AZ AZ - Jarrett Brooks, 16, last seen near I-40, Joseph City area, 4 Jul 2023

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Moo..i believe Jarrett was upset because his phone was confiscated and he was grounded. He is 16 he does not have great emotional management at that age and he has a loaded gun with him
I re-read the Tribune article (previously posted and linked below for reference) in regard to the timeline of events. JB didn't know the extent of his grounding until the early morning (sometime prior to 7am) on the day he disappeared per the quote below:

“Jarrett woke up and asked her if he was just grounded from driving or grounded altogether and she said, ‘you’re grounded altogether.’ So, he said ‘does that mean I can’t have my phone and I can’t go to the 4th of July stuff?’ and she confirmed that was correct.”

It's after this interaction he quickly leaves while mom is in the shower. I find it difficult to believe (imo) that in this short time he could have contacted someone to meet and pick him up. There are no reports that he's previously runaway or responded in this matter when being disciplined. What was so traumatic in this instance (missing July 4th festivities and no phone) that he retrieved a loaded gun and left without a trace? Was the gun for protection? Was he pondering self mentioned 16 year-olds often struggle with emotional management. It's reported that he (JB) didn't have extra clothes or other items that one may take when running away. I feel like there's more that was going on with JB than has been reported; ie. did he have a gf/bf he was secretly seeing or a group of teens he was hanging out with that maybe his parents wouldn't approve.

article stated he worked for neighbors on their property, did he have funds? do we know if they are missing?
It sounds like he (JB) didn't have any money or at least a significant amount - and he didn't take cash that he knew his parents had in the home.

This is a quote from the father from the same Tribune article:

"When he left, he took his wallet, a gun and a pocket knife. He doesn’t have a bank account and he really didn’t have any money in his wallet. But Laura had cash in her wallet and I had cash in my drawer, he knows it and he didn’t touch any of it,” said Brian.
The Navajo County Sheriff's Department updated their JB Missing Post. There is a lengthy comment that sheds additional information on the timeline and the steps both LE and the family took the day and immediate days following JB's disappearance.
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Some of you need a serious refresher on the rules here. MANY posts removed!

Websleuths is a victim friendly place. Friends and family of the victim are considered victims themselves, and can't be sleuthed, and comments disparaging them are not allowed and will be removed. Please review the Etiquette & Information link below this post.

Posting something from 20 years ago doesn't help find Jarrett. More posts were removed than remain. If you find something you just can't keep to yourself, that isn't allowed on the thread, make a private conversation with up to 20 of your friends, and talk about it there, where it doesn't clog the main thread. Keep the thread about the missing person himself.

I feel like this has become a wild goose chase, with few proveable facts. No one saw Jarrett get into a vehicle, two guys said they saw him in a field, we don’t even know if this is true. Jarret took a gun (on video) to supposedly sell or to hunt for food with, why didn’t he just take the cash that was available in his home? If a friend picked him up why would he hold him hostage? He didn’t take his wallet or phone, he took a weapon which sadly does not look good for Jarrett. I wish that the whole narrative was fact, and that Jarrett would reappear healthy and safe, unfortunately I feel that he is close to where he went missing, and just hasn’t been found yet. MOO
I feel like this has become a wild goose chase, with few proveable facts. No one saw Jarrett get into a vehicle, two guys said they saw him in a field, we don’t even know if this is true. Jarret took a gun (on video) to supposedly sell or to hunt for food with, why didn’t he just take the cash that was available in his home? If a friend picked him up why would he hold him hostage? He didn’t take his wallet or phone, he took a weapon which sadly does not look good for Jarrett. I wish that the whole narrative was fact, and that Jarrett would reappear healthy and safe, unfortunately I feel that he is close to where he went missing, and just hasn’t been found yet. MOO
I am so concerned for this young man, his wallet being found , nothing missing just has so many terrible possibilities in my mind.
Moo..Jarrett probably had a fair idea of what discipline restrictions were going to be placed on him. So I am really hoping he pre-planned leaving. Though he was home schooled, he was well connected in the community, thru working and volunteering. I hope he had been saving and hiding his work money. Though he left his wallet I hope he took some id. I am just hoping he took off, seems he is mature enough to make it on his own....moo
He has been gone a month now, that's a long time .I just wish him well and hope he is alive and ok. I doubt he would contact his parents due to.. expected discipling. Moo
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We really don’t know if Jarrett was picked up by someone. Just curious as to what the landscape is like in that area, I know that it was said that he hid behind a bush, are there any trees there? I hope that I am wrong but I think the likelihood of someone picking him up and holding him against his will is highly unlikely. Unfortunately the most obvious conclusion is self harm.
Shrubs, bushes, not really thick with trees. Scraggly ones anyway, a lot of open landscape. Small town basically not near anything major, part of the old Route 66.
So the Sheriff’s department has taken a bunch of stuff from the house as part of their investigation, seems like this should have been done to begin with. They took the parents phones, which I thought would have been done when they took Jarrett’s. I had wondered if he used one of their phones to call someone to pick him up, though I don’t believe this is what happened anymore. I hope that all neighboring sheds and barns were searched at the very beginning, I pray for Jarrett.
Just now reading about this. A rural country boy, homeschooled, but with local friends and family, odd to have (supposedly) run away from home for discipline over an incident that given his upbringing seems pretty standard (meaning consequences for actions). I get taking the gun for protection - live in the country, this makes sense. His questions to his mom about going into town for July 4 activities may be telling - to me indicates that he was looking forward to going, meeting friends, etc., and being angry/upset/disappointed about being grounded because he was looking forward to going. Seems like this was an impulsive act by a teenager that went sideways. I have three teenagers and I am regularly bewildered by some of the choices my intelligent children choose to make. MOO
I feel like this has become a wild goose chase, with few proveable facts. No one saw Jarrett get into a vehicle, two guys said they saw him in a field, we don’t even know if this is true. Jarret took a gun (on video) to supposedly sell or to hunt for food with, why didn’t he just take the cash that was available in his home? If a friend picked him up why would he hold him hostage? He didn’t take his wallet or phone, he took a weapon which sadly does not look good for Jarrett. I wish that the whole narrative was fact, and that Jarrett would reappear healthy and safe, unfortunately I feel that he is close to where he went missing, and just hasn’t been found yet. MOO
The eyewitnesses seem to feel this was him-and while it isn't a known fact, it is a small town and it's very possible that Jarrett is recognizable to them, particularly with his haircut. Of course we don't know if it's 100% certain, but it does make sense with the known facts. The current narrative is based on the known facts. Not sure where you got that people think he's being held hostage, there's no evidence of that now. We don't know why he took the gun either...could be hunting, or other reasons. If he was picked up, there's numerous things that could have happened.
Just now reading about this. A rural country boy, homeschooled, but with local friends and family, odd to have (supposedly) run away from home for discipline over an incident that given his upbringing seems pretty standard (meaning consequences for actions). I get taking the gun for protection - live in the country, this makes sense. His questions to his mom about going into town for July 4 activities may be telling - to me indicates that he was looking forward to going, meeting friends, etc., and being angry/upset/disappointed about being grounded because he was looking forward to going. Seems like this was an impulsive act by a teenager that went sideways. I have three teenagers and I am regularly bewildered by some of the choices my intelligent children choose to make. MOO
I wonder the same. I have two teenagers, one a boy, and the impulsivity of him in particular still amazes me, even though I know the frontal lobe isn't fully developed until age 25. His decisions confuse me so much sometimes LOl.
IMO it seems like it could have been "running away" as in leaving for a few hours to blow off steam and not caring about the consequences, and then planning to return later. He left his wallet and other such things behind so it seems like he wasn't planning to be gone long IMO
The eyewitnesses seem to feel this was him-and while it isn't a known fact, it is a small town and it's very possible that Jarrett is recognizable to them, particularly with his haircut. Of course we don't know if it's 100% certain, but it does make sense with the known facts. The current narrative is based on the known facts. Not sure where you got that people think he's being held hostage, there's no evidence of that now. We don't know why he took the gun either...could be hunting, or other reasons. If he was picked up, there's numerous things that could have happened.
It was stated that the concern was that he left voluntarily but is now being held against his will. I think the two guys did see him, but they did not see him enter a vehicle.
One thing that is a little puzzling to me is that Jarrett left messages on his phone to his friend, they talked about the damage he had done to his dad’s vehicle, that is how his parents found out about it, mom was checking through his phone. From what I gather this was routine and he handed his phone over every night, I would have thought that he would have wiped these messages, maybe it’s just me, I was a very sneaky teenager, awful really!
Assuming the video of Jarrett retrieving the gun is confirmed to be real and dates / timing align, the only thing we don’t know is if he did that on his own accord or was instructed by someone to get the gun.

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