during the act she dies both are not intentional, accident, in the heat of the moment. ***This is why the cadavear dog gets a hit (part of my theory) **** He gets Isa and takes her to a place he knows, where they spend a lot of time, that is special to the family, the desert near Freedom Park where they spend many hours. He buries her. The cops know it was Sergio, they see him on video survellience traveling by car. ****Here is where the "inconsistent statements come in, they have him on video traveling by car in the early AM BUT he tells LE I was asleep the whole time.**** The cops know he traveled south on Craycroft and based on his cell phone tower hits they know he was somewhere near the washes by Freedom Park (Golf Links and maybe Craycroft or Swan or Alvernon - this is a 5 minute drive from his home). Since he suffocates Isa there is no blood to clean up. He gets home and stages the window to appear that an abduction occured. His plan is to have BC find her missing. Instead BC decides to let Isa sleep in as much as possible, and decides not to check on her. This is not normal behavior for her. She goes to work. This makes SC have to be the one to find her missing and what we hear on the call is him being annoyed because BC didn't find Isa. The cops in their investigation find a note written on the closet door that alludes to SC inappropriate relationship with Isa, add to that his "deception" noted in the polygraph test and the video of him driving in the early AM and it was enough to have CPS have a no contact order.

This is all MY OPINION and a THEORY of how in my mind it could be him. I'm :fence:about BC's role.
As TPD would put it... I am unable to confirm nor deny that statement at this time.

---not related to presser, but do we know if it was common for RC to go into work early? Or was this a "once in a blue moon" thing? Another star in perfect/imperfect alignment that night/morning?

I searched but couldn't find anything.

As a nurse,I can tell you that MOST,but not all nurses in the ED work 12 hour,7a-7p,shifts.So if RC left at 0630 to be at work at 7a,she would have been there about 15 minutes early,again not unusual.Iam a nurse and work at a Tucson hospital,but not TMC.
Curious to know, what gives you hope for Isabel?
I am not seeing much to be hopeful about, personally.

I'm not really sure if it is just a feeling or what? I hope they find her. For some reason I don't think she is dead - maybe she won't be found though.

There was a bizarre story we watched last night where a girl was kidnapped decades ago. She found her mom & dad. Then it turned out that they were her adoptive parents. She found her real mom who was actually also the mom of - the other girl the same woman had kidnapped her, only earlier (confusing I know - they did not know they were sisters). Then they realized their brother was also kidnapped at the same time and found him in a completely other state - also reunited.

Maybe these bizarre stories with an eventual happy ending are making me optimistic!
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